914 resultados para Hybrid, Vehicle, Energy, Scooter
This dissertation deals with the development of a project concerning a demonstration in the scope of the Supply Chain 6 of the Internet of Energy (IoE) project: the Remote Monitoring Emulator, which bears my personal contribution in several sections. IoE is a project of international relevance, that means to establish an interoperability standard as regards the electric power production and utilization infrastructure, using Smart Space platforms. The future perspectives of IoE have to do with a platform for electrical power trade-of, the Smart Grid, whose energy is produced by decentralized renewable sources and whose services are exploited primarily according to the Internet of Things philosophy. The main consumers of this kind of smart technology will be Smart Houses (that is to say, buildings controlled by an autonomous system for electrical energy management that is interoperable with the Smart Grid) and Electric Mobility, that is a smart and automated management regarding movement and, overall, recharging of electrical vehicles. It is precisely in the latter case study that the project Remote Monitoring Emulator takes place. It consists in the development of a simulated platform for the management of an electrical vehicle recharging in a city. My personal contribution to this project lies in development and modeling of the simulation platform, of its counterpart in a mobile application and implementation of a city service prototype. This platform shall, ultimately, make up a demonstrator system exploiting the same device which a real user, inside his vehicle, would use. The main requirements that this platform shall satisfy will be interoperability, expandability and relevance to standards, as it needs to communicate with other development groups and to effectively respond to internal changes that can affect IoE.
The Capacitated Location-Routing Problem (CLRP) is a NP-hard problem since it generalizes two well known NP-hard problems: the Capacitated Facility Location Problem (CFLP) and the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). The Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) is known to be a NP-hard since it is a generalization of the well known Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), arising with one depot. This thesis addresses heuristics algorithms based on the well-know granular search idea introduced by Toth and Vigo (2003) to solve the CLRP and the MDVRP. Extensive computational experiments on benchmark instances for both problems have been performed to determine the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. This work is organized as follows: Chapter 1 describes a detailed overview and a methodological review of the literature for the the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem (CLRP) and the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP). Chapter 2 describes a two-phase hybrid heuristic algorithm to solve the CLRP. Chapter 3 shows a computational comparison of heuristic algorithms for the CLRP. Chapter 4 presents a hybrid granular tabu search approach for solving the MDVRP.
Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels generally produce electricity in the 6% to 16% efficiency range, the rest being dissipated in thermal losses. To recover this amount, hybrid photovoltaic thermal systems (PVT) have been devised. These are devices that simultaneously convert solar energy into electricity and heat. It is thus interesting to study the PVT system globally from different point of views in order to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of this technology and its possible uses. In particular in Chapter II, the development of the PVT absorber numerical optimization by a genetic algorithm has been carried out analyzing different internal channel profiles in order to find a right compromise between performance and technical and economical feasibility. Therefore in Chapter III ,thanks to a mobile structure built into the university lab, it has been compared experimentally electrical and thermal output power from PVT panels with separated photovoltaic and solar thermal productions. Collecting a lot of experimental data based on different seasonal conditions (ambient temperature,irradiation, wind...),the aim of this mobile structure has been to evaluate average both thermal and electrical increasing and decreasing efficiency values obtained respect to separate productions through the year. In Chapter IV , new PVT and solar thermal equation based models in steady state conditions have been developed by software Dymola that uses Modelica language. This permits ,in a simplified way respect to previous system modelling softwares, to model and evaluate different concepts about PVT panel regarding its structure before prototyping and measuring it. Chapter V concerns instead the definition of PVT boundary conditions into a HVAC system . This was made trough year simulations by software Polysun in order to finally assess the best solar assisted integrated structure thanks to F_save(solar saving energy)factor. Finally, Chapter VI presents the conclusion and the perspectives of this PhD work.
Phononische Kristalle sind strukturierte Materialien mit sich periodisch ndernden elastischen Moduln auf der Wellenlngenskala. Die Interaktion zwischen Schallwellen und periodischer Struktur erzeugt interessante Interferenzphnomene, und phononische Kristalle erschlieen neue Funktionalitten, die in unstrukturierter Materie unzugnglich sind. Hypersonische phononische Kristalle im Speziellen, die bei GHz Frequenzen arbeiten, haben Periodizitten in der Grenordnung der Wellenlnge sichtbaren Lichts und zeigen daher die Wege auf, gleichzeitig Licht- und Schallausbreitung und -lokalisation zu kontrollieren, und dadurch die Realisierung neuartiger akusto-optischer Anordnungen. Bisher bekannte hypersonische phononische Kristalle basieren auf thermoplastischen Polymeren oder Epoxiden und haben nur eingeschrnkte thermische und mechanische Stabilitt und mechanischen Kontrast. Phononische Kristalle, die aus mit Flssigkeit gefllten zylindrischen Kanlen in harter Matrix bestehen, zeigen einen sehr hohen elastischen Kontrast und sind bislang noch unerforscht. In dieser Dissertation wird die experimentelle Untersuchung zweidimensionaler hypersonischer phononischer Kristalle mit hexagonaler Anordnung zylindrischer Nanoporen basierend auf der Selbstorganisation anodischen Aluminiumoxids (AAO) beschrieben. Dazu wird die Technik der hochauflsenden inelastischen Brillouin Lichtstreuung (BLS) verwendet. AAO ist ein vielsetiges Modellsystem fr die Untersuchung reicher phononischer Phnomene im GHz-Bereich, die eng mit den sich in den Nanoporen befindlichen Flssigkeiten und deren Interaktion mit der Porenwand verknpft sind. Gerichteter Fluss elastischer Energie parallel und orthogonal zu der Kanalachse, Lokalisierung von Phononen und Beeinflussung der phononischen Bandstruktur bei gleichzeitig prziser Kontrolle des Volumenbruchs der Kanle (Porositt) werden errtert. Auerdem ermglicht die thermische Stabilitt von AAO ein temperaturabhngiges Schalten phononischer Eigenschaften infolge temperaturinduzierter Phasenbergnge in den Nanoporen. In monokristallinen zweidimensionalen phononischen AAO Kristallen unterscheiden sich die Dispersionsrelationen empfindlich entlang zweier hoch symmetrischer Richtungen in der Brillouinzone, abhngig davon, ob die Poren leer oder gefllt sind. Alle experimentellen Dispersionsrelationen werden unter Zuhilfenahme theoretische Ergebnisse durch finite Elemente Analyse (FDTD) gedeutet. Die Zuordnung der Verschiebungsfelder der elastischen Wellen erklrt die Natur aller phononischen Moden.
Diese Arbeit unterstreicht das Potential von Hybridfunktionalen (B3LYP) fr die Untersuchung einer groen Bandbreite von Systemen. Durch die Einbeziehung der exakten Hartree-Fock Austauschenergie kann B3LYP fr molekulare und kristalline Systeme eingesetzt werden. Zum Beispiel knnen stark korrelierte Systeme mit B3LYP erfolgreich erforscht werden. Die elektronische Struktur von PAHs wurde mit B3LYP Hybriddichtefunktionalen untersucht. Mit der SCF-Methode wurden Elektronenbindungsenergien bestimmt, welche die mit UPS gewonnenen experimentellen Resultate besttigen und ergnzen. Symmetrieeigenschaften der molekularen Orbitale wurden analysiert, um eine Zuordnung und Einschtzung der zugehrigen Signalstrke zu ermglichen. Whrend -artige Orbitale nur schwer durch UPS-Messungen an dnnen Filmen detektiert werden knnen, bieten Rechnungen eine detaillierte Einsicht in die verborgenen Teile der Spektren.rnWeiterhin wurden -Komplexe untersucht, welche von verschiedenen Donor- und Akzeptor-Moleklen gebildet werden. Die Molekle basieren auf polyzyklischen, aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen. Fr Ladungstransferkomplexe finden DFT Rechnungen ein Minimum in der Oberflche der potentiellen Energie. Diese attraktive Wechselwirkung wird durch Coulombanziehung verursacht. Allerdings ist die Coulombanziehung nicht die strkste Wechselwirkung in Ladungstransferkomplexen. Die Einbeziehung von van der Waals-Korrekturen verbessert den intermolekularen Abstand und die Bindungsenergie.rnEine Verkleinerung der intermolekularen Abstnde fhrt zu einer groen Verschiebung der HOMO- und LUMO-Energie.rnAus der Klasse der kristallinen korrelierten Systeme wurden Rb4O6 und FeSe untersucht. Im Falle von Rb4O6 fhren Ladungsordnung und Korrelationen zu einem isolierenden Grundzustand. Das hypothetische druckabhngige Phasendiagramm wurde untersucht. Eine Erhhung des Drucks fhrt zu einer vergrerten Bandlcke. Bei etwa 75 GPa wird die Bandbreite W grer als der Bandabstand U und das System nimmt einen homogen gemischt valenten Zustand mit teilweise besetzten -Orbitalen an. Fr Drcke ab 160 GPa wird W sehr viel grer als U und das System wird metallisch.rnIm Fall von FeSe finden wir eine korrelierte und isolierende Phase bei hohen Drcken, whrend das System bei niedrigen Drcken supraleitendes Verhalten zeigt. Die Berechnungen der Elektronenstruktur mit dem Hybridfunktional B3LYP fhrt zum korrekten halbleitenden Grundzustand in der NiAs- und MnP-Struktur von FeSe. Die Rolle der Korrelationen, der Stchiometrie und der Nhe zum Magnetismus wird besprochen. Im Speziellen wird gezeigt, dass die Phase mit NiAs-Struktur starke lokale Korrelationen aufweist, was zu einem halbleitenden Zustand in einem weiten Druckbereich fhrt.
In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Arten von nicht-kovalent verknpften Netzwerkstrukturen vorgestellt, die aus phosphonsurehaltigen Moleklen aufgebaut sind. Einerseits sollen diese phosphonsurehaltigen Molekle als Protonenleiter in Brennstoffzellen eingesetzt werden. Dies ist durch die Mglichkeit des kooperativen Protonentransports in wasserstoffbrckenhaltigen Netzwerken begrndet. Auf der anderen Seite sollen die phosphonsurehaltigen Molekle unter Einsatz von Metallkationen zur Darstellung ionischer Netzwerke verwendet werden. In diesem Fall fungieren die phosphonierten Molekle als Linker in porsen organisch-anorganischen Hybridmaterialien, die sich beispielsweise zur Gasspeicherung eignen.rnEine Brennstoffzelle stellt Energie mit hoher Effizienz und geringer Umweltbelastung bereit. Das Herzstck der Brennstoffzelle ist die Elektrolytmembran, die auch als Separator oder Protonenaustauschmembran (PEM) bezeichnet wird. Es wird davon ausgegangen, da der Schlssel zur Weiterentwicklung der PEM-Brennstoffzellen in der Entwicklung von Elektrolyten liegt, die ausschlielich und effizient Protonen transportieren und darber hinaus chemisch (oxidationsbestndig) und mechanisch stabil sind. Die mechanische Stabilitt betrifft insbesondere den Betrieb der Brennstoffzelle bei hohen Temperaturen und niedriger relativer Feuchtigkeit. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zum Erreichen eines hohen Protonentransports im Festkrper vorgestellt, der auf dem Einsatz kleiner Molekle beruht, die durch Selbstorganisation eine kontinuierliche protonenleitende Phase erzeugen. Bis jetzt stellt Hexakis(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol das erste Beispiel eines kristallinen Protonenleiters dar, der im festen Zustand eine hohe und konstante Leistung zeigt. Die Modifizierung von Hexakis(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol, entweder durch nderung von para- zu meta-Substitution oder die Einfhrung von Alkylketten, fhrt zu Verbindungen geringerer Kristallinitt und niedriger Protonenleitfhigkeit.rnIm zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde 1,3,5-Tris(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol als Linker in der Synthese von offenen Phosphonat-Netzwerken eingesetzt. Es bilden sich aufgrund der ionischen Wechselwirkung zwischen den positiv geladenen Metallkationen und den negativ geladenen Phosphonsuregruppen hochstabile Feststoffe. Eines der wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit besteht darin, da 1,3,5-Tris(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol als Linker zum Aufbau porser Hybridmaterialien eingesetzt werden kann. Zum ersten Mal wurde ein dreifach phosphoniertes organisches Molekl zum Aufbau mikroporser offener Phosphonat-Netzwerke verwendet. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, da die Porositt mit dem Wachstumsmechanismus dieser Materialien zusammenhngt. Es ist nur dann mglich ein gleichfalls mikroporses und kristallines ionisches Netzwerk auf der Grundlage phosphonierter Molekle zu erhalten, wenn Linker und Konnektor die gleiche Geometrie und Funktionalitt besitzen.rn
The first part of this essay aims at investigating the already available and promising technologies for the biogas and bio-hydrogen production from anaerobic digestion of different organic substrates. One strives to show all the peculiarities of this complicate process, such as continuity, number of stages, moisture, biomass preservation and rate of feeding. The main outcome of this part is the awareness of the huge amount of reactor configurations, each of which suitable for a few types of substrate and circumstance. Among the most remarkable results, one may consider first of all the wet continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR), right to face the high waste production rate in urbanised and industrialised areas. Then, there is the up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB), aimed at the biomass preservation in case of highly heterogeneous feedstock, which can also be treated in a wise co-digestion scheme. On the other hand, smaller and scattered rural realities can be served by either wet low-rate digesters for homogeneous agricultural by-products (e.g. fixed-dome) or the cheap dry batch reactors for lignocellulose waste and energy crops (e.g. hybrid batch-UASB). The biological and technical aspects raised during the first chapters are later supported with bibliographic research on the important and multifarious large-scale applications the products of the anaerobic digestion may have. After the upgrading techniques, particular care was devoted to their importance as biofuels, highlighting a further and more flexible solution consisting in the reforming to syngas. Then, one shows the electricity generation and the associated heat conversion, stressing on the high potential of fuel cells (FC) as electricity converters. Last but not least, both the use as vehicle fuel and the injection into the gas pipes are considered as promising applications. The consideration of the still important issues of the bio-hydrogen management (e.g. storage and delivery) may lead to the conclusion that it would be far more challenging to implement than bio-methane, which can potentially inherit the assets of the similar fossil natural gas. Thanks to the gathered knowledge, one devotes a chapter to the energetic and financial study of a hybrid power system supplied by biogas and made of different pieces of equipment (natural gas thermocatalitic unit, molten carbonate fuel cell and combined-cycle gas turbine structure). A parallel analysis on a bio-methane-fed CCGT system is carried out in order to compare the two solutions. Both studies show that the apparent inconvenience of the hybrid system actually emphasises the importance of extending the computations to a broader reality, i.e. the upstream processes for the biofuel production and the environmental/social drawbacks due to fossil-derived emissions. Thanks to this boundary widening, one can realise the hidden benefits of the hybrid over the CCGT system.
Lobiettivo principale di questa tesi utilizzare le tecniche di gamification pi importanti nella progettazione ed implementazione di uninterfaccia Human-Vehicle per creare un software che possa rendere la guida di unautomobile elettrica pi efficace ed efficiente da parte del guidatore. Per lo sviluppo del software stato svolto uno studio specifico sulla gamification, sulle interfacce Human-Vehicle e sulle macchine elettriche attualmente in produzione. Successivamente stata svolta la fase di progettazione in cui sono stati creati dei mockup relativi allinterfaccia grafica ed stato svolto un focus group. Infine stato implementato il vero e proprio software di simulazione EcoGame ed stato effettuato un test utenti.
The integration of novel nanomaterials with highly-functional biological molecules has advanced multiple fields including electronics, sensing, imaging, and energy harvesting. This work focuses on the creation of a new type of bio-nano hybrid substrate for military biosensing applications. Specifically it is shown that the nano-scale interactions of the optical protein bacteriorhodopsin and colloidal semiconductor quantum dots can be utilized as a generic sensing substrate. This work spans from the basic creation of the protein to its application in a novel biosensing system. The functionality of this sensor design originates from the unique interactions between the quantum dot and bacteriorhodopsin molecule when in nanoscale proximity. A direct energy transfer relationship has been established between coreshell quantum dots and the optical protein bacteriorhodopsin that substantially enhances the proteins native photovoltaic capabilities. This energy transfer phenomena is largely distance dependent, in the sub-10nm realm, and is characterized experimentally at multiple separation distances. Experimental results on the energy transfer efficiency in this hybrid system correlate closely to theoretical predictions. Deposition of the hybrid system with nano-scale control has allowed for the utilization of this energy transfer phenomena as a modulation point for a functional biosensor prototype. This work reveals that quantum dots have the ability to activate the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle through both photonic and non-photonic energy transfer mechanisms. By altering the energy transferred to the bacteriorhodopsin molecule from the quantum dot, the electrical output of the protein can be modulated. A biosensing prototype was created in which the energy transfer relationship is altered upon target binding, demonstrating the applicability of a quantum dot/bacteriorhodopsin hybrid system for sensor applications. The electrical nature of this sensing substrate will allow for its efficient integration into a nanoelectronics array form, potentially leading to a small-low power sensing platform for remote toxin detection applications.
The observed changes in physical properties of sea ice such as decreased thickness and increased melt pond cover severely impact the energy budget of Arctic sea ice. Increased light transmission leads to increased deposition of solar energy in the upper ocean and thus plays a crucial role for amount and timing of sea-ice-melt and under-ice primary production. Recent developments in underwater technology provide new opportunities to study light transmission below the largely inaccessible underside of sea ice. We measured spectral under-ice radiance and irradiance using the new Nereid Under-Ice (NUI) underwater robotic vehicle, during a cruise of the R/V Polarstern to 83N 6W in the Arctic Ocean in July 2014. NUI is a next generation hybrid remotely operated vehicle (H-ROV) designed for both remotely piloted and autonomous surveys underneath land-fast and moving sea ice. Here we present results from one of the first comprehensive scientific dives of NUI employing its interdisciplinary sensor suite. We combine under-ice optical measurements with three dimensional under-ice topography (multibeam sonar) and aerial images of the surface conditions. We investigate the influence of spatially varying ice-thickness and surface properties on the spatial variability of light transmittance during summer. Our results show that surface properties such as melt ponds dominate the spatial distribution of the under-ice light field on small scales (<1000 m**2), while sea ice-thickness is the most important predictor for light transmission on larger scales. In addition, we propose the use of an algorithm to obtain histograms of light transmission from distributions of sea ice thickness and surface albedo.
This paper studies the energy consumption and subsequent CO2 emissions of road highway transportation under three toll systems in Spain for four categories of vehicles: cars, vans, buses and articulated trucks. The influence of toll systems is tested for a section of AP-41 highway between Toledo and Madrid. One system is free flow, other is traditional stop and go and the last toll system operates with an electronic toll collection (ETC) technology. Energy consumption and CO2 emissions were found to be closely related to vehicle mass, wind exposure, engine efficiency and acceleration rate. These parameters affect, directly or indirectly, the external forces which determine the energy consumption. Reducing the magnitude of these forces through an appropriate toll management is an important way of improving the energy performance of vehicles. The type of toll system used can have a major influence on the energy efficiency of highway transportation and therefore it is necessary to consider free flow.
In October 2002, under the auspices of Spanish Cooperation, a pilot electrification project put into operation two centralised PV-diesel hybrid systems in two different Moroccan villages. These systems currently provide a full-time energy service and supply electricity to more than a hundred of families, six community buildings, street lighting and one running water system. The appearance of the electricity service is very similar to an urban one: one phase AC supply (230V/50Hz) distributed up to each dwelling using a low-voltage mini-grid, which has been designed to be fully compatible with a future arrival of the utility grid. The management of this electricity service is based on a fee-for-service scheme agreed between a local NGO, partner of the project, and electricity associations created in each village, which are in charge of, among other tasks, recording the daily energy production of systems and the monthly energy consumption of each house. This register of data allows a systematic evaluation of both the system performance and the energy consumption of users. Now, after four years of operation, this paper presents the experience of this pilot electrification project and draws lessons that can be useful for designing, managing and sizing this type of small village PV-hybrid system
The growth of wind power as an electric energy source is profitable from an environmental point of view and improves the energetic independence of countries with little fossil fuel resources. However, the wind resource randomness poses a great challenge in the management of electric grids. This study raises the possibility of using hydrogen as a mean to damp the variability of the wind resource. Thus, it is proposed the use of all the energy produced by a typical wind farm for hydrogen generation, that will in turn be used after for suitable generation of electric energy according to the operation rules in a liberalized electric market.
Transport is responsible for 41% of CO2 emissions in Spain, and around 65% of that figure is due to road traffic. Tolled motorways are currently managed according to economic criteria: minimizing operational costs and maximizing revenues from tolls. Within this framework, this paper develops a new methodology for managing motorways based on a target of maximum energy efficiency. It includes technological and demand-driven policies, which are applied to two case studies. Various conclusions emerge from this study. One is, that the use of intelligent payment systems is recommended; and another, is that the most sustainable policy would involve defining the most efficient strategy for each motorway section, including the maximum use of its capacity, the toll level which attracts the most vehicles, and the optimum speed limit for each type of vehicle.
PV Off-Grid systems have demonstrated to be a good solution for the electrification of remote areas [1]. A hybrid system is one kind of these systems. The principal characteristic is that it uses PV as the main generator and has a backup power supply, like a diesel generator, for instance, that is used when the CPV generation is not enough to meet demand. To study the use of CPV in these systems, ISFOC has installed a demonstration hybrid system at its headquarters. This hybrid system uses CPV technology as main generator and the utility grid as the backup generator. A group of batteries have been mounted as well to store the remaining energy from the CPV generator when nedeed. The energy flows are managed by a SMA system based on Sunny Island inverters and a Multicluster-Box (figure 1). The Load is the air-conditioning system of the building, as it has a consumption profile higher than the CPV generator and can be controlled by software [2]. The first results of this system, as well as the first chances of improvement, as the need of a bigger CPV generator and a better management of the energy stored in the batteries, are presented in this paper.