919 resultados para Historically Black Colleges and Universities


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In Ontario 27% of young adults smoke, and annual surveillance data suggests tobacco use is plateauing after years of decline. The availability of inexpensive contraband tobacco products maybe contributing to this situation. Limited research has been conducted on the use of contraband tobacco and despite the increasing availability of contraband 'Native cigarettes', no studies to date have examined their use among young adults. Accordingly, this study examines: (a) what proportion of cigarette butts discarded on post-secondary campuses are contraband; and (b) whether the proportion of contraband butts varies between colleges and universities, across seven geographical regions in the province and based on proximity First Nations reserves. In March and April 2009, discarded cigarette butts were collected from the grounds of 25 post-secondary institutions across Ontario. At each school, cigarette butts were collected on a single day from four locations. The collected cigarette butts were reliably sorted into five categories according to their filtertip logos: legal, contraband First NationslNative cigarettes, international and suspected counterfeit cigarettes, unidentifiable and unknown. Contraband use was apparent on all campuses, but varied considerably from school to school. Data suggest that contraband Native cigarettes account for as little as 1 % to as much as 38 % of the total cigarette consumption at a particular school. The highest proportion of contraband was found on campuses in the Northern part of the province. Consumption of Native contraband was generally higher on colleges compared to universities. The presence of contraband tobacco on all campuses suggests that strategies to reduce smoking among young adults must respond to this cohort's use of these products.


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This study followed a qualitative research approach to investigate how welleducated professionals see the role of formal education in building human capital. Individuals need to understand the relationship between education and their human capital to justify the time and money they invested to get their education. Colleges and universities need to know the value of their output, to better value and promote the process of knowledge production and transmission and help the general public appreciate their work more. While the importance of a good education is a key factor in the success of learners, this study revealed the power of social capital in making this success a reality. It may not be enough for an individual to acquire good education to guarantee a better future. The power of social connections can be the main determinant in one’s wellbeing. This study shows that it is important to address students’ life outside school beside the importance of a classroom education.


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L’adaptation culturelle de programmes et de services postsecondaires peut-elle contribuer à la construction identitaire des étudiants de Premières Nations? L’enracinement identitaire peut-il à son tour favoriser la persévérance et la réussite scolaires? À travers les concepts de sécurité culturelle et d’enracinement identitaire, je démontrerai que la consécration d’espaces physiques et idéologiques à l’intérieur du système scolaire postsecondaire contribue à la rétention et à la réussite de persévérants de Premières Nations. Pour ce faire, je m’appuierai sur les conclusions d’une enquête, menée entre 2013 et 2015 auprès d’une centaine d’étudiants autochtones adultes et une quinzaine de professionnels du milieu. Cette recherche a été rendue possible grâce à la collaboration de différentes instances éducatives incluant notamment le volet Jeunes autochtones du Projet SEUR de l’Université de Montréal, l’Institution Kiuna, le Conseil en éducation des Premières Nations (CEPN), l’Aboriginal Resource Center du Collège John-Abbott, la First Peoples’ House et le Indigenous Student Alliance (ISA) de l’Université McGill, l'Aboriginal Student Resource Center de l’Université Concordia et le Centre de développement de la formation et de la main-d'oeuvre (CDFM) huron-wendat. À l’intérieur de ce mémoire, deux formules issues du système d'éducation québécois seront successivement analysées: 1.L’adaptation culturelle de services au sein de l’institution postsecondaire allochtone et 2. L’adaptation de programmes et de services à l’intérieur d’une institution affiliée par et pour les Premières Nations. Cette deuxième initiative sera examinée à travers une étude de cas de l’Institut collégial Kiuna et de son programme novateur de Sciences humaines - profil Premières Nations (300.b0) à la lumière des expériences du Collège Manitou de La Macaza (1973-1976) et des Tribal Colleges and Universities américains (TCU).


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En esta tesis se evalúan las disposiciones del pensamiento crítico; se demuestra la circularidad de sus enunciados y, consecuencia de ello, su insuficiencia para cubrir la brecha que va de las habilidades del pensamiento crítico a la acción crítica.


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En este artículo se evalúan las disposiciones del pensamiento crítico; se demuestra la circularidad de sus enunciados y, consecuencia de ello, su insuficiencia para cubrir la brecha que va de las habilidades del pensamiento crítico a la acción crítica.


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There is an urgent need to expand the number of qualified accountants in China and, particularly, the number of local accountants whose qualifications are recognized internationally. During this period of rapid transformation, the Deakin Master of Professional Accounting program, which includes the CPA Program of CPA Australia, has been developed to assist in meeting China's needs for internationally recognized accountants. The first group of students to study a new university course incorporating the CPA Australia qualification graduated at a specially convened graduation in Beijing on August 22 this year. The increasing awareness of the need for stringent corporate governance procedures and ethical business practice in the global market, as well as the need for China to develop knowledge of modern business activities, has been a priority as the course has been taught.


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JIM CULLEN was born in Queens, New York, and attended public schools on Long Island. He received his B.A. in English from Tufts University, and his A.M. and Ph.D. degrees in American Civilization from Brown University. He has taught at a number of colleges and universities, including Harvard and Brown. He is currently a teacher, and serves on the Board of the Trustees, at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School in New York City. Jim is married to historian Lyde Cullen Sizer and has four children.
CONTEXT: Dr Glenn Moore co-ordinates the subject 'Searching for the American Dream’ at The University of Melbourne. For the last nine years he has taken second and third year history students to Boston, New York and Washington, D.C to explore the philosophy of genius loci. Dr Moore gets students to work in food banks, visit homeless shelters, museums and organizes an array of guest speakers with experts such as Boston public defender, Denise Regan, Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager and Alec Ross, vice president of One Economy. As the leading expert on the American Dream, with the publication of so many books in American history such as: The American Dream: A Short History of an Idea that Shaped a Nation, Born in the U.S.A.: Bruce Springsteen and the American Tradition and Restless in the Promised Land: Catholics and the American Dream, Jim Cullen has spoken to the students for the last five years. I interviewed him prior to his recent discussion with the students in New York on 5 July 2006 at the Fashion Institute of Technology.


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Over the past decade, universities were able to grow revenue primarily by growing enrollment and increasing net tuition per student. But demographic and economic changes will make it increasingly difficult for all but a handful of institutions to grow tuition revenue at historic rates. Despite rising access rates, demographic projections suggest that the number of high school graduates will decline over the coming decade, leading to a dramatic drop-off in the overall rate of enrollment growth. The traditional population of 18- to 22-year-olds will remain a majority at most institutions, but enrollment growth will come primarily from other student segments. Populations such as community college transfers, international undergraduates, professional master’s students, and adult degree completers offer the best opportunities to grow enrollment and tuition revenue. Serving them well requires significant investments, new organizational models, and cultural change on campus. This can be done in a financially sustainable way—fulfilling the university’s mission to serve a diverse range of students while providing financial resources to support the core. This brief analyzes the forces that will shape higher education over the next decade and highlights the strategies and competencies that colleges and universities will need to be successful.


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As colleges and universities make increasing global engagement a top institutional priority, many have struggled to manage rising levels of international activity. Council research finds that the challenge lies not in convincing faculty to expend more effort but instead in reducing the level of effort required by faculty who are already interested in promoting international activities. This study provides detailed case studies and toolkits for administrative core competencies for increased global engagement. Chapter 2 (page 39) details strategies to promote faculty-led study abroad programs, which constitute the fastest growing study abroad experience. Chapter 5 (page 111) outlines recommendations to build strategic international partnerships that engage the entire campus.


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While colleges and universities increasingly draw upon the concept of Universal Design to create an ideal learning environment, it can be challenging to apply the concept practically in the classroom. This project explores innovative ways to incorporate Universal Design into campus architecture, classroom technology and curriculum development. Further, this brief describes different approaches used by universities to garner faculty interest and offer effective training in Universal Design.


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As demandas exigindo a melhoria da produtividade em faculdades e universidades estão surgindo dramática e rapidamente no Brasil. Muitos estudos têm sugerido sistemas de avaliação e critérios externos para controlar a produção universitária em termos quantitativos e qualitativos. Considerando-se que as universidades e faculdades não são organizações com fins lucrativos (excetuando-se, é claro, as caça-níqueis), as variáveis microeconômicas e administrativas tradicionais usadas para medir a eficiência não possuem nenhuma função direta. Nesse sentido, dever-se-ia criar um sistema de controle à la mercado (imitando o mercado) para se avaliar a produção em universidades e faculdades. O orçamento e o mecanismo de alocação de recursos contido no mesmo pode ser usado como um mecanismo de incentivo para melhorar a qualidade e a produtividade. Esse será o principal tema deste artigo.


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We live and work in a world that is even more interconnected and interdependent than ever before. Engineers must now not only develop technical engineering competence, but must also develop additional skills and competencies including global competence to obtain success within a global engineering environment. The purpose of this study was to determine whether multinational companies considered global competence an important skill in mechanical engineering graduates when making hiring decisions. The study was an exploratory study that utilized an extensive literature review to identify eight global competencies for engineering success within a global environment and also included a survey instrument completed by Brigham Young University (BYU) mechanical engineering alumni in 48 states and 17 countries. The study focused on an evaluation of standard hiring technical engineering competencies with eight global competencies identified in the literature review. The study established that standard engineering technical competencies were the most important consideration when hiring mechanical engineers, but global competence was also considered important by a majority of all survey respondents with six of the eight global competencies rated important by 79 to 91% of respondents with an ability to communicate cross-culturally the highest-rated global competence. The importance of global competence in engineers when making hiring decisions, as considered by large companies who employed more than 10,000 employees or who had annual revenue exceeding $1 billion (US$) per year, was particularly strong. The majority of respondents (70%) indicated that companies were willing to provide training and experience to help engineers obtain success in a global engineering environment. In addition, a majority of respondents (59.9%) indicated that companies valued the efforts of higher educational engineering institutions to prepare engineers for success in a global environment with only 4.8% of respondents indicating that they did not value the efforts of higher education engineering institutions. However, only 27% of respondents agreed that colleges and universities were successful in this endeavor. Globalization is not a passing phenomenon, it is here to stay. Colleges and universities throughout the world need to recognize the importance of globalization and the interdependence and interconnectedness among the world’s population. Therefore, it is important to identify, develop, and provide opportunities for international collaboration and interaction among students and faculty throughout the world and to focus on developing global competence as an important outcome for engineering graduates.


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The purpose of this case study was to determine the impact of the South Omaha Community Scholarship Program on the persistence of the Hispanic students who participated. Previous research on Hispanic student persistence has focused on the reasons why students do not persist and more recent research has been conducted on programs and retention efforts, colleges and universities are implementing on their campuses. This study researched a specific program, The South Omaha Community Scholarship Program, designed to provide financial, academic and other needed resources to help Hispanic students persist to graduation. The researcher believes this study was important because it provided an overview of how the South Omaha Community Scholarship Program is affecting students both on campus and in their community. Eight interviews were conducted, with eligible students, in person. Students eligible for the study were current students or recent graduates of the South Omaha Community Scholarship Program and had attained at least junior or senior status as of the fall of 2009, as defined by Bellevue University. Research questions were based on the four components of the program and the affect the program had on the student’s life, outside of Bellevue University. The four components of the program were: financial aid, academic advising, the scholarship aid, and the Professional Enrichment Program. The results of the study were broken into five components with an additional section that provided other themes that were derived from the interviews. The five components were: (a) financial aid counseling, (b) academic advising, (c) scholarship aid, (d) Professional Enrichment Program, and (e) the South Omaha Community Scholarship Program beyond Bellevue University. Other themes that were derived from the interviews were: class format, deciding on a college, higher education class, campus resources, and a sense of community on-campus. The research found that the scholarship, provided by the South Omaha Community Scholarship Program, was the primary motivating factor for students to attend Bellevue University and persist in college. The interviewed students also commented on how the scholarship had given them the opportunity to attend college, even though that opportunity had seemed out of reach. The interviewed students also commented on their academic advising experience, campus resources, and feeling a sense of community on-campus as other campus related areas that were affected by the South Omaha Community Scholarship Program. Finally, students provided examples of how the South Omaha Community Scholarship Program impacted their connection to their South Omaha community through volunteer and employment opportunities. Adviser: Richard Hoover


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[EN] This project briefly analyzes the scope and applications of Industrial Robotics, as well as the importance that this technical discipline has gained in the past decades. In addition, it proposes a modern platform to assist in teaching this discipline in colleges and universities. This new educational platform for the teaching of Industrial Robotics is based on the robotic systems from Rhino Robotics Ltd., using the existing robotic arms and replacing the control electronics by a newer, modern and yet backwards-compatible controller. In addition to the controller, this platform also provides new, up-to-date software utilities that are more intuitive than those provided with the old system. The work to be done consists essentially in receiving commands from a personal computer which the controller must interpret in order to control the motors of the robotic arm. The controller itself will be implemented as an embedded system based on microcontrollers. This requires the implementation of a communication protocol between the personal computer and the microcontroller, the design of a command interpreter, the design of the electronics for motor control using PWM and H-bridges, and the implementation of control techniques (more precisely, PID control). Hence, this project combines software and hardware design and integration techniques with motor control techniques and feedback control methods from Control Engineering, along with the kinematic analysis of the Rhino XR-4 robotic arm. 


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Leaders and faculty at private colleges and universities should support funding for public higher education.