727 resultados para Hematoma espinal epidural
L’objectiu del treball és determinar la prevalença de lesions desmielinitzants a la medul·la espinal a les síndromes neurològiques aïllades i el valor afegit de la ressonància magnètica medul·lar. Es van incloure 113 pacients amb síndromes neurològiques aïllades a l’estudi. Els criteris diagnòstics d’esclerosi múltiple de McDonald 2005 es complien en un 43% dels pacients quan només eren valorades les lesions cerebrals, incrementant-se fins el 46% quan les lesions medul·lars eren també valorades. Aquests percentatges, en pacients amb síndromes neurològiques aïllades variaven del 47% al 53%. Com a conclusió considerem que la realització d’RM medul·lar als pacients amb síndromes neurològiques aïllades té una escassa contribució en la demostració de disseminació en l’espai, suggerint que no caldria realitzar una RM medul·lar als pacients amb síndrome neurològica aïllada no medul·lar, però es podria considerar quan les troballes cerebrals per RM no siguin concluents per a establir el diagnòstic d’Esclerosi Múltiple segons els criteris de McDonald 2005.
The Rare Cancer Network (RCN), founded in 1993, performs research involving rare tumors that are not common enough to be the focus of prospective study. Over 55 studies have either been completed or are in progress.The aim of the paper is to present an overview of the 30 studies done through the RCN to date, organized by disease site. Five studies focus on breast pathology, including sarcoma, lymphoma, phyllodes tumor, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and ductal carcinoma in situ in young women. Three studies on prostate cancer address prostatic small cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of young and elderly patients. Six studies on head and neck cancers include orbital and intraocular lymphoma, mucosal melanoma, pediatric nasopharyngeal carcinoma, olfactory neuroblastoma, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the salivary glands. There were 4 central nervous system studies on patients with cerebellar glioblastoma multiforme, atypical and malignant meningioma, spinal epidural lymphoma and myxopapillary ependymoma. Outside of these disease sites, there is a wide variety of other studies on tumors ranging from uterine leiomyosarcoma to giant cell tumors of the bone. The studies done by the RCN represent a wide range of rare pathologies that were previously only studied in small series or case reports. With further growth of the RCN and collaboration between members our ability to analyze rare tumors will increase and result in better understanding of their behavior and ultimately help direct research that may improve patient outcomes.
Introduction: The last twenty years has witnessed important changes in the field of obstetric analgesia and anesthesia. In 2007, we conducted a survey to obtain information regarding the clinical practice of obstetric anesthesia in our country. The main objective was to ascertain whether recent developments in obstetric anesthesia had been adequately implemented into current clinical practice. Methodology: A confidential questionnaire was sent to 391 identified wiss obstetric anesthetists. The questionnaire included 58 questions on 5 main topics: activity and organization of the obstetric unit, practice of labor analgesia, practice of anesthesia for caesarean section, prevention of aspiration syndrome, and pain treatment after cesarean section. Results: The response rate was 80% (311/391). 66% of the surveyed anesthetists worked in intermediate size obstetric units (500-1500 deliveries per year). An anesthetist was on site 24/24 hours in only 53% of the obstetric units. Epidural labor analgesia with low dose local anesthetics combined with opioids was used by 87% but only 30% used patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA). Spinal anesthesia was the first choice for elective and urgent cesarean section for 95% of the responders. Adequate prevention of aspiration syndrome was prescribed by 78%. After cesarean section, a multimodal analgesic regimen was prescribed by 74%. Conclusion: When comparing these results with those of the two previous Swiss surveys [1, 2], it clearly appears that Swiss obstetric anesthetists have progressively adapted their practice to current clinical recommendations. But this survey also revealed some insufficiencies: 1. Of the public health system: a. Insufficient number of obstetric anesthetists on site 24 hours/24. b. Lack of budget in some hospitals to purchase PCEA pumps. 2. Of individual medical practice: a. Frequent excessive dosage of hyperbaric bupivacaine during spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. b. Frequent use of cristalloid preload before spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. c. Frequent systematic use of opioids when inducing general anesthesia for cesarean section. d. Fentanyl as the first choice opioid during induction of general anesthesia for severe preeclampsia. In the future, wider and more systematic information campaigns by the mean of the Swiss Association of Obstetric Anesthesia (SAOA) should be able to correct these points.
Background: Visceral artery aneurysms (VAA), although uncommon, are increasingly being detected. We describe a case of spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage from a ruptured IMA aneurysm associated with stenosis of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and celiac trunk, successfully treated with surgery. Methods: A 65-year-old man presented with abdominal pain and hypovolemic shock. Abdominal CT scan showed an aneurysm of the inferior mesenteric artery with retroperitoneal hematoma. In addition, an obstructive disease of the superior mesenteric artery and celiac axis was observed. Results: Upon emergency laparotomy a ruptured inferior mesenteric artery aneurysm was detected. The aneurysm was excised and the artery reconstructed by end-to-end anastomosis. Conclusions This report discusses the etiology, presentation, diagnosis and case management of inferior mesenteric artery aneurysms
Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related fibroinflammatory systemic disease accounts for 7% of all noninfectious aneurysms of the thoracic aorta. A patient was admitted with a symptomatic ascending aortic aneurysm and thickened aortic wall (outer/inner diameter 55/45 mm), which was replaced. Probes revealed IgG4-related aortitis associated with a primary tuberculosis infection. Corticosteroid and antituberculosis therapies were used, and the patient's clinical evolution was favorable. The optimal treatment strategy of IgG4-related aortitis, a new entity, remains vague. Inner aortic diameter alone does not justify aortic replacement, but wall thickening may mimic intramural hematoma. In this particular case of IgG4-related aortitis, immunosuppressive treatment alone, as an alternative to a surgical procedure, may be debatable.
INTRODUCTION: The satisfaction's analysis is being used as an instrument to create different sanitary reforms to improve the quality and numerous studies aim to the increase the mother's satisfaction directly related to the maternity care. OBJECTIVES: [corrected] Identify the woman satisfaction's degree about birth attention, accompaniment during nativity and the breastfeeding's term. MATERIAL AND METHOD: [corrected] Descriptive transversal study in the university hospital San Cecilio in Granada (España), during the time of August 2011 to 2012, it performed with a second prospective tracing phase to a N = 60 mothers. It used a protocol (Annex 1) after 24 hours in hospital and at 14 days by telephone. After 3 months, it performed a tracing pertaining to the baby food. RESULTS: The global satisfaction's level about birth is high in study population. It has been shown that breastfeeding (P = 0,514) and vaginal birth without epidural (P = 0,320) creates higher satisfaction for mother. On the other hand, birth satisfaction related with duration of breastfeeding. CONCLUSION: Satisfactory mothers' opinion related with birth care and accompaniment during nativity increases in women whose birth happened in a uncomplicated way without epidural and they started early breastfeeding.
Abstract Study objective: The arousal state changes during spinal anesthesia. It is not clear if BIS and others devices could monitor the induced neuroaxial blockade sedation. Our objective was evaluate BIS and entropy values when spinal anesthesia is done. Design: We developed a prospective study. Patients: 40 patients were included in this study, ASA I-III, over 60 years old, undergoing spinal anesthesia, without premedication scheduled for orthopedics procedures. Intervention: Spinal anesthesia was performed with the unseated volunteer in the lateral decubitus position with a 25-gauge Whitacre needle at L2-L3 space, andanesthesia was done with 12 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine. Patients were positioned supine for 5 min after spinal anesthesia. Measurements: Observer’s Assessment of Alertness/Sedation OAA/S, response (RE) and state entropy (SE) and BIS, and standard hemodynamic measures. Main results: Statistical analysis were performed by Wilcoxon test or ANOVA, p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.RE and BIS showed a better correlation with the OAA/S scale values (Pk 0.81 and 0.82) than SE (Pk 0.69). The OAA/S, RE and SE showed significative differences from basal values after 30 min of neuroaxial anesthesia (ANOVA p<0.05). BIS showed differences after 40 min (ANOVA p<0.05). There were no differences between BIS and RE values along the study (ANOVA p>0.05). Conclusions: The spinal anesthesia decreased the cortical activity and these were founded by OAA/S scale and depth anesthetics monitors. OAA/S was a more sensitive value of this induced sedation. BIS and RE showed a better correlation with OAA/S scale than SE.
Título: Programa de detección precoz de errores congénitos del metabolismo: Instrucciones para profesionales 2013 Anexo 1. Ideas claves sobre prueba del talón Anexo 2. Prueba del talón. Buenas prácticas en la toma y manipulación de la muestra Anexo 3. Cribado neonatal de fibrosis quística
Objective: To assess the maternal comfort and reduction of pain associated with contractions during labor with “hands-knees” (HK) maternal posture compared with “lateral maternal postures toward the fetal back” in pregnant women with occipitoposterior (OP) fetal position. Methods: In the multicenter trial by randomization, 70 women with OP fetal position during labor took the lateral posture and 65 women the HK posture for at least 30 minutes. We analyzed maternal comfort, perceived pain, influence of epidural analgesia and use of fit-ball on posture HK. Results: Back pain and abdominal pain reduction was higher with HK posture. With lateral posture 78.6% of women expressed comfort versus 73.8% of women with HK posture. Regarding the lateral posture, the comfort with HK posture reduces in multiparous women, with an odds ratio (OR) of 0.29, for a confidence interval (CI) 95% 0.12 to 0.76, and epidural analgesia (OR= 0.39; CI 95%: 0.15-1.03), comfort with K posture is higher with reduction of pain (OR= 4.13, 95% CI: 1.34- 12.72) and abdominal pain compared with back pain (OR= 4.05, 95% CI: 1.36-11.85). Conclusions: Women consider comfortable lateral and HK maternal postures during labor. The lateral posture is most comfortable for multiparous and epidural analgesia. The reduction of pain during labor is higher with HK posture, recommending this posture in primiparous women without epidural analgesia.
III. Estudio descriptivo prospectivo diseñado para evaluar la analgesia postoperatoria de los pacientes sometidos a artroplastia de rodilla. Se comparon dos técnicas analgésicas (epidural y bloqueo femoral) y se analizaron los efectos secundarios e incidencias asociadas a cada una de las técnicas. Los resultados mostraron un grado de satisfacción elevado en nuestros pacientes. Ambas técnicas ofrecieron un buen control analgésico tras ATR, aunque los valores de EVA recogidos fueron discretamente menores en el grupo que recibió analgesia epidural. El grupo epidural presentó mayor incidencia de retención urinaria. No se encontraron complicaciones graves, pero sí se recogieron incidencias asociadas al catéter epidural.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: A fast-track program is a multimodal approach for patients undergoing colonic surgery that combines stringent regimens of perioperative care (fluid restriction, optimized analgesia, forced mobilization, and early oral feeding) to reduce perioperative morbidity, hospital stay, and cost. We investigated the impact of a fast-track protocol on postoperative morbidity in patients after open colonic surgery. METHODS: A randomized trial of patients in 4 teaching hospitals in Switzerland included 156 patients undergoing elective open colonic surgery who were assigned to either a fast-track program or standard care. The primary end point was the 30-day complication rate. Secondary end points were severity of complications, hospital stay, and compliance with the fast-track protocol. RESULTS: The fast-track protocol significantly decreased the number of complications (16 of 76 in the fast-track group vs 37 of 75 in the standard care group; P = .0014), resulting in shorter hospital stays (median, 5 days; range, 2-30 vs 9 days, respectively; range, 6-30; P < .0001). There was a trend toward less severe complications in the fast-track group. A multiple logistic regression analysis revealed fluid administration greater than the restriction limits (odds ratio, 4.198; 95% confidence interval, 1.7-10.366; P = .002) and a nonfunctioning epidural analgesia (odds ratio, 3.365; 95% confidence interval, 1.367-8.283; P = .008) as independent predictors of postoperative complications. CONCLUSIONS: The fast-track program reduces the rate of postoperative complications and length of hospital stay and should be considered as standard care. Fluid restriction and an effective epidural analgesia are the key factors that determine outcome of the fast-track program.
There is limited information on the role of penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) in the resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii to β-lactams. This study presents an analysis of the allelic variations of PBP genes in A. baumannii isolates. Twenty-six A. baumannii clinical isolates (susceptible or resistant to carbapenems) from three teaching hospitals in Spain were included. The antimicrobial susceptibility profile, clonal pattern, and genomic species identification were also evaluated. Based on the six complete genomes of A. baumannii, the PBP genes were identified, and primers were designed for each gene. The nucleotide sequences of the genes identified that encode PBPs and the corresponding amino acid sequences were compared with those of ATCC 17978. Seven PBP genes and one monofunctional transglycosylase (MGT) gene were identified in the six genomes, encoding (i) four high-molecular-mass proteins (two of class A, PBP1a [ponA] and PBP1b [mrcB], and two of class B, PBP2 [pbpA or mrdA] and PBP3 [ftsI]), (ii) three low-molecular-mass proteins (two of type 5, PBP5/6 [dacC] and PBP6b [dacD], and one of type 7 (PBP7/8 [pbpG]), and (iii) a monofunctional enzyme (MtgA [mtgA]). Hot spot mutation regions were observed, although most of the allelic changes found translated into silent mutations. The amino acid consensus sequences corresponding to the PBP genes in the genomes and the clinical isolates were highly conserved. The changes found in amino acid sequences were associated with concrete clonal patterns but were not directly related to susceptibility or resistance to β-lactams. An insertion sequence disrupting the gene encoding PBP6b was identified in an endemic carbapenem-resistant clone in one of the participant hospitals.
O estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o perfil da criança e adolescente maltratados e atendidos em um hospital de emergência, no Município de Fortaleza, Ceará. Utilizou-se a pesquisa documental retrospectiva com análise dos formulários da Comissão de Maus Tratos à Infância e Adolescência. Os resultados revelaram que o sexo masculino e a faixa etária de 1 a 5 anos foram os mais atingidos; o principal agressor é o pai biológico e os tipos de violência mais freqüentes foram o hematoma, o abuso sexual e as lesões por objetos cortantes. Conclui-se que o tema requer estudos aprofundados que modifiquem o ambiente em que a criança, adolescente e famílias estão inseridos.
Aquest treball presenta un terminal de reserva d'espectacles. Es tracta d'una aplicació web que permet als seus usuaris registrats reservar localitats de diferents tipus d'espectacles a través d'internet i amb total llibertat d'horaris. L'aplicació s'ha dissenyat amb tecnologia Java (servlets, JSP, beans ...) i s'ha llicenciat com a aplicació de programari lliure amb la llicència GPL.