931 resultados para Hannah Roisman
Oliver Rising (1775-1855) lived in Herkimer County, New York. He is buried in Cedar Lake Cemetery, Cedar Lake (part of the town of Litchfield) in Herkimer County, with his wife Hannah (1780-1855) and his son Oliver Rising Jr. (1817-1861).
David Brooks was the acting quarterman of shipwrights in his Majesty’s Dock Yard in Portsmouth. He resided at Ridge Street Halfway Houses in Portsea. He was married to Sally Brooks, who was the daughter of Will Thomas Baker of Kent County. Mr. Baker died on May 11, 1811. David and Sally had 5 children: David, Charles, Thomas, Sarah Ann and Hannah Baker. Mr. Brooks bequeathed all his possessions to his wife Sally. After his wife’s death he wanted his belongings and land to be divided equally between all of his children when they reached the age of 21. He names his wife Sally, and his brother, Isaac Brooks as executors of the will.
A letter from Andrew Cowan to his son William Cowan 29 Septemer 1841. The letter reads "Dear William, I have taken my pen the third time since I have received any word from you, my first letter was about the beginning of the year, and the second in the month of April with John Armstrong of Northhouse, he sailed from Liverpool the fifteen of that month with his sisters Jane and Jenny and their two children. I received a letter from him dated Cleavland in the State of Ohio the 6 of June. He did not intend stopping in that place. The leaves us all well for any thing that I know, but I have not heard from Andrew since March altho I have writen to him three months since your Mother and I are both sore faild altho we have tolerable good health for which we desire to be thankfull to the giver of all our mercies, which are new every day, that we may be found in Christs and clothed in his imputed righteousness at the last, for in him is only found true happyness. We have had another cold wet Summer and the crops is far back ------ not light, the price of -----is high and trade bad, but sheep and cattle are high. Cattle have not been higher since the French war, but the cattle trade is very bad at present and the opperatives out of imployment and consequently verrry badly of. If none of my former letters have reached you this will inform you that James is at Lanshawburn, and gets imployment all the year, he keeps a cow and five or six sheep, they have three children, Mary, Hannah, and Andrew; I was there after clipping time seeing them, they seem to be verry happy. James Lamb is well he was here the other night, he has got two letters from his son Adam this Summer; they are still in the same place and will finish their job this fall, and seem to be doing well, your Uncle Adam Scott and family are well. John was there lately there is little prospect of his getting to America as the money that was left him is not got yet and will not for some time, If ever this reach you, you must let us know how all the Scotch people that are near you, that went from this place of the Country are doing, as their freinds are anxious to hear from them, perticularly if you know what is becomed of Alexander Hoggs widow and family of ------hill, as I was desired to write to you about them - I got a letter from John Miller dated Gatt but I understand it is a long way from your place he was a gentleman and had the charge of a farm and seems verry ----- Now William if this ever reach you, you must excuse me for not filling this letter up, but if I receive an answer I promise to fill the next better, We all join in our love and respect to you and family. From your loving Father Andrew Cowan
Letter to Robert Nelles from his son, Abraham Nelles. He says that he would liked to have visited, but Hannah is quite weak. On Monday he plans to go to Walpole where W. Malcolm will meet him to survey the lot. He writes of his gratefulness to his father and hopes that his father will be rewarded in the afterlife, Dec. 6, 1833
his paper explores how participation and sustainability are being addressed by architects within the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme in the UK. The intentions promoted by the programme are certainly ambitious, but the ways to fulfil these aims are ill-explored. Simply focusing on providing innovative learning technologies, or indeed teaching young people about physical sustainability features in buildings, will not necessarily teach them the skills they will need to respond to the environmental and social challenges of a rapidly changing world. However, anticipating those skills is one of the most problematic issues of the programme. The involvement of young people in the design of schools is used to suggest empowerment, place-making and to promote social cohesion but this is set against government design literature which advocates for exemplars, standard layouts and best practice, all leading to forms of standardisation. The potentials for tokenistic student involvement and conflict with policy aims are evident. This paper explores two issues: how to foster in young people an ethic towards future generations, and the role of co-design practices in this process. Michael Oakeshott calls teaching the conversation of mankind. In this paper, I look at the philosophy of Hannah Arendt, Emmanuel Levinas, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Luce Irigaray to argue that investigating the ethical dilemmas of the programme through critical dialogue with students offers an approach to meeting government objectives, building sustainable schools, and fostering sustainable citizenship.
Ce mémoire s’intéresse aux récits des ex-combattants des groupes paramilitaires Autodéfenses unies de Colombie sur leur participation au conflit armé. Ces narrations, construites dans un contexte de réintégration à la société, permettent de réfléchir à la construction de la vérité par les ex-combattants dans les contextes post-conflit. Nous avons analysé les histoires de vie de 18 ex-combattants qui participaient au Programme de réintégration à la vie civile à Bogota. Nos interviewés ont adopté une position de victimes, en élaborant des discours justificateurs visant à se déresponsabiliser. Ces discours montrent une normalisation de la violence qui revient à la notion de « banalité du mal » d’Hannah Arendt. Nos interviewés ont employé plusieurs rhétoriques des groupes paramilitaires afin de justifier la violence. Ces rhétoriques font partie de la construction psychologique de l’ennemi par les groupes et elles invitent à analyser le rôle du langage dans la construction d’une culture paramilitaire. Néanmoins, certains interviewés ont condamné la violence exercée par leur groupe. Nous avons observé qu’il existe plusieurs interprétations de la manière dont nos interviewés disaient avoir réagi aux contextes de violence de masse, ce qui nous a amenés à réfléchir aux notions de culpabilité morale et juridique.
This paper examines the ethics of refugee aid, attempting to answer “Why do States engage in refugee aid?” Moving beyond the simplistic answer based on the notion of charity, which demonstrably fits ill with the essentially positivist methodology of conducting refugee aid, an ethical model is construed based on the Weberian concept of action as an instrument of rationality. This is supported with critical readings from Hannah Arendt, amongst others, and also my own experiences as a former UNHCR aid worker. However, although this model better captures ground realities, it negates the individuality and humanity of refugees. Thus refugee aid as a form of global, transnational justice will be presented, based on readings from Amartya Sen.
La divulgation dans les médias de masse des atrocités commises dans les camps de concentration nazis et soviétiques n’a pas ébranlé que les milieux politiques. Plusieurs chercheurs en sciences humaines (on pense immédiatement à l’expérience de Milgram) et en philosophie ont cherché à comprendre le fonctionnement des régimes totalitaires. Hannah Arendt, en plus d’avoir contribué à la popularisation du concept de totalitarisme, a été l’une des premières à en rechercher les origines. Bien qu’il n’ait jamais abordé de front la question du nazisme et du stalinisme, Michel Foucault a, lui aussi, ancré ses recherches sur le pouvoir dans une démarche généalogique. Plus précisément, c’est lors de ses travaux sur la gouvernementalité et la biopolitique qu’il a étudié les rationalités gouvernementales, leurs technologies et leur effet subjectivant. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont de présenter un exposé critique de ces deux approches des phénomènes de pouvoir en Occident et de produire une étude comparative du phénomène totalitaire.
This thesis will study the Italian literary phenomenon Gomorra, viaggi nell'impero economico e nel sogno di dominio della Camorra. First, the focus will be on the text's hybrid nature and implications and also on its literary and intellectual inspirations (such as Truman Capote, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Leonardo Sciascia). Secondly, we will take a closer look at the structure of the novel's narrative and its literary details, in order to reveal the different processes used by Roberto Saviano to convince the reader. Interwoven in this book's central plot, we will find a main obsession: the need to understand. Lastly, we will discuss the question of the great power treated in this novel, the one of a criminal organisation transformed by the revelations made throughout the story. These revelations will allow us to draw interesting comparisons between organized crime and merchant capitalism. For this part, we will refer to Guy Debord's La société du spectacle, and to Hannah Arendt's work on the question of totalitarianism. All of these elements will allow us to discuss the different perspectives within the narrative's framework, and more precisely, the figure of the narrator/author/character that gives Saviano's novel anthropological qualities, in the form of an ethnofiction (Augé).
This thesis questions the major esthetic differences between the artistic productions of the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939) and the nationalist artistic productions of the Civil War years and the first decade of the francoist dictatorship. These differences are analysed using the artistic productions of Josep Renau (1907 Valence – 1982 Berlin East) and of Ignacio Zuloaga (Elibar 1870 – Madrid 1945). Renau was an important artistic figure during the Spanich Republic. In this thesis, we analyse Renau’s different propaganda productions between 1931 and 1939. Zuloaga was an international artist when the nationalist uprising occurred in 1936. He was recognized by the European elites for his portraits of Andalousian and Castillian sceneries. Zuloaga supported the nationalist putsch and the francoist ideology. In 1939, the Caudillo ordered the painting of the portrait that we will be analysing. The theories of François Hartog, Reinhart Koselleck, Paul Ricoeur and Hannah Arendt are used to analyse the historical conceptual confrontation in Spain, portrayed by the artworks that we studied. During the Republic, it was the modern historical regime that was in force. The historical references used are close in time and the history is constructed in the future and attached to the idea of progress. With the nationalists, the historical conception is connected to the Historia magistra where the past is used as an example. In the first francoism, a return to Spain’s glorious past (the Middle Ages, the Golden Century and the Counter Reform) is clearly claimed in order to rescue the country from the ills of modernity. It is with these different historical conceptions in mind that we compare the esthetics specificities of the artworks, the identity and historical references and the mediums used to legitimize the power and the political actions of each front.
Cette recherche s’intéresse aux propriétés politiques du médium audiovisuel, et plus spécifiquement de la pratique cinématographique, devant un problème concret : la marginalisation de la jeunesse dans la société américaine contemporaine, symptomatique d’une perte d’espoir en l’avenir. Guidé par la théorie politique de Hannah Arendt, l’argumentaire consiste d’abord en deux analyses filmiques : une première de Kids (1995), réalisé par Larry Clark, porte sur l’invisibilité sociale de la jeunesse et la faculté du médium audiovisuel à confronter le spectateur. La seconde se penche sur le pouvoir systématisé auquel sont soumis les jeunes dans une institution scolaire bureaucratique, tel qu’il est mis en scène dans Elephant (2003) de Gus Van Sant, et interroge la capacité du médium à susciter la pensée chez le spectateur. Dans un troisième temps, une réflexion plus globale sur la situation actuelle de la culture cinématographique au sein du domaine audiovisuel dominé par le divertissement de masse explore la possibilité d’une polis audiovisuelle. Cette troisième et dernière partie reprend les thèmes soulevés dans les précédentes dans une perspective politique basée directement sur la pensée d’Arendt : ils donnent lieu aux questions de l’apparaître et de la durabilité du monde, qui sont les principales fonction de la polis, ainsi qu’à la question du rôle du spectateur.
The distribution of the holothurian H. KH.) scabra indicated its availability all along coastal areas on Palk Bay from Rameswavam to Mallipattinam and along the Gulf of Hannah coast from Pamban to Ervadi and Tuticmhin,'at 4~2O m depth.The major fishing for holmthurians was done by skin diving at all the centres. The tallu valai was operated at Tuticorin and Vedalai and trawlevs were operated at Rameswaram.The fmod of H. KN.) scabra consists of ovganic matter which contains mud, sand, shell debris, bivalves and algae. Obsehvatinns indicated the species seems to be a n0n—se1ective feeder. The assimilation efficiency from sediment to faeces indicated that the faecal pellets of H. KH.) scabra are semidigested.A multiple relationship was fitted between total length, total weight, gutted weight, gonad weight and maturity stages were found significant.The fishing season for holothurians commences from October to March along Gulf of Manner coast and from March to October along Palk Bay coast.The percentage of catches recorded by skin diving, trawlere and tallu valai were 80.04%, 10.27% and 9.69% respectively. Skin diving contributes to maximum catch.The holothurians landed all along the Gulf of Manner and Palk Bay coasts constitute 25.6% and 74.4% respectively. This showed that Palk Bay coast is more productive.
Hannah Arendt esboza una fuerte crítica a las teorías políticas modernas y a la inclusión de la economía en los asuntos del Estado con el surgimiento de la economía política. Según ella, en esta línea del pensamiento moderno se encuentran las razones que explican la crisis actual de lo político; crisis representada en el surgimiento de los totalitarismos del siglo XX y en la actual indiferencia política de las masas. Este texto expondrá los argumentos por los cuales se puede afirmar que la crítica de Hannah Arendt se refiere al pensamiento contractualista, tomando como modelo a Thomas Hobbes y John Locke, para replantear el concepto de libertad moderno, y con éste los conceptos de poder y autoridad. Replanteamiento en el que se encontrará una respuesta teórica frente a la pregunta por el verdadero sentido de lo político en su tesis de la acción. De igual forma, se expondrá el pensamiento de James Buchanan como un contraejemplo a lo que Arendt esboza como sentido de lo político y la libertad con la que los hombres entran a participar de la comunidad política.
Lo que me propongo desarrollar a continuación es la idea según la cual, los procesos de justicia transicional deberían incluir entre sus mínimos normativos una noción de ciudadanía y de agencia política mucho más exigente que aquella que tradicionalmente está asociada al marco conceptual de la democracia liberal. En esta dirección, considero que la aproximación realizada por Hannah Arendt sobre la revolución como constitutio libertatis arroja elementos claves que pueden ser de utilidad en la búsqueda de consolidar la ciudadanía en los procesos de justicia transicional cuyo principal objetivo es la transición hacia regímenes democráticos.
Introducción: el Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad afecta del 2% al 6% de los adultos en Estados Unidos. Es una condición de alta relevancia dentro de las patologías psiquiátricas debido a características como impulsividad, inestabilidad en las relaciones interpersonales, disregulación en el estado de ánimo y comportamiento agresivo. Esto determina un impacto negativo en la funcionalidad del individuo siendo la agresividad contra sí mismo o contra otras personas uno de sus componentes claves. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos de bases de datos y búsqueda manual de revistas relacionadas que aportaran la mejor evidencia con el fin de encontrar estudios que evaluaran, con instrumentos objetivos, los tratamientos farmacológicos disponibles para el manejo de la agresividad en el TLP .Se evaluó calidad metodológica y los estudios se organizaron en tablas de evidencia. Resultados: La búsqueda arrojo 1081 artículos de los cuales se seleccionaron 52 como potenciales y cinco fueron incluidos en esta revisión. Se clasificaron como nivel de evidencia Ib. El topiramato, el aripiprazol, el divalproato y la fluoxetina mostraron mejores resultados que el placebo especialmente en agresividad e impulsividad. El topiramato fue asociado con pérdida de peso. Los medicamentos fueron seguros y bien tolerados. Discusión: Los medicamentos evaluados mostraron ser mejores que placebo. La diversidad en las escalas utilizadas genera complejidad en la interpretación de resultados. Conclusión: La evidencia sugiere que el tratamiento farmacológico es efectivo en síntomas como agresividad e impulsividad comparado con placebo. Deben considerarse estudios que evalúen combinaciones de fármacos y psicoterapia.