995 resultados para HCC PAT CLIN


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Better outcomes of the patients receiving liver transplantation for viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are achieved by improved patient selection and perioperative treatment with antiviral agents including lamivudine, ribavirin and interferon. Patient selection is accomplished by high-quality imaging as well as exclusion of patients with large tumors, obvious extrahepatic disease or macroscopic vascular invasion. Using such criteria, a 5-year survival of 92% has been reached in the Queensland Liver Transplant Service on a small number of highly selected patients with HCC. The treatment algorithm of Makuuchi has guided us in recommending resection, estimating to what extent the liver resection can be performed safely, and timing liver transplantation when it is the only option. Adult-to-adult living-donor liver transplantation is being performed safely in many centers worldwide. The transplantation of liver from living donors to HCC patients, when standard criteria for the likelihood of good outcomes are fulfilled, will increase in Japan in the near future. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Background: The response of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) to therapy is often disappointing and new modalities of treatment are clearly needed. Active immunotherapy based on the injection of autologous dendritic cells (DC) co-cultured ex vivo with tumor antigens has been used in pilot studies in various malignancies such as melanoma and lymphoma with encouraging results. Methods: In the present paper, the preparation and exposure of patient DC to autologous HCC antigens and re-injection in an attempt to elicit antitumor immune responses are described. Results: Therapy was given to two patients, one with hepatitis C and one with hepatitis B, who had large, multiple HCC and for whom no other therapy was available. No significant side-effects were observed. The clinical course was unchanged in one patient, who died a few months later. The other patient, whose initial prognosis was considered poor, is still alive and well more than 3 years later with evidence of slowing of tumor growth based on organ imaging. Conclusions: It is concluded that HCC may be a malignancy worthy of DC trials and sufficient details in the present paper are given for the protocol to be copied or modified. (C) 2002 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.


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Caveolae and their proteins, the caveolins, transport macromolecules; compartmentalize signalling molecules; and are involved in various repair processes. There is little information regarding their role in the pathogenesis of significant renal syndromes such as acute renal failure (ARF). In this study, an in vivo rat model of 30 min bilateral renal ischaemia followed by reperfusion times from 4 h to 1 week was used to map the temporal and spatial association between caveolin-1 and tubular epithelial damage (desquamation, apoptosis, necrosis). An in vitro model of ischaemic ARF was also studied, where cultured renal tubular epithelial cells or arterial endothelial cells were subjected to injury initiators modelled on ischaemia-reperfusion (hypoxia, serum deprivation, free radical damage or hypoxia-hyperoxia). Expression of caveolin proteins was investigated using immunohistochemistry, immunoelectron microscopy, and immunoblots of whole cell, membrane or cytosol protein extracts. In vivo, healthy kidney had abundant caveolin-1 in vascular endothelial cells and also some expression in membrane surfaces of distal tubular epithelium. In the kidneys of ARF animals, punctate cytoplasmic localization of caveolin-1 was identified, with high intensity expression in injured proximal tubules that were losing basement membrane adhesion or were apoptotic, 24 h to 4 days after ischaemia-reperfusion. Western immunoblots indicated a marked increase in caveolin-1 expression in the cortex where some proximal tubular injury was located. In vitro, the main treatment-induced change in both cell types was translocation of caveolin-1 from the original plasma membrane site into membrane-associated sites in the cytoplasm. Overall, expression levels did not alter for whole cell extracts and the protein remained membrane-bound, as indicated by cell fractionation analyses. Caveolin-1 was also found to localize intensely within apoptotic cells. The results are indicative of a role for caveolin-1 in ARF-induced renal injury. Whether it functions for cell repair or death remains to be elucidated. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Foi avaliado o Programa de Alimentao do Trabalhador (PAT), no que se refere a implantao, funcionamento e resultados em empresas, no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. O universo pesquisado abrangeu um total de 130 empresas, sendo 85 inscritas no PAT entre 1977 e 1980 e 45 no inscritas. Neste grupo, a coleta de dados limitou-se ao ano de 1980 e teve como finalidade o estabelecimento de parmetros para avaliar os indicadores de impacto do Programa. A anlise dos cardpios sugere que um reduzido percentual de empresas fornece refeies conforme as exigncias mnimas de energia e protena estabelecidas pela Lei 6.321/76, isto , um mnimo de 1.400 cal e NDpCal% superior a 6. O exame dos indicadores de impacto nas empresas dos dois grupos sugere que o PAT no modificou o nmero de acidentes de trabalho, condies de sade e rotatividade dos trabalhadores; tendo apenas infludo no absentesmo.


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Abstract: Background: Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) is a neurodegenerative disease leading to sensory and motor polyneuropathies, and functional limitations. Liver transplantation is the only treatment for FAP, requiring medication that negatively affects bone and muscle metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare body composition, levels of specific strength, level of physical disability risk, and functional capacity of transplanted FAP patients (FAPTx) with a group of healthy individuals (CON). Methods: A group of patients with 48 FAPTx (28 men, 20 women) was compared with 24 CON individuals (14 men, 10 women). Body composition was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and total skeletal muscle mass (TBSMM) and skeletal muscle index (SMI) were calculated. Handgrip strength was measured for both hands as was isometric strength of quadriceps. Muscle quality (MQ) was ascertained by the ratio of strength to muscle mass. Functional capacity was assessed by the six-minute walk test. Results: Patients with FAPTx had significantly lower functional capacity, weight, body mass index, total fat mass, TBSMM, SMI, lean mass, muscle strength, MQ, and bone mineral density. Conclusion: Patients with FAPTx appear to be at particularly high risk of functional disability, suggesting an important role for an early and appropriately designed rehabilitation program.


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Hepatitis B virus (HBV) serological markers were investigated in 40 incident cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and in two age and sex matched control groups, comprising 40 patients with other cancers and 80 healthy individuals, resident in Bahia, Brazil. Serologic tests were done by radioimmunoassay. The study observed high proportion of seropositivity to HBsAg (42.5%) and of those presenting HBsAg or antiHBc (65.0%) among HCC cases, higher in men than women and in those aged 17 to 30 years old. HBsAg seropositivity among HCC patients was greater than in the control group with other cancers (7.5%) and in healthy controls (2.5%), corresponding to odds ratio estimates of 15.0 (95% CI 3.29, 68.30) and 33.0 (95% CI 9.13, 119.28), both statistically significant. HBeAg was not observed and antiHBe was present in 41.2% of cases, suggesting the absence of viral replication, possibly with viral DNA intergration into the hepatocyte genome. The presence of cirrhosis was associated with HBsAg seropositivity among HCC cases. A history of chronic alcoholism is shown to be more frequently related to those cases with cirrhosis. This study highlights the relevant association between HCC and HBV in Northeast Brazil, particularly for young individuals, and the high risk of development of HCC for HBsAg carriers.


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Em 1993 ocorreu um surto alimentar em escola, com 211 afetados. Os dados epidemiolgicos levantados por entrevista de amostragem de afetados e no afetados mostraram que os sintomas predominantes foram diarria, febre (77,7%), dor abdominal (67,7%), vmito (65,8%), calafrios (54,5%) e cefalia (44,5%). A mediana de incubao foi de 17 horas, com limites entre 3 e 29 horas. A durao da doena foi de 3 a 4 dias. O alimento consumido foi um tipo de pat, mistura de molho de maionese preparada com ovos crus com batata cozida, passado em po. A anlise de material biolgico (3 coproculturas) e de restos de alimentos revelou a presena do mesmo microrganismo, a Salmonella Enteritidis. No caso dos alimentos, o nmero encontrado desta bactria por gramo de produto era compatvel com a quantidade de clulas necessria para desencadear a doena (10(4)e 10(5)/g). O antibiograma de todas as cepas isoladas revelou o mesmo padro de sensibilidade. As falhas no preparo do alimento relacionadas com o levantamento indicam a possibilidade de contaminao endgena dos ovos; contaminao cruzada - o surto afetou trs perodos escolares, sendo que para cada um o alimento foi preparado em separado - e as condies de manuteno do alimento aps preparo e at o consumo. A observao por uma semana seguida das 3 merendeiras envolvidas, atravs de coprocultura, no indicaram que as mesmas fossem portadoras assintomticas desta bactria ou que tivessem sido envolvidas no surto em questo.


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In order to evaluate the capacity of laser scanning cytometry (LSC) to detect acid-fast bacilli directly on clinical samples, a comparison between Kinyoun-stained smears analyzed under light microscopy and propidium iodide-auramine-stained smears analyzed by LSC was performed. The results were compared with those for culture on BACTEC MGIT 960. LSC is a new, reliable methodology to detect Mycobacteria.


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Dissertao de Mestrado, Matemtica para Professores, 3 de Abril de 2014, Universidade dos Aores.


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Background: There are now several lines of evidence to suggest that protein synthesis and translation factors are involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and cancer development. Aims: To investigate gene expression patterns of eukaryotic releasing factor 3 (eRF3) in gastric cancer. Methods: RNA was prepared from 25 gastric tumour biopsies and adjacent non-neoplastic mucosa. Real time TaqMan reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed to measure the relative gene expression levels. DNA was isolated from tumour and normal tissues and gene dosage was determined by a quantitative real time PCR using SYBR Green dye. Results: Different histological types of gastric tumours were analysed and nine of the 25 tumours revealed eRF3/GSPT1 overexpression; moreover, eight of the 12 intestinal type carcinomas analysed overexpressed the gene, whereas eRF3/GSPT1 was overexpressed in only one of the 10 diffuse type carcinomas (Kruskal-Wallis Test; p , 0.05). No correlation was found between ploidy and transcript expression levels of eRF3/GSPT1. Overexpression of eRF3/GSPT1 was not associated with increased translation rates because the upregulation of eRF3/GSPT1 did not correlate with increased eRF1 levels. Conclusions: Overexpression of eRF3/GSPT1 in intestinal type gastric tumours may lead to an increase in the translation efficiency of specific oncogenic transcripts. Alternatively, eRF3/GSPT1 may be involved in tumorigenesis as a result of its non-translational roles, namely (dis)regulating the cell cycle, apoptosis, or transcription.


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Background: The eukaryotic release factor 3 (eRF3) has been shown to affect both tubulin and actin cytoskeleton, suggesting a role in cytoskeleton assembly, mitotic spindle formation and chromosome segregation. Also, direct interactions between eRF3 and subunits of the cytosolic chaperonin CCT have been described. Moreover, both eRF3a and CCT subunits have been described to be up-regulated in cancer tissues. Our aim was to evaluate the hypothesis that eRF3 expression levels are correlated with the expression of genes encoding proteins involved in the tubulin folding pathways. Methods: Relative expression levels of eRF1, eRF3a/GSPT1, PFDN4, CCT2, CCT4, and TBCA genes in tumour samples relative to their adjacent normal tissues were investigated using real time-polymerase chain reaction in 20 gastric cancer patients. Results: The expression levels of eRF3a/GSPT1 were not correlated with the expression levels of the other genes studied. However, significant correlations were detected between the other genes, both within intestinal and diffuse type tumours. Conclusions: eRF3a/GSPT1 expression at the mRNA level is independent from both cell translation rates and from the expression of the genes involved in tubulin-folding pathways. The differences in the patterns of expression of the genes studied support the hypothesis of genetically independent pathways in the origin of intestinal and diffuse type gastric tumours.


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Background & aims: Crohns disease (CD) is a multifactorial disease where resistance to apoptosis is one major defect. Also, dietary fat intake has been shown to modulate disease activity. We aimed to explore the interaction between four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in apoptotic genes and dietary fat intake in modulating disease activity in CD patients. Methods: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) techniques were used to analyze Caspase993C/T, FasLigand-843C/T, Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma161C/T and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma Pro12Ala SNPs in 99 patients with CD and 116 healthy controls. Interactions between SNPs and fat intake in modulating disease activity were analyzed using regression analysis. Results: None of the polymorphisms analyzed influenced disease susceptibility and/or activity, but a high intake of total, saturated and monounsaturated fats and a higher ratio of n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), was associated with a more active phenotype (p < 0.05). We observed that the detrimental effect of a high intake of total and trans fat was more marked in wild type carriers of the Caspase993C/T polymorphism [O.R (95%CI) 4.64 (1.27e16.89) and O.R (95%CI) 4.84 (1.34e17.50)]. In the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma Pro12Ala SNP, we also observed that a high intake of saturated and monounsaturated fat was associated to a more active disease in wild type carriers [OR (95%CI) 4.21 (1.33e13.26) and 4.37 (1.52e12.51)]. Finally, a high intake of n-6 PUFA was associated with a more active disease in wild type carriers for the FasLigand-843C/T polymorphism [O.R (95%CI) 5.15 (1.07e24.74)]. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to disclose a synergism between fat intake and SNPs in apoptotic genes in modulating disease activity in CD patients.


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Background: Polymorphisms located in genes involved in the metabolism of folate and some methyl-related nutrients are implicated in colorectal cancer (CRC). Objective: We evaluated the association of 3 genetic polymorphisms [C677T MTHFR (methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase), A2756G MTR (methionine synthase), and C1420T SHMT (serine hydroxymethyltransferase)] with the intake of methyl-donor nutrients in CRC risk. Design: Patients withCRC(n 196) and healthy controls (n 200) matched for age and sex were evaluated for intake of methyl-donor nutrients and the 3 polymorphisms. Results: Except for folate intake, which was significantly lower in patients (P 0.02), no differences were observed in the dietary intake of other methyl-donor nutrients between groups. High intake of folate ( 406.7 g/d) was associated with a significantly lower risk of CRC (odds ratio: 0.67; 95% CI: 0.45, 0.99). The A2756G MTR polymorphism was not associated with the risk of developing CRC. In contrast, homozygosity for the C677TMTHFRvariant (TT) presented a 3.0-fold increased risk of CRC (95% CI: 1.3, 6.7). Similarly, homozygosity for the C1420T SHMT polymorphism also had a 2.6-fold increased risk (95% CI: 1.1, 5.9) of developing CRC. When interactions between variables were studied, low intake of all methyl-donor nutrients was associated with an increased risk ofCRC in homozygous participants for the C677T MTHFR polymorphism, but a statistically significant interaction was only observed for folate (odds ratio: 14.0; 95% CI: 1.8, 108.5). No significant associations were seen for MTR or SHMT polymorphisms. Conclusion: These results show an association between the C677T MTHFR variant and different folate intakes on risk of CRC.


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A Sndrome do Canal Crpico (SCC) a neuropatia compressiva mais comum do membro superior, causada pela compresso direta sobre o nervo mediano no interior do canal crpico.Os resultados deste estudo mostram em cada um dos grupos, aps a interveno, uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa da sintomatologia no G-AFN (p=0,02) e no GTRN/ EAA (p=0,004) e uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa do estado funcional no G-AFN (p=0,022). Verificamos tambm em cada um dos grupos, aps a interveno, uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa na Fora de preenso (p=0,005), na Pina polegar/dedo indicador (p=0,021), na Pina polegar/dedo mdio (p=0,026) e Pina polegar/dedo anular (p=0,026) no G-AFN, e uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa na Pina polegar/indicador (p=0,016), na Pina polegar/dedo mdio (p=0,035), na Pina polegar/dedo anular (p=0,010), na Pina trpode (p=0,005) e na Pina lateral (p=0,051) no G-TRN/EAA. Aps a interveno, no verificamos diferenas estatisticamente significativas nos valores das escalas de gravidade de sintomas (p=0,853) e de estado funcional (p=0,148) entre os grupos, mas diferenas estatisticamente significativas nos valores dos testes neurofisiolgicos (p=0,047) e fora de preenso da mo (p=0,005). Do estudo, conclumos que a utilizao da interveno articular/fascial/neural (AFN) e a interveno com tala de repouso noturna e exerccios de auto alongamento (TRN/EAA), beneficia os indivduos com SCC no severa, como nos casos incipientes, ligeiros ou moderados. Os indivduos com esta condio clnica apresentam sintomatologia caraterstica de dor, parestesia, especialmente noturna e disfuno muscular da mo. Tais manifestaes originam perda funcional com implicaes nas reas de desempenho ocupacional, nomeadamente, nas atividades da vida diria, produtivas e de lazer. O tratamento conservador na SCC no severa, como nos casos incipientes, ligeiros e moderados, apesar de controverso, recomendado. O tema suscita o nosso interesse, razo pela qual nos propomos realizar um estudo experimental em indivduos com o diagnstico clnico de SCC no severa e aplicar num grupo a interveno articular, fascial e neural (AFN) e noutro grupo a interveno com tala de repouso noturna e exerccios de auto alongamento (TRN/EAA). O estudo tem como principais objetivos, por um lado, verificar o impacto das intervenes em cada um dos grupos e, por outro lado, comparar o seu impacto entre os grupos, no que respeita gravidade de sintomas, ao estado funcional, fora de preenso da mo e fora de pinas finas. Fomos tambm comparar os resultados dos testes neurofisiolgicos (Velocidade de Conduo Motora) antes e depois da interveno AFN e da interveno com TRN/EAA, e averiguar o seu impacto nos valores da latncia motora distal e da velocidade de conduo sensitiva, entre os grupos. Identificamos tambm quais as variveis scio demogrficas e as que caraterizam a patologia que esto relacionadas com o problema em estudo e com os valores obtidos com as escalas do Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ), no grupo articular, fascial e neural (G-AFN) e no grupo com tala de repouso noturna e exerccios de auto alongamento (G-TRN/EAA). Para a concretizao do estudo, recorremos a uma amostra de 23 indivduos de ambos os sexos do Hospital Curry Cabral, Empresa Pblica Empresarial -Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (HCC, EPE -CHLC).