300 resultados para Grassy Swamp


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Lake Nakivali is one of the four small lakes that form what is known as the Koki lakes system. It is 14 km long, 6 km wide, 26 km2 in area and has maximum depth of 3.5 m at high water level. The lake is located in a lake-swamp complex with River Rwizi as the principle inflow, and a number of peripheral lakes among which are four major ones, i.e. Lakes Nakivali, Mburo, Kachira, and Kijanebalola. The survey therefore established that Lake Nakivali is a healthy ecosystem capable of sustaining fisheries production. While stock enhancement through restocking with fry could boost fish stocks, especially of the Nile tilapia, effective management measures that allow natural regeneration of stocks of indigenous fish species is paramount. This may require closed fishing seasons and control of fishing effort. Tank aquaculture is a viable option for increasing fish production and Ngege (O. niloticus) and Male (C. gariepinus) are candidate fish species for fish farming.


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(Estrutura da comunidade arbórea e suas relações com fatores edáficos na floresta de restinga paludosa da estrada Velha, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul). O presente estudo tem como objetivo estudar a estrutura da comunidade arbórea da floresta de restinga paludosa da Estrada Velha (32º07’S; 52º09’W) localizada no município do Rio Grande, na Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul e suas correlações com fatores edáficos. Para a amostragem do componente arbóreo foram demarcadas três transecções paralelas, ao longo das quais foram alocadas 30 unidades amostrais de 10m X 10m, de forma não contígua e amostrados todos os indivíduos com perímetro a altura do peito maior ou igual a 15 cm. Foram coletadas amostras de solo para análises químicas e granulométricas e realizadas medidas da coluna d’água nas unidades amostrais. Os principais parâmetros fitossociológicos foram estimados para descrever a estrutura da floresta, bem como os índices de Diversidade de Shannon (H’) e de Equabilidade de Pielou (J’). A similaridade com outras florestas no Rio Grande do Sul foi estimada pelo índice de Jaccard (ISj). As relações entre a abundância das espécies nas unidades amostrais e fatores edáficos foram avaliadas por meio de análise de componentes principais (PCA) e análise de correspondência canônica (CCA). Foram registrados 585 indivíduos distribuídos em 19 espécies, 17 gêneros e 16 famílias. A família com maior riqueza específica foi Moraceae e as espécies com maiores valores de importância foram Citronela gongonha (Mart.) R.A. Howard, Erythrina crista-galli L., Sebastiania brasiliensis Spreng., Ficus cestrifolia Schott. e Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman. O Índice de diversidade foi 1,99 nat.ind-1 e o de Equabilidade foi 0,68. As análises multivariadas de ordenação evidenciaram um gradiente de distribuição das espécies correlacionado principalmente com a densidade de C. gongonha e fatores edáficos como pH, Ca, CTC(t), MO, K e nível de alagamento. O componente arbóreo mostrou similaridade florística (ISj) com outras florestas paludosas localizadas em maiores latitudes no Estado.


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The present research, undertaken in a mangrove swamp in northeastern Brazil (Mamanguape River Estuary), examined the factors that led to the overwhelming acceptance of the tangle-netting technique by crab harvesters in detriment to the now illegal tamping technique. Both techniques are the only ones currently used at our study site and in many other areas in Brazil, despite being prohibited by law. Data were collected through direct observations to determine capture efficiency, productivity, daily production, selectivity, and harvesting effort, and through interviews with crab harvesters, focusing on their perceptions of the capture techniques, the conditions of crab stocks and the sales price of a dozen crabs. Our results indicated that the two capture techniques did not significantly differ in terms of their efficiency or productivity, but daily production rates differed significantly, being greater using tangle-netting. The tangle-netting permits a greater harvesting effort (6 hours and 34 min) compared to tamping (4 hours and 19 min). Tangle-netting is also less selective than tamping indicated by the larger number of captured smaller specimens, including females. This results in a lower average sales price for a dozen crabs caught by tangle-netting (US$ 0.95) compared to tamping (US$ 1.02). The greater daily production of crab harvesters using the tangle-netting technique nevertheless increased their net gain, explaining their preference for this method, Given that tangle-netting results in greater harvesting pressure but lower selectivity compared to tamping, it may potentially be less sustainable. All of the crab harvesters interviewed having more than 20 years of experience (n = 34) stated they perceived that stocks of U. cordatus had become reduced over the last 20 years, together with average crab sizes. It is now important to examine the structure of the local U. cordatus population and to assess its fishery to allow evaluating whether the illegal, but prominent tangle-netting and tamping mangrove crab capture techniques are sustainable or not. We further suggest improving the dialogue between decision makers and fishermen, which barely exists to date, to initiate a discussion about possible ways of resolving the current situation of illegality of the fishermen. This will be key to achieving effective sustainable co-management of this important natural mangrove forest resource.


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A casual study of the hydrological map of Uganda would convince every serious fisherman and fisheater that he is most favoured to be in Uganda. The extent and distribution of the country's aquatic system plus the rich variety of fish species there is promises a fishery potential of considerable magnitude: The open waterways comprised by the Uganda portions of Lakes Victoria, Albert and Edward; and Lakes Kyoga, George plus minor lakes Wamala, Kijanebarora, mutanda, etc. occupy about 15% of the total surface area (91,000 m2; Depart. Land Survey, 1962). Most of the nation's fish supplies are currontly from this source. 1.2. A rich network of permanent and seasonal rivers and streams filling and/or emptying various water systems covers most of Uganda. This aquatic network is associated with a fish fauna whose immense significance as a source of protein is perhaps better appreciated by the local subsistance fisherman and consumer than by the fisheries scientist and manager in this country. Many species of this fish fauna have strong affinities with the open water systems while some are typically riverine. 1.3. Then there are wetlands composed mainly of expanses of swamp, but including some areas of bog. These cover about 2% of the country. While the variety of fish fauna found here is limited by the rather hostile nature of the environment (comparatively de-oxygenated under a canopy of dense stands of emergont vegetation) several specialised fishes e.g. Clarias spp. and Protpterus aethiopicus (Kamongo) occur here. Availability of permanent and seasonal sources of water, well distributed throughout most areas of Uganda, opens up immense potential for a variety of aquaculture practices. However, while active exploitation of much of these fishery resources is currently underway, important questions regarding the magnitudes of the various resource potentials and dynamics, and about suitable levels and modes of exploitation, are yet unanswered. These gaps in knowledge go about the fishery resources of Uganda would hinder formulation of adequate development and management schemes. This short paper examines some of the above problems and suggests some approaches towards balanced oxploitation and management of the fisheries of Uganda.


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This research examines the process of placemaking in LeDroit Park, a residential Washington, DC, neighborhood with a historic district at its core. Unpacking the entwined physical and social evolution of the small community within the context of the Nation’s Capital, this analysis provides insight into the role of urban design and development as well as historic designation on shaping collective identity. Initially planned and designed in 1873 as a gated suburb just beyond the formal L’Enfant-designed city boundary, LeDroit Park was intended as a retreat for middle and upper-class European Americans from the growing density and social diversity of the city. With a mixture of large romantic revival mansions and smaller frame cottages set on grassy plots evocative of an idealized rural village, the physical design was intentionally inwardly-focused. This feeling of refuge was underscored with a physical fence that surrounded the development, intended to prevent African Americans from nearby Howard University and the surrounding neighborhood, from using the community’s private streets to access the City of Washington. Within two decades of its founding, LeDroit Park was incorporated into the District of Columbia, the surrounding fence was demolished, and the neighborhood was racially integrated. Due to increasingly stringent segregation laws and customs in the city, this period of integration lasted less than twenty years, and LeDroit Park developed into an elite African American enclave, using the urban design as a bulwark against the indignities of a segregated city. Throughout the 20th century housing infill and construction increased density, yet the neighborhood never lost the feeling of security derived from the neighborhood plan. Highlighting the architecture and street design, neighbors successfully received historic district designation in 1974 in order to halt campus expansion. After a stalemate that lasted two decades, the neighborhood began another period of transformation, both racial and socio-economic, catalyzed by a multi-pronged investment program led by Howard University. Through interviews with long-term and new community members, this investigation asserts that the 140-year development history, including recent physical interventions, is integral to placemaking, shaping the material character as well as the social identity of residents.


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La estrategia didáctica praccis busca traducir dialógicamente algo extraño en el mundo de las ciencias, en algo cercano o quizá propio, en el mundo de la vida. Lo científico, lo extraño son los resultados de la investigación sobre la productividad en la ciénaga de Ayapel, Colombia, que es mediado por la estrategia didáctica praccis, para facilitar la circulación del conocimiento. Esta investigación está configurada en cuatro partes: una primera, que expone rigurosamente cómo es la productividad en la ciénaga de Ayapel; una segunda, donde se describen los postulados de la estrategia praccis; una tercera, donde se explica cómo se construye la estrategia didáctica con los conocimientos sobre la productividad de la ciénaga, y una cuarta, donde se muestra cómo se aplicó la estrategia que dio como el resultado la aceptación entre los pobladores de Ayapel, del establecimiento de la relación entre los campos semánticos y los eslabones de la estrategia praccis.


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Este estudo foi realizado durante o Outono de 2001, em três áreas agrícolas do Sul de Portugal e tem como objectivo determinar quais os factores que influenciam a selecção de habitat pelo Sisão no Outono. A amostragem baseou-se na realização de transectos a pé. A identificação das preferências de habitat e o desenvolvimento de modelos preditivos foi realizada recorrendo a modelação linear (GLM) e aditiva (GAM). Os resultados da análise à escala da paisagem indicaram que a espécie prefere restolhos de cereal e pousios. Adicionalmente, foram seleccionadas as áreas com melhores solos e mais próximas das linhas de drenagem. As análises relativas ao microhabitat sugerem que o Sisão utiliza preferencialmente áreas com vegetação herbácea baixa e com elevada disponibilidade de plantas verdes. Os resultados sugerem que a disponibilidade alimentar é ainda limitante durante esta época, pelo que a implementação de medidas agro-ambientais compreendendo a manutenção dos sistemas cerealíferos tradicionais e consequentemente dos restolhos e pousios nas áreas com solos mais produtivos, são as medidas adequadas para promover os habitats da espécie. ABSTRACT; This study was carried out in the autumn of 2001, in three cultivated areas of southem Portugal and aims to determine the factors that influence the habitat selection of the Little Bustard in that period of the year. Foot transects were used to locate Little Bustards. GLM and GAM modelling were performed to identify the species' habitat preferences and to develop explanative occurrence models. The results of the landscape analysis indicate that Little Bustards exhibit a preference for cereal stubbles and fallow lands. Additionally, birds were mostly found in fields with best soils and close to water drainage lines. Microhabitat analysis shows that birds seem to prefer short grassy vegetation, where the availability of green plants is higher. Results suggest that food availability is still limiting for the species at this season. Therefore, the implementation of agri-environmental schemes comprising the maintenance of traditional cereal farming and consequently stubbles and fallow land within areas with more productive soils, are adequate measures to promote suitable foraging habitats for the Little Bustard.


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The injectivity, containment and storage capacity of sandstone reservoirs in a field in the Coastal Swamp depobelt of the onshore eastern Niger Delta were evaluated using wireline logs and seismic data to assess their potentials for carbon dioxide storage and geosequestration. The reservoir formation consists of multilayered alternating beds of sandstone and shale cap rocks. Active seismicity and fracturing intensity are low and growth faults provide the reservoir sealing mechanisms. Three reservoirs were delineated at depths between 3319 m and 3539 m which will keep injected CO2 in a supercritical state. The reservoir depth of at least 800 m, porosity and permeability of more than 10 percent and 20 mD, and a caprock thickness of at least 10 m, in addition to geothermal gradients of 13.46 to 33.66 ºC /km are the ideal conditions for the efficacy of storage. Comparison of the derived reservoir and seal properties such as porosity, permeability, thickness and depth with the minimum recommended site selection criteria shows that the reservoirs are potential candidates for carbon geosequestration with a total theoretical storage capacity of 147MM tons.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2016.


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Food habits and morpho-histology of the digestive tract of marbled swamp eel, Synbranchus marmoratus (Block, 1917) were investigated. The fish samples were captured during August, 2007 to July, 2008 in the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, Rio Grande do Norte. The rain fall data was obtained from EMPARN. The fish captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, eviscerated and individual stomach weights were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion during the rainy and dry seasons. The rainfall varied from 0 mm a 335 mm with a mean value of 71.62 mm. Highest rainfall of 335.5 mm was registered in March, 2008 and August to December was the dry period. During the dry period the study species presented high degrees of repletion of the stomachs, with a peak value in the month of September (mean = 4.54; ± SD = 0.56). The minimum mean value of = 3.99 ± SD = 0.25 was registered in the month of May during the rainy period. The stomach contents of S. marmoratus registered show that this fish prefers animals, 78.22% of crustaceans 2.85% of mollusks, 3.25% of fish, 1.4% of insects and 13.5% of semi-digested organic matter, thus characterizing the study species as a carnivore with a preference for crustaceans. The morpho-histological aspects of the digestive tract of S. marmoratus indicate that the mouth is terminal adapted to open widely, thin lips with taste buds, small villiform teeth forming a single series on maxillas, four pairs of branchial arches with short and widely spaced branchial rays. The oesophagus is short and cylindrical with a small diameter. The oesophagus wall is thick with mucas surface and internal parallel folds. The stomach is retilinical in form, presenting cardiac, caecal and pyloric portions. The caecal portion is long and is intermediary in position between the cardiac and pyloric portions. The cardiac portion of the stomach is short and cylindrical formed of simple epithelial cylindrical mucus cells. The caecal portion is long with narrow walls, a big cavity and smaller folds which give rise to gastric glands. The phyloric portion has no glands and primary or secondary mucas folds. The morphohistological aspects of the digestive tract of S. marmoratus indicate its adaptation to a carnivorous feeding habit


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Decisions affecting the management of natural resources in agricultural landscapes are influenced by both social and ecological factors. Models that integrate these factors are likely to better predict the outcomes of natural resource management decisions compared to those that do not take these factors into account. We demonstrate how Bayesian Networks can be used to integrate ecological and social data and expert opinion to model the cost-effectiveness of revegetation activities for restoring biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. We demonstrate our approach with a case-study in grassy woodlands of south-eastern Australia. In our case-study, cost-effectiveness is defined as the improvement in native reptile and beetle species richness achieved per dollar spent on a restoration action. Socio-ecological models predict that weed control, the planting of trees and shrubs, the addition of litter and timber, and the addition of rocks are likely to be the most cost-effective actions for improving reptile and beetle species richness. The cost-effectiveness of restoration actions is lower in remnant and revegetated areas than in cleared areas because of the higher marginal benefits arising from acting in degraded habitats. This result is contingent on having favourable landowner attitudes. Under the best-case landowner demographic scenarios the greatest biodiversity benefits are seen when cleared areas are restored. We find that current restoration investment practices may not be increasing faunal species richness in agricultural landscapes in the most cost-effective way, and that new restoration actions may be necessary. Integrated socio-ecological models support transparent and cost-effective conservation investment decisions. Application of these models highlights the importance of collecting both social and ecological data when attempting to understand and manage socio-ecological systems.


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Aims: To determine the detectability of a global weedy perennial weed Hypochaeris radicata and its relationship with five common observer, species and environmental variables. Methods: Trained independent observers conducted time-limited repeat surveys of H. radicata during autumn in an endangered grassy box-gum woodland ecosystem in south-east Australia. Single-species single-season site-occupancy modelling was used to determine if detectability of H. radicata was altered by five covariates, observer, litter height, grazing, maximum plant height and flowering state. Important Findings: Detectability for H. radicata varied significantly with observer, litter height, plant maximum height and flowering state, but not with grazing. Despite significant observer-specific variation, there was a consistent increase in detectability with plant height and when plants are in flower for all observers. Detectability generally decreased as litter height increases. Perfect or constant detection rates cannot be assumed in plant surveys, even for easily recognizable plants in simple survey conditions. Understanding how detectability is influenced by common survey variables can help improve the efficacy of plant monitoring programs by quantifying the extent of uncertainty in inferences made from survey data, or by determining optimal survey conditions to increase the reliability of collected data. For plants with traits similar to H. radicata, surveying when most plants are at maximum height or in flower, increasing search intensity when litter levels are high and minimizing observer-related heterogeneity are potentially simple and effective ways to reduce detection errors. We speculate that detection rates may be lower, more variable and involve additional covariates when surveying during the peak flowering spring season with the presence of more warm season and taller annual species.


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Freshwater wetlands provide a range of ecosystem services, one of which is climate regulation. They are known to contain large pools of carbon (C) that can be affected by land-use change. In New Zealand, only 10 % of the original freshwater wetlands remain due to conversion into agriculture. This study presents the first national estimation of C stocks in freshwater wetlands based on the compilation of soil carbon data from 126 sites across the country. We estimated C stocks for two soil sample types (mineral and organic) in different classes of wetlands (fen, bog, swamp, marsh, pakihi and ephemeral), and extrapolated C stocks to national level using GIS. Bogs had high C content and low bulk densities, while ephemeral wetlands were the reverse. A regression between bulk density and C content showed a high influence of the soil type. Average C densities (average ± standard error) were 1,348 ± 184 t C ha−1 at full peat depth (average of 3.9 m) and 102 ± 5 t C ha−1 (0.3 m depth) for organic soils, and 121 ± 24 t C ha−1 (0.3 m depth) for mineral soils. At national level, C stocks were estimated at 11 ± 1 Mt (0.3 m depth) and 144 ± 17 Mt (full peat depth) in organic soils, and 23 ± 1 Mt (0.3 m depth) in mineral soils. Since European settlement, 146,000 ha of organic soils have been converted to agriculture, which could release between 0.5 and 2 Mt CO2 year−1, equivalent to 1–6 % of New Zealand’s total agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.


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Northern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) (NWC) swamps are valuable both commercially and ecologically. Unfortunately, many NWC swamps are degraded and information about them is not abundant. Especially there have been no definitive studies about mosses in northern white cedar swamps and how they react to disturbances. Mosses are sensitive to changes in their environment and thus they could be used to assess ecosystem conditions of NWC swamps. The objective of this study was to determine if mosses could be used to asses conditions in NWC swamps and if there are differences between moss communities in disturbed and undisturbed sites. Seventeen sample plots were taken from 12 disturbed and undisturbed sites around upper Michigan and northern Minnesota in the summer of 2012. All mosses occurring on the plots were identified and several associated environmental parameters were measured. The main environmental conditions affecting moss communities were identified with non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS). Multiple response permutation procedures (MRPP) were run to ascertain if there were significant differences in community composition between disturbances. Indicator species analysis was then done to identify species that are related to different types of disturbances. A one-way ANOVA was used to check for significant differences between species richness and moss cover of undisturbed and disturbed sites. Over all sixty-two moss species were identified. The results indicate that there was no significant difference in species richness or moss cover between disturbed and undisturbed sites. However, moss community composition was affected by disturbance and strongly divided by a wetness gradient. Dicranum fuscescens was found to indicate undisturbed conditions. Calliergon cordifolium and Climacium dendroides indicated disturbed sites with wet conditions. Brotherella recurvans and Eurhynchium pulchellum indicated swamps with other disturbances.


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Originally, Carolinians grew rice on dry land, but early in the eighteenth century, cultivation spread to swampy fresh water areas. Until the 1850s, rice reigned supreme. But large-scale rice production was limited to the tidal marshes and inland swamp, while cotton became profitable statewide after the invention of the cotton gin. In its heyday, however, rice made a few hundred planters extremely wealthy. It also contributed to cross culturation and the making of Carolina as a rich cultural hybrid. In this essay, it is this aspect of rice cultivation that Professor Littlefield describes.