985 resultados para Gigli, Girolamo, 1660-1722.


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Analisa esse tratado que põe fim às guerras da Restauração de Portugal, mandando devolver a cada uma das partes as conquistas que à outra tiverem feito. Nas colônias, a paz passaria a vigorar um ano após a sua publicação, dado o tempo necessário para que a notícia chegasse à América e à Ásia.


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Joseba A. Lakarra & José Ignacio Hualde, arg., Studies in Basque and Historical Linguistics in memoriam of R. L. Trask - R. L. Trasken oroitzapenetan ikerketak Euskalaritzaz eta Hizkuntzalaritza Historikoaz


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Four methods to control the smooth cordgrass Spartina (Spartina alterniflora) and the footwear worn by treatment personnelat several sites in Willapa Bay, Washington were evaluatedto determine the non-target impacts to eelgrass (Zostera japonica). Clone-sized infestations of Spartina were treated bymowing or a single hand-spray application of Rodeo® formulatedat 480 g L-1acid equivalence (ae) of the isopropylaminesalt of glyphosate (Monsanto Agricultural Co., St. Louis, MO;currently Dow AgroSciences, Indianapolis, IN) with the nonionic surfactant LI 700® (2% v/v) or a combination of mowing and hand spraying. An aerial application of Rodeo® with X-77 Spreader® (0.13% v/v) to a 2-ha meadow was also investigated. Monitoring consisted of measuring eelgrass shoot densities and percent cover pre-treatment and 1-yr post-treatment. Impacts to eelgrass adjacent to treated clones were determined 1 m from the clones and compared to a control 5-m away. Impacts from footwear were assessed at 5 equidistant intervals along a 10-m transect on mudflat and an untreated control transect at each of the three clone treatment sites. Impacts from the aerial application were determined by comparing shoot densities and percent cover 1, 3 and 10 m from the edge of the treated Spartina meadow to that at comparable distances from an untreated meadow. Methods utilized to control Spartina clones did not impact surrounding eelgrass at two of three sites. Decreases in shoot densities observed at the third site were consistent across treatments. Most impacts to eelgrass from the footwear worn by treatment personnel were negligible and those that were significant were limited to soft mud substrate. The aerial application of the herbicide was associated with reductions in eelgrass (shoot density and percent cover) at two of the three sampling distances, but reductions on the control plot were greater. We conclude that the unchecked spread of Spartina is a far greater threat to the survival and health of eelgrass than that from any of the control measures we studied. The basis for evaluating control measures for Spartina should be efficacy and logistical constraints and not impacts to eelgrass. PDF is 7 pages.


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CONTENTS: First one-stop aqua shop in Pakistan, by Syed Nadeem Sharib and Muhammad Junaid Wattoo. Dad Karim: a fisherman of Gwadar, by Abdul Rahim. Learning to fish in the deep sea of Sindh Province, by Muhammad Alam. Freshwater prawn fishery of Pakistan, by Muhammad Yaqoob. Cephalopod fishery: a local technique to catch cuttlefish in the coastal waters of Pakistan, by Shabir Ali Amir. Grouper culture in Pakistan, by S. Makhdoom Hussain and Zakia Khatoon.


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Francisco Manuel de Melo nasceu em Lisboa, e m 23 de novembro de 1608. e morreu na sua quinta em Alcântara, em 13 de outubro de 1666. Estudou em colégio Jesuíta, especializando-se em Filosofia e Teologia. Aos dezessete anos, decidiu seguir carreira militar. Condenado por instigar homicídio, esteve preso por onze anos e, em 1655, foi degredado para o Brasil, para onde partiu na armada de Francisco de Brito Freire. Retornou a Portugal em 1658. De lá foi pua a Itália, onde permaneceu p r alguns anos e começou, em 1664, a fazer uma edição completa de suas obras as quais por motivo ignorado não deu continuidade. Transferiu-se para Lisboa onde veio a falecer. Historiador, poeta, orador e crítico moralista, Francisco Manuel foi um dos escritores mais eruditos e polidos. ‘Epanaphoras de varia historia portugueza...’ na sua primeira edição publicada em 1660 trazia dedicatória do autor ao Rei D. Afonso Vl, substituída, pelo editor Craesbeeck, na segunda edição, por dedicatória a D. João da Silva, Marquês de Gouvêa. A obra é composta de cinco epanaforas. Em três delas, Francisco Manuel relata acontecimentos que testemunhou: na Epanáfora Política conta o levante ocorrido em Evora em 1637; na Epanáfora Bélica narra a batalha naval da armada de D. Antonio ocorrida contra os holandeses no Canal da Mancha, em 1637; na Epanáfora Trágica descreve o naufrágio da frota de D. Manuel de Meneses na costa francesa. Outras duas Epanáforas - a Amorosa e a Triunfante - não fazem parte do gênero das memórias; referem-se, respectivamente, a uma lenda sobre o descobrimento da Ilha da Madeira e a restauração de Pernambuco, em 1654. Inocêncio afirma que a primeira edição é ‘infinitamente superior a esta em correção’, onde se podem verificar vários erros, muito embora ambas sejam igualmente raras e tenham o mesmo valor .


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‘Relations veritables et curieuses de l'Isle de Madagascar, et du Bresil’, de responsabilidade do livreiro Augustin Courbé, foi redigida em parte por Morisot, de DiJon, com base em documentos fornecidos pelos irmãos Dupuy. A obra, composta por dois volumes reunidos em um tomo, contém diversos relatos. Muita confusão existe acerca dessa edição de Courbé, seja relativamente ao número de volumes da obra, seja quanto à autoria dos relatos. Borba de Moraes a firma que "esses erros decorrem da raridade do trabalho completo". O primeiro volume, apresentado sob o titulo geral ‘Relations veritables et curieuses de l’Isle de Madagascar, et du Bresil’, contém os trabalhos ‘Relation du voyage de François Couché...: De la religion, moeurs, et façons de faire de ceux de I'Lsle de Madagascar: colloque entre le madagascarois et le françois...’, e ‘Re1ation du voyage de Roulox Baro’. O segundo volume é intitulado ‘Histoire des derniers troubles du Bresil entre les hollandois et les portugais’ e foi escrito por Pierre Moreau, cujo texto ocupa as 212 páginas iniciais. Além deste, constam do volume ‘Trois relations d'Egypte et autres memoires...’ e a ‘Relation d'um voyage de Perse’. Prod uzida a partir da observação dos fatos ocorridos durante o período de sua permanência em Pernambuco durante a ocupação pelos holandeses, a obra de Moreau é de capital importância para o estudo da situação socioeconômica de Pernambuco sob o domínio holandês. A edição de A. Courbé, conhecido livreiro que se estabeleceu em Paris de 1629 a 1660, teve o projeto das ilustrações a cargo de Jean Picard, oriundo de uma famosa família de gravadores, cujo nome aparece no primeiro volume apenas, segundo Borba de Moraes


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Ano de publicação : 166?.


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[EN] The purpose of this review article is to illustrate synthetic aspects of functionalized phosphorus derivatives containing an oximo moiety at the beta-position. First section will be focused on the synthesis of phosphine oxides, phosphonates or phosphonium salts containing an oxime group. The synthesis of these derivatives comprises the carbon–phosphorus single bond construction by reaction of haloximes with phosphorus derivatives, nucleophilic addition of phosphorus reagents to carbonyl compounds, or nucleophilic addition of phosphorus reagents to nitro olefins. This section will also concentrate on the most practical routes for the synthesis of the target compounds, through carbon–nitrogen double bond formation, which are as follows: condensation processes of carbonyl compounds and hydroxylamine derivatives or addition of hydroxylamines to allenes or alkynes. The preparative use of beta-oximo phosphorus derivatives as synthetic intermediates will be discussed in a second section, comprising olefination reaction, oxidation of oximes to nitrile oxides by reaction at the C-N double bond of the oxime moiety, oxidation of these substrates to nitrosoalkenes, reduction to the corresponding hydroxylamines and some reactions at the hydroxyl group of the hydroxyimino moiety.


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Rabi oscillation of the thin bulk semiconductor GaAs, which takes into account the effect of the local-field correction induced by the interacting excitons, is investigated by numerically solving the semiconductor Bloch equations. It is found, for a 2 pi few-cycle pulse excitation, that two incomplete Rabi-floppings emerge due to the competition between the Rabi frequency of the incident pulse and the internal-field matrices. Furthermore, for a sub-cycle 2 pi pulse excitation a complete Rabi-flopping can occur because of the absolute phase effect. We ascribe these characteristics of the Rabi oscillation to the renormalized Rabi frequency.


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A hexagonal array not only is a nature-preferred pattern but also is widely used in optoelectronical materials and devices. We report a simple method of hexagonal array illumination based on the Talbot effect that has a theoretical efficiency of 100%. An experimental efficiency of 90.6% with a binary phase (0, pi) hexagonal grating is given. This method should be highly interesting for applications of hexagonal array illumination in optical devices as well as in other hexagonal cells. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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A fast and reliable phase unwrapping (PhU) algorithm, based on the local quality-guided fitting plane, is presented. Its framework depends on the basic plane-approximated assumption for phase values of local pixels and on the phase derivative variance (PDV) quality map. Compared with other existing popular unwrapping algorithms, the proposed algorithm demonstrated improved robustness and immunity to strong noise and high phase variations, given that the plane assumption for local phase is reasonably satisfied. Its effectiveness is demonstrated by computer-simulated and experimental results.


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Effects on fish reproduction can result from a variety of toxicity mechanisms first operating at the molecular level. Notably, the presence in the environment of some compounds termed endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can cause adverse effects on reproduction by interfering with the endocrine system. In some cases, exposure to EDCs leads to the animal feminization and male fish may develop oocytes in testis (intersex condition). Mugilid fish are well suited sentinel organisms to study the effects of reproductive EDCs in the monitoring of estuarine/marine environments. Up-regulation of aromatases and vitellogenins in males and juveniles and the presence of intersex individuals have been described in a wide array of mullet species worldwide. There is a need to develop new molecular markers to identify early feminization responses and intersex condition in fish populations, studying mechanisms that regulate gonad differentiation under exposure to xenoestrogens. Interestingly, an electrophoresis of gonad RNA, shows a strong expression of 5S rRNA in oocytes, indicating the potential of 5S rRNA and its regulating proteins to become useful molecular makers of oocyte presence in testis. Therefore, the use of these oocyte markers to sex and identify intersex mullets could constitute powerful molecular biomarkers to assess xenoestrogenicity in field conditions.


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Waltercio Caldas é um dos artistas mais controversos da História da Arte no Brasil. Insere-se na própria história da arte, bem como cria as bases para uma produção historiográfica, na qual a busca da formação da identidade nacional é um objetivo a ser atingido. Releituras de obras clássicas, novas propostas de olhar as obras de arte, o diálogo com as formas e espaços são algumas das tendências apresentadas por Caldas desde sua exposição inaugural no inicio da década de 70 do século passado. O grande momento de Caldas é o livro quadro Los Velásquez. Onde o artista desconstrói o celebre quadro Las Meninas, de Velásquez. Expondo o visível e o invisível, propõe uma nova dimensão para com os espaços e limites da arte. Este trabalho visa buscar um panorama da trajetória de Waltercio Caldas e estabelecer as relações entre este e a História da Arte, para então buscar a identidade do artista por trás da obra