955 resultados para Genji Translation Cultural Reference
CONTEXTO: Diversas metodologias foram desenvolvidas para validar instrumentos psicométricos. No entanto, na literatura científica, há escassez de instrumentos para avaliar os relacionamentos amorosos. OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo validar para o português o conteúdo dos instrumentos autoaplicáveis Love Attitudes Scale (Escala de Atitudes do Amor - Hendrick et al., 1998), Relationship Assessment Scale (Escala de Avaliação do Relacionamento - Hendrick, 1988) e Adult Attachment Types (Tipos de Apego do Adulto - Hazan et al., 1987), levando em consideração o contexto cultural brasileiro e, consequentemente, possibilitando que o estudo do amor patológico seja viável na população brasileira. MÉTODOS: Tal processo envolveu quatro etapas: (1) tradução para o português, (2) retrotradução, (3) apresentação da versão corrigida para profissionais de saúde mental e estudantes universitários e (4) aplicação da versão final em amostra da população-alvo utilizando uma escala analógico-visual. RESULTADOS: As escalas foram facilmente compreendidas e discriminaram significativamente indivíduos com amor patológico de voluntários saudáveis. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados mostram que a versão brasileira desses instrumentos é válida e pode ser usada em investigações envolvendo relacionamentos amorosos.
O objetivo deste artigo é abordar a questão das vivências na perspectiva de L.S. Vigotski, tratando de suas fontes epistemológicas, de suas raízes na língua russa e de seus sentidos específicos, priorizando "A Tragédia do Hamlet, Príncipe da Dinamarca" (1916) e os textos pedológicos dos anos 1930, com destaque para "A questão do meio na pedologia". Destacam-se as transformações das ideias do autor sobre vivências e sua contribuição metodológica à análise da relação indivíduo-meio no desenvolvimento humano, articulada aos conceitos de consciência e sistema.
The objective of this study is to describe preliminary results from the cross-cultural adaptation of the Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire, used to measure health related quality of life (HRQL) in Brazilian children aged between 5 and 11 with HIV/AIDS. The cross-cultural model evaluated the Concept, Item, Semantic and Measurement Equivalences (internal consistency and intra-observer reliability). Evaluation of the conceptual, item, semantic equivalences showed that the Portuguese version is pertinent for the Brazilian context. Four of seven domains showed internal consistency above 0.70 (α: 0.76-0.90) and five of seven revealed intra-observer reliability (ricc: 0.41-0.70). This first Portuguese version of the HRQL questionnaire can be understood as a valuable tool for assessing children's HRQL, but further studies with large samples and more robust analyses are recommended before use in the Brazilian context.
Há lacuna de questionários de atividade física para crianças brasileiras. O Physical Activity Checklist Interview (PACI), desenvolvido em crianças americanas, permite aferir atividade física do dia anterior. Constituem objetivos do estudo: (i) descrever os procedimentos envolvidos na escolha do PACI a ser submetido à adaptação transcultural; (ii) avaliar equivalências conceitual, de itens e semântica da versão adaptada para uso em crianças de 7 a 10 anos. Identificou-se o PACI pela revisão sistemática na qual foram incluídos dezoito questionários. Foram realizadas, no processo de escolha do instrumento, discussões com pesquisadores da área de atividade física. Verificou-se que o PACI permite aferir o construto e dimensões nas populações de origem e alvo, sendo necessário suprimir algumas atividades por não serem comuns na população alvo. Na equivalência semântica, realizou-se tradução, retradução e avaliação dos significados conotativo e referencial, com pré-teste em 24 crianças de 7 a 10 anos. Apresenta-se a versão do PACI adaptada, denominada Lista de Atividades Físicas (LAF).
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de ingestão inadequada de nutrientes em um grupo de adolescentes de São Bernardo do Campo-SP. Dados de consumo de energia e nutrientes foram obtidos por meio de recordatórios de 24 horas aplicados em 89 adolescentes. A prevalência de inadequação foi calculada utilizando o método EAR como ponto de corte, após ajuste pela variabilidade intrapessoal, utilizando o procedimento desenvolvido pela Iowa State University. As Referências de Ingestão Dietética (IDR) foram os valores de referência para ingestão. Para os nutrientes que não possuem EAR estabelecida, a distribuição do consumo foi comparada com a AI. As maiores prevalências de inadequação em ambos sexos foram observadas para o magnésio (99,3 por cento para o sexo masculino e 81,8 por cento para o feminino), zinco (44,0 por cento para o sexo masculino e 23,5 por cento para o feminino), vitamina C (57,2 por cento para o sexo masculino e 59,9 por cento para o feminino) e folato (34,8 por cento para o sexo feminino). A proporção de indivíduos com ingestão superior à AI foi insignificante (menor que 2,0 por cento) em ambos os sexos
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar níveis de experiência de cárie entre subgrupos Xavante que vivem em diferentes Terras Indígenas (T.I.) no Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, a fim de investigar a presença de desigualdades no interior de uma mesma etnia indígena. Os dados foram coletados através de um censo de saúde bucal realizados em 2004. Das sete T.I. Xavante existentes, foram investigadas quatro (Pimentel Barbosa, Sangradouro, Areões e Marechal Rondon), nas quais foram selecionadas a maior aldeia de cada. Foram adotados os critérios preconizados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde, e utilizado o índice CPOS. Para mensurar as diferenças entre as T.I. foi estimada a razão de prevalência (RP) por meio de análise de regressão de Poisson, efetuada na faixa etária entre 6 e 34 anos para cada sexo, incluindo a idade como covariável. Nesta faixa etária, as perdas variaram entre 26 a 30 por cento. Pimentel Barbosa foi considerada como referência para comparações por apresentar menor prevalência de cárie em todas as faixas etárias analisadas. A maior disparidade foi notada entre as T.I. Pimentel Barbosa e Sangradouro, tanto em homens (RP 2,68- IC95 por cento 2,41 a 2,97) como em mulheres (RP 2,03- IC95 por cento 1,85 a 2,23). A RP do componente obturado em Areões e Marechal Rondon (diferença relativa a Pimentel Barbosa) é muito pequena em relação à carga de doença total nestas T.I., indicando menor presença de serviço odontológico restaurador. Conclui-se que a transição em saúde bucal não é homogênea entre os Xavante e que as diferenças podem estar associadas a particularidades do processo histórico de interação com a sociedade não-indígena (Continua) (Continuação) Determinantes locais e regionais, incluindo fatores demográficos, características econômicas e sócio-culturais específicas, acesso e utilização de serviços de saúde, podem ter determinado as desigualdades de ataque de cárie observadas entre os Xavante
The aim of this work was to evaluate the performance of femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (fs-LIBS) for the determination of elements in animal tissues. Sample pellets were prepared from certified reference materials, such as liver, kidney, muscle, hepatopancreas, and oyster, after cryogenic grinding assisted homogenization. Individual samples were placed in a two-axis computer-controlled translation stage that moved in the plane orthogonal to a beam originating from a Ti:Sapphire chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) laser system operating at 800 mu and producing a train of 840 mu J and 40 fs pulses at 90 Hz. The plasma emission was coupled into the optical fiber of a high-resolution intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD)-echelle spectrometer. Time-resolved characteristics of the laser-produced plasmas showed that the best results were obtained with delay times between 80 and 120 ns. Data obtained indicate both that it is a matrix-independent sampling process and that fs-LIBS can be used for the determination of Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na, and P, but efforts must be made to obtain more appropriate detection limits for Al, Sr, and Zn.
This paper describes a current research integrated in an international and interdisciplinary project and developed in a global environment between two different tendencies: integration and desintegration. In this scenary, television narrative arises as an essential tool to create and consolidate new cultural identities in order to get a popular narrative on the concept of nation.
This article presents the results of a study that investigated the meaning of evaluation in mathematics from the historical cultural perspective, focusing on activity theory. In order to develop the investigation, a collaborative group was formed from the Oficina Pedagogica de Matematica de Ribeirao Preto - Sao Paulo (Math Pedagogic Workshop of Ribeirao Preto - OPM/RP), constituted of pre-school teachers and early elementary school teachers, who were participants in this research. The main role of the collaborative group was to offer guided development to the teachers about the teaching of mathematics from the historical-cultural perspective, aiming at collecting data on the process of appropriation of mathematical knowledge by the teachers. The syntheses about the teachers' learning process have contributed to systematize the guiding elements of evaluation in mathematics from the historical-cultural perspective.
For obtaining accurate and reliable gene expression results it is essential that quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) data are normalized with appropriate reference genes. The current exponential increase in postgenomic studies on the honey bee, Apis mellifera, makes the standardization of qRT-PCR results an important task for ongoing community efforts. For this aim we selected four candidate reference genes (actin, ribosomal protein 49, elongation factor 1-alpha, tbp-association factor) and used three software-based approaches (geNorm, BestKeeper and NormFinder) to evaluate the suitability of these genes as endogenous controls. Their expression was examined during honey bee development, in different tissues, and after juvenile hormone exposure. Furthermore, the importance of choosing an appropriate reference gene was investigated for two developmentally regulated target genes. The results led us to consider all four candidate genes as suitable genes for normalization in A. mellifera. However, each condition evaluated in this study revealed a specific set of genes as the most appropriated ones.
The article presents and discusses issues such as informativeness, offering of directions and information retrieval, and also lists definitions of information and mediation. Based on the topics presented, the possible problems faced by information professionals are discussed while cultural mediators in the context of art museums.
Background: Sigma factors and the alarmone ppGpp control the allocation of RNA polymerase to promoters under stressful conditions. Both ppGpp and the sigma factor sigma(S) (RpoS) are potentially subject to variability across the species Escherichia coli. To find out the extent of strain variation we measured the level of RpoS and ppGpp using 31 E. coli strains from the ECOR collection and one reference K-12 strain. Results: Nine ECORs had highly deleterious mutations in rpoS, 12 had RpoS protein up to 7-fold above that of the reference strain MG1655 and the remainder had comparable or lower levels. Strain variation was also evident in ppGpp accumulation under carbon starvation and spoT mutations were present in several low-ppGpp strains. Three relationships between RpoS and ppGpp levels were found: isolates with zero RpoS but various ppGpp levels, strains where RpoS levels were proportional to ppGpp and a third unexpected class in which RpoS was present but not proportional to ppGpp concentration. High-RpoS and high-ppGpp strains accumulated rpoS mutations under nutrient limitation, providing a source of polymorphisms. Conclusions: The ppGpp and sigma(S) variance means that the expression of genes involved in translation, stress and other traits affected by ppGpp and/or RpoS are likely to be strain-specific and suggest that influential components of regulatory networks are frequently reset by microevolution. Different strains of E. coli have different relationships between ppGpp and RpoS levels and only some exhibit a proportionality between increasing ppGpp and RpoS levels as demonstrated for E. coli K-12.
The objective of this study was to validate the Piper Fatigue Scale-Revised (PFS-R) for use in Brazilian culture. Translation of the PFS-R into Portuguese and validity and reliability tests were performed. Convenience samples in Brazil we as follows: 584 cancer patients (mean age 57 +/- 13 years; 51.3% female); 184 caregivers (mean age 50 +/- 12.7 years; 65.8% female); and 189 undergraduate nursing students (mean age 21.6 +/- 2.8 years; 96.2% female); Instruments used were as follows: Brazilian PFS, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS). The 22 items of the Brazilian PFS loaded well (factor loading > 0.35) on three dimensions identified by factor analysis (behavioral, affective, and sensorial-psychological). These dimensions explained 65% of the variance. Internal consistency reliability was very good (Cronbach`s alpha ranged from 0.841 to 0.943 for the total scale and its dimensions). Cancer patients and their caregivers completed the Brazilian PFS twice for test-retest reliability and results showed good stability (Pearson`s r a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand 0,60, p < 0,001). Correlations among the Brazilian PFS and other scales were significant, in hypothesized directions, and mostly moderate contributing to divergent (Brazilian PFS x KPS) and convergent validity (Brazilian PFS x BDI). Mild, moderate, and severe fatigue in patients were reported by 73 (12.5%), 167 (28.6%), and 83 (14.2%), respectively. Surprisingly, students had the highest mean total fatigue scores; no significant differences were observed between patients and caregivers showing poor discriminant validity. While the Brazilian PFS is a reliable and valid instrument to measure fatigue in Brazilian cancer patients, further work is needed to evaluate the discriminant validity of the scale in Brazil.
Purpose. This study was designed to explore the cultural meaning and dimensions of quality of life from the perspective of Brazilian burn patients. Method. A qualitative research approach was used. Nineteen burn patients and their close relatives participated in this ethnographic study. Data were collected by means of direct observation and semi-structured interviews, conducted in a hospital outpatient clinic and during visits to patients` homes. The following inter-related phases guided the analysis process: reading of the material and data reduction, data display, conclusion outlining and verification. Results. Participants reported that the quality of life is related to autonomy and the ability to work. The dimensions of quality of life included: resuming work and functional ability, body image, having leisure and interpersonal relationships. Their descriptions revealed their feelings and attitudes about resuming their previous activities and social lives, particularly concerning the work. Conclusion. For burn patients, quality of life is associated with the concept of normality, the satisfactory performance of social roles in the context of family life and the social world. The results showed the importance of the sociocultural dimension in the concept of quality of life for persons undergoing burn rehabilitation.
A weathering classification for granitic rock materials from southeastern Brazil was framed based on core characteristics. The classification was substantiated by a detailed petrographic study. Indirect assessment of weathering grades by density, ultrasonic and Schmidt hammer index tests was performed. Rebound values due to Schmidt hammer multiple impacts at one representative point were more efficient in predicting weathering grades than averaged single impact rebound values, P-wave velocities and densities. Uniaxial compression tests revealed that a large range of uniaxial compressive strength (214-153 MPa) exists in Grade I category where weathering does not seem to have played any role. It was concluded that variability in occurrences of quartz intragranular cracks and in biotite percentage, distribution and orientation might have played a key role in accelerating or decelerating the failure processes of the Grade I specimens. Deterioration of uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus and increase in Poisson`s ratio with increasing weathering intensity could be attributed to alteration of minerals, disruption of rock skeleton and microcrack augmentation. A crude relation between failure modes and weathering grades also emerged.