986 resultados para Festivais de verão


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A significant proportion of research in the field of human-computer interaction has been devoted to game design. Yet, a multitude of good ideas and enthusiastic game design initiatives exist, where the games never see the light of day. Unfortunately, the causes of these failures remain often unexplored and unpublished. The challenges faced by researchers and practitioners are particularly complex when designing games for special target groups, such as children, or for a serious purpose. The HCI community would benefit from a discussion on these issues in order to avoid researchers and practitioners to repeat mistakes. We want to learn from projects that started with a promising idea, but failed or faced severe challenges. This workshop will be the first at CHI focusing on 'failed game projects'. In particular, workshop participants are encouraged to discuss issues that typically received little attention in publications and hereby contribute to the discussion on failures in the design, development and evaluation of games for and or with children. As a result, the community will benefit from these insights and lessons-learned, which will enhance the design of future (serious) games with/for children.


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In the past years, there has been a surge in game controllers that allow players to play in a more physical, more natural way. In this paper we present an experimental study of the effect of gaming using these naturally mapped controllers on the player experience in a social setting. Results support the hypothesis that more naturally mapped controllers augment spatial presence. Furthermore, the results suggest that gaming with more naturally mapped controllers augment social presence for female players, but not for male players. However, gaming via naturally mapped controllers decreases perceived control and actual performance. Hence, users with high performance expectations might not benefit from gaming via naturally mapped controllers.


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Twelve nasal swabs were collected from yearling horses with respiratory distress and tested for equid herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) and equid herpesvirus 4 (EHV-4) by real-time PCR targeting the glycoprotein B gene. All samples were negative for EHV-1; however, 3 were positive for EHV-4. When these samples were tested for EHV-2 and EHV-5 by PCR, all samples were negative for EHV-2 and 11 were positive for EHV-5. All three samples that were positive for EHV-4 were also positive for EHV-5. These three samples gave a limited CPE in ED cells reminiscent of EHV-4 CPE. EHV-4 CPE was obvious after 3 days and was characterised by syncytia. None of the samples produced cytopathic effect (CPE) on African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells or hamster kidney (BSR) cells. Four of the samples, which were positive in the EHV-5 PCR, produced CPE on rabbit kidney (RK13) cells and equine dermis (ED) cells. EHV-5 CPE on both cell lines was slow and was apparent after four 7-day passages. On RK13 cells, the CPE was characteristic of equid herpesvirus, with the formation of syncytia. However, in ED cells, the CPE was characterised by ring-shaped syncytia. For the first time, a case of equine respiratory disease involving dual infection with EHV-4 and EHV-5 has been reported in Queensland (Australia). This was shown by simultaneously isolating EHV-4 and EHV-5 from clinical samples. EHV5 was recovered from all samples except one, suggesting that EHV5 was more prevalent in young horses than EHV2.


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This memoir provides a detailed description of daily life and misery in the concentration camp Dachau. The first eight chapters are missing which would cover Felix Klinen's life in Vienna. The existing memoir then starts with his deportation to Dachau, and ends shortly before his transfer to Buchenwald concentration camp, covering the time from May to December of 1938. Translated from the German by Sanda Vero


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5-Fluorouracil (5FU), an analogue of uracil, was found to inhibit the production of infectious particles of rinderpest virus (RPV) in Vero cells (African green monkey kidney cells) by 99%, at a concentration of 1 μg/ml. The levels of individual mRNA specific for five of the virus genes were also reduced drastically, while the level of mRNA for a cellular housekeeping gene—glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)—was unaltered by fluorouracil treatment of infected cells. Both virus RNA and protein synthesis showed inhibition in a dose-dependent manner. The virions which budded out of 5-fluorouracil-treated cells also contained reduced amounts of virus proteins compared with virus particles from untreated cells.


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ErbB3 binding protein Ebp1 has been shown to downregulate ErbB3 receptor-mediated signaling to inhibit cell proliferation. Rinderpest virus belongs to the family Paramyxoviridae and is characterized by the presence of a non-segmented negative-sense RNA genome. In this work, we show that rinderpest virus infection of Vero cells leads to the down-regulation of the host factor Ebp1, at both the mRNA and protein levels. Ebp1 protein has been shown to co-localize with viral inclusion bodies in infected cells, and it is packaged into virions, presumably through its interaction with the N protein or the N-RNA itself. Overexpression of Ebp1 inhibits viral transcription and multiplication in infected cells, suggesting that a mutual antagonism operates between host factor Ebp1 and the virus.


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Hantaviruses have a tri-segmented negative-stranded RNA genome. The S segment encodes the nucleocapsid protein (N), M segment two glycoproteins, Gn and Gc, and the L segment the RNA polymerase. Gn and Gc are co-translationally cleaved from a precursor and targeted to the cis-Golgi compartment. The Gn glycoprotein consists of an external domain, a transmembrane domain and a C-terminal cytoplasmic domain. In addition, the S segment of some hantaviruses, including Tula and Puumala virus, have an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a nonstructural potein NSs that can function as a weak interferon antagonist. The mechanisms of hantavirus-induced pathogenesis are not fully understood but it is known that both hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus (cardio) pulmonary syndrome (HCPS) share various features such as increased capillary permeability, thrombocytopenia and upregulation of TNF-. Several hantaviruses have been reported to induce programmed cell death (apoptosis), such as TULV-infected Vero E6 cells which is known to be defective in interferon signaling. Recently reports describing properties of the hantavirus Gn cytoplasmic tail (Gn-CT) have appeared. The Gn-CT of hantaviruses contains animmunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) which directs receptor signaling in immune and endothelial cells; and contain highly conserved classical zinc finger domains which may have a role in the interaction with N protein. More functions of Gn protein have been discovered, but much still remains unknown. Our aim was to study the functions of Gn protein from several aspects: synthesis, degradation and interaction with N protein. Gn protein was reported to inhibit interferon induction and amplication. For this reason, we also carried out projects studying the mechanisms of IFN induction and evasion by hantavirus. We first showed degradation and aggresome formation of the Gn-CT of the apathogenic TULV. It was reported earlier that the degradation of Gn-CT is related to the pathogenicity of hantavirus. We found that the Gn-CT of the apathogenic hantaviruses (TULV, Prospect Hill virus) was degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, and TULV Gn-CT formed aggresomes upon treatment with proteasomal inhibitor. Thus the results suggest that degradation and aggregation of the Gn-CT may be a general property of most hantaviruses, unrelated to pathogenicity. Second, we investigated the interaction of TULV N protein and the TULV Gn-CT. The Gn protein is located on the Golgi membrane and its interaction with N protein has been thought to determine the cargo of the hantaviral ribonucleoprotein which is an important step in virus assembly, but direct evidence has not been reported. We found that TULV Gn-CT fused with GST tag expressed in bacteria can pull-down the N protein expressed in mammalian cells; a mutagenesis assay was carried out, in which we found that the zinc finger motif in Gn-CT and RNA-binding motif in N protein are indispensable for the interaction. For the study of mechanisms of IFN induction and evasion by Old World hantavirus, we found that Old World hantaviruses do not produce detectable amounts of dsRNA in infected cells and the 5 -termini of their genomic RNAs are monophosphorylated. DsRNA and tri-phosphorylated RNA are considered to be critical activators of innate immnity response by interacting with PRRs (pattern recognition receptors). We examined systematically the 5´-termini of hantavirus genomic RNAs and the dsRNA production by different species of hantaviruses. We found that no detectable dsRNA was produced in cells infected by the two groups of the old world hantaviruses: Seoul, Dobrava, Saaremaa, Puumala and Tula. We also found that the genomic RNAs of these Old World hantaviruses carry 5´-monophosphate and are unable to trigger interferon induction. The antiviral response is mainly mediated by alpha/beta interferon. Recently the glycoproteins of the pathogenic hantaviruses Sin Nombre and New York-1 viruses were reported to regulate cellular interferon. We found that Gn-CT can inhibit the induction of IFN activation through Toll-like receptor (TLR) and retinoic acid-inducible gene I-like RNA helicases (RLH) pathway and that the inhibition target lies at the level of TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK-1)/ IKK epislon complex and myeloid differentiation primary response gene (88) (MyD88) / interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF-7) complex.


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Tässä työssä käsitellään taloustieteellistä onnellisuustutkimusta keskittyen erityisesti onnellisuuden suhteellisuuden sekä onnellisuuden mittaamisen kysymyksiin. Taloustieteen onnellisuustutkimus on vielä melko nuorta, ja tutkimusala, kuten tämä työkin, nojaavat osittain myös muiden tieteenalojen tuloksiin. Työssä todetaan onnellisuuden olevan suurilta osin suhteellista, ja tällä on vaikutuksia niin taloustieteellisen hyödyn mallintamiselle kuin poliittiselle päätöksenteollekin. Suhteellisuuden elementti onnellisuudessa liittyy erityisesti tulojen vertailuun sekä positionaalisiin hyödykkeisiin. Onnellisuutta käsitellään mallintamisen yhteydessä tutkimusalan eräiden tärkeimpien nimien, Layardin (2003) sekä Blanchflowerin ja Oswaldin (2004) klassisen hyötyfunktion muunnoksilla, sillä onnellisuustaloustieteessä ei vielä ole esitetty kattavia matemaattisia malleja. Työ kokoaa yhteen useita onnellisuusaineistoja sisältäviä tutkimuksia, joista voidaan tehdä päätelmiä ihmisten onnellisuuden osatekijöistä. Näiden tutkimusten tuloksena voidaan arvioida, minkälaisia osa-alueita yhteiskunnan onnellisuusmittareiden tulisi sisältää. Samoin onnellisuustutkimus osoittaa, että esimerkiksi työttömyyden vaikutus onnellisuuteen on huomattavasti suurempi kuin työttömyyden vähentämän tulon vaikutus. Merkittäviä onnellisuustutkimuksen tuloksia liittyy myös Alesinan et al. (2004) laajasti tutkimaan tulonjaon ja onnellisuuden yhteyteen, sillä tulonjaon tasa-arvoisuus vaikuttaa eri maiden kansalaisiin keskimäärin eri tavoin. Tulonjaon epätasaisuus vähentää Euroopassa vähätuloisten onnellisuutta, kun taas Yhdysvalloissa parempituloisten onnellisuutta vähentää suurempi tuloepätasa-arvo, mitä voidaan pitää yllättävänä tuloksena Euroopan Yhdysvaltoja parempien sosiaalisen liikkuvuuden mahdollisuuksien valossa. Tuloepätasa-arvo vaikuttaa eri tavoin eri tuloryhmien sekä eri poliittisia ideologioita edustavien ryhmien edustajiin. Tämä pro gradu -työ selvittää myös miten onnellisuutta voidaan mitata ja ehdottaa tämän perusteella onnellisuusdatan käyttöä poliittisen päätöksenteon tukena. Tutkielmassa pohditaan myös, millaisia implikaatioita onnellisuustaloustiede antaa erityisesti valtion menojen vaikutukselle, vero- ja hyvinvointipolitiikalle sekä köyhyyden vastaiselle politiikalle. Erityisesti veropolitiikalle sekä köyhyyden vastaiselle politiikalle suhteellisuuden ja vertailun vaikutus onnellisuuteen ovat oleellisia, sillä kaikkien työn esittelemien tutkimusten ja aineistojen perusteella vertailu ja suhteellinen asema ovat onnellisuudelle tärkeitä.


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Tutkielman tavoitteet Tämän Pro gradu-tutkielman tavoitteena on selventää brändi-identiteetin ja brändimielikuvan suhdetta sekä osoittaa, että on hedelmällistä vertailla brändi-identiteettiä ja brändimielikuvaa. Tutkimusongelmana on, kuinka www-sivujen avulla voidaan johtaa johdonmukaista brändiä ja, mitä brändin johto hyötyy tarkasteltaessa brändi-identiteettiä ja brändimielikuvaa? Case-brändeinä toimivat tässä tutkimuksessa Vero Moda ja H&M. Tutkielman toteutus Tutkielman teoreettinen osa käsittelee brändiä, brändi-identiteettiä ja www-sivuja brändin johtamisen näkökulmasta. Brändimielikuvaa käsitellään kuluttajan näkökulmasta. Tutkielman käsitteellinen viitekehys esitellään teoriaosuuden lopussa. Empiirinen osuus on lähestymistavaltaan laadullinen. Aineisto koostuu jo olemassa olevasta luonnollisesta aineistosta ja kuluttajien haastatteluista. Haastattelut ovat luonteeltaan teemahaastatteluja. Valmiina oleva aineisto analysoidaan sisällönanalyysillä ja teemahaastattelut analysoidaan teemoittelun avulla. Tutkimustulokset Tutkimustulosten valossa voidaan osoittaa, että brändi-identiteetin ja bändimielikuvan vertailevasta tutkimuksesta on hyötyä brändijohtamiselle. Brändin johtamisen näkökulmasta brändi-identiteetin ja brändimielikuvan voidaan katsoa olevan vahvasti sidoksissa toisiinsa. Brändi-identiteetti heijastaa niitä mielikuvia, joita brändiin halutaan johdon kannalta liittää. Brändimielikuva taas syntyy vastaanottajan mielessä lähetettyjen signaalien pohjalta. Brändin johtamisen www-sivuilla voidaan katsoa olevan onnistunutta, jos kuluttajan brändimielikuva ja wwwsivujen brändi-identiteetin ns. tavoitemielikuva ovat mahdollisimman samanlaisia. Tärkeää on, että www-sivut ovat brändin näköisiä ja tukevat muita viestintäkanavia. Lisäksi www-sivujen voidaan katsoa toimivan ikään kuin käyntikortteina ja vaivattomina vaateliikkeinä. Molempien case-brändien www-sivujen brändi-identiteetit vastasivat ainakin osittain kuluttajien muodostamia brändimielikuvia.


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he ultrastructure of purified rinderpest virus and intracellular viral nucleocapsids from infected vero cells treated with a subtoxic dose of 5-fluorouracil (5-Fu) (1 mug/ml), has been analysed by transmission electron microscopy, and compared with that of normal virus particle and nucleocapsids. The results reveal dramatic alterations in the structure of both virions and nucleocapsids. The surface glycoprotein projection of virions was not seen or present at a much reduced level. The intracellular nucleocapsids showed pronounced structural changes,with respect to size, shape and fine structure. The length of treated nucleocapsids is much smaller as compared to the control. The central hollow core is missing in case of drug-treated nucleocapsid and the herring bone structure is replaced by a 'beads on string' structure. The presence of N protein, which is a major structural component of nucleocapsids was seen in 5-Fu-treated cells, but it was associated with a predominantly diffused form of nucleocapsids as seen by immunoelectron microscopy. We report here the first definitive and visual evidence of altered structure of virions and their nucleocapsids after 5-Fu treatment


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An in vitro transcription system for rinderpest virus (RPV) is described. Ribonucleoprotein complexes isolated from RPV-infected Vero cells, human lung carcinoma cells, or detergent-disrupted purified virions synthesized authentic RPV mRNAs for the N, P, M, F and H genes as identified by dot blot hybridization analysis with individual cDNA clones. The relative abundance of the mRNAs synthesized in vitro decreased from the 3? end of the genome to the 5? end, very similar to that observed with measles virus transcription in vitro. The transcription by purified virions was stimulated three-fold by the addition of infected human lung carcinoma cell lysate, demonstrating the involvement of host factor(s) in mRNA synthesis.


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Gramicidin S (GS) is a cyclic cationic antimicrobial peptide (CAP) with a wide spectrum of antibiotic activities whose usage has been limited to topical applications owing to its cytotoxic side effects. We have synthesized tetrahydrofuran amino acid (Taa)-containing GS analogues, and we have carried out conformational analysis and explored their structure activity relationships by evaluating their antitubercular, antibacterial and cytotoxic properties. Two of these analogues showed impressive as well as selective activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) without toxicity towards mammalian Vero cells or human RBCs, and are promising as potential leads.


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Resumen: La vera intenzione teologica di Anselmo d’Aosta nello scrivere il Proslogion e il vero significato del suo celebre unum argumentum vanno visti nella funzione che la ragione svolge necessariamente all’interno della vita di fede del cristiano. Anselmo, come Tommaso d’Aquino, non sostiene che l’esistenza di Dio sia un “articulus fidei” ma piuttosto uno dei “praeambula fidei”. La ragione naturale ha la certezza che Dio esiste, ancora prima della dimostrazione metafisica, e questo non fa che confermare l’assurdità di pensare che non esista il fondamento reale di tutte le cose esistenti.