848 resultados para Families--Kenya--Drama


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Käsittelen tutkimuksessani monikielisyyden ilmenemistä Canterburyn katedraalikoulun oppilaiden 1600-luvun loppupuoliskolla esittämissä näytelmissä, jotka löytyvät käsikirjoituksesta Lit.Ms.E41 (Canterburyn katedraalin arkisto). Tämä käsikirjoitus sisältää puheita ja näytelmiä, joiden kielinä ovat englanti, latina ja vähemmissä määrin myös kreikka. Useissa näytelmissä esiintyy koodinvaihtoa näiden kielten välillä, ja tutkielmassani selvitän, millaisia syntaktisia ilmenemismuotoja ja pragmaattisia merkityksiä koodinvaihdolla on. Teoreettinen viitekehykseni on yhdistelmä filologista ja lingvististä lähestymistapaa. Olen sisällyttänyt tutkielmaani aiemman koodinvaihdon tutkimuksen lisäksi Brownin ja Levinsonin kohteliaisuusteorian, jonka avulla erityisesti puhujien välisiin sosiaalisiin suhteisiin liittyviä koodinvaihdon funktioita voidaan luokitella. Koska historiallinen koodinvaihto on tutkimusaiheena vielä melko tuore, käsittelen perusteellisesti erilaisia metodologisia ratkaisuja. Valitsemani metodi yhdistää perinteisen filologisen lähiluvun pragmaattiseen analyysiin, jonka kautta työssäni vaikuttavat muun muassa rationaalisuuden ja empatian käsitteet. Analyysini perusteella kävi ilmi, että erityisen yleinen koodinvaihdon funktio on mahdollistaa intertekstuaalisuus, jolla edelleen voidaan ilmaista esimerkiksi solidaarisuutta eli sosiaalista läheisyyttä tai loukata puhuteltavaa. Solidaarisuus oli myös ilman intertekstuaalisuutta yleinen koodinvaihdon funktio. Näiden lisäksi koodinvaihdon funktioita olivat muun muassa kasvoja uhkaavat teot, eufemismit, stilistiset efektit sekä diskurssin avustaminen. Syntaktisten ilmenemismuotojen osalta keskeisin havainto oli, että koodinvaihdon ja lainaamisen erottaminen ei ole tarpeellista tai edes kannattavaa kaikissa tilanteissa. Lisäksi voitiin todeta, että valittu metodi soveltui hyvin aineiston analysoimiseen, ja sitä tulisi soveltaa mahdollisuuksien mukaan laajempaan materiaaliin sekä muiden pragmaattisten ilmiöiden tutkimiseen.


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Julkaisumaa: Hong Kong


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Tutkielmassa käsitellään kaksikielistä lastenkasvatusta ja siinä käytettäviä kasvatus-strategioita, erityisesti ns. OPOL-strategiaa, eli yksi henkilö – yksi kieli -strategiaa (one person – one language). Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millä tavoin kaksikielisen perheen vanhemmat voivat tukea vähemmistökielen oppimista sellaisessa ympäristössä, jossa kielen oppimista ei tueta kodin ulkopuolella. Tutkielman alussa määrittelen keskeiset termit. Useita aiheeseen liittyviä termejä määritellään yleiskielessä eri tavoin jo termistä kaksikielisyys lähtien, joten termien rajaaminen tämän työn tarkoituksen mukaan oli tarpeen. Määrittelen myös tekstissä esiintyvät kaksikielisyyden eri tyypit ja taustat, kuten myös eri strategiat, joita kaksikielisessä kasvatuksessa voidaan käyttää. Tämän jälkeen esittelen aikaisempia kaksikielisyystutkimuksia sekä käsittelen OPOL-strategiaan liittyviä käytännön ongelmia, sekä näiden ongelmien mahdollisia ratkaisuja. Lopuksi käsittelen tutkimuksen empiiristä osiota, joka koostui sähköisestä kyselylomakkeesta sekä haastatteluista. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmä koostui Skotlannissa asuvista skotlantilais-suomalaisista perheistä, jotka pyrkivät kasvattamaan lapsistaan kaksikielisiä. Tutkimus tehtiin kahdessa osassa: ensimmäisen osan kyselylomakkeeseen vastasi 17 eri puolilla Skotlantia asuvaa suomenkielistä vanhempaa, ja toisessa osassa haastateltiin 10:tä Edinburghin ja Glasgow’n alueilla asuvaa kaksikielistä (suomi-englanti) perhettä. Molemmissa osioissa keskityttiin siihen, millä tavoin perheet tukevat lasten suomen kielen taitoa ja miten suomenkielistä syötettä yritetään lisätä. Tutkimuksen tuloksista käy ilmi, että Skotlannissa asuvat suomenkieliset vanhemmat ovat hyvin motivoituneita tukemaan lastensa kielellistä kehitystä eri tavoin, mm. lukemalla kirjoja, katsomalla elokuvia ja käymällä Suomi-koulussa. Suurin osa perheistä myös käy Suomessa säännöllisesti, mikä näyttäisikin olevan yksi keskeisimmistä kaksikielisyyttä tukevista tekijöistä. Eri perheiden lapset olivat saavuttaneet eri tasoja suomen kielessä, mikä viittaa siihen, ettei lapsen kielitaito ole seurausta ainoastaan OPOL-strategian tarkasta seuraamisesta, vaan siihen vaikuttavat myös monet muut tekijät.


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My dissertation is an interdisciplinary study of the relationship between the Swiss peasants and nobles in Friedrich Schiller’s play Wilhelm Tell (1804). Changes to this relationship are of particular interest. Communication in the play is examined via a micro-analysis based on Penelope Brown’s and Stephen C. Levinson’s theoretical framework Politeness: Some universals in language usage. (1978, 1987). Brown and Levinson distinguish between positivepoliteness and negative-politeness strategies and their distinction is useful for my argument, since they claim that the use of positive-politeness strategies reflects the speaker’s intention to minimize the distance between the interlocutors (Brown and Levinson 1987: 103). Negative-politeness strategies, by contrast, result in social distancing (Brown and Levinson 1987: 130). In accordance with Brown’s and Levinson’s theory, it can be argued that the distribution of positive-politeness and negative-politeness strategies reflects changes in the distance between the fictional interlocutors as representatives of their social classes in Wilhelm Tell. The analysis of the communication in the play highlights that existing conflicts within the social groups are resolved and replaced with solidarity (cf. ‘Claim ’common ground’ and ‘Claim in-group membership with H’) before the peasants and noblemen appear on stage simultaneously in III, 3. In the scene in question, Geßler forces Tell to shoot the apple off his son’s head. Although both nobles and peasants are present, they do not communicate with each other. Thus, communication between the social classes occurs for the first time in IV, 2. This scene is crucial with regard to the changes in the relationship between the social classes in the play. The younger generation, with Rudenz as a representative of the nobility and Melchthal as a representative of the peasants, break with the prevailing conventions and initiate a new type of cooperation based on mutual helping and equality in the right and the duty to protect the country from the violent oppressors representing Habsburg (cf. ‘Convey that S and H are cooperators’, ‘Claim reflexivity’ and ‘Claim reciprocity’). The linguistic analysis reveals the crucial role of the Swiss nobility in the development of the social utopia, as well as the non-contribution of Wilhelm Tell. In fact, Tell never communicates with the Swiss noblemen. The role of the nobility and the role of Wilhelm Tell are further investigated in a comparison between Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell and four of Schiller’s historical sources. These sources, which contain earlier, non-dramatic versions of the establishment of the Swiss Confederation, are the following: Kronica von der loblichen Eydtgnoschaft compiled by Petermann Etterlin (1507), Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschafft Stetten Landen vnd Völckeren Chronik wirdiger thaaten beschreybung (1548) written by Johann Stumpf, Chronicon Helveticum of Aegidius Tschudi (the publication of Iselin from 1734 and 1736) and Johannes von Müller’s Geschichten schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft (1786). Thecomparison sheds light on the fact that both Tschudi and von Müller emphasize unity among the Swiss and cooperation in their attempt to defeat the enemy. However, Schiller has reinforced the role of the nobility in the cooperation. In addition, the comparison between Schiller’s play and the historical sources reveals profound differences with regard to the role of Wilhelm Tell. In all of Schiller’s sources, Tell is present at Rütli, whereas he is absent from Rütli in Schiller’s play. In the play in general, Tell is conspicuously separated from the other peasants. Explanations of my linguistic results, which correspond to the above mentioned differences between the roles of the figures in Wilhelm Tell and the depictions in Schiller’s sources, are found by comparing the path of Schiller’s Swiss towards an egalitarian perspective with the kind of social evolution depicted by the German philosopher Johann Benjamin Erhard in his essay Über das Recht des Volks zu einer Revolution (1795). Aiming at considering Schiller’s social utopia within the larger cultural framework of the German response to the French Revolution, the comparison suggests that both authors depict the need for social change in terms of a change in social hierarchies (Erhard 1970: 95-96, cf. Foi 2005: 225). Erhard’s essay thus helps explain the political intention of Schiller’s play to keep the ideals of the French Revolution as crucial aims but profoundly change the means towards freedom and equality. In his attempt to claim the political resistance of the nobles and peasants as just, however, Schiller sacrificed the figure of Wilhelm Tell. Guilty of the murder of Geßler, Tell was no longer suitable for the righteous revolution imagined by Schiller (cf. Bloch 2008: 215 and Schulz 2005: 228). This explains Tell’s absence in the Rütli scene, his isolation in the plot, as well as his non-contribution to the social utopia. Together, the linguistic analysis and contextualisation of Schiller’s play support my hypothesis that Wilhelm Tell describes a process of change in the relationship between peasants and nobles. The interdisciplinary approach to the topic proved to be fruitful for all areas of the research involved.


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Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is a form of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia first described in North-American patients originating from the Portuguese islands of the Azores. Clinically this disorder is characterized by late onset progressive ataxia with associated features, such as: ophthalmoplegia, pyramidal and extrapyramidal signs and distal muscular atrophies. The causative mutation is an expansion of a CAG repeat in the coding region of the MJD1 gene. We have identified 25 unrelated families segregating the MJD mutation during a large collaborative study of spinocerebellar ataxias in Brazil. In the present study a total of 62 family members were genotyped for the CAG repeat in the MJD1 gene, as well as 63 non-MJD individuals (126 normal chromosomes), used as normal controls. We observed a wide gap between the size range of the normal and expanded CAG repeats: the normal allele had from 12 to 33 CAGs (mean = 23 CAGs), whereas the expanded alleles ranged from 66 to 78 CAGs (mean = 71.5 CAGs). There were no differences in CAG tract length according to gender of affected individuals or transmitting parent. We observed a significant negative correlation between age at onset of the disease and length of the CAG tract in the expended allele (r = -0.6, P = 0.00006); however, the size of the expanded CAG repeat could explain only about 40% of the variability in age at onset (r2 = 0.4). There was instability of the expanded CAG tract during transmission from parent to offspring, both expansions and contractions were observed; however, there was an overall tendency for expansion, with a mean increase of +2.4 CAGs. The tendency for expansion appeared to the greater in paternal (mean increase of +3.5 CAGs) than in maternal transmissions (mean increase of +1.3 CAGs). Anticipation was observed in all transmissions in which ages at onset for parent and offspring were known; however, anticipation was not always associated with an increase in the expanded CAG repeat length. Our results indicate that the molecular diagnosis of MJD can be confirmed or excluded in all suspected individuals, since alleles of intermediary size were not observed.


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We report on the cytogenetic and DNA analysis of 55 families with the fragile X (FMR-1 locus) mutation (318 individuals and 15 chorionic villi samples). A total of 129 males were investigated, 54 mentally normal and 75 presenting mental retardation. Among the 54 normal males, 11 had the premutation, and none expressed the fragile site. The full mutation was detected in 73 retarded males, and 14 (18%) presented a premutation along with the full mutation (mosaics). All of them manifested the fragile site. The frequencies of fragile site expression correlated positively with the sizes of the expansion of the CGG repeats (D). Among 153 normal females, 85 were found to be heterozygous for the premutation and 15 had the full mutation. In the premutated females the fragile site was not observed or it occurred at frequencies that did not differ from those observed in 53 noncarriers. Cytogenetic analysis was thus ineffective for the diagnosis of premutated males or females. Among the 51 heterozygotes for the full mutation, 36 (70%) had some degree of mental impairment. As in males, a positive correlation was detected between the frequencies of fragile site manifestation and the size of the expansion. However, the cytogenetic test was less effective for the detection of fully mutated females, than in the case of males, since 14% false negative results were found among females. Segregation analysis confirmed that the risk of mental retardation in the offspring of heterozygotes increases with the length of D. The average observed frequency of mental retardation in the offspring of all heterozygotes was 30%. There was no indication of meiotic drive occurring in female carriers, since the number of individuals who inherited the mutation did not differ from the number of those inheriting the normal allele. No new mutations were detected in the 55 genealogies studied here.


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The driving forces for current research of flame retardants are increased fire safety in combination with flame retardant formulations that fulfill the criteria of sustainable production and products. In recent years, important questions about the environmental safety of antimony, and in particular, brominated flame retardants have been raised. As a consequence of this, the current doctoral thesis work describes efforts to develop new halogen-free flame retardants that are based on various radical generators and phosphorous compounds. The investigation was first focused on compounds that are capable of generating alkyl radicals in order to study their role on flame retardancy of polypropylene. The family of azoalkanes was selected as the cleanest and most convenient source of free alkyl radicals. Therefore, a number of symmetrical and unsymmetrical azoalkanes of the general formula R-N=N-R’ were prepared. The experimental results show that in the series of different sized azocycloalkanes the flame retardant efficacy decreased in the following order: R = R´= cyclohexyl > cyclopentyl > cyclobutyl > cyclooctanyl > cyclododecanyl. However, in the series of aliphatic azoalkanes compounds, the efficacy decreased as followed: R = R´= n-alkyl > tert-butyl > tert-octyl. The most striking difference in flame retardant efficacy was observed in thick polypropylene plaques of 1 mm, e.g. azocyclohexane (AZO) had a much better flame retardant performance than did the commercial reference FR (Flamestab® NOR116) in thick PP sections. In addition, some of the prepared azoalkane flame retardants e.g. 4’4- bis(cyclohexylazocyclohexyl) methane (BISAZO) exhibited non-burning dripping behavior. Extrusion coating experiments of flame retarded low density polyethylene (LDPE) onto a standard machine finished Kraft paper were carried out in order to investigate the potential of azoalkanes in multilayer facings. The results show that azocyclohexane (AZO) and 4’4-bis (cyclohexylazocyclohexyl) methane (BISAZO) can significantly improve the flame retardant properties of low density polyethylene coated paper already at 0.5 wt.% loadings, provided that the maximum extrusion temperature of 260 oC is not exceeded and coating weight is kept low at 13 g/m2. In addition, various triazene-based flame retardants (RN1=N2-N3R’R’’) were prepared. For example, polypropylene samples containing a very low concentration of only 0.5 wt.% of bis- 4’4’-(3’3’-dimethyltriazene) diphenyl ether and other triazenes passed the DIN 4102-1 test with B2 classification. It is noteworthy that no burning dripping could be detected and the average burning times were very short with exceptionally low weight losses. Therefore, triazene compounds constitute a new and interesting family of radical generators for flame retarding of polymeric materials. The high flame retardant potential of triazenes can be attributed to their ability to generate various types of radicals during their thermal decomposition. According to thermogravimetric analysis/Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy/MS analysis, triazene units are homolytically cleaved into various aminyl, resonance-stabilized aryl radicals, and different CH fragments with simultaneous evolution of elemental nitrogen. Furthermore, the potential of thirteen aliphatic, aromatic, thiuram and heterocyclic substituted organic disulfide derivatives of the general formula R-S-S-R’ as a new group of halogen-free flame retardants for polypropylene films have been investigated. According to the DIN 4102- 1 standard ignitibility test, for the first time it has been demonstrated that many of the disulfides alone can effectively provide flame retardancy and self-extinguishing properties to polypropylene films at already very low concentrations of 0.5 wt.%. For the disulfide family, the highest FR activity was recorded for 5’5’-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid). Very low values for burning length (53 mm) and burning time (10 s) reflect significantly increased fire retardant performance of this disulfide compared to other compounds in this series as well as to Flamestab® NOR116. Finally, two new, phosphorus-based flame retardants were synthesized: P’P-diphenyl phosphinic hydrazide (PAH) and melamine phenyl phosphonate (MPhP). The DIN 4102-1 test and the more stringent UL94 vertical burning test (UL94 V) were used to assess the formulations ability to extinguish a flame once ignited. A very strong synergistic effect with azoalkanes was found, i.e. in combination with these radical generators even UL94 V0 rate could be obtained.


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The aim of the present dissertation was to capture a picture of child and adolescent mental health in Romania, in the context of almost 25 years of changes following the Romanian Revolution of December ’89. A three-part study was carried out in order to provide consistent answers to the pre-defined objectives: to appraise the development of child and adolescent mental health services in Romania (Part I), to explore the characteristics of clinically-referred patients in a Romanian child and adolescent psychiatry department (Part II), to examine the children’s mental health state and its connections with family functioning and associated risk factors (Part III). A multi-method research approach was used, comprising one qualitative analysis and two quantitative research studies. Part I consisted of a comparative qualitative analysis of the answers given by 10 mental health professionals at a 12-questions open ended interview about the current situation in child and adolescent mental health in Romania, on three topics: changes, challenges, solutions. Part II involved a descriptive quantitative analysis of certain variables (e.g. age, gender, primary diagnosis, co-morbidities, time of hospitalization) conducted on the patients who had been admitted to the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department at “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia” Psychiatry Hospital, Bucharest in 1991 and in 2013. Part III was conducted on 342 subjects enrolled in two clinical groups and one school group, this study being performed through a cross-sectional analysis on multi-informant child and adolescent mental health problems and competencies (CBCL, YSR, SDQ P, SDQ SR) and their interrelation with household information (HQ) and family functioning (FAD). Outlining the results it can be stated that: 1) The CAMH System in Romania is definitely set on the path of reorganization, including a higher involvement of beneficiaries and of the community. 2) The characteristics of the admitted patients have changed significantly during the last almost 25 years since `89 December Revolution, under the influence of word wide trends in child psychiatry and of administrative aspects of the mental health network in Romania. 3) The rates of main diagnoses and co-morbidities confirm the reports in literature, with Autism Spectrum Disorder being the most frequent childhood psychiatric disorders in this study. 4) The children’s mental health problems in the psychiatry group are comparable to those reported for other clinical populations. 5) Significant score differences were observed according to various household features and also meaningful associations between a child’s clinical status and different aspects of family functioning. The Romanian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry has started to adopt the norms and standards of the European Union. In the 25 years that have elapsed after the 1989 Revolution, many changes have occurred in Romanian CAMH, but many unresolved issues have also risen. Therefore, the major contribution of this thesis is that it provides a coherent and updated overview of the present-day situation from three different perspectives- those of mental healthcare professionals, the one observed in clinical patients and the one reported by children’s families.


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The purpose of the present study was to determine the frequency of hepatitis B virus (HBV) markers in families of HBsAg-positive patients with chronic liver disease. Serum anti-HBc, HBsAg and anti-HBs were determined by enzyme immunoassay and four subpopulations were considered: genetically related (consanguineous) and non-genetically related (non-consanguineous) Asian subjects and genetically related and non-genetically related Western subjects. A total of 165 and 186 relatives of Asian and Western origin were enrolled, respectively. The occurrence of HBsAg and anti-HBs antibodies was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in family members of Asian origin (81.8%) than in family members of Western origin (36.5%). HBsAg was also more frequent among brothers (79.6 vs 8.5%; P < 0.0001), children (37.9 vs 3.3%; P < 0.0001) and other family members (33.9 vs 16.7%; P < 0.0007) of Asian than Western origin, respectivelly. No difference between groups was found for anti-HBs, which was more frequently observed in fathers, spouses and other non-genetic relatives. HBV infection was significantly higher in children of Asian than Western mothers (P < 0.0004). In both ethnic groups, the mothers contributed more to their children's infection than the fathers (P < 0.0001). Furthermore, HBsAg was more frequent among consanguineous members and anti-HBs among non-consanguineous members. These results suggest the occurrence of vertical transmission of HBV among consanguineous members and probably horizontal sexual transmission among non-consanguineous members of a family cluster. Thus, the high occurrence of dissemination of HBV infection characterizes family members as a high-risk group that calls for immunoprophylaxis. Finally, the study showed a high familial aggregation rate for both ethnic groups, 18/19 (94.7%) and 23/26 (88.5%) of the Asian and Western origin, respectively.


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Of all malignant neoplasias affecting women, breast cancer has the highest incidence rate in Brazil. The objective of the present study was to determine the frequency of genetic modifications in families with medium and high risk for breast and ovarian cancer from different regions of Brazil. An exploratory, descriptive study was carried out on the prevalence of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in case series of high-risk families for breast and/or ovarian cancer. After heredogram construction, a blood sample was taken and DNA extraction was performed in all index cases. The protein truncation test was used to screen for truncated mutations in exon 11 of the BRCA1 gene and in exons 10 and 11 of the BRCA2 gene. Of the 612 individuals submitted to genetic testing, 21 (3.4%), 19 women and 2 men, had mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Of the 19 BRCA1 mutations found in the 18 participants, 7 consisted of ins6kb mutations, 4 were 5382insC, 3 were 2156delGinsCC, 2 were 185delAG, 1 was C1201G, 1 was C3522T, and 1 was 3450del4. With respect to the BRCA2 gene, 3 mutations were found: 5878del10, 5036delA and 4232insA (one case each). The prevalence of germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes found in the present study was lower than reported by other studies on high-risk Brazilian populations. The inclusion of individuals with medium risk may have contributed to the lower prevalence observed.


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Blood pressure (BP) and physical activity (PA) levels are inversely associated. Since genetic factors account for the observed variation in each of these traits, it is possible that part of their association may be related to common genetic and/or environmental influences. Thus, this study was designed to estimate the genetic and environmental correlations of BP and PA phenotypes in nuclear families from Muzambinho, Brazil. Families including 236 offspring (6 to 24 years) and their 82 fathers and 122 mothers (24 to 65 years) were evaluated. BP was measured, and total PA (TPA) was assessed by an interview (commuting, occupational, leisure time, and school time PA). Quantitative genetic modeling was used to estimate maximal heritability (h²), and genetic and environmental correlations. Heritability was significant for all phenotypes (systolic BP: h² = 0.37 ± 0.10, P < 0.05; diastolic BP: h² = 0.39 ± 0.09, P < 0.05; TPA: h² = 0.24 ± 0.09, P < 0.05). Significant genetic (r g) and environmental (r e) correlations were detected between systolic and diastolic BP (r g = 0.67 ± 0.12 and r e = 0.48 ± 0.08, P < 0.05). Genetic correlations between BP and TPA were not significant, while a tendency to an environmental cross-trait correlation was found between diastolic BP and TPA (r e = -0.18 ± 0.09, P = 0.057). In conclusion, BP and PA are under genetic influences. Systolic and diastolic BP share common genes and environmental influences. Diastolic BP and TPA are probably under similar environmental influences.


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During the recent years, mobile services have spread to many different sectors, including education, health and agriculture, while changing the practices in those fields. Agriculture sector is under pressure to fill the ever-crowing food demand, while suffering from lack of agriculture resources (such as water and soil) and climate change, as well as figuring how to involve young people in the agriculture sector, in order to replace aging farmers. These issues create a need to bring new sustainable solutions to the agriculture sector. This is the demand, which mobile agriculture, mAgriculture, services are trying to answer. This thesis will examine the mAgriculture services in the Kenyan market. The thesis will provide an overview of the currently available mAgriculture services, their outcome and issues with which they are struggling. The thesis will also present recommendations on how to improve currently existing services and processes behind them. Secondly, thesis will provide four ideas for new services, which would answer for the needs of the farmers. Suitable business models, regarding the new services, are also covered. The thesis focuses with the young farmers as a target group, but findings are also applicable with other potential target groups as well.