940 resultados para Egypt and Africa


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Native to sub-Saharan Africa, Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) is now an invasive pest of honey bee, Apis mellifera L., colonies in Australia and North America. Knowledge about the introduction (s) of this beetle from Africa into and among the current ranges will elucidate pest populations and invasion pathways and contribute to knowledge of how a parasite expands in new populations. We examined genetic variation in adult beetle samples from the United States, Australia, Canada, and Africa by sequencing a 912-base pair region of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene and screening 10 informative microsatellite loci. One Canadian introduction of small hive beetles can be traced to Australia, whereas the second introduction seems to have come from the United States. Beetles now resident in Australia were of a different African origin than were beetles in North America. North American beetles did not show covariance between two mitochondrial haplotypes and their microsatellite frequencies, suggesting that these beetles have a shared source despite having initial genetic structure within their introduced range. Excellent dispersal of beetles, aided in some cases by migratory beekeeping and the bee trade, seems to lead to panmixis in the introduced populations as well as in Africa.


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This article describes the Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Interoperability and Cooperation (MANIAC) Challenge, a competition in MANETs. The primary objective of the competition was to assess the trade-offs between network-wide connectivity and resource utilization in a MANET comprising autonomous self-interested nodes. The competition attracted participants from academic institutions in the United States, Europe, and Africa. The data collected provide a better understanding of link stability, route effectiveness, cooperation, and competition in an autonomously deployed MANET.


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She, with a Warm Palm, the Skin over My Spine is a collection of sixnonfiction essays and three vignettes divided into two parts. The first part tells the stories of my great-grandmother, my grandmother and my mother, and is entitled Home; the second part is entitled Away and consists of travel writing set in Thailand, Egypt and India.


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The aim of the present study was to determine the demographics of patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Germany. Data on 26,302 tuberculosis cases from a national survey carried out during the period 1996-2000 were analysed. The crude proportion of tuberculosis patients with extrapulmonary manifestations was 21.6%. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis was most likely among females, children aged <15 yrs and persons originating from Africa and Asia. Females tended to be more likely to have any form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis than males, except pleural tuberculosis. The strength of this association was strongest in the age range 25-64 yrs and less pronounced amongst the oldest patients. Children were particularly prone to the development of lymphatic and meningeal tuberculosis, whereas the likelihood of genitourinary tuberculosis increased with increasing age. Asian and African patients were generally more likely than persons from other areas to have lymphatic, osteoarticular, meningeal and miliary tuberculosis. The analysis shows important differences, by age, sex and origin, in the likelihood of a tuberculosis patient presenting with extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Since the relative contribution of the foreign-born to tuberculosis in low-prevalence countries is rising, extrapulmonary tuberculosis must be taken into account more often in the differential diagnostic work-up of these patients, particularly among those originating from Asia and Africa.


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Due to migration of different ethnic groups, mainly from Africa and Asia, into Switzerland, many traditional products and habits that have not been seen before were also introduced. Smokeless tobacco (ST)--as one of those habits--is a product of increased use in Switzerland, although no sound epidemiological data are presently available. Numerous studies from North-America, Sweden, Asia and Africa could verify the carcinogenic potency of smokeless tobacco and its effects in the developement of oral cancer and different systemic disorders. For dental professionals and their team it is important to detect ST-associated lesions, and to tell the patients about the potential harmful sequelae of ST products. The present review focusses on the different types of RT products and their effects on oral health.


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By analyzing the transactions in Stack Overflow we can get a glimpse of the way in which the different geographical regions in the world contribute to the knowledge market represented by the website. In this paper we aggregate the knowledge transfer from the level of the users to the level of geographical regions and learn that Europe and North America are the principal and virtually equal contributors; Asia comes as a distant third, mainly represented by India; and Oceania contributes less than Asia but more than South America and Africa together.


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Herbert E Wright Jr was one of the foremost Quaternary scientists of the last century. He made wide ranging contributions to our understanding of the late-Quaternary of North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. This was based largely on reconstructing palaeoenvironments from lake sediments and included the important implications for glacial, vegetational, fire and climatic history, geoarchaeology and conservation. Many of his inter-disciplinary research projects involved fieldwork with his graduate students and co-workers from the University of Minnesota where he created and led the renowned Limnological Research Center. Perhaps his most outstanding contribution was as an instigator of the Co-operative Holocene Mapping Project (COHMAP). This triggered a paradigm shift in Holocene climatic research involving the comparison of climate-model simulations of past climates with palaeoclimatic data.


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The cruise with RV Tydeman was devoted to study permanently stratified plankton systems in the (sub)tropical ocean, which are characterised by a deep chlorophyll peak between 80 and 150 m. To minimise lateral effects by horizontal transport of nutrients and organic matter from river outflow and upwelling regions, stations were selected in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean between the continents of America and Africa. (5 - 35° N and 50 - 15° W). Here the vertical distributions of light and nutrients control the abundance and growth of autotrophic algae in the thermically stratified water column. This phytoplankton is numerically dominated by the prokaryotic picoplankters Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp., which are smaller than 2 ?m. The productivity of the 100 to 150 m deep euphotic zone can be high, because a high heterotrophic/autotrophic biomass ratio induces a rapid regeneration of nutrients and inorganic carbon. Primary grazers are mainly micro-organisms such as heterotrophic nannoflagellates and ciliates, which feed on the small algae and on bacteria. Heterotrophic bacteria can outnumber the autotrophic algae, because their number is related to the substrate pools of dissolved and particulate dead organic matter. These DOC and detritus pools reach equilibrium at a concentration, where the rate of their production (proportional to algal biomass) equals their mineralisation and sinking rate (proportional to the concentration and weight of POC and detritus). At a relatively low value of the weight-specific loss rates, the equilibrium concentration of these carbon pools and their load of bacteria can be high. The bacterial productivity is proportional to the mineralisation rate, which in a steady state can never be higher than the rate of primary production. Hence the ratio in turnover rate of bacteria and autotrophs tends to be reciprocally proportional to their biomass ratio.


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Las ideas de Simón Bolívar sobre América y sobre Europa han recibido alguna atención de los investigadores. Mucho menos las que expresó sobre Asia y África. Aunque fueron marginales a su pensamiento, la reunión de sus alusiones al respecto permite arrojar alguna luz sobre la reflexión de la Independencia y sobre los cambios que el Libertador experimentó en su percepción del naciente mundo que aparecía ante sus ojos. Partiendo de una actitud orientalista y despectiva inicial, con el tiempo llegó a pensar que el Oriente no podía descartarse como influencia en las instituciones americanas.


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Desde de la colonización los territorios de América Latina y de Africa fueron puestos al servicio de las metrópolis. La globalización del capitalismo financiero sigue el mismo patrón, deslocalizando la producción de agrocombustibles y concentrando el capital en las transnacionales agrarias. Recorremos cinco mitos que buscan legitimar esta producción y abordamos dos estudios de caso (Guatemala y Senegal) que ponen en evidencia la utilización de los territorios objetivos perjudicando las poblaciones indígenas y fundamentalmente las mujeres. El artículo finaliza con una reflexión sobre el pasaje de los territorios objetivos a Territorios Posibles, de la mano de la Inteligencia Territorial


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El presente artículo se propone analizar comparativamente las formas de legitimación empleadas por las elites dominantes de los antiguos Estados mexica y egipcio, con el objetivo de rastrear el modo en que la ideología cumplía un rol como instrumento para construir consenso entre la sociedad, y cómo esta construcción estaba estrechamente relacionada con la religión, los mitos y las relaciones de parentesco


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El presente trabajo intenta mostrar de que manera una creencia pre-estatal, reflejo directo "no codificado" de imaginarios sociales indiferenciados, fue reutilizada, reproducida y resignificada por una ideología devenida en dominante y coincidente con el progresivo afianzamiento de la práctica estatal en Egipto. La pretensión es, en tanto y en cuanto esto no implique una artificiosidad forzada como improductiva, rastrear la etiología de la religión de estado en el Egipto faraónico y la relación directa entre la institucionalización de un culto global y la estructuración de lo que pertinentemente llamaremos campo religioso, entendido como una constelación de actores sociales en permanente interacción. La riqueza y amplitud teóricas de los análisis bourdianos, así como una relectura de sus presupuestos sobre la sociología de la religión -campo religioso, capital simbólico, habitus, etc...-, bien pueden contribuir a repensar, desde nuevas perspectivas, el punto de inflexión que supone el comienzo de la interacción entre la naciente práctica estatal y las estructuras de parentesco depositarias de un bagaje de creencias no mediatizadas


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En los primeros tres versos de Helena, Eurípides presenta las dos principales novedades argumentales respecto del tema: la esposa de Menelao se presenta ante los ojos de los espectadores en el ignoto Egipto y el personaje no es la mujer fatal de tantas obras, la princesa dominante y altanera orgullosa de su belleza y de la predilección de la que goza, sino que se ha convertido en una humilde suplicante, postrada ante una tumba para pedir la protección de los dioses, ya que quiere mantenerse intacta ante los reclamos matrimoniales de Teoclimeno, el nuevo rey egipcio. Geografía y escenografía jugarán un papel preponderante en la intencionalidad poética, y en este contraste de espacios y de tiempos cargados de sentido metafórico se terminará de dibujar el sentido de la tragedia: vida y muerte, juventud y vejez, verdad y apariencia, nombre y realidad; pero también la isla de Faros que está frente a Egipto, las islas en las que naufragaron tantos héroes griegos y la isla situada en frente de Atenas; también el pasado mítico de Helena y el futuro cultual de Atenas: todo se divide y contrasta armónicamente en Helena.


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El presente artículo se propone analizar comparativamente las formas de legitimación empleadas por las elites dominantes de los antiguos Estados mexica y egipcio, con el objetivo de rastrear el modo en que la ideología cumplía un rol como instrumento para construir consenso entre la sociedad, y cómo esta construcción estaba estrechamente relacionada con la religión, los mitos y las relaciones de parentesco


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El presente trabajo intenta mostrar de que manera una creencia pre-estatal, reflejo directo "no codificado" de imaginarios sociales indiferenciados, fue reutilizada, reproducida y resignificada por una ideología devenida en dominante y coincidente con el progresivo afianzamiento de la práctica estatal en Egipto. La pretensión es, en tanto y en cuanto esto no implique una artificiosidad forzada como improductiva, rastrear la etiología de la religión de estado en el Egipto faraónico y la relación directa entre la institucionalización de un culto global y la estructuración de lo que pertinentemente llamaremos campo religioso, entendido como una constelación de actores sociales en permanente interacción. La riqueza y amplitud teóricas de los análisis bourdianos, así como una relectura de sus presupuestos sobre la sociología de la religión -campo religioso, capital simbólico, habitus, etc...-, bien pueden contribuir a repensar, desde nuevas perspectivas, el punto de inflexión que supone el comienzo de la interacción entre la naciente práctica estatal y las estructuras de parentesco depositarias de un bagaje de creencias no mediatizadas