919 resultados para Educational Function of Journalism
This paper focuses on the development of an RCT to evaluate the effectiveness of a book gifting scheme designed to improve the educational outcomes of children in care
Objectives: Fibroblasts play a significant role as regulators of the host response in periodontal disease, responding to bacterial stimulation by producing an array of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. LL-37, a host defence peptide, inhibits LPS-induced cytokine signalling in macrophages, suggesting an immunomodulatory role. The objective was to investigate the interaction between LL-37 and gingival fibroblasts – both its direct regulation of fibroblast activity and its effect on fibroblast response to LPS activation. Methods: Human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) were incubated for 24 hours in the presence of either P. gingivalis LPS (10µg/ml) or E. coli LPS (10ng/ml) along with LL-37 (0-50 µg/ml). IL-6 and IL-8 production by HGFs in the conditioned medium was determined by ELISA. Western blot was performed to determine the effect of LL-37 on LPS -induced IκBα degradation in HGFs following LPS stimulation over 2 hours. DNA microarray analysis was performed on cell populations incubated for 6 hr in the presence or absence of the peptide. Confirmation of LL-37 effects on specific gene expression was obtained by QPCR. Results: At low concentrations (≤ 5 µg/ml) LL-37 significantly inhibited LPS-induced cytokine production by HGFs. At higher concentrations LL-37 induced IL-8 production independent of LPS. Addition of LL-37 blocked LPS-induced IκBα degradation in HGFs. Microarray analysis revealed that LL-37 (50µg/ml) upregulated a significant number of cytokines and chemokines by > 5 fold. Upregulation of five of these, CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL3, IL-24 and IL-8 was confirmed by Q-PCR. Conclusion: The host defence peptide LL-37, the only known human cathelicidin, appears to have pleiotrophic effects in innate immunity. At least some of these are mediated through cytokine and chemokine signalling networks. The ability of LL-37 to reduce bacterial LPS-induced cytokine production in gingival fibroblasts, at low concentrations, suggests a potential therapeutic role in the management of periodontal disease.
High resolution soft x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (SXPS) have been used to study the high temperature thermal stability of ultra-thin atomic layer deposited (ALD) HfO2 layers (∼1 nm) on sulphur passivated and hydrofluoric acid (HF) treated germanium surfaces. The interfacial oxides which are detected for both surface preparations following HfO2 deposition can be effectively removed by annealing upto 700 °C without any evidence of chemical interaction at the HfO2/Ge interface. The estimated valence and conduction band offsets for the HfO2/Ge abrupt interface indicated that effective barriers exist to inhibit carrier injection.
Human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived endothelial cells (ECs) hold clear potential for therapeutic angiogenesis as a novel strategy for ischaemic disease. Recently, we have developed a novel method for direct reprogramming of partial iPS (PiPS) cells, which unlike iPS cells, are generated before pluripotency so do not form tumours, and may be differentiated into ECs with characteristic morphology and pro-angiogenic actions. Our previous work showed that PiPS-derived ECs are capable of forming vascular-like tubes both in vitro and in vivo and promoting re-endothelialisation of ischemic tissue, with greater effectiveness versus mature ECs.
Interestingly, our preliminary data demonstrate that Nox NADPH oxidases, which are reported to influence stem cell function, are progressively induced during PiPs/PiPS-EC differentiation and in response to hypoxia, with Nox4 demonstrating highest expression. As this isoform is an established regulator of angiogenesis, we hypothesize that Nox4 plays a key role in modulating PiPS-EC generation and angiogenic function.
The aim of this project is therefore to investigate: (1) the specific role of Nox4 in direct reprogramming of PiPS cells and differentiation to PiPS-ECs; (2) whether genetic manipulation of Nox4 influences in vitro function of PiPs-ECs and their ability to promote in vivo angiogenesis. This will be achieved by employing established in vitro functional assays and an experimental model of hindlimb ischaemia with assessment of relevant end-points. Identification of a key role for Nox4 in regulating PiPS-EC generation/function may inform selective targeting of this isoform to enhance the efficiency of PiPS-EC differentiation and their capacity to treat ischemic disease.
Objective:Postsecondary educational attainment is the key for successful transition to adulthood, economic self-sufficiency, and good mental and physical health.Method:Secondary analyses of school leavers’ data were carried out to establish postsecondary educational trajectories of students on the autism spectrum in the United Kingdom.Results:Findings show that students with autism who had attended mainstream secondary schools enter Further Education (post-16 vocational training) and Higher Education (University) institutions at a similar rate to other students to study the full range ofsubjects on offer. However, they are more likely to be younger, study at a lower academic level, and remain living at home.Conclusion:While course completion data were not yet available, attainment data showed that prospects were improving, although more needs to be done to enable these young adults to a achieving their post secondary educational potential.
Esta tese apresenta um estudo sobre otimização económica de parques eólicos, com o objetivo de obter um algoritmo para otimização económica de parques eólicos através do custo da energia produzida. No estudo utilizou-se uma abordagem multidisciplinar. Inicialmente, apresentam-se as principais tecnologias e diferentes arquiteturas utilizadas nos parques eólicos. Bem como esquemas de funcionamento e gestão dos parques. São identificadas variáveis necessárias e apresenta-se um modelo dimensionamento para cálculo dos custos da energia produzida, tendo-se dado ênfase às instalações onshore e ligados a rede elétrica de distribuição. É feita uma análise rigorosa das características das topologias dos aerogeradores disponíveis no mercado, e simula-se o funcionamento de um parque eólico para testar a validade dos modelos desenvolvidos. Também é implementado um algoritmo para a obtenção de uma resposta otimizada para o ciclo de vida económico do parque eólico em estudo. A abordagem proposta envolve algoritmos para otimização do custo de produção com multiplas funções objetivas com base na descrição matemática da produção de eletricidade. Foram desenvolvidos modelos de otimização linear, que estabelece a ligação entre o custo económico e a produção de eletricidade, tendo em conta ainda as emissões de CO2 em instrumentos de política energética para energia eólica. São propostas expressões para o cálculo do custo de energia com variáveis não convencionais, nomeadamente, para a produção variável do parque eólico, fator de funcionamento e coeficiente de eficiência geral do sistema. Para as duas últimas, também é analisado o impacto da distribuição do vento predominante no sistema de conversão de energia eólica. Verifica-se que os resultados obtidos pelos algoritmos propostos são similares às obtidas por demais métodos numéricos já publicados na comunidade científica, e que o algoritmo de otimização económica sofre influência significativa dos valores obtidos dos coeficientes em questão. Finalmente, é demonstrado que o algoritmo proposto (LCOEwso) é útil para o dimensionamento e cálculo dos custos de capital e O&M dos parques eólicos com informação incompleta ou em fase de projeto. Nesse sentido, o contributo desta tese vem ser desenvolver uma ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão de um gestor, investidor ou ainda agente público em fomentar a implantação de um parque eólico.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014
Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016