888 resultados para Domestic Violence - prevention
L'elaborato si pone l'obiettivo di indagare il complesso quadro delle molestie in famiglia e sul lavoro nell'ordinamento italiano e di effettuare una comparazione con un ordinamento appartenente alla stessa tradizione giuridica, l'ordinamento francese. Nel corso dell'esposizione saranno ricostruiti gli aspetti socio-criminologici e giuridici delle molestie in famiglia verso i soggetti deboli, donne, minori, anziani o portatori di handicap, le molestie sul luogo di lavoro quali molestie sessuali e mobbing, le molestie a distanza o stalking, che per molti aspetti rappresentano un fenomeno sommerso e poco conosciuto. La tesi intende analizzare soprattutto le forme di molestie psicologiche e meno conosciute. La ricostruzione teorico-normativa degli argomenti trattati integrata con i risultati di una ricerca quantitativa e qualitativa tratta dalla giurisprudenza dei due paesi. Il lavoro, quindi, organizzato in due parti: la prima incentrata sugli aspetti teorici, socio-criminologici e giuridici e la seconda dedicata alla ricerca empirica, che stata condotta utilizzando quali fonti di dati le sentenze della Suprema Corte di Cassazione italiana e francese.
Polizei in Afrika ist korrupt und schlecht ausgebildet und eine Marionette der Regierungen so das nicht nur im populren, sondern auch sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs vermittelte Bild. Eine ethnographische Perspektive, die Polizeiarbeit im Alltag beobachtet und auf die Interaktionsstrategien der Polizisten mit Klienten und ihre Deutungen und Selbstbilder fokussiert, erlaubt neue Einsichten in das alltgliche Funktionieren der Organisation. Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf einem dreimonatigen Aufenthalt in der domestic violence unit der Police Headquarters in der Upper West Region Ghanas. Sie zeigt unter anderem, wie die Akteure die Ausbildung zum Polizisten, Gehaltsfragen, Versetzungen, Geschlechterverhltnis und Befrderungen konzeptionalisieren und wo sie sich in ihrer Arbeitswelt positionieren. Die besondere Aufmerksamkeit der Arbeit gilt der Interaktion der Polizisten mit Akteuren auerhalb ihrer Organisation, den Klienten. Eine zentrale Erkenntnis ist, dass die Klienten erst mit Hilfe typischer brokratischer Praktiken und Redensarten als solche von den Polizisten konstruiert werden. Dabei sind die Klienten aber weder passiv polizeilicher Willkr ausgeliefert noch knnen einflussreiche Klienten die Polizei nach ihrem Gusto manipulieren. In zwei Fallstudien von Verhandlungssituationen wird deutlich, wie Polizisten Autoritt in der Interaktion mit Klienten herstellen und legitimieren und welche Manahmen Klienten ihrerseits ergreifen, um die Situation zu ihren Gunsten zu gestalten.
The times following international or civil conflicts but also violent revolutions often come with unequal share of the peace dividend for men and women. Delusions for women who gained freedom of movement and of roles during conflict but had to step back during reconstruction and peace have been recorded in all regions of the world. The emergence of peacebuilding as a modality for the international community to ensure peace and security has slowly incorporated gender sensitivity at the level of legal and policy instruments. Focusing on Rwanda, a country that has obtained significant gender advancement in the years after the genocide while also obtaining to not relapse into conflict, this research explores to what extent the international community has contributed to this transformation. From a review of evaluations, findings are that many of the interventions did not purse gender equality, and overall the majority understood gender and designed actions is a quite superficial way which would hardly account for the significative advancement in combating gender discrimination that the Government, for its inner political will, is conducting. Then, after a critique from a feminist standpoint to the concept of human security, departing from the assumption (sustained by the Governemnt of Rwanda as well) that domestic violence is a variable influencing level of security relevant at the national level, a review of available secondary data on GBV is conducted an trends over the years analysed. The emerging trends signal a steep increase in prevalence of GBV and in domestic violence in particular. Although no conclusive interpretation can be formulated on these data, there are elements suggesting the increase might be due to augmented reporting. The research concludes outlining possible further research pathways to better understand the link in Rwanda between the changing gender norms and the GBV.
The youth of Massachusetts are of primary concern to legislators and citizens. This briefing report features three essays by experts Lisa Jones, Ramon Borges-Mendez, and Janis Wolak who focus on three aspects of youth wellbeing: youth victimization and other indicators of psychological health, youth unemployment, and online sexual predators of youth. Although youth well-being is of primary concern, the worrisome stories about crimes against children that regularly fill the media have unfortunately obscured some more positive news from statistical reports on these same issues. Child victimizations of various types i.e., child sexual abuse, witnessing domestic violence, child physical abuse, sexual assaults of teenagers, physical assaults and robberies of teenagers, and homicides of teenagers have been declining nationwide and in Massachusetts since the early 1990s, in some cases declining dramatically.
The future of Brazilian children who have the protection offered by familial bonds is threatened by social inequities that force them to seek shelter and grow up in shelters. According to the Institute of Applied Economic Research, an estimated 20,000 children and adolescents are served by institutions. The majority of these children are afro-descendent males between the ages of seven and fifteen years old. Of those researched, 87.6% have families (58.2% receive visits from their families, 22.7% are rarely visited by their families and 5.8 are legally prohibited from contacting or being by their families). The percentage of children and adolescents without families or with missing families is 11.3%. There is no information available for 2% of the children and adolescents residing in shelters. The principle factors that necessitate the placement of Brazilian children in institutions that provide care and shelter include poverty (including children forced to work, sell drugs or beg, for example); domestic violence; chemical dependence of parents or guardians; homelessness; death or parents or guardian; imprisonment of their parents; and sexual abuse committed by their parents or guardians. The issue of abandoned children and adolescents and their care and shelter in the Brazilian context expresses a perverse violation of Child and Adolescent Rights.
How Insecurity impacts on school attendance and school drop out among urban slum children in Nairobi
This paper discusses how perceptions of personal security can impact on school enrolment and attendance. It mainly focuses on threats to physical harm, crime, community and domestic violence. These security fears can include insecurity that children suffer from as they go to school, maybe through the use of unsafe routes; insecurity that children feel at school; and the insecurity they suffer from in their homes. Although poverty is an indicator of insecurity, this paper does not focus solely on poverty as it is well covered elsewhere in the literature. The paper relies on qualitative data collected in Korogocho and Viwandani slum areas in Nairobi, Kenya between October and November 2004. The paper analyses data from individual interviews and focus group interviews and focuses on the narrative of slum dwellers on how insecurity impacts on educational attainment. The conclusion in this paper is that insecure neighbourhoods may have a negative impact on schooling. As a result policies that address insecurity in slum neighbourhoods can also improve school attendance and performance.
Homicide-suicides, the murder of one or several individuals followed by the suicide of the perpetrator, are rare but have devastating effects on families and communities. We did a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies comparing perpetrators of homicide-suicides with perpetrators of simple homicides and suicides and examined the proportion of firearm use and its correlation with firearm availability. We searched Medline and Embase from inception to July 2012 and identified 27 eligible studies. Perpetrators of homicide-suicides were older and more likely to be male and married to or separated from their victims than perpetrator of simple homicides or suicides. Influence of alcohol and a history of domestic violence or unemployment were less prevalent in homicide-suicides than in homicides. The proportion of firearm use in homicide-suicides varied across countries and was highest in the USA, Switzerland and South Africa, followed by Australia, Canada, The Netherlands and England and Wales, with a strong correlation between the use of firearms and the level of civilian gun ownership in the country. Our results indicate that homicide-suicides represent a distinct entity, with characteristics distinguishing them both from homicides and suicides.
Introduction: Domestic violence (DV) affects millions of Americans each year. Yet, there is a dearth of theory-based DV curricula, resulting in physicians unprepared to screen for DV. This study utilized a survey based on constructs from the Transtheoretical Model to assess the readiness of first- and second-year medical students to screen for DV. Information from this survey will be used to help institutionalize DV education into the medical curriculum. [See PDF for complete abstract]
Purpose: to provide commentary of two review articles that discuss the role of medical professionals in combating human trafficking: Health Care Providers' Training Needs Related to Human Trafficking: Maximizing the Opportunity to Effectively Screen and Intervene by Isaac, Solak, and Giardino, and Human Trafficking: What is the Role of the Health Care Provider? by Crane and Moreno. Findings: Both articles provide a good introduction and explanation of the psychosocial and medical issues faced by many trafficking victims; however, they succeed only to varying degrees in describing all the gaps in the medical system and the vital next steps forward. Conclusion: The key next steps in the fight against human trafficking include: multidisciplinary teams need to improve coordination on all forms of human maltreatment; schools for all medical professions and social work need to significantly strengthen their curriculum on diagnosing and treating human maltreatment; and groups that provide training on human trafficking should partner with other agencies and organizations that provide training on child maltreatment and domestic violence.
The causes and contexts of food insecurity among children in the U.S. are poorly understood because the prevalence of food insecurity at the child level is low compared to the prevalence of household food insecurity. In addition, caregivers may be reluctant to admit their children may not be getting enough food due to shame or fear they might lose custody of their children. Based on our ongoing qualitative research with mothers of young children, we suggest that food security among children is related to adverse childhood experiences of caregivers. This translates into poor mental and physical health in adolescence and adulthood, which can lead to inability to secure and maintain meaningful employment that pays a living wage. In this paper we propose that researchers shift the framework for understanding food insecurity in the United States to adopt a life course approach. This demands we pay greater attention to the lifelong consequences of exposure to trauma or toxic stressexposure to violence, rape, abuse and neglect, and housing, food, and other forms of deprivationduring childhood. We then describe three case studies of women from our ongoing study to describe a variety of toxic stress exposures and how they have an impact on a womans earning potential, her mental health, and attitudes toward raising children. Each woman describes her exposure to violence and deprivation as a child and adolescent, describes experiences with child hunger, and explains how her experiences have shaped her ability to nourish her children. We describe ways in which we can shift the nature of research investigations on food insecurity, and provide recommendations for policy-oriented solutions regarding income support programs, early intervention programs, child and adult mental health services, and violence prevention programs.
Critical situations (CSs) involving football fans is a well-researched phenomenon with most studies examining factors leading to an escalation of violence (e.g. Braun & Vliegenthart, 2008). However, research so far has fallen short of analysing CSs that do not escalate (e.g. Hylander & Guv, 2010) as well as establishing observable criteria that constitute such CSs. Granstrm et al. (2009), for instance, put forward a definition of a CS describing such situations as characterised by a discrepancy between peace and war-making behaviours between police and demonstrators. Still, this definition remains vague and does not provide concrete, defining criteria that can be identified on site. The present study looks beyond fans violent acts per se and focuses on these situations with a potentially but not necessarily - violent outcome. The aim of this preliminary study is to identify observable criteria defining such a CS involving football fans. This focus group comprised of five experts working with football fans in the German-speaking area of Switzerland who discussed observable characteristics of a CS. Inductive content analysis led to the identification of specific criteria such as, arrest of a fan, insufficient distance (<30m) between fans and police and fans mask themselves. These criteria were then assigned to four phases of a CS highlighting the dynamic aspect of this phenomenon: Antecedents, Causes, Reactions, Consequence. Specifically, Causes, Reactions and Consequences are observable on site, while Antecedents include relevant, background information directly influencing a CS. This study puts forward a working definition of a CS that can facilitate the assessment of actual situations in the football context as well as for further research on fan violence prevention and control. These results also highlight similarities with studies investigating fan violence in other European countries while acknowledging unique characteristics of the Swiss German fan culture.
Background: Due to the relationship between SES and health, pursuing post high-school plans can lead to better future health outcomes for the student. The current paper assesses how behavioral and health risk factors, and family and social support, effect a students decision to pursue post high school plans. Methods: Data from the Youth Behavioral Component of the 2007 Connecticut School Health Survey were analyzed. Composite measures of exposure to/participation in violent behavior, mental and physical health, family/social support and substance abuse were created. The effects of these domains on the decision to pursue post high-school plans were assessed using logistic regression. Data were stratified by socioeconomic status. Results: Low SES students were more likely than high SES students to be doubtful for post high-school plans. Cocaine abuse emerged as the risk factor that put low SES students at the highest odds of not pursuing post high-school plans, followed by involvement in violent/aggressive behavior, and receiving less family/social support than their peers. Similar findings regarding violence and family/social support were found in the high SES group. Findings regarding substance abuse in the high SES group were not statistically significant. Discussion: Prevention programs regarding violence and substance abuse may have the added benefit of increasing the likelihood that high school students will make post high school plans. Preventing cocaine use among low SES students may be of particular importance. Violence prevention measures should be tailored to the target group. Adequate family/social support emerged as an encouraging factor for post high school plans.
There is increasing evidence that childhood victimization and attachment disruptions impact a childs development. In this study, children and adolescents from an outpatient psychiatric clinic were assessed, measuring history of trauma, history of out-of-home placement, initial diagnoses, and CBCL internalizing and externalizing problem scores. Multiple regression analyses showed that both violent abuse trauma (physical/sexual abuse) and victim trauma (physical abuse/sexual abuse/witnessing domestic violence/witnessing community violence) are prevalent among patients with externalizing severity problems; concluding that diagnosis alone may not account for a history of victimization, but externalizing problem severity does. Overall, the study is consistent with past literature that it is important to acknowledge a childs history of maltreatment and out-of-home placement when understanding their psychiatric development and diagnosis.
Investiga as interferncias da violncia domstica na fase diagnstica, que antecede a Psicoterapia Breve, sua importncia no quadro clnico apresentado pelo paciente, se a violncia foi verbalizada pelo paciente e a forma como ela foi captada pelo terapeuta e levada em considerao na fase diagnstica da Psicoterapia Breve Infantil. Foram investigados sinais e sintomas de 29 pacientes de Psicoterapia Breve Infantil. A avaliao das entrevistas iniciais que compem a fase diagnstica da Psicoterapia Breve, foi realizada por dois juizes independentes, com ndice de concordncia igual a 0,87. Foram detectados sinais e sintomas de violncia domstica em 24 dos 29 casos analisados, o que corresponde a 83% do total de pacientes. A violncia domstica foi considerada significativa para uma situao-problema a ser trabalhada em anlise em 54% dos casos, o que mostra que uma situao de limiar, em que 50% das percepes so verdadeiras e a outra metade so falsas. Dos 13 casos em que a violncia domstica foi significativa pelos juzes, apenas 54% estavam includas na compreenso psicodinmica da queixa, pelo terapeuta. A incluso da violncia domstica no foco da Psicoterapia Breve foi observada somente em 2 casos, o que corresponde a 07% da amostra geral, muito perto da incidncia de mecanismos psicticos que prejudicam a socializao (08%). Os resultados obtidos foram discutidos segundo a literatura psicanaltica, que considera a violncia como a parte agressiva do self que ainda no est integrada ao self, permanecendo dissociada do conluio da famlia e s vezes do prprio psicoterapeuta. Tais resistncias em lidar com a violncia no permitem que a agressividade seja usada de forma construtiva pelo self, promovendo a socializao da criana pelo fortalecimento dos sentimentos de amizade e favorecendo o desenvolvimento de vnculos emocionais saudveis na dupla criana e psioterapeuta.(AU)
Investiga as interferncias da violncia domstica na fase diagnstica, que antecede a Psicoterapia Breve, sua importncia no quadro clnico apresentado pelo paciente, se a violncia foi verbalizada pelo paciente e a forma como ela foi captada pelo terapeuta e levada em considerao na fase diagnstica da Psicoterapia Breve Infantil. Foram investigados sinais e sintomas de 29 pacientes de Psicoterapia Breve Infantil. A avaliao das entrevistas iniciais que compem a fase diagnstica da Psicoterapia Breve, foi realizada por dois juizes independentes, com ndice de concordncia igual a 0,87. Foram detectados sinais e sintomas de violncia domstica em 24 dos 29 casos analisados, o que corresponde a 83% do total de pacientes. A violncia domstica foi considerada significativa para uma situao-problema a ser trabalhada em anlise em 54% dos casos, o que mostra que uma situao de limiar, em que 50% das percepes so verdadeiras e a outra metade so falsas. Dos 13 casos em que a violncia domstica foi significativa pelos juzes, apenas 54% estavam includas na compreenso psicodinmica da queixa, pelo terapeuta. A incluso da violncia domstica no foco da Psicoterapia Breve foi observada somente em 2 casos, o que corresponde a 07% da amostra geral, muito perto da incidncia de mecanismos psicticos que prejudicam a socializao (08%). Os resultados obtidos foram discutidos segundo a literatura psicanaltica, que considera a violncia como a parte agressiva do self que ainda no est integrada ao self, permanecendo dissociada do conluio da famlia e s vezes do prprio psicoterapeuta. Tais resistncias em lidar com a violncia no permitem que a agressividade seja usada de forma construtiva pelo self, promovendo a socializao da criana pelo fortalecimento dos sentimentos de amizade e favorecendo o desenvolvimento de vnculos emocionais saudveis na dupla criana e psioterapeuta.(AU)