812 resultados para Discipline and Punish


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The major purpose of this study was to identify and assess indexing coverage of core journals in cytotechnology. It was part of a larger project sponsored by the Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section of the Medical Library Association to map the literature of allied health. Three representative journals in cytotechnology were selected and subjected to citation analysis to determine what journals, other publication types, and years were cited and how often. Bradford's Law of Scattering was applied to the resulting list of cited journals to identify core titles in the discipline, and five indexes were searched to assess coverage of these core titles. Results indicated that the cytotechnology journal literature had a small core but wide dispersion: one third of the 21,021 journal citations appeared in only 3 titles; another third appeared in an additional 26 titles; the remaining third were scattered in 1,069 different titles. Science Citation Index Expanded rated highest in indexing coverage of the core titles, followed by MEDLINE, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, HealthSTAR, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). The study's results also showed that journals were the predominantly cited format and that citing authors relied strongly on more recent literature.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y comparar las características antropométricas, composición corporal y somatotipo de patinadoras de patinaje artístico sobre ruedas por categorías (junior y senior) y por disciplinas (individual, parejas y danza). Fueron evaluadas 62 patinadoras profesionales (36 en la disciplina de libre, 13 en danza y 13 en parejas). El análisis estadístico utilizado fue una ANOVA para muestras independientes entre disciplinas, y una T de Student para las categorías (junior y senior). Entre la categoría junior y senior no se han encontrado diferencias estadísticas significativas. Las patinadoras junior presentaron un somatotipo endo-mesomorfo, y las patinadoras senior presentaron un somatotipo mesomorfo balanceado. El somatotipo de las patinadoras de parejas y danza fue el mesomórfico balanceado, y el de las patinadoras de libre fue endo-mesomórfico. Este estudio aporta datos biotipológicos de referencia para la población de elite de patinadoras sobre ruedas.


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A disciplina matemática e o tema sustentabilidade podem ser muito bem trabalhados pelos docentes da área de exatas. Pois, saber quantificar, calcular e associar o consumo e o impacto ambiental através de dados numéricos é uma possibilidade que pode ser desenvolvida em sala de aula. Saber interpretar e construir gráficos de colunas são outras competências e habilidades presentes na ciência da matemática. Compreender conceitos, estratégias e situações matemáticas numéricas para aplicá-los a situações diversas no contexto das ciências, da tecnologia e da atividade cotidiana se faz necessário. E também, reconhecer, pela leitura de textos apropriados, a importância da Matemática na elaboração de proposta de intervenção solidária na realidade. Dessa forma, conhecer o ambiente em que vivemos, verificar a influência do homem na Natureza e quais ações deverão ser tomadas pensando nas futuras gerações é um despertar para o consumo consciente. O que acarreta como possibilidade o retorno à natureza de recursos utilizados de maneira correta. Conhecer uma conta de luz detalhada, aprender a calcular o consumo mensal de Kwh e diminuir o consumo de energia elétrica através da mudança de hábitos são exemplos cotidianos em que a matemática se faz presente. Relacionar a matemática ao estudo do meio ambiente proporciona através dos números mensurar os prejuízos e projetar soluções, torna a aprendizagem construtiva, podendo se constituir num comportamento cotidiano ou numa ação educativa para formar uma consciência ecológica dentro de indicadores reais. A aprendizagem se torna significativa quando relacionada ao cotidiano do aluno no sentido de mostrar o meio ambiente a que estão inseridos para que possam ser agentes transformadores, através da mudança de hábitos e principalmente desenvolvendo suas habilidades matemáticas. Sendo assim, o processo de ensino aprendizagem matemática-meio ambiente é realizado no sentido de oportunizar o conhecimento do mundo e domínio da natureza, com base nas linguagens matemáticas, criando-se condições de melhorar a capacidade de agir na sociedade, assumindo ações permanentes concentradas em um desenvolvimento sustentável para a continuidade da vida na Terra. Nesse diapasão, é possível desenvolver trabalhos pedagógicos “na trilha da matemática: do raciocínio ao meio-ambiente”. A resolução de situações problemas e assuntos referentes ao meio ambiente fazem com que os alunos tomem os cuidados necessários para com o meio ambiente, aos recursos por ele oferecidos e as consequências das ações errôneas causadas pelo homem.


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Three unlined pages with notes written by Harvard undergraduate Elijah Dunbar. The documents consist of two pages of chemistry notes compiled in September 1792 when Dunbar was a junior and an undated, untitled list of theological themes. The chemistry notes include a summary of the discipline and a set of laws regarding the "affinity of composition." The verso of the second page was later annotated: "Borrow- He that discerneth Youth & Beau[ty] Elij. Dunar 2'd 1793. Rec'd David Tappan, Professor of Divinity in the University--Elijah Dunbar, jun." followed by a list of students identified as "Alchemists" in the "Ridiculous Society": Joseph Perkins, Isaac Braman, William Biglow, and Elijah Dunbar. The second document is an untitled list of 27 theological themes beginning "1. Doctrine of the Trinity," and ending "27. Family worship," and may refer to sermon or lecture topics.


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Includes index.


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No mundo contemporâneo as formas de atingir desempenho máximo são cruciais, resulta em altos investimentos em tecnologia com o intuito de melhorar, entre outros, o desempenho dos trabalhadores, por serem esses os responsáveis pela produção eficiente ou não de bens e serviços. A tecnologia tem sido essencial neste processo, tais recursos estão à disposição de toda e qualquer empresa. Resta então, otimizar o desempenho dos trabalhadores frente a tal cenário. Neste, a liderança que sempre foi marcante nos processos administrativos, precisa ser reavaliada com o objetivo de conhecer como ela se dá nas equipes virtuais. O trabalho em equipe num mesmo local ganhou força desde a última década e continua sendo propulsora de desempenho na década atual. Contudo, tais equipes ganharam novo papel: o de compartilhar o desenvolvimento de um bem ou serviço em locais distintos. Nasceram, então, as equipes virtuais. Este trabalho objetiva compreender como a liderança estimula a motivação dos integrantes de equipes virtuais. Com intuito de responder ao objetivo do trabalho foi realizado um estudo de caso exploratório em uma empresa multinacional francesa instalada na região metropolitana de São Paulo. O caso é composto por 10 sujeitos que cobrem todo território nacional, para a qual foi realizada entrevista pelos mesmos meios de comunicação utilizado pelos sujeitos. Como resultado obteve-se a idéia de que a liderança é de alta relevância para o caso estudado. Identificou-se que nas equipes virtuais há elementos facilitadores e dificultadores, de ordem pessoal, organizacional e de infra-estrutura.(AU)


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Este estudo analisa a utilização do gerenciamento de riscos em algumas Empresas de Pequeno e Médio Porte (PMEs) na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo. A análise do risco empresarial possui uma crescente importância e ela pode contribuir fortemente para a continuidade dos negócios. A capacidade para gerenciar os riscos do negócio em relação ás inevitáveis incertezas e com uma valorização futura dos resultados é um fator substancial de vantagem competitiva. Este processo de geração de valor providencia a disciplina e ferramentas de administração dos riscos empresariais permitindo a criação de valor para sua organização. As Metodologias de Análise de Risco, em sua maioria, são aplicadas para grandes corporações. Uma das motivações desse trabalho é verificar o grau de utilidade dessas metodologias para as empresas PMEs escolhidas para a pesquisa em São Bernardo do Campo. O estudo é desenvolvido por meio de pesquisas bibliográficas e pesquisa exploratória nas empresas escolhidas. Após as pesquisas, foi feita uma análise qualitativa utilizando o método de estudo de casos. Finalmente, conclui-se que as empresas pesquisadas de São Bernardo do Campo, podem obter vantagens significativas ao implantar metodologias de gerenciamento de risco. Todas as empresas pesquisadas possuem mais de dez anos e consideram importante controlar a continuidade de seus negócios.


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A educação contemporânea está inserida num contexto de velozes e dinâmicas transformações sociais e culturais, principalmente com o avanço e incorporação das Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) no cotidiano das pessoas. Na Sociedade da Informação, na Era do Conhecimento, é preciso ir além do saber ler, escrever e digitar. A escola, por sua vez, de maneira ainda morosa, busca adequar-se às exigências do universo digital do qual participam seus agentes. O Ensino Médio, foco de preocupação e reflexão por todos os envolvidos no processo educativo dessa modalidade, tenta alcançar sua proposta de formação integral dos jovens para o exercício do trabalho e da cidadania. À disciplina Língua Portuguesa reserva-se a missão de conciliar o ensino da norma-culta com os gêneros discursivos de tal forma a promover a inclusão digital dos alunos nas diversas circunstâncias de letramento às quais são submetidos. Nesse âmbito, este trabalho investigou: Que percepções dos processos formativos emergem quando os alunos refletem acerca das práticas pedagógicas e das vivências nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa em atividades mediadas por portal educacional? O objetivo geral da pesquisa é provocar a reflexão nos professores, de tal forma que repensem suas práticas pedagógicas e seu papel no processo educativo a fim de promover uma experiência educativa mais condizente com a realidade dos alunos. A metodologia adotada foi a pesquisa qualitativa de cunho investigativo, na modalidade narrativa, sob a luz de Clandinin e Connelly (2011). Pela inserção no cenário e proximidade afetiva com os participantes, assumiu-se o desafio de desenvolver uma pesquisa-ação, para isso, os instrumentos investigativos adotados foram: entrevista semiestruturada, diário de bordo, atividades realizadas no portal, conversas informais e caderno de campo. A análise dos dados permitiu a elaboração de oito categorias de análise, emergentes das narrativas dos participantes: interação e comunicação; sala de aula ampliada; gestão da aprendizagem; o registro de si e do outro; aprendizagem colaborativa e transformadora; incentivo à pesquisa; estudo autônomo; e, desafios. Os resultados alcançados apontaram para reflexões que não se encerram nas páginas deste trabalho, dentre elas destacam-se: a importância de ouvir o aluno para que as propostas pedagógicas sejam revistas e melhoradas; o testar, nas práticas diárias, é fundamental, é o buscar algo além do tradicional, em prol de um objetivo de aprendizagem definido; o desejo de aprender pode despertar no aluno o interesse pelo conhecimento, tornando-o mais autônomo em suas escolhas e caminhos; as TDIC podem colaborar com o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, porém exigem envolvimento dos sujeitos, pois elas, enquanto instrumentos, não configuram o conhecimento, são os agentes que ao apropriar-se delas têm condições de obter o melhor de suas potencialidades. Futuros trabalhos poderão dar continuidade a este estudo e trazer grandes acréscimos ao contemplar as influências do uso das TDIC no cotidiano da escola, o que, certamente, será de grande contribuição para o cenário atual da Educação brasileira.


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Background The introduction of women officers into HM Prison Service raised questions regarding women's ability to perform what had traditionally been a male role. Existing research is inconclusive as to whether female prison officers are as competent as male prison officers, and whether there are gender differences in job performance. This study examined prisoners' perceptions of male and female prison officers' performance. Hypotheses The hypotheses were that overall competence and professionalism ratings would not differ for men and women officers, but that there would be differences in how men and women were perceived to perform their roles. Women were expected to be rated as more communicative, more empathic and less disciplining. Method The Prison Officer Competency Rating Scale (PORS) was designed for this study. Ratings on the PORS for male and female officers were given by 57 adult male prisoners. Results There was no significant difference in prisoners' ratings of overall competence of men and women officers. Of the PORS subscales, there were no gender differences in Discipline and Control, Communication or Empathy, but there was a significant difference in Professionalism, where prisoners rated women as more professional. Conclusion The failure to find any differences between men and women in overall job competence, or on communication, empathy and discipline, as perceived by prisoners, suggests that men and women may be performing their jobs similarly in many respects. Women were rated as more professional, and items contributing to this scale related to respecting privacy and keeping calm in difficult situations, where there may be inherent gender biases. Copyright © 2005 Whurr Publishers Ltd.


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This thesis is concerned with various aspects of Air Pollution due to smell, the impact it has on communities exposed to it, the means by which it may be controlled and the manner in which a local authority may investigate the problems it causes. The approach is a practical one drawing on examples occurring within a Local Authority's experience and for that reason the research is anecdotal and is not a comprehensive treatise on the full range of options available. Odour Pollution is not yet a well organised discipline and might be considered esoteric as it is necessary to incorporate elements of science and the humanities. It has been necessary to range widely across a number of aspects of the subject so that discussion is often restricted but many references have been included to enable a reader to pursue a particular point in greater depth. In a `fuzzy' subject there is often a yawning gap separating theory and practice, thus case studies have been used to illustrate the interplay of various disciplines in resolution of a problem. The essence of any science is observation and measurement. Observation has been made of the spread of odour pollution through a community and also of relevant meterological data so that a mathematical model could be constructed and its predictions checked. It has been used to explore the results of some options for odour control. Measurements of odour perception and human behaviour seldom have the precision and accuracy of the physical sciences. However methods of social research enabled individual perception of odour pollution to be quantified and an insight gained into reaction of a community exposed to it. Odours have four attributes that can be measured and together provide a complete description of its perception. No objective techniques of measurement have yet been developed but in this thesis simple, structured procedures of subjective assessment have been improvised and their use enabled the functioning of the components of an odour control system to be assessed. Such data enabled the action of the system to be communicated using terms that are understood by a non specialist audience.


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Over the last six decades, marketing concepts, tools, and knowledge have gone through tremendous developments. A general trend toward formalization has affected orientation and decision making and has clarified the relationship between marketing efforts and performance measures. This evolution has received strong support from concurrent revolutions in data collection and research techniques. This article outlines the formalization of the marketing discipline and proposes steps that will pave the way for future developments in marketing, toward what I call “distinguished marketing”.


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The main idea of our approach is that the domain ontology is not only the instrument of learning but an object of examining student skills. We propose for students to build the domain ontology of examine discipline and then compare it with etalon one. Analysis of student mistakes allows to propose them personalized recommendations and to improve the course materials in general. For knowledge interoperability we apply Semantic Web technologies. Application of agent-based technologies in e-learning provides the personification of students and tutors and saved all users from the routine operations.


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Faced with the violence, criminality and insecurity now threatening peace and democratic governance in Central America, the region’s governments have decided to use the Armed Forces to carry out actions in response to criminal actions, looking to improve their performance. Although public demand for including the Armed Forces in these functions takes place within a legally legitimate framework, it is motivated by tangible circumstances such as increased levels of violence, delinquency and crime. Despite being coupled with the perception of institutional weakness within the security and judicial system (particularly police) and the recognition of prestige, efficiency, discipline and severity in fulfilling the Armed Forces’ missions, these arguments are insufficient to legitimize the use of the military as a police force. Within this context, this paper reflects on the implications or consequences of the use of the Armed Forces in duties traditionally assigned to the police in the Central American region with the goal of contributing to the debate on this topic taking place in the Americas. To achieve this end, first we will focus on understanding the actual context in which a decision is made to involve the Armed Forces in security duties in the region. Second, we will examine the effects and implications of this decision on the Armed Forces’ relations within their respective societies. Third and finally, considering this is already a reality in the region, this paper will provide recommendations. The main findings of this research, resulting from the application of an analyticaldescriptive and historically based study, are organized in three dimensions: the political dimension, by implication referring to the relationship between the ultimate political authority and the Armed Forces; the social dimension, by implication the opinion of citizens; and other implications not only affecting the structural and cultural organization of armies and police but also the complementary operational framework within a context of comprehensive response by the State. As a main conclusion, it poses there is an environment conducive to the use of the Armed Forces in citizen’s security, in view of the impact of threats provoked by criminal structures of a military nature currently operating in Central America. However, this participation creates an inevitable social and political impact if implemented in isolation or given a political leading role and/or operational autonomy. This participation poses risks to the institutions of the Armed Forces and the police as well. Finally, this paper identifies an urgent need for the Armed Forces’ role to be more clearly defined with regard to security matters, limiting it to threats that impact States’ governability and existence. Nonetheless, Central American States should seek a COMPREHENSIVE response to current crime and violence, using all necessary institutions to confront these challenges, but with defined roles and responsibilities for each and dynamic coordination to complement their actions.


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In - Managing Quality In the Hospitality Industry – an observation by W. Gerald Glover, Associate Professor, Hospitality Management Program, Appalachian State University, initially Glover establishes: “Quality is a primary concern in the hospitality industry. The author sees problems in the nature of the way businesses are managed and discusses approaches to ensuring quality in corporate cultures.” As the title suggests, the author wants to point out certain discrepancies in hospitality quality control, as well as enlighten you as to how to address some of these concerns. “A discussion of quality presents some interesting dilemmas. Quality is something that almost everyone wants,” Assistant Professor Glover notes. “Service businesses will never admit that they don't provide it to their customers, and few people actually understand what it takes to make it happen,” he further maintains. Glover wants you to know that in a dynamic industry such as hospitality, quality is the common denominator. Whether it be hotel, restaurant, airline, et al., quality is the raison d’être of the industry. “Quality involves the consistent delivery of a product or service according to the expected standards,” Glover provides. Many, if not all quality deficiencies can be traced back to management, Glover declares. He bullet points some of the operational and guest service problems managers’ face on a daily basis. One important point of note is the measuring and managing of quality. “Standards management is another critical area in people and product management that is seldom effective in corporations,” says Glover. “Typically, this area involves performance documentation, performance evaluation and appraisal, coaching, discipline, and team-building.” “To be effective at managing standards, an organization must establish communication in realms where it is currently non-existent or ineffective,” Glover goes on to say. “Coaching, training, and performance appraisal are methods to manage individuals who are expected to do what's expected.” He alludes to the benefit quality circles supply as well. In addressing American organizational behavior, Glover postures, “…a realization must develop that people and product management are the primary influences on generating revenues and eventually influencing the bottom line in all American organizations.” Glover introduces the concept of pro-activity. “Most recently, quality assurance and quality management have become the means used to develop and maintain proactive corporate cultures. When prevention is the focus, quality is most consistent and expectations are usually met,” he offers. Much of the article is dedicated to, “Appendix A-Table 1-Characteristics of Corporate Cultures (Reactive and Proactive. In it, Glover measures the impact of proactive management as opposed to the reactive management intrinsic to many elements of corporate culture mentality.