936 resultados para Diffractive dissociation


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The interaction of ionising radiation with living tissues may direct or indirectly generate several secondary species with relevant genotoxic potential. Due to recent findings that electrons with energies below the ionisation threshold can effectively damage DNA, radiation-induced damage to biological systems has increasingly come under scrutiny. The exact physico-chemical processes that occur in the first stages of electron induced damage remain to be explained. However, it is also known that free electrons have a short lifetime in the physiological medium. Hence, electron transfer processes studies represent an alternative approach through which the role of "bound" electrons as a source of damage to biological tissues can be further explored. The thesis work consists of studying dissociative electron attachment (DEA) and electron transfer to taurine and thiaproline. DEA measurements were executed in Siedlce University with Prof. Janina Kopyra under COST action MP1002 (Nanoscale insights in ion beam cancer therapy). The electron transfer experiments were conducted in a crossed atom(potassium)-molecule beam arrangement. In these studies the anionic fragmentation patterns were obtained. The results of both mechanisms are shown to be significantly different, unveiling that the damaging potential of secondary electrons can be underestimated. In addition, sulphur atoms appear to strongly influence the dissociation process, demonstrating that certain reactions can be controlled by substitution of sulphur at specific molecular sites.


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One of the biggest concerns in the Tissue Engineering field is the correct vascularization of engineered constructs. Strategies involving the use of endothelial cells are promising but adequate cell sourcing and neo-vessels stability are enduring challenges. In this work, we propose the hypoxic pre-conditioning of the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) of human adipose tissue to obtain highly angiogenic cell sheets (CS). For that, SVF was isolated after enzymatic dissociation of adipose tissue and cultured until CS formation in normoxic (pO2=21%) and hypoxic (pO2=5%) conditions for 5 and 8 days, in basal medium. Immunocytochemistry against CD31 and CD146 revealed the presence of highly branched capillary-like structures, which were far more complex for hypoxia. ELISA quantification showed increased VEGF and TIMP-1 secretion in hypoxia for 8 days of culture. In a Matrigel assay, the formation of capillary-like structures by endothelial cells was more prominent when cultured in conditioned medium recovered from the cultures in hypoxia. The same conditioned medium increased the migration of adipose stromal cells in a scratch assay, when compared with the medium from normoxia. Histological analysis after implantation of 8 days normoxic- and hypoxic-conditioned SVF CS in a hindlimb ischemia murine model showed improved formation of neo-blood vessels. Furthermore, Laser Doppler results demonstrated that the blood perfusion of the injured limb after 30 days was enhanced for the hypoxic CS group. Overall, these results suggest that SVF CS created under hypoxia can be used as functional vascularization units for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia


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ABSTRACT Leaves have a variety of morphological and anatomical characters mainly influenced by climatic, edaphic and biotic factors. The aim of this study was to describe the anatomical leaf traits of Qualea parviflora from three phytophysiognomies. The studied phytophysiognomies were Amazon Savannah on rocky outcrops (ASR), Transition Rupestrian Cerrado (TRC), and Cerradão (CDA). Freehand sections of the leaf blade were made and stained with 0.5% astra blue and with basic fuchsin. From the adaxial and abaxial leaf surface, freehand paradermal sections were made for epidermis analysis. The Jeffrey´s method, with modifications, was used in the epidermis dissociation process. The samples from the TRC phytophysiognomy had relatively smaller ordinary epidermal cells, higher abundance of trichomes, and mesophyll with few intercellular spaces, in comparison to the other phytophysiognomies. The leaves from the ASR phytophysiognomy had higher stomatal index (SI = 21.02), and five to six layers of sclerenchyma surrounding the midrib vascular bundle. The secondary vascular bundles had thicker cell walls and the bundle sheath extended up to the epidermal tissue of both leaf sides. Leaves from the CDA phytophysiognomy had mesomorphic environmental traits, such as a thinner cuticle. It is concluded that trees from ASR and TRC phytophysiognomies have xeromorphic traits following the environmental conditions where they occur.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito das Crianças, Família e Sucessões


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This is the report of a case of fetal tachyarrhythmia with 1:1 atrioventricular conduction detected by pre-natal echocardiography in a fetus at 25-weeks gestation. Adenosine infusion via cordocentesis was performed as a diagnostic test to differentiate between atrioventricular nodal reentrant supraventricular tachyarrhythmia and atrial flutter. After infusion, transient 2:1 atrioventricular dissociation was obtained and the diagnosis of atrial flutter was made. Transplacental therapy with digoxin and amiodarone was then successfully used.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the early and late results of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a cardiology hospital and to try to detect prognostic determinants of both short- and long-term survival. METHODS: A series of 557 patients who suffered cardiorespiratory arrest (CRA) at the Dante Pazzanese Cardiology Institute over a period of 5 years was analyzed to examine factors predicting successful resuscitation and long-term survival. RESULTS: Ressuscitation maneuvers were tried in 536 patients; 281 patients (52.4%) died immediately, and 164 patients (30.6%) survived for than 24 hours. The 87 patients who survived for more than 1 month after CRA were compared with nonsurvivors. Coronary disease, cardiomyopathy, and valvular disease had a better prognosis. Primary arrhythmia occurred in 73.5% of the >1-month survivor group and heart failure occurred in 12.6% of this group. In those patients in whom the initial mechanism of CRA was ventricular fibrillation, 33.3% survived for more than 1 month, but of those with ventricular asystole only 4.3% survived. None of the 10 patients with electromechanical dissociation survived. There was worse prognosis in patients included in the extreme age groups (zero to 10 years and 70 years or more). The best results occurred when the cardiac arrest took place in the catheterization laboratories. The worst results occurred in the intensive care unit and the hemodialysis room. CONCLUSION: The results in our series may serve as a helpful guide to physicians with the difficult task of deciding when not to resuscitate or when to stop resuscitation efforts.


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In an attempt to define the mouse-model for chronic Chagas' disease, a serological, histopathological and ultrastructural study as well as immunotyping of myocardium collagenic matrix were performed on Swiss mice, chronically infected with Trypanosoma cruzi strains: 21 SF and mambaí (Type II); PMN and Bolivia (Type III), spontaneously surviving after 154 to 468 days of infection. Haemagglutination and indirect immunofluorescence tests showed high titres of specific antibodies. The ultrastructural study disclosed the cellular constitution of the inflammatory infiltrate showing the predominance of monocytes, macrophages with intense phagocytic activity, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts and abundant collagen matrix suggesting the association of the inflammatory process with fibrogenesis in chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy. Artertolar and blood capillary alterations together with dissociation of cardiac cells from the capillary wall by edema and inflammation were related to ultrastructural lesions of myocardial cells. Rupture of parasitized cardiac myocells contribute to intensify the inflammatory process in focal areas. Collagen immunotyping showed the predominance of Types III and IV collagen. Collagen degradation and phagocytosis were present suggesting a reversibility of the fibrous process. The mouse model seems to be valuable in the study of the pathogenetic mechanisms in Chagas cardiomyopathy, providing that T. cruzi strains of low virulence and high pathogenecity are used.


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Stress, molecular crowding and mutations may jeopardize the native folding of proteins. Misfolded and aggregated proteins not only loose their biological activity, but may also disturb protein homeostasis, damage membranes and induce apoptosis. Here, we review the role of molecular chaperones as a network of cellular defenses against the formation of cytotoxic protein aggregates. Chaperones favour the native folding of proteins either as "holdases", sequestering hydrophobic regions in misfolding polypeptides, and/or as "unfoldases", forcibly unfolding and disentangling misfolded polypeptides from aggregates. Whereas in bacteria, plants and fungi Hsp70/40 acts in concert with the Hsp100 (ClpB) unfoldase, Hsp70/40 is the only known chaperone in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells that can forcibly unfold and neutralize cytotoxic protein conformers. Owing to its particular spatial configuration, the bulky 70 kDa Hsp70 molecule, when distally bound through a very tight molecular clamp onto a 50-fold smaller hydrophobic peptide loop extruding from an aggregate, can locally exert on the misfolded segment an unfolding force of entropic origin, thus destroying the misfolded structures that stabilize aggregates. ADP/ATP exchange triggers Hsp70 dissociation from the ensuing enlarged unfolded peptide loop, which is then allowed to spontaneously refold into a closer-to-native conformation devoid of affinity for the chaperone. Driven by ATP, the cooperative action of Hsp70 and its co-chaperone Hsp40 may thus gradually convert toxic misfolded protein substrates with high affinity for the chaperone, into non-toxic, natively refolded, low-affinity products. Stress- and mutation-induced protein damages in the cell, causing degenerative diseases and aging, may thus be effectively counteracted by a powerful network of molecular chaperones and of chaperone-related proteases.


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Summary : The hypothalamus represents less than 1 % of the total volume of the brain tissue, yet it plays a crucial role in endocrine regulations. Puberty is defined as a process leading to physical, sexual and psychosocial maturation. The hypothalamus is central to this process, via the activation of GnRH neurons. Pulsatile GnRH secretion, minimal during childhood, increases with the onset of puberty. The primary function of GnRH is to regulate the growth, development and function of testes in boys and ovaries in girls, by stimulating the pituitary gland secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Several factors contribute to the timing of puberty, including sex and ethnicity, genetics, dietary intake and energy expenditure. Kisspeptins constitute a family of small peptides arising from the proteolytic cleavage of metastin, a peptide with 54 amino acids initially purified from human placenta. These kisspeptins were the subject of much attention following their discovery because of their antimetastatic properties, but it was more recently that their determining role in the reproductive function was demonstrated. It was shown that kisspeptins are ligands of a receptor, GPR54, whose natural inactivating mutation in humans, or knockout in the mouse, lead to infertility. GnRH neurons play a pivotal role in the central regulation of fertility. Kisspeptin greatly increases GnRH release and GnRH neuron firing activity, but the neurobiological mechanisms for these actions are unknown. Gprotein-coupled receptor 54, the receptor for kisspeptin, is expressed by GnRH neurons as well as other hypothalamic neurons, suggesting that both direct and indirect effects are possible. In the first part of my thesis, we investigated a possible connection between the acceleration of sexual development induced by leptin and hypothalamic metastin neurons. However, the data generated by our preliminary experiments confirmed that the commercially available antibodies are non-specific. This finding constituted a major drawback for our studies, which relied heavily upon the neuroanatomical study of the hypothalamic metastinergic pathways to elucidate their sensitivity to exogenous leptin. Therefore, we decided to postpone any further in vivo experiment until a better antibody becomes available, and focused on in vitro studies to better understand the mechanisms of action of kisspeptins in the modulation of the activity of GnRH neurons. We used two GnRH-expressing neuronal cell lines to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of action of metastin in GnRH neurons. We demonstrated that kisspeptin induces an early activation of the MAP kinase intracellular signaling pathway in both cell lines, whereas the SAP/JNK or the Akt pathways were unaffected. Moreover, we found an increase in GnRH mRNA levels after 6h of metastin stimulation. Thus, we can conclude that kisspeptin regulates GnRH neurons both at the secretion and the gene expression levels. The MAPK pathway is the major pathway activated by metastin in GnRH expressing neurons. Taken together, these data provide the first mechanism of action of kisspeptin on GnRH neurons. Résumé : L'hypothalamus est une zone située au centre du cerveau, dont il représente moins de 1 du volume total. La puberté est la période de transition entre l'enfance et l'age adulte, qui s'accompagne de transformations somatiques, psychologiques, métaboliques et hormonales conduisant à la possibilité de procréer. La fonction principale de la GnRH est la régulation de la croissance, du développement et de la fonction des testicules chez les hommes, et des ovaires chez les femmes en stimulant la sécrétion de l'hormone lutéinisante (LH) et de l'hormone folliculostimulante (FSH) par la glande hypophysaire. Plusieurs facteurs contribuent au déclanchement de la puberté, y compris le sexe et l'appartenance ethnique, la génétique, l'apport alimentaire et la dépense énergétique. Les Kisspeptines constituent une famille de peptides résultant de la dissociation proteolytique de la métastine, un peptide de 54 acides aminés initialement purifié à partir de placenta humain. Ces kisspeptines ont fait l'objet de beaucoup d'attention à la suite de leur découverte en raison de leurs propriétés anti-metastatiques, et c'est plus récemment que leur rôle déterminant dans la fonction reproductive a été démontré. Les kisspeptines sont des ligands du récepteur GPR54, dont la mutation inactivatrice chez l'homme, ou le knockout chez la souris, conduisent à l'infertilité par hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope. Les neurones à GnRH jouent un rôle central dans le règlement des fonctions reproductrices et la kisspeptine stimule l'activité des neurones à GnRH et la libération de GnRH par ces neurones. Toutefois, les mécanismes neurobiologiques de ces actions ne sont pas connus. Dans la première partie de ma thèse, nous avons étudié le lien potentiel entre l'accélération du développement sexuel induite par la leptine et les neurones hypothalamiques à metastine. Les données générées dans cette première série d'expériences ont malheureusement confirmé que les anticorps anti-metastine disponibles dans le commerce sont aspécifiques. Ceci a constitué un inconvénient majeur pour nos études, qui devaient fortement s'appuyer sur l' étude neuroanatomique des neurones hypothalamiques à metastine pour évaluer leur sensibilité à la leptine exogène. Nous avons donc décidé de focaliser nos travaux sur une étude in vitro des mécanismes d'action de la kisspeptine pour moduler l'activité des neurones à GnRH. Nous avons utilisé deux lignées de cellules neuronales exprimant la GnRH pour étudier les mécanismes d'action cellulaires et moléculaires de la metastine dans des neurones. Nous avons ainsi pu démontrer que la kisspeptine induit une activation précoce de la voie f de signalisation de la MAP kinase dans les deux lignées cellulaires, alors que nous n'avons observé aucune activation de la voie de signalisation de la P13 Kinase et de la SAP/JNK. Nous avons en outre démontré une augmentation de l'expression de la GnRH par la stimulation avec la Kisspeptine. L'ensemble de ces données contribue à élucider le mécanisme d'action avec lequel la kisspeptine agit dans les neurones à GnRH, en démontrant un effet sur l'expression génique de la GnRH. Nous pouvons également conclure que la voie de la MAPK est la voie principale activée par la metastine dans les neurones exprimant la GnRH.


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Genetic crosses between phenotypically resistant and sensitive schistosomes demonstrated that resistance to hycanthone and oxamniquine behaves like a recessive trait, thus suggesting that resistance is due to the lack of some factor. We hypothesized that, in order to kill schistosomes, hycanthone and oxamniquine need to be converted into an active metabolite by some parasite enzyme wich, if inactive, results in drug resistance. Esterification of the drugs seemed to be the most likely event as it would lead to the production of an alkylating agent upon dissociation of the ester. An artificial ester of hycanthone was indeed active even in resistant worms, thus indirectly supporting our hypothesis. In addition, several lines of evidence demonstrated that exposure to hycanthone and oxamniquine results in alkylation of worm macromolecules. Thus, radioactive drugs formed covalent bonds with the DNA of sensitive (but not of resistant) schistosomes; an antiserum raised against hycanthone detected the presence of the drug in the purified DNA fraction of sensitive (but not of resistant) schistosomes; a drug-DNA adduct was isolated from hycanthone-treated worms and fully characterized as hycanthone-deoxyguanosine.


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den Dunnen et al. [den Dunnen, W.F.A., Brouwer, W.H., Bijlard, E., Kamphuis, J., van Linschoten, K., Eggens-Meijer, E., Holstege, G., 2008. No disease in the brain of a 115-year-old woman. Neurobiol. Aging] had the opportunity to follow up the cognitive functioning of one of the world's oldest woman during the last 3 years of her life. They performed two neuropsychological evaluations at age 112 and 115 that revealed a striking preservation of immediate recall abilities and orientation. In contrast, working memory, retrieval from semantic memory and mental arithmetic performances declined after age 112. Overall, only a one-point decrease of MMSE score occurred (from 27 to 26) reflecting the remarkable preservation of cognitive abilities. The neuropathological assessment showed few neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the hippocampal formation compatible with Braak staging II, absence of amyloid deposits and other types of neurodegenerative lesions as well as preservation of neuron numbers in locus coeruleus. This finding was related to a striking paucity of Alzheimer disease (AD)-related lesions in the hippocampal formation. The present report parallels the early descriptions of rare "supernormal" centenarians supporting the dissociation between brain aging and AD processes. In conjunction with recent stereological analyses in cases aged from 90 to 102 years, it also points to the marked resistance of the hippocampal formation to the degenerative process in this age group and possible dissociation between the occurrence of slight cognitive deficits and development of AD-related pathologic changes in neocortical areas. This work is discussed in the context of current efforts to identify the biological and genetic parameters of human longevity.


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Abstract (English)General backgroundMultisensory stimuli are easier to recognize, can improve learning and a processed faster compared to unisensory ones. As such, the ability an organism has to extract and synthesize relevant sensory inputs across multiple sensory modalities shapes his perception of and interaction with the environment. A major question in the scientific field is how the brain extracts and fuses relevant information to create a unified perceptual representation (but also how it segregates unrelated information). This fusion between the senses has been termed "multisensory integration", a notion that derives from seminal animal single-cell studies performed in the superior colliculus, a subcortical structure shown to create a multisensory output differing from the sum of its unisensory inputs. At the cortical level, integration of multisensory information is traditionally deferred to higher classical associative cortical regions within the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes, after extensive processing within the sensory-specific and segregated pathways. However, many anatomical, electrophysiological and neuroimaging findings now speak for multisensory convergence and interactions as a distributed process beginning much earlier than previously appreciated and within the initial stages of sensory processing.The work presented in this thesis is aimed at studying the neural basis and mechanisms of how the human brain combines sensory information between the senses of hearing and touch. Early latency non-linear auditory-somatosensory neural response interactions have been repeatedly observed in humans and non-human primates. Whether these early, low-level interactions are directly influencing behavioral outcomes remains an open question as they have been observed under diverse experimental circumstances such as anesthesia, passive stimulation, as well as speeded reaction time tasks. Under laboratory settings, it has been demonstrated that simple reaction times to auditory-somatosensory stimuli are facilitated over their unisensory counterparts both when delivered to the same spatial location or not, suggesting that audi- tory-somatosensory integration must occur in cerebral regions with large-scale spatial representations. However experiments that required the spatial processing of the stimuli have observed effects limited to spatially aligned conditions or varying depending on which body part was stimulated. Whether those divergences stem from task requirements and/or the need for spatial processing has not been firmly established.Hypotheses and experimental resultsIn a first study, we hypothesized that auditory-somatosensory early non-linear multisensory neural response interactions are relevant to behavior. Performing a median split according to reaction time of a subset of behavioral and electroencephalographic data, we found that the earliest non-linear multisensory interactions measured within the EEG signal (i.e. between 40-83ms post-stimulus onset) were specific to fast reaction times indicating a direct correlation of early neural response interactions and behavior.In a second study, we hypothesized that the relevance of spatial information for task performance has an impact on behavioral measures of auditory-somatosensory integration. Across two psychophysical experiments we show that facilitated detection occurs even when attending to spatial information, with no modulation according to spatial alignment of the stimuli. On the other hand, discrimination performance with probes, quantified using sensitivity (d'), is impaired following multisensory trials in general and significantly more so following misaligned multisensory trials.In a third study, we hypothesized that behavioral improvements might vary depending which body part is stimulated. Preliminary results suggest a possible dissociation between behavioral improvements andERPs. RTs to multisensory stimuli were modulated by space only in the case when somatosensory stimuli were delivered to the neck whereas multisensory ERPs were modulated by spatial alignment for both types of somatosensory stimuli.ConclusionThis thesis provides insight into the functional role played by early, low-level multisensory interac-tions. Combining psychophysics and electrical neuroimaging techniques we demonstrate the behavioral re-levance of early and low-level interactions in the normal human system. Moreover, we show that these early interactions are hermetic to top-down influences on spatial processing suggesting their occurrence within cerebral regions having access to large-scale spatial representations. We finally highlight specific interactions between auditory space and somatosensory stimulation on different body parts. Gaining an in-depth understanding of how multisensory integration normally operates is of central importance as it will ultimately permit us to consider how the impaired brain could benefit from rehabilitation with multisensory stimula-Abstract (French)Background théoriqueDes stimuli multisensoriels sont plus faciles à reconnaître, peuvent améliorer l'apprentissage et sont traités plus rapidement comparé à des stimuli unisensoriels. Ainsi, la capacité qu'un organisme possède à extraire et à synthétiser avec ses différentes modalités sensorielles des inputs sensoriels pertinents, façonne sa perception et son interaction avec l'environnement. Une question majeure dans le domaine scientifique est comment le cerveau parvient à extraire et à fusionner des stimuli pour créer une représentation percep- tuelle cohérente (mais aussi comment il isole les stimuli sans rapport). Cette fusion entre les sens est appelée "intégration multisensorielle", une notion qui provient de travaux effectués dans le colliculus supérieur chez l'animal, une structure sous-corticale possédant des neurones produisant une sortie multisensorielle différant de la somme des entrées unisensorielles. Traditionnellement, l'intégration d'informations multisen- sorielles au niveau cortical est considérée comme se produisant tardivement dans les aires associatives supérieures dans les lobes frontaux, temporaux et pariétaux, suite à un traitement extensif au sein de régions unisensorielles primaires. Cependant, plusieurs découvertes anatomiques, électrophysiologiques et de neuroimageries remettent en question ce postulat, suggérant l'existence d'une convergence et d'interactions multisensorielles précoces.Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse sont destinés à mieux comprendre les bases neuronales et les mécanismes impliqués dans la combinaison d'informations sensorielles entre les sens de l'audition et du toucher chez l'homme. Des interactions neuronales non-linéaires précoces audio-somatosensorielles ont été observées à maintes reprises chez l'homme et le singe dans des circonstances aussi variées que sous anes- thésie, avec stimulation passive, et lors de tâches nécessitant un comportement (une détection simple de stimuli, par exemple). Ainsi, le rôle fonctionnel joué par ces interactions à une étape du traitement de l'information si précoce demeure une question ouverte. Il a également été démontré que les temps de réaction en réponse à des stimuli audio-somatosensoriels sont facilités par rapport à leurs homologues unisensoriels indépendamment de leur position spatiale. Ce résultat suggère que l'intégration audio- somatosensorielle se produit dans des régions cérébrales possédant des représentations spatiales à large échelle. Cependant, des expériences qui ont exigé un traitement spatial des stimuli ont produits des effets limités à des conditions où les stimuli multisensoriels étaient, alignés dans l'espace ou encore comme pouvant varier selon la partie de corps stimulée. Il n'a pas été établi à ce jour si ces divergences pourraient être dues aux contraintes liées à la tâche et/ou à la nécessité d'un traitement de l'information spatiale.Hypothèse et résultats expérimentauxDans une première étude, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que les interactions audio- somatosensorielles précoces sont pertinentes pour le comportement. En effectuant un partage des temps de réaction par rapport à la médiane d'un sous-ensemble de données comportementales et électroencépha- lographiques, nous avons constaté que les interactions multisensorielles qui se produisent à des latences précoces (entre 40-83ms) sont spécifique aux temps de réaction rapides indiquant une corrélation directe entre ces interactions neuronales précoces et le comportement.Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que si l'information spatiale devient perti-nente pour la tâche, elle pourrait exercer une influence sur des mesures comportementales de l'intégration audio-somatosensorielles. Dans deux expériences psychophysiques, nous montrons que même si les participants prêtent attention à l'information spatiale, une facilitation de la détection se produit et ce toujours indépendamment de la configuration spatiale des stimuli. Cependant, la performance de discrimination, quantifiée à l'aide d'un index de sensibilité (d') est altérée suite aux essais multisensoriels en général et de manière plus significative pour les essais multisensoriels non-alignés dans l'espace.Dans une troisième étude, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que des améliorations comportementales pourraient différer selon la partie du corps qui est stimulée (la main vs. la nuque). Des résultats préliminaires suggèrent une dissociation possible entre une facilitation comportementale et les potentiels évoqués. Les temps de réactions étaient influencés par la configuration spatiale uniquement dans le cas ou les stimuli somatosensoriels étaient sur la nuque alors que les potentiels évoqués étaient modulés par l'alignement spatial pour les deux types de stimuli somatosensorielles.ConclusionCette thèse apporte des éléments nouveaux concernant le rôle fonctionnel joué par les interactions multisensorielles précoces de bas niveau. En combinant la psychophysique et la neuroimagerie électrique, nous démontrons la pertinence comportementale des ces interactions dans le système humain normal. Par ailleurs, nous montrons que ces interactions précoces sont hermétiques aux influences dites «top-down» sur le traitement spatial suggérant leur occurrence dans des régions cérébrales ayant accès à des représentations spatiales de grande échelle. Nous soulignons enfin des interactions spécifiques entre l'espace auditif et la stimulation somatosensorielle sur différentes parties du corps. Approfondir la connaissance concernant les bases neuronales et les mécanismes impliqués dans l'intégration multisensorielle dans le système normale est d'une importance centrale car elle permettra d'examiner et de mieux comprendre comment le cerveau déficient pourrait bénéficier d'une réhabilitation avec la stimulation multisensorielle.


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We demonstrate that the step of DNA strand exchange during RecA-mediated recombination reaction can occur equally efficiently in the presence or absence of ATP hydrolysis. The polarity of strand exchange is the same when instead of ATP its non-hydrolyzable analog adenosine-5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) is used. We show that the ATP dependence of recombination reaction is limited to the post-exchange stages of the reactions. The low DNA affinity state of RecA protomers, induced after ATP hydrolysis, is necessary for the dissociation of RecA-DNA complexes at the end of the reaction. This dissociation of RecA from DNA is necessary for the release of recombinant DNA molecules from the complexes formed with RecA and for the recycling of RecA protomers for another round of the recombination reaction.


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PIDD has been implicated in survival and apoptotic pathways in response to DNA damage, and a role for PIDD was recently identified in non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair induced by γ-irradiation. Here, we present an interaction of PIDD with PCNA, first identified in a proteomics screen. PCNA has essential functions in DNA replication and repair following UV irradiation. Translesion synthesis (TLS) is a process that prevents UV irradiation-induced replication blockage and is characterized by PCNA monoubiquitination and interaction with the TLS polymerase eta (polη). Both of these processes are inhibited by p21. We report that PIDD modulates p21-PCNA dissociation, and promotes PCNA monoubiquitination and interaction with polη in response to UV irradiation. Furthermore, PIDD deficiency leads to a defect in TLS that is associated, both in vitro and in vivo, with cellular sensitization to UV-induced apoptosis. Thus, PIDD performs key functions upon UV irradiation, including TLS, NHEJ, NF-κB activation and cell death.