753 resultados para Diabetis mellitus tipus 2
Hypomagnesemia affects insulin resistance and is a risk factor for diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the epithelial magnesium channel TRPM6 (V(1393)I, K(1584)E) were predicted to confer susceptibility for DM2. Here, we show using patch clamp analysis and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, that insulin stimulates TRPM6 activity via a phosphoinositide 3-kinase and Rac1-mediated elevation of cell surface expression of TRPM6. Interestingly, insulin failed to activate the genetic variants TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E), which is likely due to the inability of the insulin signaling pathway to phosphorylate TRPM6(T(1391)) and TRPM6(S(1583)). Moreover, by measuring total glycosylated hemoglobin (TGH) in 997 pregnant women as a measure of glucose control, we demonstrate that TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E) are associated with higher TGH and confer a higher likelihood of developing GDM. The impaired response of TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E) to insulin represents a unique molecular pathway leading to GDM where the defect is located in TRPM6.
In previous studies with glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) we have observed that this peptide modulates fluid intake and increases renal sodium excretion in healthy volunteers and in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. The effect of GLP-1 on thirst, water intake and on osmoregulation has, however, not been examined in detail in humans.
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the influence of deep sternal wound infection on long-term survival following cardiac surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In our institutional database we retrospectively evaluated medical records of 4732 adult patients who received open-heart surgery from January 1995 through December 2005. The predictive factors for DSWI were determined using logistic regression analysis. Then, each patient with deep sternal wound infection (DSWI) was matched with 2 controls without DSWI, according to the risk factors identified previously. After checking balance resulting from matching, short-term mortality was compared between groups using a paired test, and long-term survival was compared using Kaplan-Meier analysis and a Cox proportional hazard model. RESULTS: Overall, 4732 records were analyzed. The mean age of the investigated population was 69.3±12.8 years. DSWI occurred in 74 (1.56%) patients. Significant independent predictive factors for deep sternal infections were active smoking (OR 2.19, CI95 1.35-3.53, p=0.001), obesity (OR 1.96, CI95 1.20-3.21, p=0.007), and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (OR 2.09, CI95 1.05-10.06, p=0.016). Mean follow-up in the matched set was 125 months, IQR 99-162. After matching, in-hospital mortality was higher in the DSWI group (8.1% vs. 2.7% p=0.03), but DSWI was not an independent predictor of long-term survival (adjusted HR 1.5, CI95 0.7-3.2, p=0.33). CONCLUSIONS: The results presented in this report clearly show that post-sternotomy deep wound infection does not influence long-term survival in an adult general cardio-surgical patient population.
A doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (DHGNA) abrange alterações desde esteatose até esteato-hepatite não alcoólica (EHNA), podendo evoluir para fibrose, cirrose e carcinoma hepatocelular. A DHGNA é considerada a doença hepática mais comum na atualidade e com prevalência mundial alarmante. Esta doença caracteriza-se, basicamente, pela deposição de triglicérides nos hepatócitos, podendo evoluir com inflamação e fibrose, e está intimamente associada com resistência à insulina (RI), diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e obesidade. Os hepatócitos representam as principais células hepáticas e se comunicam através de junções do tipo gap, formadas principalmente por conexina 32 (Cx32). Esta proteína apresenta importante função no controle da homeostase tecidual, regulando processos fisiológicos e tem sido associada como agente protetor na hepatocarcinogênese e outros processos patológicos, porem pouco se sabe sobre sua participação na DHGNA. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a participação da Cx32 na fisiopatogênese da DHGNA, utilizando camundongos knockout para Cx32 (Cx32-KO) submetidos a uma dieta hiperlipídica deficiente em colina. Foram analisados dados biométricos, histopatológicos, função hepática, RI, citocinas inflamatórias, adipocinas, estresse oxidativo, peroxidação lipídica e a expressão de genes envolvidos na DHGNA. Os animais Cx32-KO apresentaram maior acumulo de triglicérides hepáticos em relação aos animais selvagens e, consequentemente, maior peso absoluto e relativo do fígado. Adicionalmente, apresentaram maior inflamação hepática demonstrado pela exacerbação da citocina TNF-α e supressão da IL-10, maior dano hepatocelular indicado pelo aumento das enzimas AST e ALT, aumento da peroxidação lipídica e alterações na expressão de genes chaves na fisiopatogênese da DHGNA, como SREBP1c. No entanto, não houve diferença nos marcadores histopatológicos, RI e estresse oxidativo hepático. Por fim, os animais Cx32-KO apresentaram maior produção de leptina e adiponectina no tecido adiposo. Todos esses resultados revelam que a Cx32 pode atuar como um agente protetor ao desenvolvimento da DHGNA, sugerindo seu potencial como novo alvo terapêutico
Introdução - Na prevenção primária das doenças cardiovasculares, a adoção de estilo de vida saudável representa uma das estratégias mais importantes. Entretanto, baixos índices de adesão e o abandono da dieta constituem obstáculo importante ao tratamento. Neste sentido, as intervenções cirúrgicas surgiram como um mecanismo promotor da restrição alimentar e têm ganhado importância não só pelo tratamento da obesidade como também no controle dos fatores de risco cardiovascular e na possível redução da mortalidade. Através de estudos clínicos foi possível observar que estas estratégias cirúrgicas promovem profundas modificações estruturais no trato gastrointestinal gerando aumento da saciedade e da sensibilidade à insulina. Em especial para os pacientes diabéticos, por si só associados a maior risco cardiovascular, as cirurgias bariátricas seriam capazes de promover um efeito muito intenso e agudo sobre os marcadores relacionados ao desenvolvimento da aterosclerose. Um evento muito definido no tempo como uma intervenção cirúrgica pode ser muito útil para o estudo e identificação de mecanismos que ainda não estão completamente estabelecidos no processo aterosclerótico. Objetivos - Analisar o comportamento das variáveis laboratoriais, clínicas e estruturais relacionadas ao desenvolvimento e progressão da aterosclerose em indivíduos diabéticos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica. Métodos - Foram incluídos vinte voluntários diabéticos refratários ao tratamento clínico e que apresentavam obesidade abdominal. Deste grupo, metade foi aleatoriamente selecionada para realização da cirurgia bariátrica e metade foi mantida em tratamento clínico otimizado. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a exames clínicos e bioquímicos nas mesmas ocasiões, até trinta dias antes da cirurgia, três e vinte e quatro meses após a cirurgia. Nestas ocasiões além do perfil lipídico e da glicemia, determinamos os hormônios incretínicos, adipocinas. A avaliação da quantidade de gordura epicárdica e a presença de esteatose hepática será realizada somente após dois anos de seguimento em conjunto com as demais variáveis,. Foram incluídos também 10 indivíduos saudáveis e com IMC dentro da normalidade, como parte do grupo controle. Estes indivíduos foram submetidos à coleta de sangue em dois momentos para avaliação dos mesmos metabólitos. Resultados - No momento pré-intervenção os indivíduos do grupo cirúrgico e clinico eram diferentes em relação ao IMC, Glicemia e Triglicérides, sendo assim, os resultados obtidos foram ajustados minimizando o impacto destas diferenças. Após o seguimento de 3 meses, o grupo cirúrgico apresentou redução significativa nos valores de peso, IMC (33,4 ± 2,6 vs. 27,4±2,8 kg/m2, p < 0,001), HbA1c (9,26 ± 2,12 vs. 6,18±0,63%, p < 0,001), CT (182,9 ± 45,4 vs. 139,8 ± 13 mg/dl, p < 0,001), HDL (33,1 ± 7,7 vs. 38,4 ± 10,6 mg/dL, p < 0,001), TG (369,5 ± 324,6 vs. 130,8 ± 43,1 mg/dL, p < 0,001), Pro-insulina (12.72±9,11 vs. 1,76±1,14 pM, p < 0,001), RBP-4 (9,85±2,53 vs. 7,3±1,35 ng/ml, p < 0,001) e CCK (84,8±33,2 vs. 79,9 ± 31,1, ng/ml, p < 0,001), houve também aumento significativo nos níveis de HDL-colesterol (33,1 ± 7,7 vs. 38,4 ± 10,6 mg/dL, p < 0,001), Glucagon (7,4 ± 7,9 vs. 10,2±9,7 pg/ml, p < 0,001) e FGF- 19 (74,1 ± 45,8 vs. 237,3 ± 234 pg/ml, p=0,001). Um dado interessante foi que os valores de Pro-insulina, RBP-4, HbA1c e HDL- colesterol no grupo cirúrgico atingiram valores similares àqueles do grupo controle três meses após a intervenção, sendo que o FGF-19 apresentava valor duas vezes maior do que o encontrado no grupo de indivíduos saudáveis (237 ± 234 vs. 98 ± 102,1 pg/ml). O grupo clínico não apresentou variação nas variáveis clinicas, apenas nos valores de glucagon com redução significativa no período pós-intervenção (18,1 ± 20,7 vs. 16,8 ± 18,4 pg/ml, p < 0,001). Conclusão - Concluímos que indivíduos diabéticos descompensados e refratários ao tratamento clínico, quando submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica, apresentam uma alteração profunda do ponto de vista clínico, metabólico e hormonal, em relação ao indivíduos de mesmo perfil mantidos em tratamento clínico otimizado. Esta importante alteração, observada já com três meses após a intervenção, pode representar uma importante redução do risco cardiovascular nestes indivíduos. Individualmente, a notável modificação dos valores de FGF-19 associadas à intervenção devem ser estudadas com maior profundidade para compreensão de seu significado e sua potencial utilidade como marcador ou como um dos protagonistas no mecanismo de prevenção cardiovascular
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Translation of Patologie e terapia del ricambio materiale.
Objectives: To describe the glycaemic status (assessed by an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)) and associated comorbidities in a cohort of Australian children and adolescents at risk of insulin resistance and impaired glucose homeostasis (IGH). Methods: Twenty-one children and adolescents (three male, 18 female) (18 Caucasian, one Indigenous, two Asian) (20 obese, one lipodystrophy) referred to the Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinic underwent a 2-h OGTT with plasma glucose and insulin measured at baseline, + 60 and + 120 min. If abnormal, the OGTT was repeated. Results: The mean (SD) age was 14.2 (1.6) years, BMI 38.8 (7.0) kg/m(2) and BMI-SDS 3.6 (0.6). Fourteen patients had fasting insulin levels >21 mU/L. Type 2 diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in one patient, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in four patients and impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG) in one patient. Despite no weight loss, only one patient had a persistently abnormal OGTT on repeat testing. Three patients with IGH were medicated with risperidone at the time of the initial OGTT. One patient who had persistent IGT had continued risperidone. The other two patients had initial OGTT results of IGT and diabetes mellitus type 2. They both ceased risperidone between tests and repeat OGTT showed normal glycaemic status. Conclusions: Use of fasting glucose alone may miss cases of IGH. Diagnosis of IGT should not be made on one test alone. Interpretation of glucose and insulin responses in young people is limited by lack of normative data. Larger studies are needed to generate Australian screening recommendations. Further assessment of the potential adverse effects of atypical antipsychotic medication on glucose homeostasis in this at-risk group is important.
Background. Serum glucocorticoid regulated kinase (SGK-1) is induced in the kidney in diabetes mellitus. However, its role in the proximal tubule is unclear. This study determined the expression and functional role of SGK-1 in PTCs in high glucose conditions. As the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor is activated by both EGF and other factors implicated in diabetic nephropathy, the relationship of SGK-1 with EGFR activity was assessed. Methods. mRNA and protein expression of SGK-1 and mRNA expression of the sodium hydrogen exchanger NHE3 were measured in human PTCs exposed to 5 mmol/L (control) and 25 mmol/L (high) glucose. The effects of SGK-1 on cell growth, apoptosis, and progression through the cell cycle and NHE3 mRNA were examined following overexpression of SGK-1 in PTCs. The role of EGFR activation in observed changes was assessed by phospho-EGFR expression, and response to the EGFR blocker PKI166. SGK-1 expression was then assessed in vivo in a model of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus type 2. Results. A total of 25 mmol/L glucose and EGF (10 ng/mL) increased SGK-1 mRNA (P < 0.005 and P < 0.002, respectively) and protein (both P < 0.02) expression. High glucose and overexpression of SGK-1 increased NHE3 mRNA (P < 0.05) and EGFR phosphorylation (P < 0.01), which were reversed by PKI166. SGK-1 overexpression increased PTC growth (P < 0.0001), progression through the cell cycle (P < 0.001), and increased NHE3 mRNA (P < 0.01), which were all reversed with PKI166. Overexpression of SGK-1 also protected against apoptosis induced in the PTCs (P < 0.0001). Up-regulation of tubular SGK-1 mRNA in diabetes mellitus was confirmed in vivo. Oral treatment with PKI166 attenuated this increase by 51%. No EGF protein was detectable in PTCs, suggestive of phosphorylation of the EGFR by high glucose and downstream induction of SGK-1. Conclusion. The effects of high glucose on PTC proliferation, reduced apoptosis and increased NHE3 mRNA levels are mediated by EGFR-dependent up-regulation of SGK-1.
Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by adipose tissue formation excess leading to an increase in body fat mass, of multifactorial origin, produced mainly by poor eating habits combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Data consider obesity as a serious disease that affects the world's population, ranking fifth in death rates. Faced with this situation, individuals seek, increasingly, means to lose weight with less physical effort and food. In 2009 and 2010 the drug liraglutide was lauched in order to reduce weight in individuals with diabetes mellitus type 2, thus avoiding the emergence of other diseases. The aggravating factor is that obese nondiabetic individuals are making use of this substance, even if its use is not authorized by ANVISA (Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency). Thus the objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of liraglutide for muscle or fat tissues and biochemical parameters in Swiss mice submitted to cafeteria diet and physical activity. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use - CEUA (nº003 Protocol / 2014). For this study 74 animals (Swiss mice) were used, divided as follows: in the initial phase of this study, we carried out a pilot study (n = 10) divided into a control group (PCON) (n = 5) and cafeteria group (PCAF) (n = 5), in order to evaluate a cafeteria diet which was both attractive to the animals and that could provide an increase in adipose tissue. After the induction of the diet, animals were euthanized and as a result, the animals in the PCAF group showed an intra-abdominal adiposity 0.74 ± 0.05 g, taken as the parameter for increasing fat in animals. Subsequently the study base was conducted for this research where animals were used (n = 64) divided into 2 groups: the Cafeteria Study Base Group (EBCAF) divided as follows: cafeteria + exercise + liraglutide (CEL) (n = 8), cafeteria + exercise + saline (CES) (n = 8), cafeteria + liraglutide (CL) (n = 8) and cafeteria + saline (CS) (n = 8). The Chow Study Base group (EBR) was divided into: exercise + liraglutide (EL) (n = 8), exercise + saline + (ES) (n = 8), liraglutide (L) (n = 8) and saline solution (SS) (n = 8). All animals went through the submission process to the cafeteria diet, followed by exercise protocol through swimming and treatment with the test substance intraperitoneally (200 mg / mL / kg). After the treatments, the animals were euthanized and had the following parameters evaluated: the muscle tissue mass, adipose tissue mass and biochemical parameters. It was observed that the processing done with the exercise-associated liraglutide reduced adipose tissue mass significantly (0.32 ± 0.05 g) compared to the saline group (0.53 ± 0.07 g). There were no changes in the muscle tissue of the group which was treated and exercised (1.39 ± 0.03 g) compared to the saline group (1.33 ± 0.03 g). Regarding biochemical parameters it was evident that there were changes in these parameters. Interesting to note that, although blood glucose values have been changed, the animals did not become diabetic. Thus, it appears that physical activity together with liraglutide is eficcient to the loss of intraabdominal adipose tissue and the maintenance of lean body mass thereby generating a satisfactory result in the pursuit of quality of life and disease prevention.
Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by adipose tissue formation excess leading to an increase in body fat mass, of multifactorial origin, produced mainly by poor eating habits combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Data consider obesity as a serious disease that affects the world's population, ranking fifth in death rates. Faced with this situation, individuals seek, increasingly, means to lose weight with less physical effort and food. In 2009 and 2010 the drug liraglutide was lauched in order to reduce weight in individuals with diabetes mellitus type 2, thus avoiding the emergence of other diseases. The aggravating factor is that obese nondiabetic individuals are making use of this substance, even if its use is not authorized by ANVISA (Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency). Thus the objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of liraglutide for muscle or fat tissues and biochemical parameters in Swiss mice submitted to cafeteria diet and physical activity. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use - CEUA (nº003 Protocol / 2014). For this study 74 animals (Swiss mice) were used, divided as follows: in the initial phase of this study, we carried out a pilot study (n = 10) divided into a control group (PCON) (n = 5) and cafeteria group (PCAF) (n = 5), in order to evaluate a cafeteria diet which was both attractive to the animals and that could provide an increase in adipose tissue. After the induction of the diet, animals were euthanized and as a result, the animals in the PCAF group showed an intra-abdominal adiposity 0.74 ± 0.05 g, taken as the parameter for increasing fat in animals. Subsequently the study base was conducted for this research where animals were used (n = 64) divided into 2 groups: the Cafeteria Study Base Group (EBCAF) divided as follows: cafeteria + exercise + liraglutide (CEL) (n = 8), cafeteria + exercise + saline (CES) (n = 8), cafeteria + liraglutide (CL) (n = 8) and cafeteria + saline (CS) (n = 8). The Chow Study Base group (EBR) was divided into: exercise + liraglutide (EL) (n = 8), exercise + saline + (ES) (n = 8), liraglutide (L) (n = 8) and saline solution (SS) (n = 8). All animals went through the submission process to the cafeteria diet, followed by exercise protocol through swimming and treatment with the test substance intraperitoneally (200 mg / mL / kg). After the treatments, the animals were euthanized and had the following parameters evaluated: the muscle tissue mass, adipose tissue mass and biochemical parameters. It was observed that the processing done with the exercise-associated liraglutide reduced adipose tissue mass significantly (0.32 ± 0.05 g) compared to the saline group (0.53 ± 0.07 g). There were no changes in the muscle tissue of the group which was treated and exercised (1.39 ± 0.03 g) compared to the saline group (1.33 ± 0.03 g). Regarding biochemical parameters it was evident that there were changes in these parameters. Interesting to note that, although blood glucose values have been changed, the animals did not become diabetic. Thus, it appears that physical activity together with liraglutide is eficcient to the loss of intraabdominal adipose tissue and the maintenance of lean body mass thereby generating a satisfactory result in the pursuit of quality of life and disease prevention.
A síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) é uma endocrinopatia comum em mulheres na idade reprodutiva. Caracteriza-se por hiperandrogenismo, disfunção ovulatória e infertilidade. Está associada a reconhecidos fatores de risco cardiovascular: obesidade, resistência à insulina, dislipidemias, hipertensão arterial, síndrome metabólica,risco aumentado para intolerância à glicose e diabetes mellitus tipo 2 em idade mais precoce que o habitual. Embora mulheres com SOP apresentem perfil de risco cardiovascular adverso, os estudos são limitados em confirmar a associação entre SOP e mortalidade por evento cardiovascular. Devido à ampla variabilidade clínica, o diagnóstico de SOP nem sempre é fácil. De acordo com o Consenso de Rotterdam, os critérios para diagnóstico de SOP incluem pelo menos dois dos seguintes critérios: amenoreia e/ou oligomenorreia, sinais clínicos e/ou bioquímicos de hiperandrogenismo e/ou ovário policístico à ultrassonografia; com exclusão de outras etiologias que apresentam manifestações clínicas semelhantes. O tratamento de SOP é sintomático e direcionado de acordo com a manifestação clínica, o desejo de contracepção ou gestação e a presença de distúrbios metabólicos associados. As pacientes com SOP devem ser informadas que esta é uma enfermidade crônica, com tratamento e seguimento por longo prazo.
The combination of metformin hydrochloride (MTF) and glipizide (GLZ) is second-line medication for diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2). In the present study, elementary osmotic pump(EOP)tablet is designed to deliver the combination of MTF and GLZ in a sustained and synchronized manner. By analyzing different variables of the formulation, sodium hydrogen carbonate is introduced as pH modifier to improve the release of GLZ, while ethyl cellulose acts as release retardant to reduce the burst release phase of MTF. A two factor, three level face-centered central composite design (FCCD) is applied to investigate the impact of different factors on drug release profile. Compared with conventional tablets, the elementary osmotic pump (EOP) tablet demonstrates a controlled release behavior with relative bioavailability of 99.2% for MTF and 99.3% for GLZ. Data also shows EOP tablet is able to release MTF and GLZ in a synchronized and sustained manner both in vitro and in vivo