813 resultados para De Morgan


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De acuerdo con los estudios sobre literatura y cine y desde el punto de vista de la influencia de la Tradición Clásica -Tradición Griega Clásica, en este caso-, este artículo es un análisis minucioso de las traiciones inevitables ¿hasta un cierto punto- de los guionistas a los textos literarios que adaptan. Sin embargo, a pesar de ser prácticamente inevitable, el Dr. Pau Gilabert Barberà indica cuáles son en su opinión los límites más allá de los cuales Ivory/Hesketh-Harvey no deberían haber ido a fin de no diluir el temperamento helénico de "Maurice" de E. M. Forster.


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According to Literature and Film studies and from the point of view of the influence of Classical Tradition on Western Culture -Classical Greek Tradition, in this case-, this article is an accurate analysis of the inevitable -to a certain degree- screenwriters betrayals regarding the literary texts that they adapt. However, in spite of being practically inevitable, Dr. Pau Gilabert Barberà indicates which are in his opinion the limits beyond which Ivory/Hesketh-Harvey should have not gone in order not to dilute the Hellenic temper of E. M. Forster's Maurice.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és il·lustrar la ben coneguda oposició classicisme / medievalisme a l'Anglaterra Victoriano-Eduardina tot analitzant acuradament A Room with a View d'E. M. Forster des de la perspectiva de la Tradició Clàssica i, consegüentment, parant esment especial en el significant i la importància del conjunt de les seves referències clàssiques -grecollatines.


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The aim of this article is to illustrate the well-known opposition classicism / medievalism in the Victorian-Edwardian England by analysing accurately E. M. Forster's A Room with a View from the point of view of the Classical Tradition and, therefore, focusing on both the meaning and significance of all its classical -Greek and Roman- references.


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El objetivo de este artículo es ilustrar la bien conocida oposición clasicismo / medievalismo en la Inglaterra Victoriano-Eduardina analizando minuciosamente A Room with a View de E. M. Forster desde la perspectiva de la Tradición Clásica y, por consiguiente, centrando la atención en el significado e importancia del conjunto de sus referencias clásicas ¿grecolatinas.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és proposar i fonamentar una via plutarquea -no només Les Vides Paral·leles, sinó també L'Eròtic- vers el contingut platònic de Billy Budd de B. Britten amb libretto d'E. M. Fosrter en col·laboració amb Eric Crozier. H. Melville no cita pas Plutarc en la seva novel·la, però l'excel·lent coneixement dels textos de l'escriptor i filòsof grec per part d'E. M. Foster fa que aquesta hipòtesi sigui altament versemblant.


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El objetivo de este artículo es proponer y fundamentar una vía plutarquea -no sólo Las Vidas Parelelas, sino tambén El Eròtico- al contenido platónico de Billy Budd de B. Britten con libreto de E. M. Foster en colaboración con Eric Crozier. H. Melville no cita a Plutarco en su novela, pero el excelente conocimiento de los textos del escritor y filósofo griego por parte de E. M. Forster hace que esta hipótesis sea altamente verosímil.


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The aim of this article is to propose and lay the foundations of a Plutarch's way ¿not only his Lives but also his Eroticus- to the Platonic content of Billy Budd by B. Britten with a libretto by E. M. Forster in association with Eric Crozier. Plutarch is not quoted in H. Melville¿s novel, but E. M. Forster¿s good knowledge of the texts by the Greek writer and philosopher makes this hypothesis quite credible


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"Most quantitative empirical analyses are motivated by the desire to estimate the causal effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable. Although the randomized experiment is the most powerful design for this task, in most social science research done outside of psychology, experimental designs are infeasible. (Winship & Morgan, 1999, p. 659)." This quote from earlier work by Winship and Morgan, which was instrumental in setting the groundwork for their book, captures the essence of our review of Morgan and Winship's book: It is about causality in nonexperimental settings.


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Bacterial reporters are live, genetically engineered cells with promising application in bioanalytics. They contain genetic circuitry to produce a cellular sensing element, which detects the target compound and relays the detection to specific synthesis of so-called reporter proteins (the presence or activity of which is easy to quantify). Bioassays with bacterial reporters are a useful complement to chemical analytics because they measure biological responses rather than total chemical concentrations. Simple bacterial reporter assays may also replace more costly chemical methods as a first line sample analysis technique. Recent promising developments integrate bacterial reporter cells with microsystems to produce bacterial biosensors. This lecture presents an in-depth treatment of the synthetic biological design principles of bacterial reporters, the engineering of which started as simple recombinant DNA puzzles, but has now become a more rational approach of choosing and combining sensing, controlling and reporting DNA 'parts'. Several examples of existing bacterial reporter designs and their genetic circuitry will be illustrated. Besides the design principles, the lecture also focuses on the application principles of bacterial reporter assays. A variety of assay formats will be illustrated, and principles of quantification will be dealt with. In addition to this discussion, substantial reference material is supplied in various Annexes.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estudo comparativo dos extratores mais importantes do fósforo do solo. É apresentada uma revisão da literatura sobre métodos de avaliação da disponibilidade de fósforo em solos. Os métodos considerados foram: resina trocadora de ânions, Olsen, Bray 1, Bray 2, Mehlich 1, Truog, Morgan, Égner, Água, CaCl2 0,01M, papel de filtro com hidróxido férrico, e as técnicas de troca isotópica, expressos como valor E e valor L. Nos trabalhos considerados, as comparações de métodos foram feitas com base em correlações entre o P absorvido pelas plantas e o P extraído do solo pelas diferentes técnicas. Inicialmente, foi feita uma comparação conjunta dos resultados de todos os trabalhos, considerando os coeficientes de determinação (r²). Os valores médios obtidos e o número de artigos em que o método foi testado, indicados entre parênteses, foram os seguintes: resina trocadora de ânions, 70% (34); valor E, 68% (16); valor L, 65% (8); Olsen, 54% (48); Bray 1, 50% (42); Mehlich 1, 46% (25); Égner, 44% (9); Bray 2, 42% (19); Água, 42% (15); Truog, 38% (13); CaCl2, 36% (13), e Morgan, 32% (13). O confronto dos diversos métodos em duplas, considerando-se os pares de resultados (r²) obtidos pelos extratores que foram testados conjuntamente, através de correlações lineares e contraste de médias (teste t), levou à conclusão de que o método da resina foi estatisticamente superior aos demais. O método da resina tem os seguintes aspectos favoráveis: (a) apresenta valores de coeficientes de determinação, para a correlação entre P absorvido por plantas e P no solo, consistentemente superiores aos dos demais métodos na maior parte dos 72 trabalhos revisados; (b) pode ser usado tanto em solos ácidos como alcalinos, o que não é o caso para outros extratores importantes; (c) revela, adequadamente, o efeito da calagem em aumentar a disponibilidade de P para as plantas, o que não acontece com os métodos Mehlich 1, Bray 1 e Olsen; (d) não superestima, como os extratores ácidos, a disponibilidade de P em solos tratados com fosfatos naturais; (e) é o que apresenta o melhor embasamento teórico para a determinação do chamado "fator quantidade" de P em solos, que é o mais importante índice da disponibilidade do nutriente.


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Dados de altura da cernelha e idade de 26 cavalos Pantaneiros, obtidos, na maioria, do nascimento até 36 meses, foram ajustados aos modelos de respostas não-lineares de Brody, Richards, Gompertz, Logístico, Weibull e Morgan-Mercer-Flodin. Estes seis modelos matemáticos foram comparados com o uso de uma medida de curvatura média e do erro médio quadrático combinado. O modelo de Weibull foi escolhido. A assíntota desta curva representa a altura esperada na maturidade. Os machos apresentaram um valor maior desta quantidade do que as fêmeas. O índice de maturidade, contudo, é maior para as fêmeas. Observou-se uma indicação de associação negativa entre altura na maturidade e índice de maturidade somente nas fêmeas. Tais resultados indicam que as fêmeas amadurecem mais cedo. Após testes de normalidade e homogeneidade de variância, as diferenças entre sexos foram analisadas com o uso do teste-t. Somente a altura da cernelha ao nascimento apresentou diferença significativa.


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The broad aim of biomedical science in the postgenomic era is to link genomic and phenotype information to allow deeper understanding of the processes leading from genomic changes to altered phenotype and disease. The EuroPhenome project (http://www.EuroPhenome.org) is a comprehensive resource for raw and annotated high-throughput phenotyping data arising from projects such as EUMODIC. EUMODIC is gathering data from the EMPReSSslim pipeline (http://www.empress.har.mrc.ac.uk/) which is performed on inbred mouse strains and knock-out lines arising from the EUCOMM project. The EuroPhenome interface allows the user to access the data via the phenotype or genotype. It also allows the user to access the data in a variety of ways, including graphical display, statistical analysis and access to the raw data via web services. The raw phenotyping data captured in EuroPhenome is annotated by an annotation pipeline which automatically identifies statistically different mutants from the appropriate baseline and assigns ontology terms for that specific test. Mutant phenotypes can be quickly identified using two EuroPhenome tools: PhenoMap, a graphical representation of statistically relevant phenotypes, and mining for a mutant using ontology terms. To assist with data definition and cross-database comparisons, phenotype data is annotated using combinations of terms from biological ontologies.


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Pegfilgrastim is equivalent to daily filgrastim after standard dose chemotherapy in decreasing the duration of neutropenia. Daily filgrastim started within 1-4 days after autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) leads to significant decrease in time to neutrophil engraftment. We undertook a study of pegfilgrastim after high-dose chemotherapy (HDC) and ASCT. In all, 38 patients with multiple myeloma or lymphoma, eligible to undergo HDC and ASCT, were enrolled. Patients received a single dose of 6 mg pegfilgrastim subcutaneously 24 h after ASCT. There were no adverse events secondary to pegfilgrastim. All patients engrafted neutrophils and platelets with a median of 10 and 18 days, respectively. The incidence of febrile neutropenia was 49% (18/37). Neutrophil engraftment results were compared to a historical cohort of patients who received no growth factors or prophylactic filgrastim after ASCT. Time to neutrophil engraftment using pegfilgrastim was comparable to daily filgrastim and was shorter than in a historical group receiving no filgrastim (10 vs 13.7 days, P<0.001). Pegfilgrastim given as a single fixed dose of 6 mg appears to be safe after HDC and ASCT. It accelerates neutrophil engraftment comparable to daily filgrastim after ASCT. Pegfilgrastim may be convenient to use in outpatient transplant units.