953 resultados para DOPA-RESPONSIVE DYSTONIA
We thank: the patients who took part; Monsieur John-Pierre Bleton for training the physiotherapists; Gladys McPherson (Senior IT Manager), Adesoji Adeyemi (programmer) and Diana Collins (data entry) from the Centre for Healthcare Randomised Trials, University of Aberdeen who provided the randomisation and database service; and the funders including The Dystonia Society, the RS Macdonald Charitable Trust, The Sir Halley Stewart Trust, The Foyle Foundation and The Garfield Weston Foundation. The Dystonia Society and other funders had no role in the design, conduct, analysis or writing of the report or the decision to submit the manuscript.
Purpose - The roles of ‘conventional’ (fixed-route and fixed-timetable) bus services is examined and compared to demand-responsive services, taking rural areas in England as the basis for comparison. It adopts a ‘rural’ definition of settlements under a population of 10,000. Design/methodology/approach - Evidence from the National Travel Survey, technical press reports and academic work is brought together to examine the overall picture. Findings - Inter-urban services between towns can provide a cost-effective way of serving rural areas where smaller settlements are suitably located. The cost structures of both fixed-route and demand-responsive services indicate that staff time and cost associated with vehicle provision are the main elements. Demand-responsive services may enable larger areas to be covered, to meet planning objectives of ensuring a minimum of level of service, but experience often shows high unit cost and public expenditure per passenger trip. Economic evaluation indicates user benefits per passenger trip of similar magnitude to existing average public expenditure per trip on fixed-route services. Considerable scope exists for improvements to conventional services through better marketing and service reliability. Practical implications - The main issue in England is the level of funding for rural services in general, and the importance attached to serving those without access to cars in such areas. Social implications - The boundary between fixed-route and demand-responsive operation may lie at relatively low population densities. Originality/value - The chapter uses statistical data, academic research and operator experience of enhanced conventional bus services to provide a synthesis of outcomes in rural areas.
Infection is an inevitable consequence of chronic urinary catheterisation, with associated problems of recurrent catheter encrustation and blockage experienced by approximately 50% of all long-term catheterised patients. In this work we have exploited, for the first time, the reported pathogen-induced elevation of urine pH as a trigger for ‘intelligent’ antimicrobial release from novel hydrogel drug delivery systems of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and vinyl-functionalised nalidixic acid derivatives, developed as candidate infection-resistant urinary catheter coatings. Demonstrating up to 20-fold faster rates of drug release at pH 10, representing infected urine pH, than at pH 7, and achieving reductions of up to 96.5% in in vitro bacterial adherence, our paradigm of pH-responsive drug delivery, which requires no external manipulation, therefore represents a promising development towards the prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) in vivo.
Pulsatile, or “on-demand”, delivery systems have the capability to deliver a therapeutic molecule at the right time/site of action and in the right amount (1). Pulsatile delivery systems present multiple benefits over conventional dosage forms and provide higher patient compliance. The combination of stimuli-responsive materials with the drug delivery capabilities of hydrogel-forming MN arrays (2) opens an interesting area of research. In the present work we describe, a stimuli-responsive hydrogel-forming microneedle (MN) array that enable delivery of a clinically-relevant model drug (ibuprofen) upon application of UV radiation (Figure 1A). MN arrays were prepared using a micromolding technique using a polymer prepared from 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) (Figure 1B). The arrays were loaded with up to 5% (w/w) ibuprofen included in a light-responsible conjugate (3,5-dimethoxybenzoin conjugate) (2). The presence of the conjugate inside the MN arrays was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy measurements. MN arrays were tested in vitro showing that they were able to deliver up to three doses of 50 mg of ibuprofen after application of an optical trigger (wavelength of 365 nm) over a long period of time (up to 160 hours) (Figure 1C and 1D). The work presented here is a probe of concept and a modified version of the system should be used as UV radiation is shown to be the major etiologic agent in the development of skin cancers. Consequently, for future applications of this technology an alternative design should be developed. Based on the previous research dealing with hydrogel forming MN arrays a suitable strategy will be to use hydrogel-forming MN arrays containing a backing layer made with the material described in this work as the drug reservoir (2). Finally, a porous layer of a material that blocks UV radiation should be included between the MN array and the drug reservoir. Therefore radiation can be applied to the system without reaching the skin surface. Therefore after modification, the system described here interesting properties as “on-demand” release system for prolonged periods of time. This technology has potential for use in “on-demand” delivery of a wide range of drugs in a variety of applications relevant to enhanced patient care.
Le byssus est un amas de fibres que les moules produisent afin de s’ancrer aux surfaces immergées sous l’eau. Ces fibres sont pourvues de propriétés mécaniques impressionnantes combinant rigidité, élasticité et ténacité élevées. De plus, elles possèdent un comportement d’auto-guérison de leurs propriétés mécaniques en fonction du temps lorsque la contrainte initialement appliquée est retirée. Les propriétés mécaniques de ces fibres sont le résultat de l’agencement hiérarchique de protéines de type copolymère blocs riches en collagène et de la présence de métaux formant des liens sacrificiels réversibles avec certains acides aminés comme les DOPA et les histidines. Bien que cette fibre soit très intéressante pour la production de matériaux grâce à son contenu élevé en collagène potentiellement biocompatible, cette ressource naturelle est traitée comme un déchet par les mytiliculteurs. L’objectif de cette thèse était de valoriser cette fibre en extrayant les protéines pour générer une nouvelle classe de matériaux biomimétiques. Un hydrolysat de protéines de byssus (BPH) riche en acides aminés chargés, i.e. ~30 % mol, et permettant de former des films a pu être généré. Lorsque solubilisé à pH 10.5, le BPH forme un hydrogel contenant des structures en triple hélice de collagène et des feuillets β anti-parallèles intra- et inter-moléculaires. Suite à l’évaporation de l’eau, le film de BPH résultant est insoluble en milieu aqueux à cause des structures secondaires très stables agissant comme points de réticulation effectifs. Les propriétés mécaniques des films de BPH sont modulables en fonction du pH. Au point isoélectrique (pI = 4.5), les interactions électrostatiques entre les charges opposées agissent comme points de réticulation et augmentent la rigidité des films et leur contrainte à la rupture sans affecter la déformation à la rupture. À pH plus élevé ou plus bas que le pI, les performances mécaniques des films sont plus faibles à cause de la répulsion entre les groupements fonctionnels de même charge qui interagissent plutôt avec les molécules d’eau et causent le gonflement de la matrice protéique des films. Le BPH contenant un nombre élevé d’acides aminés chargés et réactifs, nous avons pu réticuler les films de manière covalente à l’aide d’EDC ou de glutaraldéhyde. Les propriétés mécaniques des films sont modulables en fonction de la concentration d’EDC utilisée lors de la réticulation ou en employant du glutaraldéhyde comme agent réticulant. Les films sont à la fois plus rigides et plus forts avec un degré de réticulation élevé, mais perdent leur extensibilité à mesure que les segments libres de s’étirer lors d’une traction deviennent entravés par les points de réticulation. La réticulation augmente également la résistance à la dégradation enzymatique par la collagénase, les films les plus fortement réticulés lui étant pratiquement insensibles. La spectroscopie infrarouge montre enfin que la réticulation entraîne une transition de feuillets β anti-parallèles inter-moléculaires vers des structures de type hélices de collagène/PPII hydratées. Des liens sacrificiels ont été formés dans les films de BPH par traitement au pI et/ou avec différents métaux, i.e. Na+, Ca2+, Fe3+, afin de moduler les propriétés mécaniques statiques et d’évaluer le rôle de ces traitements sur le comportement d’auto-guérison lors de tests mécaniques cycliques avec différents temps de repos. Plus la valence des ions métalliques ajoutés augmente, plus les propriétés mécaniques statiques affichent un module, une contrainte à la rupture et une ténacité élevés sans toutefois affecter la déformation à la rupture, confirmant la formation de liens sacrificiels. Les tests mécaniques cycliques montrent que les traitements au pI ou avec Ca2+ créent des liens sacrificiels ioniques réversibles qui mènent à un processus d’auto-guérison des performances mécaniques dépendant du pH. L’ajout de Fe3+ à différentes concentrations module les performances mécaniques sur un plus large intervalle et la nature plus covalente de son interaction avec les acides aminés permet d’atteindre des valeurs nettement plus élevées que les autres traitements étudiés. Le Fe3+ permet aussi la formation de liens sacrificiels réversibles menant à l’auto-guérison des propriétés mécaniques. Les spectroscopies Raman et infrarouge confirment que le fer crée des liaisons avec plusieurs acides aminés, dont les histidines et les DOPA. Les résultats dans leur ensemble démontrent que les films de BPH sont des hydrogels biomimétiques du byssus qui peuvent être traités ou réticulés de différentes façons afin de moduler leurs performances mécaniques. Ils pourraient ainsi servir de matrices pour des applications potentielles dans le domaine pharmaceutique ou en ingénierie tissulaire.
Rezension von: Juliane Lamprecht: Rekonstruktiv-responsive Evaluation in der Praxis, Neue Perspektiven dokumentarischer Evaluationsforschung, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2012 (305 S.; ISBN 978-3-5311-7985-8)
A multistate molecular dyad containing flavylium and viologen units was synthesized and the pH dependent thermodynamics of the network completely characterized by a variety of spectroscopic techniques such as NMR, UV-vis and stopped-flow. The flavylium cation is only stable at acidic pH values. Above pH ≈ 5 the hydration of the flavylium leads to the formation of the hemiketal followed by ring-opening tautomerization to give the cis-chalcone. Finally, this last species isomerizes to give the trans-chalcone. For the present system only the flavylium cation and the trans-chalcone species could be detected as being thermodynamically stable. The hemiketal and the cis-chalcone are kinetic intermediates with negligible concentrations at the equilibrium. All stable species of the network were found to form 1 : 1 and 2 : 1 host : guest complexes with cucurbit[7]uril (CB7) with association constants in the ranges 10(5)-10(8) M(-1) and 10(3)-10(4) M(-1), respectively. The 1 : 1 complexes were particularly interesting to devise pH responsive bistable pseudorotaxanes: at basic pH values (≈12) the flavylium cation interconverts into the deprotonated trans-chalcone in a few minutes and under these conditions the CB7 wheel was found to be located around the viologen unit. A decrease in pH to values around 1 regenerates the flavylium cation in seconds and the macrocycle is translocated to the middle of the axle. On the other hand, if the pH is decreased to 6, the deprotonated trans-chalcone is neutralized to give a metastable species that evolves to the thermodynamically stable flavylium cation in ca. 20 hours. By taking advantage of the pH-dependent kinetics of the trans-chalcone/flavylium interconversion, spatiotemporal control of the molecular organization in pseudorotaxane systems can be achieved.
The recently developed network-wide real-time signal control strategy TUC has been implemented in three traffic networks with quite different traffic and control infrastructure characteristics: Chania, Greece (23 junctions); Southampton, UK (53 junctions); and Munich, Germany (25 junctions), where it has been compared to the respective resident real-time signal control strategies TASS, SCOOT and BALANCE. After a short outline of TUC, the paper describes the three application networks; the application, demonstration and evaluation conditions; as well as the comparative evaluation results. The main conclusions drawn from this high-effort inter-European undertaking is that TUC is an easy-to-implement, inter-operable, low-cost real-time signal control strategy whose performance, after very limited fine-tuning, proved to be better or, at least, similar to the ones achieved by long-standing strategies that were in most cases very well fine-tuned over the years in the specific networks.