845 resultados para Country Filter
We survey a number of papers that have focused on the construction of cross-country data sets on average years of schooling. We discuss the construction of the different series, compare their profiles and construct indicators of their information content. The discussion focuses on a sample of OECD countries but we also provide some results for a large non-OECD sample.
Mobile technology plays an increasing role in interpersonal communication,representing a useful resource for different age cohorts. While the usage ofmobile communication by younger people has received a wide attention fromcommunication scholars, its usage by older people is less explored. Thegoal of our research project is to analyse the usage of mobile phones by theelderly in Italy. We conducted 51 semi-structured interviews in Rome and in amid-range town located in Umbria, between October 2013 and February 2014.Our study explores older users¿ motivations and usage practices, their perceptions of mobile phones, theiradoption and domestication of mobile phones, their usage skills. More specifically,our analysis focuses on: - personal characteristics - personal networks (personalnetwork composition, self-perceived social life, communication channels) -adoption of mobile telephone - consumption patterns of mobile devices - usedmobile services - location and mobility of mobile telephone - current mobilecharacteristics - attitude and opinions towards mobile technology Our preliminaryresults show major differences in users¿ behaviours and perceptions, that canbe related to age cohorts (younger olds vs older olds); socio-cultural levels;vital trajectories (in terms of professional and familiar status); and gender.
A method was developed for quantification of Cd and Pb in ethanol fuel by filter furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Filter furnace was used to eliminate the need for chemical modification, to stabilize volatile analytes and to allow the application of short pyrolysis step. The determinations in samples were carried out against calibration solutions prepared in ethanol. Recovery tests were made in seven commercial ethanol fuel samples with values between 90 and 120%. Limits of detection were 0.1 µg L-1 for Cd and 0.3 µg L-1 for Pb. Certified water samples (APS 1071, APS 1033, NIST 1643d, NIST 1640) were also used to evaluate accuracy and recoveries from 86.8% to115% were obtained.
Selective papers of the workshop on "Development of models and forest soil surveys for monitoring of soil carbon", Koli, Finland, April 5-9 2006.
Octocrylene (2-ethylhexyl 2-cyano-3,3-diphenyl-2-propenoate) is present in several sunscreens and is known to work synergistically with UV filters. We prepared eight octocrylene-related compounds to test their photoprotective activities by measuring diffuse transmittance. The compounds had varied photoprotection profiles, with Sun Protection Factors (SPF) ranging from 1 to 5 and UVA Protection Factors (UVAPF) ranging from 1 to 8. Compounds 4, 5, and 7 showed the best protection against UVB sunrays, while compounds 5, 6, and 7 presented the best results for protection from UVA, so compound 7 had the most balanced protection overall. Results for compounds 4, 8, and 9 are reported for the first time in the literature.
The purpose of this thesis was to create design a guideline for an LCL-filter. This thesis reviews briefly the relevant harmonics standards, old filter designs and problems faced with the previous filters. This thesis proposes a modified design method based on the “Liserre’s method” presented in the literature. This modified method will take into account network parameters better. As input parameters, the method uses the nominal power, allowed ripple current in converter and network side and desired resonant frequency of the filter. Essential component selection issues for LCL-filter, such as heating, voltage strength, current rating etc. are also discussed. Furthermore, a simulation model used to verify the operation of the designed filter in nominal power use and in transient situations is included in this thesis.
The aim of the thesis is to investigate the hybrid LC filter behavior in modern power drives; to analyze the influence of such a du/dt filter on the control system stability. With the implementation of the inverter output RLC filter the motor control becomes more complicated. And during the design process the influence of the filter on the motor should be considered and the filter RLC parameters should be constrained.
The objective of this thesis is to examine the market reaction around earnings announcements in Finnish stock markets. The aim is to find out whether the extreme market conditions during the financial crisis are reflected in stock prices as a stronger reaction. In addition to this, the purpose is to investigate how extensively Finnish listed companies report the country segmentation of revenues in their interim reports and whether the country risk is having a significant impact on perceived market reaction. The sample covers all companies listed in Helsinki stock exchange at 1.1.2010 and these companies’ interim reports from the first quarter of 2008 to last quarter of 2009. Final sample consists of 81 companies and 630 firm-quarter observations. The data sample has been divided in two parts, of which country risk sample contains 17 companies and 127 observations and comparison sample covers 66 companies and 503 observations. Research methodologies applied in this thesis are event study and cross-sectional regression analysis. Empirical results indicate that the market reaction occurs mainly during the announcement day and is slightly stronger in case of positive earnings surprises than the reactions observed in previous studies. In case of negative earnings surprises no significant differences can be observed. In case of country risk sample and negative earnings surprise market reaction is negative already in advance of the disclosure contrary to comparison sample. In case of positive surprise no differences can be observed. Country risk variable developed during this study seems to explain only minor part of the market reaction.
Nowadays, knowledge management (KM) is important for the success of individuals, organizations, and countries. While comparative study approach of knowledge management is a good way to enlarge peoples‘ understandings of KM, how these processes and practices are different across countries is an interesting research topic. The goal of this study is to conduct a cross-country KM comparison between China and Finland. More specifically, the current status of Chinese and Finnish KM will be studied, and then comparisons will be made in three dimensions: knowledge processes, knowledge management practices, and performance and perceptions of KM. A cross-country KM survey was conducted through a well-designed questionnaire. At the end of the study, current Chinese and Finnish KM findings are presented respectively, and a comparison of KM between the two countries is done. From the comparison, it was found that China and Finland have statistically significant differences in several knowledge processes and KM practices. Some detailed information from the comparison is also illustrated. This research partly filled the theoretical gap in understanding contemporary Chinese KM. The KM comparison between China and Finland provides useful information to KM researchers and practitioners.
De afrikanska ekonomierna växer med nära fyra procent per år och detta är en god indikation på kontinentens växande betydelse. Under kalla kriget hade afrikanska regeringar haft ett begränsat utrymme för opportunistisk köpslående, och därmed även en marginal att positionera sig strategiskt. Alltför ofta uppmuntrade och beskyddade stormakterna diktatorer och små lokala eliter som främst ville berika sig själv. I och med att globaliseringen tog fart och USA allt mera kom att dominera globalt, började en ny era i fråga om förändringar. Trots dessa förändringar på den globala arenan, har Afrika som kontinent hamnat i bakgrunden och jämfört med andra utvecklingsländer har Afrika attraherat ett fåtal utländska investeringar. Fortfarande, speciellt i Norden, finns det lite kunskap om hur utländska företag expanderar sin affärsverksamhet på den afrikanska kontinenten. Det råder brist på empiriska undersökningar om vilken inverkan afrikanska institutionella förändringar och lokala affärsmiljöer har på internationaliseringen och på de utländska företagens affärsutvecklingsstrategier på den afrikanska kontinenten. Med denna avhandling vill jag lyfta fram ett exempel på ett land (Sydafrika), som har lyckat dra nytta av de förändringar som 1990-talet förde med sig. I denna avhandling har jag intervjuat olika personer i ledande positioner inom olika finländska företag i Finland och i Sydafrika. Avhandlingen skapar en referensram för att öka förståelse och fördjupa analys av hur en kombination av olika interna och externa resurser ökar företagens konkurrenskraft och på det sättet bidrar till en framgångsrik affärsutveckling i Afrika. De politiska och sociala aktörerna samt aktörerna inom affärslivet besitter resurser som ambitiösa företag kan dra nytta av i sin strävan att erövra de nya framgångsrika marknaderna i Afrika. Gradvis ökar finländska företag sina insatser på den afrikanska kontinenten i strävan att skapa mervärde för sina kunder. Den värdeskapande processen gör att parterna måste närma sig varandra utgående från sina egna strategiska målsättningar. Hittills har finländska företag varit intresserad att sälja till Afrika men inte intresserad att köpa därifrån. Förutom de praktiska råden till olika företag, föreslår avhandlingen hur den finska staten och den sydafrikanska staten kunde agera tillsammans för att främja ömsesidigt handelsutbyte.
Fungi require special substrates for their isolation, vegetative growth and sporulation. In experiments conducted in the laboratory, the influence of substrates, light, filter paper and pH on the sporulation of Cercospora sojina conidia, the causal agent of soybean frogeye leaf spot, was assessed. The media potato sucrose agar, V-8 agar, tomato extract agar, soybean leaf extract agar, soybean seed extract agar, soybean meal agar, soybean flour agar and wheat flour agar were tested, added on the surface, with and without filter paper and under two light regimes, with 12 h light at 25°± 2°C and in the dark. A triple factorial 8x2x2 (substrates x light/dark x with/without filter paper) design with four replicates was used. V-8 agar medium was employed and the pH was adjusted with HCl 0.1N or NaOH 0.1N before autoclaving to the values: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, and the pH of V-8 agar medium is 6.7. The evaluation was done on the seventh day of incubation. Data underwent regression analysis. Sporulation was maximized on the agar media V-8, seed extract, oat flour, tomato extract, and potato sucrose in the presence of filter paper and 12h light. On V-8 medium, maximal sporulation was obtained with pH 6.7.
Added engraved title page: The history of Lapland.
In this study a hydrocyclone filter of 20 cm was selected and its performance was evaluated by studying the variation of discharge, pressure drop, influent concentration, and filtration efficiency with elapsed time of operation. The filter was tested with clean water to determine clean pressure drop and later it was tested with four concentrations of solid suspension, viz. 300; 600; 900 and 1,200 mg L-1. In the concentration of 300 mg L-1, the variation of pressure drop was low. But for the other concentrations of solid suspension, the variation was significant. The maximum pressure drops obtained were 41.19, 45.11, 50.01 and 52.95 kPa at 350, 390, 280 and 190 minutes of elapsed time, respectively. The maximum efficiency of solid suspension was 30.3, 32.96, 43.89 and 52.5% where as the minimum efficiencies were 9.91, 9.93, 9.62 and 9.9%, respectively. The hydrociclone tested presented inefficiency to filter small particles as clay. The initial removal efficiency of higher concentration was bigger than for lower concentration but, the final efficiency are almost the same irrespective of the concentration of solid suspension. The present tested hydrocyclone could be used as a pre-filter microirrigation to prevent emitter clogging.
Companies operating in today’s highly internationalized markets consider product differentiation the key priority in pursue to attain a constant competitive advantage in challenging global environment (Baker and Ballington 2002, 158). The main driver affecting companies’ differentiation actions was described as early as 1912 by one of the marketing pioneers A. W. Shaw (1912, 710) as meeting human wants more accurate than the competition, and thus increasing customers’ perceived value and satisfaction. Dickson and Ginter (1987, 2) point out in their study based on earlier research by Chamberlin (1965) and Porter (1976) that differentiation can be based on either tangible characteristics of a product such as design or intangible characteristics such as a brand name and country of origin (hereafter referred to as COO). The concept of COO and its impact on consumers’ evaluation of a product as an extrinsic product cue has been one of the most noteworthy topics in international marketing, having been voluminously examined by over 780 authors in more than 750 academic publications in the past 40 years (Papadopoulos and Heslop 2002, 294). Many of these studies accentuate the significant effect the COO has on consumers’ product attribute evaluations. People routinely associate country images with products and services in order to judge and categorize them based on perceived quality and risk levels; thereby COO can influence the likelihood of a purchase (Peterson and Jolibert 1995, 883-884; Verlegh and Steenkamp 1999, 523). Based on the vast research related to COO in the field of international business, it is widely recognized that the country associated with a product can act in a similar way as the name of a brand and even become a part of product’s total image. Thereby depending on customer’s values and perceptions, the product-country image can either increase or decrease perceived value.