431 resultados para Coincidence


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Sustainable yields from water wells in hard-rock aquifers are achieved when the well bore intersects fracture networks. Fracture networks are often not readily discernable at the surface. Lineament analysis using remotely sensed satellite imagery has been employed to identify surface expressions of fracturing, and a variety of image-analysis techniques have been successfully applied in “ideal” settings. An ideal setting for lineament detection is where the influences of human development, vegetation, and climatic situations are minimal and hydrogeological conditions and geologic structure are known. There is not yet a well-accepted protocol for mapping lineaments nor have different approaches been compared in non-ideal settings. A new approach for image-processing/synthesis was developed to identify successful satellite imagery types for lineament analysis in non-ideal terrain. Four satellite sensors (ASTER, Landsat7 ETM+, QuickBird, RADARSAT-1) and a digital elevation model were evaluated for lineament analysis in Boaco, Nicaragua, where the landscape is subject to varied vegetative cover, a plethora of anthropogenic features, and frequent cloud cover that limit the availability of optical satellite data. A variety of digital image processing techniques were employed and lineament interpretations were performed to obtain 12 complementary image products that were evaluated subjectively to identify lineaments. The 12 lineament interpretations were synthesized to create a raster image of lineament zone coincidence that shows the level of agreement among the 12 interpretations. A composite lineament interpretation was made using the coincidence raster to restrict lineament observations to areas where multiple interpretations (at least 4) agree. Nine of the 11 previously mapped faults were identified from the coincidence raster. An additional 26 lineaments were identified from the coincidence raster, and the locations of 10 were confirmed by field observation. Four manual pumping tests suggest that well productivity is higher for wells proximal to lineament features. Interpretations from RADARSAT-1 products were superior to interpretations from other sensor products, suggesting that quality lineament interpretation in this region requires anthropogenic features to be minimized and topographic expressions to be maximized. The approach developed in this study has the potential to improve siting wells in non-ideal regions.


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This dissertation presents a detailed study in exploring quantum correlations of lights in macroscopic environments. We have explored quantum correlations of single photons, weak coherent states, and polarization-correlated/polarization-entangled photons in macroscopic environments. These included macroscopic mirrors, macroscopic photon number, spatially separated observers, noisy photons source and propagation medium with loss or disturbances. We proposed a measurement scheme for observing quantum correlations and entanglement in the spatial properties of two macroscopic mirrors using single photons spatial compass state. We explored the phase space distribution features of spatial compass states, such as chessboard pattern by using the Wigner function. The displacement and tilt correlations of the two mirrors were manifested through the propensities of the compass states. This technique can be used to extract Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations (EPR) of the two mirrors. We then formulated the discrete-like property of the propensity Pb(m,n), which can be used to explore environmental perturbed quantum jumps of the EPR correlations in phase space. With single photons spatial compass state, the variances in position and momentum are much smaller than standard quantum limit when using a Gaussian TEM00 beam. We observed intrinsic quantum correlations of weak coherent states between two parties through balanced homodyne detection. Our scheme can be used as a supplement to decoy-state BB84 protocol and differential phase-shift QKD protocol. We prepared four types of bipartite correlations ±cos2(θ12) that shared between two parties. We also demonstrated bits correlations between two parties separated by 10 km optical fiber. The bits information will be protected by the large quantum phase fluctuation of weak coherent states, adding another physical layer of security to these protocols for quantum key distribution. Using 10 m of highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) at 77 K, we observed coincidence to accidental-coincidence ratio of 130±5 for correlated photon-pair and Two-Photon Interference visibility >98% entangled photon-pair. We also verified the non-local behavior of polarization-entangled photon pair by violating Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Bell’s inequality by more than 12 standard deviations. With the HNLF at 300 K (77 K), photon-pair production rate about factor 3(2) higher than a 300 m dispersion-shifted fiber is observed. Then, we studied quantum correlation and interference of photon-pairs; with one photon of the photon-air experiencing multiple scattering in a random medium. We observed that depolarization noise photon in multiple scattering degrading the purity of photon-pair, and the existence of Raman noise photon in a photon-pair source will contribute to the depolarization affect. We found that quantum correlation of polarization-entangled photon-pair is better preserved than polarization-correlated photon-pair as one photon of the photon-pair scattered through a random medium. Our findings showed that high purity polarization-entangled photon-pair is better candidate for long distance quantum key distribution.


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Six full-term newborn infants are described who suffered from severe adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The triggering event was intrauterine/perinatal asphyxia in five, and group B streptococcal (GBS) septicemia in three. All had severe respiratory distress/failure and were ventilated mechanically with high concentrations of inspired oxygen and positive end-expiratory pressure. Radiography of the chest showed dense bilateral consolidation with air bronchograms and reduced lung volume. Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPH) was documented in all cases. The coincidence of ARDS and PPH rendered respiratory management extremely difficult. For this reason high-frequency ventilation was instituted in all patients in order to improve CO2 elimination and induce respiratory alkalosis. Acute complications of respiratory therapy were encountered in five patients (pneumothorax, pulmonary interstitial emphysema, pneumopericardium). Three infants died (irreversible septic shock, progressive severe hypoxemia, and sudden cardiac arrest) after 17, 80, and 175 h of life. Histologic examination of the lungs was possible in all fatal cases and revealed typical changes of acute to subacute stages of ARDS. Three infants survived, the mean time of mechanical respiratory support being 703 h. Two patients were still dependent on oxygen after 1 month of life, and all survivors had increased interstitial markings and increased lung volumes on their chest roentgenograms at this time.


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We report the case of a 34-year old mother presenting in the emergency unit because of fever and odynophagia. Herpetic esophagitis with Herpes simplex virus primoinfection in a immunocompetent patient was diagnosed. The virus was transmitted by her own child which came to be hospitalised because of herpetic stomatitis. In the blood chemistry pancreas enzymes were elevated which we interpreted as herpetic pancreatitis because of coincidence with herpetic esophagitis.


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Neurons in Action (NIA1, 2000; NIA1.5, 2004; NIA2, 2007), a set of tutorials and linked simulations, is designed to acquaint students with neuronal physiology through interactive, virtual laboratory experiments. Here we explore the uses of NIA in lecture, both interactive and didactic, as well as in the undergraduate laboratory, in the graduate seminar course, and as an examination tool through homework and problem set assignments. NIA, made with the simulator NEURON (http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/), displays voltages, currents, and conductances in a membrane patch or signals moving within the dendrites, soma and/or axon of a neuron. Customized simulations start with the plain lipid bilayer and progress through equilibrium potentials; currents through single Na and K channels; Na and Ca action potentials; voltage clamp of a patch or a whole neuron; voltage spread and propagation in axons, motoneurons and nerve terminals; synaptic excitation and inhibition; and advanced topics such as channel kinetics and coincidence detection. The user asks and answers "what if" questions by specifying neuronal parameters, ion concentrations, and temperature, and the experimental results are then plotted as conductances, currents, and voltage changes. Such exercises provide immediate confirmation or refutation of the student's ideas to guide their learning. The tutorials are hyperlinked to explanatory information and to original research papers. Although the NIA tutorials were designed as a sequence to empower a student with a working knowledge of fundamental neuronal principles, we find that faculty are using the individual tutorials in a variety of educational situations, some of which are described here. Here we offer ideas to colleagues using interactive software, whether NIA or another tool, for educating students of differing backgrounds in the subject of neurophysiology.


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Objective: Perimedullary arteriovenous fistulas (PMAVF) are exceptional spinal vascular malformations and their best therapeutic management remains controversial. Here the authors present their experience with PMAVF to characterize the clinical, neuroimaging and treatment data of patients operated on PMAVF and to analyse both incidence of complications and resurgery in the microsurgical therapy of PMAVF. Method: Fifteen patients (13 men, 2 women, mean age 51 years) with PMAVF identified by selective spinal angiography were microsurgically treated at our institution between 1992 and 2006. The presenting symptoms (duration 3 months to 5 years) were consistent with progressive myelopathy (13) or included isolated pain syndrome (2). Lumbar PMAVF location (6) was predominant followed by the sacral (5) and thoracic (4) site including 6 PMAVF of the filum terminale and 2 PMAVF associated with a glomerular AVM and dural arteriovenous fistula, respectively. Microsurgical PMAVF obliteration and postoperative angiography were routinely performed. All patients were available for follow-up evaluation within 6 months postoperatively. Results: Surgery with complete (12) or almost complete (3) PMAVF occlusion resulted in neurological improvement (10) or stabilization (1), 4 patients deteriorated postoperatively. Whereas no complications occured, a second operation because of residual or recanalized PMAVF was indicated in one case each. Two associated dual spinal vascular malformations could be observed and subsequently obliterated. Conclusions: Microsurgical occlusion of PMAVF appears to be a secure and adequate therapeutic option that prevents progressive neurological deterioration and results in good outcome in the majority of patients. Complications associated with surgery, recurrences and reoperations are infrequent. Therefore, in the authors experience microsurgery is the preferred therapy to treat PMAVF. Despite the rarity of PMAVF the possibility of the coincidence of associated second vascular malformations should be considered.


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A high-resolution α, x-ray, and γ-ray coincidence spectroscopy experiment was conducted at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung. Thirty correlated α-decay chains were detected following the fusion-evaporation reaction Ca48+Am243. The observations are consistent with previous assignments of similar decay chains to originate from element Z=115. For the first time, precise spectroscopy allows the derivation of excitation schemes of isotopes along the decay chains starting with elements Z>112. Comprehensive Monte Carlo simulations accompany the data analysis. Nuclear structure models provide a first level interpretation.


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Voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) serve a wide range of physiological functions and their activity is modulated by different neurotransmitter systems. GABAergic inhibition of VDCCs in neurons has an important impact in controlling transmitter release, neuronal plasticity, gene expression and neuronal excitability. We investigated the molecular signalling mechanisms by which GABAB receptors inhibit calcium-mediated electrogenesis (Ca2+ spikes) in the distal apical dendrite of cortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Ca2+ spikes are the basis of coincidence detection and signal amplification of distal tuft synaptic inputs characteristic for the computational function of cortical pyramidal neurons. By combining dendritic whole-cell recordings with two-photon fluorescence Ca2+ imaging we found that all subtypes of VDCCs were present in the Ca2+ spike initiation zone, but that they contribute differently to the initiation and sustaining of dendritic Ca2+ spikes. Particularly, Cav1 VDCCs are the most abundant VDCC present in this dendritic compartment and they generated the sustained plateau potential characteristic for the Ca2+ spike. Activation of GABAB receptors specifically inhibited Cav1 channels. This inhibition of L-type Ca2+ currents was transiently relieved by strong depolarization but did not depend on protein kinase activity. Therefore, our findings suggest a novel membrane-delimited interaction of the Gi/o-βγ-subunit with Cav1 channels identifying this mechanism as the general pathway of GABAB receptor-mediated inhibition of VDCCs. Furthermore, the characterization of the contribution of the different VDCCs to the generation of the Ca2+ spike provides new insights into the molecular mechanism of dendritic computation.


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To nie przypadek, że wyrażenie „wieczna kobiecość" ukute przez Goethego zbiega się w czasie z pierwszymi zachodnimi próbami emancypacji kobiet. W chwili, kiedy model kobiety istniejącej tylko w zależności od mężczyzny zaczyna być kwestionowany, kategoria wiecznej kobiecości pozwala ponownie potwierdzić ten model, wypełniając go pozytywnymi wartościami. Naturą kobiety jest być uległą i oddaną, a te cechy sprawiają, że kobieta jest depozytariuszem wszelkiej potencjalnej zbawczej łaski. Tak w Fauście Goethego, przypada Małgorzacie, dziewczynie naiwniej, niewinnej, niewykształconej i bez własnej woli, wykupić Fausta siłą swojej miłości. Wszystko dzieje się tak, jakby pozytywna kodyfikacja właściwości kobiet dzięki kategorii wiecznej kobiecości służyła tylko lepszemu ukryciu rzeczywistości ich ucisku; feministki jednak nie dają się zwieść: ideały popierane przez kategorię wiecznej kobiecości są a priori niezgodne z emancypacją kobiet. Karolina Světlá, jedna z najważniejszych postaci w walce o zrównanie praw między mężczyznami i kobietami w Czechach w XIX wieku, wykorzystywała przecież intensywnie w swojej literackiej twórczości ten model kobiety, która poświęca się dla kochanego mężczyzny i tym samym udaje się jej go "podciągnąć do góry" ("hinan zu ziehen", Goethe) oraz dać mu dostęp do "nieskończoności", "nieśmiertelności" i "wieczności". Czy jej teoretyczne pisma i jej działalność na rzecz emancypacji kobiet zaprzeczałyby jej tekstom literackim, na pierwszy rzut oka tak konwencjonalnym? W tym wykładzie podejmuję próbę odpowiedzi na to pytanie uważną lekturą jednego z jej najbardziej faustowskich opowiadań, mianowice "Czarna dziewanna".


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Common sense supposes thoughts can cause bodily movements and thereby cause changes in where the agent is or how his surroundings are. Many philosophers suppose that any such outcome is realized in a complex state of affairs involving only microparticles; that previous microphysical developments were sufficient to cause that state of affairs; hence that, barring overdetermination, causation by the mental is excluded. This paper argues that the microphysical swarm that realizes the outcome is an accident (Aristotle) or a coincidence (David Owens) and has no cause, though each component movement in it has one. Mental causation faces no competition "from below".


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Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (rAAA) with an arterio-venous fistula is a rare phenomenon. We report a case where the coincidence of significant coronary stenosis was masking the main problem of an infra-renal aortic aneurysm rupture.


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The cichlid fish radiations in the African Great Lakes differ from all other known cases of rapid speciation in vertebrates by their spectacular trophic diversity and richness of sympatric species, comparable to the most rapid angiosperm radiations. I review factors that may have facilitated these radiations and compare these with insights from recent work on plant radiations. Work to date suggests that it was a coincidence of ecological opportunity, intrinsic ecological versatility and genomic flexibility, rapidly evolving behavioral mate choice and large amounts of standing genetic variation that permitted these spectacular fish radiations. I propose that spatially orthogonal gradients in the fit of phenotypes to the environment facilitate speciation because they allow colonization of alternative fitness peaks during clinal speciation despite local disruptive selection. Such gradients are manifold in lakes because of the interaction of water depth as an omnipresent third spatial dimension with other fitness-relevant variables. I introduce a conceptual model of adaptive radiation that integrates these elements and discuss its applicability to, and predictions for, plant radiations.


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Using pollen percentages and charcoal influx to reconstruct the Holocene vegetation and fire history, we differentiate six possible responses of plants to fire of medium and high frequency: fire-intolerant, fire damaged, fire-sensitive, fire-indifferent, fire-enhanced and fire-adapted. The fire sensitivity of 17 pollen types, representing 20 woody species in the southern Alps, is validated by comparison with today's ecological studies of plant chronosequences. A surprising coincidence of species reaction to fire of medium frequency is character istic for completely different vegetation types, such as woodlands dominated byAbies alba (7000 years ago) andCastanea sativa (today). The temporal persistence of post-fire behaviour of plant taxa up to thousands of years suggests a generally valid species-related fire sensitivity that may be influenced only in part by changing external conditions. A non-analogous behaviour of woody taxa after fire is documented for high fire frequencies. Divergent behaviour patterns of plant taxa in response to medium and high fire frequencies (e.g., increases and decreases ofAlnus glutinosa) also indicate that post-fire plant reactions may change with increasing fire fre quency.


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Southern Switzerland is a fire prone area where fire has to be considered as a natural environmental factor. In the past decades, fire frequency has tended to increase due to changes in landscape management. The most common type of fire is surface fire which normally breaks out during the vegetation resting period. Usually this type of fire shows short residence time (rapid spread), low to medium fire intensity and limited size. South-facing slopes are particularly fire-prone, so that very high fire frequency is possible: under these conditions passive resistant species and postfire resprouting species are favoured, usually leading to a reduction in the number of surviving species to a few fire adapted sprouters. Evergreen broadleaves are extremely sensitive to repeated fires. A simulation of the potential vegetation of southern Switzerland under climatic changed conditions evidenced the coincidence of the potential area of spreading forests rich in evergreen broad-leaved species with the most fire-prone area of the region. Therefore, in future, wildfires could play an important regulating role: most probably they will not stop the large-scale laurophyllisation of the thermophilous forests of southern Switzerland, but at sites with high fire frequency the vegetation shift could be slowed or even prevented by fire-disturbances.


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This study evaluated the administration-time-dependent effects of a stimulant (Dexedrine 5-mg), a sleep-inducer (Halcion 0.25-mg) and placebo (control) on human performance. The investigation was conducted on 12 diurnally active (0700-2300) male adults (23-38 yrs) using a double-blind, randomized sixway-crossover three-treatment, two-timepoint (0830 vs 2030) design. Performance tests were conducted hourly during sleepless 13-hour studies using a computer generated, controlled and scored multi-task cognitive performance assessment battery (PAB) developed at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Specific tests were Simple and Choice Reaction Time, Serial Addition/Subtraction, Spatial Orientation, Logical Reasoning, Time Estimation, Response Timing and the Stanford Sleepiness Scale. The major index of performance was "Throughput", a combined measure of speed and accuracy.^ For the Placebo condition, Single and Group Cosinor Analysis documented circadian rhythms in cognitive performance for the majority of tests, both for individuals and for the group. Performance was best around 1830-2030 and most variable around 0530-0700 when sleepiness was greatest (0300).^ Morning Dexedrine dosing marginally enhanced performance an average of 3% with reference to the corresponding in time control level. Dexedrine AM also increased alertness by 10% over the AM control. Dexedrine PM failed to improve performance with reference to the corresponding PM control baseline. With regard to AM and PM Dexedrine administrations, AM performance was 6% better with subjects 25% more alert.^ Morning Halcion administration caused a 7% performance decrement and 16% increase in sleepiness and a 13% decrement and 10% increase in sleepiness when administered in the evening compared to corresponding in time control data. Performance was 9% worse and sleepiness 24% greater after evening versus morning Halcion administration.^ These results suggest that for evening Halcion dosing, the overnight sleep deprivation occurring in coincidence with the nadir in performance due to circadian rhythmicity together with the CNS depressant effects combine to produce performance degradation. For Dexedrine, morning administration resulted in only marginal performance enhancement; Dexedrine in the evening was less effective, suggesting the 5-mg dose level may be too low to counteract the partial sleep deprivation and nocturnal nadir in performance. ^