307 resultados para Cervix uteri


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Past studies have shown that epidermal growth factor (EGF) is able to mimic the uterotropic effects of estrogen in the rodent. These studies have suggested a "cross-talk" model in which EGF receptor (EGF-R) signaling results in activation of nuclear estrogen receptor (ER) and its target genes in an estrogen-independent manner. Furthermore, in vitro studies have indicated the requirement for ER in this mechanism. To verify the requirement for ER in an in vivo system, EGF effects were studied in the uteri of ER knockout (ERKO) mice, which lack functional ER. The EGF-R levels, autophosphorylation, and c-fos induction were observed at equivalent levels in both genotypes indicating that removal of ER did not disrupt the EGF responses. Induction of DNA synthesis and the progesterone receptor gene in the uterus were measured after EGF treatment of both ERKO and wild-type animals. Wild-type mice showed increases of 4.3-fold in DNA synthesis, as well as an increase in PR mRNA after EGF treatment. However, these responses were absent in ERKO mice, confirming that the estrogen-like effects of EGF in the mouse uterus do indeed require the ER. These data conclusively demonstrate the coupling of EGF and ER signaling pathways in the rodent reproductive tract.


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The signaling pathways associated with estrogen-induced proliferation of epithelial cells in the reproductive tract have not been defined. To identify receptor tyrosine kinases that are activated in vivo by 17 beta-estradiol (E2), uteri from ovariectomized mice were examined for enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of various receptors and a receptor substrate following treatment with this hormone. Within 4 hr after hormone exposure, extracts showed increased phosphotyrosine (P-Tyr) immunoreactivity at several bands, including 170- and 180-kDa; these bands were still apparent at 24 hr after E2. Analysis of immunoprecipitates from uterine extracts revealed that E2 enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) by 6 hr. Comparison of supernatants from IRS-1 and control rabbit IgG immunoprecipitates indicated that the 170-kDa P-Tyr band in extracts was equivalent to IRS-1. The receptors for epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and basic fibroblast growth factor did not exhibit an E2-induced increase in P-Tyr content. The nonestrogenic steroid hormones examined did not stimulate the P-Tyr content of IGF-1R or IRS-1. Immunolocalization of P-Tyr and IRS-1 revealed strong reactivity in the epithelial layer of the uterus from E2-treated mice, suggesting that the majority of P-Tyr bands observed in immunoblots originate in the epithelium. Since hormonal activation of IRS-1 is epithelial, estrogen-specific, and initiated before maximal DNA synthesis occurs following treatment with hormone, this protein, as part of the IGF-1R pathway, may be important in mediating estrogen-stimulated proliferation in the uterus.


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Detection of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) by comparison of normal and tumor genotypes using PCR-based microsatellite loci provides considerable advantages over traditional Southern blotting-based approaches. However, current methodologies are limited by several factors, including the numbers of loci that can be evaluated for LOH in a single experiment, the discrimination of true alleles versus "stutter bands," and the use of radionucleotides in detecting PCR products. Here we describe methods for high throughput simultaneous assessment of LOH at multiple loci in human tumors; these methods rely on the detection of amplified microsatellite loci by fluorescence-based DNA sequencing technology. Data generated by this approach are processed by several computer software programs that enable the automated linear quantitation and calculation of allelic ratios, allowing rapid ascertainment of LOH. As a test of this approach, genotypes at a series of loci on chromosome 4 were determined for 58 carcinomas of the uterine cervix. The results underscore the efficacy, sensitivity, and remarkable reproducibility of this approach to LOH detection and provide subchromosomal localization of two regions of chromosome 4 commonly altered in cervical tumors.


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High-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs), including type 16, have been identified as factors in cervical carcinogenesis. However, the presence and expression of the virus per se appear to be insufficient for carcinogenesis. Rather, cofactors most likely are necessary in addition to viral gene expression to initiate neoplasia. One candidate cofactor is prolonged exposure to sex hormones. To examine the possible effects of estrogen on HPV-associated neoplasia, we treated transgenic mice expressing the oncogenes of HPV16 under control of the human keratin-14 promoter (K14-HPV16 transgenic mice) and nontransgenic control mice with slow release pellets of 17beta-estradiol. Squamous carcinomas developed in a multistage pathway exclusively in the vagina and cervix of K14-HPV16 transgenic mice. Estrogen-induced carcinogenesis was accompanied by an incremental increase in the incidence and distribution of proliferating cells solely within the cervical and vaginal squamous epithelium of K14-HPV16 mice. Expression of the HPV transgenes in untreated transgenic mice was detectable only during estrus; estrogen treatment resulted in transgene expression that was persistent but not further upregulated, remaining at low levels at all stages of carcinogenesis. The data demonstrate a novel mechanism of synergistic cooperation between chronic estrogen exposure and the oncogenes of HPV16 that coordinates squamous carcinogenesis in the female reproductive tract of K14-HPV16 transgenic mice.


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Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16, 18, 31, and 51 are the etiologic agents of many anogenital cancers including those of the cervix. These "high risk" HPVs specifically target genital squamous epithelia, and their lytic life cycle is closely linked to epithelial differentiation. We have developed a genetic assay for HPV functions during pathogenesis using recircularized cloned HPV 31 genomes that were transfected together with a drug resistance marker into monolayer cultures of normal human foreskin keratinocytes, the natural host cell. After drug selection, cell lines were isolated that stably maintained HPV 31 DNA as episomes and underwent terminal differentiation when grown in organotypic raft cultures. In differentiated rafts, the expression of late viral genes, amplification of viral DNA, and production of viral particles were detected in suprabasal cells. This demonstrated the ability to synthesize HPV 31 virions from transfected DNA templates and allowed an examination of HPV functions during the vegetative viral life cycle. We then used this system to investigate whether an episomal genome was required for the induction of late viral gene expression. When an HPV 31 genome (31E1*) containing a missense mutation in the E1 open reading frame was transfected into normal human keratinocytes, the mutant viral sequences were found to integrate into the host cell chromosomal DNA with both early and late regions intact. While high levels of early viral gene transcription were observed, no late gene expression was detected in rafts of cell lines containing the mutant viral genome despite evidence of terminal differentiation. Therefore, the induction of late viral gene expression required that the viral genomes be maintained as extrachromosomal elements, and terminal differentiation alone was not sufficient. These studies provide the basis for a detailed examination of HPV functions during viral pathogenesis.


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Introdução: Estatísticas sobre a ocorrência de casos novos de câncer são fundamentais para o planejamento e monitoramento das ações de controle da doença. No estado de São Paulo, a incidência de câncer é obtida indiretamente por meio de estimativas oficiais (para o estado como um todo e sua capital) e, de forma direta, em municípios cobertos por Registro de Câncer de Base Populacional (RCBP). Existem, atualmente, três RCBP ativos (São Paulo, Jaú e Santos), um inativo (Barretos) e um em reimplantação (Campinas). Dado o desconhecimento do panorama da incidência de câncer em áreas não cobertas por RCBP, este estudo teve como objetivo estimar a incidência de câncer, calcular taxas brutas e padronizadas por idade, específicas por sexo e localização primária do tumor para as 17 Redes Regionais de Atenção à Saúde (RRAS) de São Paulo e municípios, em 2010. Método: Utilizou-se como estimador da incidência de câncer a razão Incidência/Mortalidade (I/M), por sexo, grupo etário quinquenal dos 0 aos 80 anos e localização primária do tumor. O numerador da razão foi formado pelo número agregado de casos novos entre 2006-2010, em dois RCBP ativos (Jaú e São Paulo, respectivamente, com cobertura correspondente a 0,3 por cento e 27,3 por cento da população estadual). No denominador, o número de óbitos oficial nas respectivas áreas e período. O número estimado de casos novos resultou da multiplicação das I/M pelo número de óbitos por câncer registrados em 2010 para o conjunto de municípios formadores de cada uma das RRAS ou para cada município. O método de referência foi aquele utilizado no Globocan series, da Agência Internacional de Pesquisa contra o Câncer. O ajuste por idade das taxas de incidência ocorreu pelo método direto, tendo como padrão a população mundial. Resultados: Estimaram-se 53.476 casos novos de câncer para o sexo masculino e 55.073 casos para o feminino (excluindo-se os casos de câncer de pele não melanoma), com taxas padronizadas de 261/100.000 e 217/100.000, respectivamente. No sexo masculino, a RRAS 6 apresentou para todos os cânceres a maior taxa de incidência padronizada (285/100.000), e a RRAS 10, a menor (207/100.000). Os cânceres mais incidentes em homens foram próstata (77/100.000), cólon/reto/anus (27/100.000) e traqueia/brônquio/pulmão (16/100.000). Entre as mulheres, as taxas de incidência padronizadas por idade foram de 170/100.000 (RRAS 11) a 252/100.000 (RRAS 07); o câncer de mama foi o mais incidente (58/100.000), seguido pelos tumores de cólon/reto/anus (23/100.000) e de colo uterino (9/100.000). Conclusões: Os resultados apontaram diferentes padrões de incidência com taxas que ultrapassaram a magnitude estadual. Dados provenientes de RCBP locais podem ser usados na obtenção indireta de estimativas regionais e locais. Neste estudo, as taxas de incidência apresentadas podem estar sub ou superestimadas refletindo a qualidade, completitude e padrões observados no RCBP de maior representatividade considerado na análise.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Purpose: Persistent infection of cervical epithelium with high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) results in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) from which squamous cancer of the cervix can arise. A study was undertaken to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of an HPV 16 immunotherapeutic consisting of a mixture of HPV16 E6E7 fusion protein and ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant (HPV16 Immunotherapeutic) for patients with CIN. Experimental design: Patients with CIN (n = 3 1) were recruited to a randomised blinded placebo controlled dose ranging study of immunotherapy. Results: Immunotherapy was well tolerated. Immunised subjects developed HPV16 E6E7 specific immunity. Antibody, delayed type hypersensitivity, in vitro cytokine release, and CD8 T cell responses to E6 and E7 proteins were each significantly greater in the immunised subjects than in placebo recipients. Loss of HPV16 DNA from the cervix was observed in some vaccine and placebo recipients. Conclusions : The HPV16 Immunotherapeutic comprising HPV16E6E7 fusion protein and ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant is safe and induces vaccine antigen specific cell mediated immunity. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Maternal recognition of pregnancy in marsupials occurs in more subtle ways than it does in eutherians. For instance, unlike in eutherians, the plasma progesterone profiles of pregnant and non-pregnant animals are similar during the luteal phase. It is typically during the brief luteal phase that both gestation and parturition occur in marsupials. Yet histological and physiological changes have been documented between gravid and non-gravid uteri in certain monovular marsupials and between pregnant and non-pregnant animals in polyovular marsupials. Early pregnancy factor (EPF), a 10.8-kDa serum protein known to be homologous to chaperonin 10, is associated with maternal immunosuppression, embryonic development and pregnancy in eutherian mammals. It has been reported in two Australian marsupials: the dasyurid Sminthopsis macroura and the phalangerid Trichosurus vulpecula. This paper documents its occurrence in the New World didelphid Monodelphis domestica. EPF is detectable by rosette inhibition assay in the peripheral circulation of pregnant but not of non-pregnant or pseudopregnant animals. Our work focuses on the embryo–maternal signalling role of EPF during pregnancy. Because progesterone-driven changes are similar in pregnant and non-pregnant marsupials, these animals are an excellent laboratory model in which to investigate the role of EPF in orchestrating the physiological changes necessary to sustain pregnancy.


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Circulating antiangiogenic factors and proinflammatory cytokines are implicated in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. This study was performed to test the hypothesis that steroids modify the balance of inflammatory and proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors that potentially contribute to the patient’s evolving clinical state. Seventy singleton women, admitted for antenatal corticosteroid treatment, were enrolled prospectively. The study group consisted of 45 hypertensive women: chronic hypertension (n=6), severe preeclampsia (n=32), and superimposed preeclampsia (n=7). Normotensive women with shortened cervix (<2.5 cm) served as controls (n=25). Maternal blood samples of preeclampsia cases were obtained before steroids and then serially up until delivery. A clinical severity score was designed to clinically monitor disease progression. Serum levels of angiogenic factors (soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 [sFlt-1], placental growth factor [PlGF], soluble endoglin [sEng]), endothelin-1 (ET-1), and proinflammatory markers (IL-6, C-reactive protein [CRP]) were assessed before and after steroids. Soluble IL-2 receptor (sIL-2R) and total immunoglobulins (IgG) were measured as markers of T- and B-cell activation, respectively. Steroid treatment coincided with a transient improvement in clinical manifestations of preeclampsia. A significant decrease in IL-6 and CRP was observed although levels of sIL-2R and IgG remained unchanged. Antenatal corticosteroids did not influence the levels of angiogenic factors but ET-1 levels registered a short-lived increase poststeroids. Although a reduction in specific inflammatory mediators in response to antenatal steroids may account for the transient improvement in clinical signs of preeclampsia, inflammation is unlikely to be the major contributor to severe preeclampsia or useful for therapeutic targeting.


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Circulating antiangiogenic factors and proinflammatory cytokines are implicated in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. This study was performed to test the hypothesis that steroids modify the balance of inflammatory and proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors that potentially contribute to the patient's evolving clinical state. Seventy singleton women, admitted for antenatal corticosteroid treatment, were enrolled prospectively. The study group consisted of 45 hypertensive women: chronic hypertension (n=6), severe preeclampsia (n=32), and superimposed preeclampsia (n=7). Normotensive women with shortened cervix (<2.5 cm) served as controls (n=25). Maternal blood samples of preeclampsia cases were obtained before steroids and then serially up until delivery. A clinical severity score was designed to clinically monitor disease progression. Serum levels of angiogenic factors (soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 [sFlt-1], placental growth factor [PlGF], soluble endoglin [sEng]), endothelin-1 (ET-1), and proinflammatory markers (IL-6, C-reactive protein [CRP]) were assessed before and after steroids. Soluble IL-2 receptor (sIL-2R) and total immunoglobulins (IgG) were measured as markers of T- and B-cell activation, respectively. Steroid treatment coincided with a transient improvement in clinical manifestations of preeclampsia. A significant decrease in IL-6 and CRP was observed although levels of sIL-2R and IgG remained unchanged. Antenatal corticosteroids did not influence the levels of angiogenic factors but ET-1 levels registered a short-lived increase poststeroids. Although a reduction in specific inflammatory mediators in response to antenatal steroids may account for the transient improvement in clinical signs of preeclampsia, inflammation is unlikely to be the major contributor to severe preeclampsia or useful for therapeutic targeting. © 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.


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Objective - During pregnancy, the human cervix undergoes angiogenic transformations. VEGF is expressed in cervical stroma and is proposed to play key roles in the process of cervical ripening and dilation. This study was conducted to evaluate whether cervical secretion of VEGF can be of clinical value in predicting impending PTB. Study Design - In an observational prospective cohort study, we analyzed cervical fluid samples from 103 pregnant women (GA: median [IQR]: 28 [25-31] wks) who presented for either a routine prenatal visit (n=61) or for evaluation of threatened preterm labor (n=42). Cervical secretions were collected under a standard protocol which was followed in all cases. Cervical length (CL) was assessed by transvaginal ultrasound using well-established criteria. Dilation was evaluated by digital exam performed only after collection of the biological samples. VEGF levels were immunoassayed by investigators unaware of the clinical outcome. Main exclusion criteria were ruptured membranes, active labor, vaginal bleeding, vaginal exam or intercourse within 24h. Results were analyzed with and without normalization for total protein. Results - 1) Clinical characteristics of the cohort are presented in Table;2) VEGF was detectable in all specimens, with no correlation between its levels, CL, twins or GA at collection; 3) There was an inverse correlation between VEGF and cervical dilation (R=-0.646, P=0.003); 4) Women with cervical dilation =1 cm had lower VEGF compared to those with a closed cervix (P=0.003); 5) Women who experienced PTB within 14 days (n=11) had lower VEGF (P=0.003); 6) A free VEGF level of =600 pg/mL had a sensitivity, specificity, +LR and -LR of 70%, 95%, 13.5 and 0.3, respectively in predicting PTB within 14 days. Conclusions - Low VEGF levels in the cervicovaginal secretions of pregnant women are associated with an increased risk of PTB within 2 weeks of collection. Active engagement of VEGF in the process of cervical ripening and dilatation and/or increased affinity of extracellular matrix components for VEGF may provide explanation for our findings.


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The problem of cancer diagnosis from multi-channel images using the neural networks is investigated. The goal of this work is to classify the different tissue types which are used to determine the cancer risk. The radial basis function networks and backpropagation neural networks are used for classification. The results of experiments are presented.


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Red marine algae of the genus Gracilaria synthesize sulfated polysaccharides (PS) bioactive. But many of these PS were not properly assessed, as is the case of PS synthesized by edible seaweed Gracilaria birdiae. Previous studies showed that sulfated galactans this alga has anti-inflammatory effect. In this work, a galactan (GB) of G. birdiae was obtained and evaluated by different tests. GB showed anticoagulant activity in APTT assay. GB showed no toxicity to normal cells (3T3), but inhibited the survival of cells of adenocarcinoma of the cervix (HeLa) and human pancreatic cancer (Panc-1) 80% (1.5 mg / ml). GB was not able to hijack the OH radical or the superoxide radical. However, showed activity electron donor in two different tests and presented iron chelator activity (70% and 1.0 mg / ml) and Copper (70% at 0.5 mg / ml). The presence of a higher GB promotes formation of crystals of calcium oxalate dihydrate small size, which is less aggressive, because GB is able to interact with and stabilize the crystal that form. Furthermore, GB (2.0 mg / mL) was not cytotoxic to human renal cells (HEK-293). The data lead us to propose that GB has a great potential for the treatment of urolithiasis