405 resultados para CUVIER
Absonifibula estuarina sp. n. (Diclidophoridae, Absonifibulinae), is described from the gills of juvenile striped weakfish, Cynoscion guatucupa (Cuvier), from the southwestern Atlantic, Argentinean coast. This marine fish migrates to estuarine areas to spawn where exclusively juveniles are found parasitized; adult fish in marine water were never found to be parasitized by this monogenean. A. estuarina sp. n. is characterized mainly by the pedunculate clamps dissimilar in size, the shape of anterior jaw with sclerite 'a' attached to a sub-trapezoidal lamellate extension and fused to sclerites 'c' and 'd'. It differs from Absonifibula bychowskyi Lawler & Overstreet, 1976, the only known species of the genus, in the shape and arrangement of the genital corona, which is armed with six similar hooks disposed in circle and the sub-trapezoidal shape of lamellate extension ('b'). The restriction to juvenile sciaenids is a shared feature among the Absonifibulinae indicating an estuary-dependent life cycle.
Ectoparasites of bats (Chiroptera, Furipteridae), with a description of a new species of Synthesiostrebla Townsend (Diptera, Streblidae) from Brazil. Records of ectoparasites from furipterid bats are restricted to bat flies (Streblidae). Only three streblid species were known before this work: Trichobius pallidus (Curran, 1934), Strebla wiedemanni Kolenati, 1856, and Synthesiostrebla amorphochili Townsend, 1913. A second species of Synthesiostrebla is described here, increasing the geographical distribution of the genus to east of the Andes. Synthesiostrebla cisandina sp. nov. was found on Furipterus horrens (Cuvier, 1828) in southeastern Brazil. Anterior parts of the body, wing, tergite 7, epiproct and male genitalia are illustrated, and a key to females for species of Synthesiostrebla is provided.
Se efectuaron 214 avistamientos de cetáceos en 2019 mn observadas durante el Crucero de Evaluación Hidroacústica de Recursos Pelágicos BIC Humboldt 9803-05 de Tumbes a Tacna, desde el 20 de marzo al 07 de mayo de 1998. Se identificó un total de 10 especies entre odontocetos y misticetos: el bufeo Tursiops truncatus (24,3% del total de avistamientos), el delfín común Delphinus delhis (24,3%), el delfín oscuro Lagenorhyncgus obscurus (13,5%), una especie de delfín tropical Stenella sp. (0,5%), la ballena piloto Globicephala sp. (0,5%), el zifio de Cuvier Ziphius cavirostris (0,5%), el cachalote Physeter macrocephalus (2,3%), la ballena jorobada Megaptera novaeangliae (2,3%), la ballena azul Balaenoptera musculus (2,3%) y la ballena de aleta Balaenoptera physalus (0,9%). Los balaenoptéridos constituyeron el 18,46% de los avistamientos y el 3,5% del total de individuos avistados (256 individuos) presentando una distribución más densa en la zona sur. Del total de pequeños cetáceos avistados el 47,4% fueron identificados como delfines comunes, el 31,12% fueron bufeos y el 7,3% fueron delfines oscuros. Concentraciones importantes de cetáceos menores se presentaron frente a Salaverry, entre Huacho y Callao, al sur de Pisco y San Juan y entre Mollendo e Ilo.
Comprend : [Volume I. Bandeau au folio A : instruments de chimie, compas, sphère armillaires et globes terrestres, engins élévateurs.] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. 1 à la fin du volume II : instruments de chimie. Mortiers, passoirs, râpes etc...] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. II à la fin du volume II : instruments de chimie. Entonnoirs, fioles, bouteilles, terrines de grès, grand cuvier, chaudron...] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. III à la fin du volume II : instruments de chimie. Chauffeau, distillateurs, flacons, capsules de verre, cucurbite de verre ou de grès etc...] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. IV à la fin du volume II : instruments de chimie. Chauffeau, distillateurs, flacons, alambic, cornue de verre tubulée, ballons de verre blanc ou de cristal, appareil ou colonne au mercure, matras à cul-plat dit Enfer de Boyle etc...] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. VI à la fin du volume II : matériel de chimie. Cuve ou distillateur...] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. VII à la fin du volume II : matériel de chimie. Cuves, cornue tubulée, fourneau et bombonesetc...] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. VIII à la fin du volume II : matériel de chimie. Gazomètre.] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. IX à la fin du volume II Partie 1 : matériel de chimie. Distillateur. Cornues. Ballons. Serpentin. Lampe à esprit-de-vin à la Quinquet.] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. IX à la fin du volume II Partie 2 : matériel de chimie. Distillateur. Cornues. Ballons. Serpentin. Lampe à esprit-de-vin à la Quinquet.] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. X à la fin du volume II Partie 1 : matériel de chimie pour les fermentations vineuses et putrides. Distillateur. Cornues. Ballons. Grand matras, virole de cuivre etc...] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. X à la fin du volume II Partie 2 : matériel de chimie pour les fermentations vineuses et putrides. Distillateur. Cornues. Ballons. Grand matras, virole de cuivre etc...] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. XI à la fin du volume II Partie 1 : matériel de chimie. Distillateur. Serpentin. Tube déliquescent. Cornues. Gazomètre.] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. XI à la fin du volume II Partie 2 : matériel de chimie. Distillateur. Serpentin. Tube déliquescent. Cornues. Gazomètre.] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179] ; [pl. dépl. XIII à la fin du volume II : matériel de chimie. Fourneaux de réverbère. Bain de sable sous une couverture de terre cuite. Soufflet. Cornues.] [Cote : R 17237-17238/Microfilm R 132983 et 122179]
Comprend : [Pl. en reg. p.46 :] Goriot mangeait machinalement. Jamais il n'avait semblé plus absorbé. [Cote : Res p Y2 159/Microfilm R 122341] ; [Pl. en reg. p.78 :] "Madame, je ne suis encore qu'un pauvre diable d'étudiant..." dit Eugène à la duchesse. [Cote : Res p Y2 159/Microfilm R 122341] ; [Pl. en reg. p.107 :] "Expliquons-nous..." dit Vautrin en prenant Eugène par le bras. [Cote : Res p Y2 159/Microfilm R 122341] ; [Pl. en reg. p.133 :] Le marquis présenta l'étudiant à Mme Nucingen... [Cote : Res p Y2 159/Microfilm R 122341] ; [Pl. en reg. p.146 :] En sortant du cours Cuvier, Bianchon aperçut Mlle Michonneau et Poiret causant avec un monsieur qu'il sembla reconaître... [Cote : Res p Y2 159/Microfilm R 122341] ; [Pl. en reg. p.151 :] "Suis-je à votre goût?..." dit Mme de Nucingen en se levant et montrant sa robe de cachemire blanc à dessins. [Cote : Res p Y2 159/Microfilm R 122341] ; [Pl. en reg. p.229 :] Mme de Nucingen se jeta dans les bras de son père, et couvrit de baisers son visage épanoui... [Cote : Res p Y2 159/Microfilm R 122341] ; [Pl. en reg. p.254 :] Le Père Goriot s'élança entre ses deux filles pour les embpêcher de continuer cet échange de reproches. [Cote : Res p Y2 159/Microfilm R 122341] ; [Pl. en reg. p.272 :] "Je tremblais que vous ne vinssiez pas..." dit Mme de Beauséant à Rastignac. [Cote : Res p Y2 159/Microfilm R 122341] ; [Pl. en reg. p.300 :] "Mon père est mort!... " cria la comtesse en tombant évanouie. [Cote : Res p Y2 159/Microfilm R 122341]
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a biomassa sustentável de juvenis de pirarucu Arapaima gigas (Cuvier, 1829) mantidos em tanquesrede de pequeno volume. Durante 200 dias os peixes foram estocados em quatro tanques-rede de 1 m³, cada um com biomassa inicial total de 0,84±0,14 kg (21 peixes/tanque-rede). Os tanquesrede foram colocados em um viveiro de 50 m² com renovação constante de água. Os índices do fator de condição, da conversão alimentar, do crescimento específico e do ganho de biomassa revelaram que a biomassa sustentável de juvenis de pirarucu para a criação intensiva em tanques-rede de 1 m³ foi de aproximadamente 29 kg. O comprimento alcançado pelo peixe, no espaço reduzido do tanque-rede, é um fator limitante para manter bons índices zootécnicos.
A formalina tem sido usada no controle de doenças parasitárias, porém existem poucas informações sobre o efeito secundário desse produto sobre os peixes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de concentrações terapêuticas de formalina na homeostase de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier 1818) por meio de índices fisiológicos. Os banhos terapêuticos foram realizados em tanques de 100 L, com soluções de formalina a 0, 100, 150, 200 e 250 mg/L, em tempos de exposição de 0, 30, 60 e 120 minutos; a recuperação dos animais em tanques, sem adição de formalina à água, foi avaliada após 24 horas. Foi realizada a coleta de sangue da veia caudal dos peixes para determinação de glicose, cloretos, sódio, potássio e cálcio. Os peixes não exibiram sinais de estresse na concentração de 100 mg/L de formalina em todos os tempos de exposição. Contudo, banhos de 200 e 250 mg/L causaram aumentos significativos nos níveis de glicose após 30 minutos de exposição. Os resultados sugerem que a formalina pode ser usada nas concentrações de 100 e 150 mg/L em banhos de 30, 60 e 120 minutos e nas concentrações de 200 e 250 mg/L em banhos de até 30 minutos sem comprometer a homeostase do tambaqui.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as respostas fisiológicas de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum, Cuvier 1818) a banhos terapêuticos com mebendazol. Juvenis de tambaqui (n = 108, massa média de 37,80±0,24 g) foram submetidos a banhos terapêuticos de mebendazol a 0, 100, 300 e 600 mg L-1, com três repetições, em exposições de 30, 60 e 120 minutos. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas para íons plasmáticos (sódio, potássio e cálcio) e parâmetros hematológicos - hematócrito, número de eritrócitos e constantes corpusculares -, com exceção da hemoglobina, que apresentou aumento significativo, após 120 minutos na concentração de 300 mg L-1 de mebendazol, de forma similar ao que ocorreu com a glicose. Os indicadores fisiológicos de estresse avaliados revelam que o tambaqui mantém a sua homeostasia em concentrações de até 600 mg L-1 de mebendazol por até 120 minutos, com boa tolerância ao mebendazol.
Elasmobranchs comprising sharks, skates and rays have traditionally formed an important fishery along the Indian coast. Since 2000, Indian shark fishermen are shifting their fishing operations to deeper/oceanic waters by conducting multi-day fishing trips, which has resulted in considerable changes in the species composition of the landings vis- a-vis those reported during the 1980’s and 1990’s. A case study at Cochin Fisheries Harbour (CFH), southwest coast of India during 2008-09 indicated that besides the existing gillnet–cum- hooks & line and longline fishery for sharks, a targeted fishery at depths >300-1000 m for gulper sharks (Centrophorus spp.) has emerged. In 2008, the chondrichthyan landings (excluding batoids) were mainly constituted by offshore and deep-sea species such as Alopias superciliosus (24.2%), Carcharhinus limbatus (21.1%), Echinorhinus brucus (8.2%), Galeocerdo cuvier (5.4%), Centrophorus spp. (7.3%) and Neoharriotta pinnata (4.2%) while the contribution by the coastal species such as Sphyrna lewini (14.8%), Carcharhinus sorrah (1.4%) and other Carcharhinus spp. has reduced. Several deep-sea sharks previously not recorded in the landings at Cochin were also observed during 2008-09. It includes Hexanchus griseus, Deania profundorum, Zameus squamulosus and Pygmy false catshark (undescribed) which have been reported for the first time from Indian waters. Life history characteristics of the major fished species are discussed in relation to the fishery and its possible impacts on the resource
resumen tomado de la publicación
Oligoplites palometa (Cuvier) and Oligoplites saurus (Bloch & Schneider) (Osteichthyes: Carangidae) are coastal pelagic fish species. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of parasitism by isopods and the reproductive biology of the leather jack, Oligoplites spp. A total of 113 individuals of Oligoplites spp (35 of O. saurus and 78 of O. palometa) were captured during the period between January, 2005 and July, 2007 from the coastal waters of Natal, RN. The morphometric and meristic characters were registered; macroscopic analyses were done to collect the isopod parasites and the gonads were observed to verify the reproductive aspects. The crustacean isopod parasite, Cymothoa spinipalpa (Isopoda: Cymothidae) was encountered on the tongue in the oral cavity in both fish hosts. The parasitic indices of C. spinipalpa showed high values of prevalance of 51,4% for O. saurus and 64,1% for O. palometa. The host presented significant correlations between body mass and body length of O. palometa and the number of parasites. Body lengths of female C. spinipalpa were small due to the limited space available in the oral cavity of the host. There was a significant difference in the sex ratio of O. palometa, males outnumbered the females. The isopod parasites showed specificity to the oral cavity of hosts. Macroscopic analyses of gonads showed four stages of gonadal development for both sex of O. palometa: immature, maturing, mature and spent
The present work studied protozoan parasites of cultivated fishes (N = 433) from two feefishing farm situated in Franca, São Paulo, Brazil, during a period of April 1997 through March 1999. Specimens of piauçú Leporinus macrocephalus Garavello & Britski, 1988 (Anostomidae), pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 (Characidae) carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (Cyprinidae), Tillapia rendalli Boulenger, 1896 (Cichlidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758 (Cichlidae), matrinxã Brycon cephalus Günther, 1869 (Characidae) and tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) were collected. The fishes were parasitized with protozoans Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876 (Protozoa), Trichodina sp. and Piscinoodinium pillulare (Schaperclaus, 1954), Lom, 1981 (Protozoa). In the cold season (autumn and/or winter) all species of fish were infected with I. multifiliis. Higher susceptibility to Trichodina sp. was observed in L. macrocephalus, C. carpio and P. mesopotamicus compared to tambacu, B. cephalus, T. rendalli and 0. niloticus. It was not observed significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation of Trichodina sp. and P. pillulare infection of all species. A great number of P. pillulare without significant difference (P > 0.05) was reported to L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus and tambacu.
The mean values of hepatosomatic relation (HSR), splenosomatic relation (SSR) and relative condition factor (Kn) in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis nilolicus Trewavas, 1983); pacu (Piaractus mesopolamicus Holmberg, 1887); piauçu (Lepori-nus macrocephalus Garavello & Britski, 1988) and tambacu hybrid (P. mesopotamicus male x Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818 female) are described. The experiment was carried out from feefishing farm situated in Franca, São Paulo State, Brazil. Nile tilapia showed the greatest HSR compared to pacu, piauçu and tambacu. Although, in the last three fishes the relation was similar. The SSR between tilapia and piausu was similar, but smaller than observed in pacu and tambacu. Nevertheless, SSR in pacu and tambacu was different. The hepatic weight/body weigth relation and hepatic weight/body length relation presented positive correlation in ali studied fishes. The splenic weight/body weigth relation and splenic weight/body length relation were not significam (P>0.05) in Nile tilapia, pacu and tambacu, but highly significant in piauçu (PO.01).
Metazoan fauna from cultivated fishes (N = 433) in two feefishing farm of Franca, State of São Paulo, Brazil, was studied during a period of April 1997 through March 1999. Specimens of piauçú Leporinus macrocephalus Garavello & Britski, 1988 (Anostomidae), pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 (Characidae), carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (Cyprinidae), Tillapia rendalli Boulenger, 1896 (Cichlidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758 (Cichlidae), matrinxã Brycon cephalus Günther, 1869 (Characidae) and tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) were collected. A total of 29.3% was parasitized by monogenean, 9.7% with crustacean (copepodits and adults of Lernaea cyprinacea Linnaeus, 1758 and Argulus sp.) and 1.6% with myxosporean (Henneguya piaractus Martins & Souza, 1997 and Myxobolus colossomatis Moinar & Békési, 1993).The most susceptible species to myxosporean infestation was P. mesopotamicus. L. macrocephalus and P. mesopotamicus that showed a higher susceptibility to Argulus sp infestation. It was not observed significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation of L. cyprinacea infection of all species. L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus and tambacu showed a great number of P. pillulare with no significant difference (P > 0.05) between them. Monogenean infections were observed in all examined species, without significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation. Nevertheless, occurrence of monogenean was higher in P. mesopotamicus and lower in Nile-tilapia. By the other hand, parasites number collected from P. mesopotamicus was lower in the winter. Copepodits of L. cyprinacea were found in the gills of P. mesopotamicus, tambacu and L. macrocephalus. However, adults of L. cyprinacea were observed only in the P. mesopotamicus and tambacu.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)