314 resultados para CPS
Owing to their capability of merging the properties of metals and conventional polymers, Conducting Polymers (CPs) are a unique class of carbon-based materials capable of conducting electrical current. A conjugated backbone is the hallmark of CPs, which can readily undergo reversible doping to different extents, thus achieving a wide range of electrical conductivities, while maintaining mechanical flexibility, transparency and high thermal stability. Thanks to these inherent versatility and attracting properties, from their discovery CPs have experienced incessant widespread in a great plethora of research fields, ranging from energy storage to healthcare, also encouraging the spring and growth of new scientific areas with highly innovative content. Nowadays, Bioelectronics stands out as one of the most promising research fields, dealing with the mutual interplay between biology and electronics. Among CPs, the polyelectrolyte complex poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly (styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS), especially in the form of thin films, has been emphasized as ideal platform for bioelectronic applications. Indeed, in the last two decades PEDOT:PSS has played a key role in the sensing of bioanalytes and living cells interfacing and monitoring. In the present work, development and characterization of two kinds of PEDOT:PSS-based devices for applications in Bioelectronics are discussed in detail. In particular, a low-cost amperometric sensor for the selective detection of Dopamine in a ternary mixture was optimized, taking advantage of the electrocatalytic and antifouling properties that render PEDOT:PSS thin films appealing tools for electrochemical sensing of bioanalytes. Moreover, the potentialities of this material to interact with live cells were explored through the fabrication of a microfluidic trapping device for electrical monitoring of 3D spheroids using an impedance-based approach.
Over the past decade, Mental Health (MH) has increasingly appeared on the ‘school agenda’, both in terms of rising levels of MH difficulties in the student population, and also the expectation that schools have a role to play in supporting good MH. MH is a term fraught with ambiguities leading to uncertainty around the most appropriate ways to provide support. A review of current literature reveals a wide range of definitions and interpretations, sometimes within the same team of supporting professionals. The current study seeks to explore the perspectives held by two professional groups seemingly well placed to support young persons’ (YPs’) MH. Six Clinical Psychologists (CPs) and six Educational Psychologists (EPs) are interviewed, exploring their constructs of MH, and their perceptions of their own role and the roles of others in supporting secondary school aged YPs’ MH. The data are analysed through Thematic Analysis. Findings suggest that there are variations between the two professions’ constructs of MH, and EPs in particular have no unified concept of MH. This is likely due to less experience or training in this area. CPs and EPs hold similar perceptions of the school’s role for promoting good MH, and flagging up concerns to more specialist professionals when necessary. However, there are discrepancies in the EP and CP perceptions of each other’s roles. The conflicting views appear to emerge through incomplete information about the other, and professional defensiveness in a context where resources and funding are scarce. The current study suggests that these challenges can be addressed through: greater reflectivity on professional biases, exploration of MH constructs within other epistemological positions, and greater communication regarding professional roles, leading to clearer collaboration in supporting the MH of YP.
A redução de dimensionalidade é uma tarefa crucial no processamento e análise de dados hiperespectrais. Esta comunicação propõe um método de estimação do subespaço de sinal baseado no erro quadrático médio. O método consiste em primeiro estimar as matrizes de correlação do sinal e do ruído e em segundo seleccionar o conjunto de vectores próprios que melhor representa o subespaço de sinal. O eficiência deste método é ilustrada em imagens hiperespectrais sintéticas e reais.
Hyperspectral sensors are being developed for remote sensing applications. These sensors produce huge data volumes which require faster processing and analysis tools. Vertex component analysis (VCA) has become a very useful tool to unmix hyperspectral data. It has been successfully used to determine endmembers and unmix large hyperspectral data sets without the use of any a priori knowledge of the constituent spectra. Compared with other geometric-based approaches VCA is an efficient method from the computational point of view. In this paper we introduce new developments for VCA: 1) a new signal subspace identification method (HySime) is applied to infer the signal subspace where the data set live. This step also infers the number of endmembers present in the data set; 2) after the projection of the data set onto the signal subspace, the algorithm iteratively projects the data set onto several directions orthogonal to the subspace spanned by the endmembers already determined. The new endmember signature corresponds to these extreme of the projections. The capability of VCA to unmix large hyperspectral scenes (real or simulated), with low computational complexity, is also illustrated.
One of the most challenging task underlying many hyperspectral imagery applications is the spectral unmixing, which decomposes a mixed pixel into a collection of reectance spectra, called endmember signatures, and their corresponding fractional abundances. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) have recently been proposed as a tool to unmix hyperspectral data. The basic goal of ICA is to nd a linear transformation to recover independent sources (abundance fractions) given only sensor observations that are unknown linear mixtures of the unobserved independent sources. In hyperspectral imagery the sum of abundance fractions associated to each pixel is constant due to physical constraints in the data acquisition process. Thus, sources cannot be independent. This paper address hyperspectral data source dependence and its impact on ICA performance. The study consider simulated and real data. In simulated scenarios hyperspectral observations are described by a generative model that takes into account the degradation mechanisms normally found in hyperspectral applications. We conclude that ICA does not unmix correctly all sources. This conclusion is based on the a study of the mutual information. Nevertheless, some sources might be well separated mainly if the number of sources is large and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is high.
The main drivers for the development and evolution of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are the reduction of development costs and time along with the enhancement of the designed products. The aim of this survey paper is to provide an overview of different types of system and the associated transition process from mechatronics to CPS and cloud-based (IoT) systems. It will further consider the requirement that methodologies for CPS-design should be part of a multi-disciplinary development process within which designers should focus not only on the separate physical and computational components, but also on their integration and interaction. Challenges related to CPS-design are therefore considered in the paper from the perspectives of the physical processes, computation and integration respectively. Illustrative case studies are selected from different system levels starting with the description of the overlaying concept of Cyber Physical Production Systems (CPPSs). The analysis and evaluation of the specific properties of a sub-system using a condition monitoring system, important for the maintenance purposes, is then given for a wind turbine.
A utilização de sistemas embutidos distribuídos em diversas áreas como a robótica, automação industrial e aviónica tem vindo a generalizar-se no decorrer dos últimos anos. Este tipo de sistemas são compostos por vários nós, geralmente designados por sistemas embutidos. Estes nós encontram-se interligados através de uma infra-estrutura de comunicação de forma a possibilitar a troca de informação entre eles de maneira a concretizar um objetivo comum. Por norma os sistemas embutidos distribuídos apresentam requisitos temporais bastante exigentes. A tecnologia Ethernet e os protocolos de comunicação, com propriedades de tempo real, desenvolvidos para esta não conseguem associar de uma forma eficaz os requisitos temporais das aplicações de tempo real aos requisitos Quality of Service (QoS) dos diferentes tipos de tráfego. O switch Hard Real-Time Ethernet Switching (HaRTES) foi desenvolvido e implementado com o objetivo de solucionar estes problemas devido às suas capacidades como a sincronização de fluxos diferentes e gestão de diferentes tipos de tráfego. Esta dissertação apresenta a adaptação de um sistemas físico de modo a possibilitar a demonstração do correto funcionamento do sistema de comunicação, que será desenvolvido e implementado, utilizando um switch HaRTES como o elemento responsável pela troca de informação na rede entre os nós. O desempenho da arquitetura de rede desenvolvida será também testada e avaliada.
A continuaci?n se presentan los elementos que han servido de insumo para la construcci?n de la Pol?tica P?blica de Ni?os/Ni?as y Adolescencia del Municipio de Caldono -Cauca- ?Ni?ez y Adolescencia, Responsabilidad Social de Todos?. La pol?tica p?blica de infancia y adolescencia en el municipio se construye teniendo como referente la gu?a de trabajo del Instituto Colombiano de bienestar Familiar ?ICBF- la cual enuncia los aspectos m?nimos que la pol?tica debe contener y su forma de organizaci?n como documento final. Los elementos y metodolog?a que se emplearon en el desarrollo del trabajo pretendieron, de una parte, dar cuenta los elementos m?nimos planteados en la gu?a, de otra, obtener un documento que responda a las particularidades del municipio, que sea lo suficientemente claro para que las diferentes comunidades asentadas en el territorio puedan hacer el seguimiento, previa aprobaci?n por el concejo municipal. Para hacer realidad lo expuesto en el p?rrafo, se desarroll? un trabajo que garantizara la m?s amplia participaci?n de la poblaci?n directamente afectada por la pol?tica y de los dem?s sectores sociales y pueblos con asiento en el territorio, adem?s de propender por la vinculaci?n del Enfoque Diferencial en las variantes ?tnica, territorial, poblacional y g?nero. La participaci?n no se asumi? como un ejercicio de consulta y construcci?n, se asumi? desde la entrega de elementos conceptuales que permitieran no solo la participaci?n en el proceso de construcci?n, sino que se proyectara en el futuro en los procesos de seguimiento y evaluaci?n de la pol?tica concebida por todas y todos. Lo anterior se manifiesta en la construcci?n de herramientas conceptuales con los y las participantes como: participaci?n, pol?tica p?blica, ciclo de una pol?tica p?blica, enfoque diferencial, seguimiento y evaluaci?n de las pol?ticas p?blicas. Adem?s de los ejercicios de participaci?n y cualificaci?n de la misma, el convenio con el ICBF requer?a el fortalecimiento del Consejo de Pol?tica Social de municipio (CPS) en aspectos conceptuales y administrativos y entrega de herramientas para el seguimiento efectivo de la pol?tica p?blica formulada (aplicativo de ICBF, para el control de los derechos priorizados).
La recherche sur la conception de nouveaux matériaux, dits intelligents, est en constant progrès depuis plus de 30 ans. Historiquement, les premiers matériaux utilisés et transformés par l’homme étaient le bois, les minéraux et ses dérivés (pierre, métaux, etc.). C’est à la fin du 19e siècle que la synthèse des polymères organiques et inorganiques ainsi que leurs utilisations se développèrent. Ce progrès continue de nos jours. Ainsi, c’est dans cette direction que cette thèse fut rédigée, l’étude de polymères de coordination basés sur le cuivre(I). Elle s’orchestra en six principales sections de recherche. La première section, i.e. le chapitre 2 traite de la coordination de différents ligands monothioéthers sur du CuX (X = I, Br) pour former plusieurs types de polymères de coordination (CPs). Ainsi, le CP 1D [(Me[indice inférieur 2]S)[indice inférieur 3]{Cu[indice inférieur 2]([mu]-I)[indice inférieur 2}][indice inférieur n] est obtenu quand CuI et Sme[indice inférieur 2] réagissent ensemble dans le n-heptane, alors qu’ils entrainent la formation du CP 2D [(Me[indice inférieur 2]S) [indice inférieur 3] {Cu[indice inférieur 4]([mu]-I) [indice inférieur 4]}] [indice inférieur n] dans le MeCN. Ce dernier contient des unités de construction secondaire (SBU ; Secondary Building Units en anglais) en forme de cluster Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4] « cubane partiellement ouvert ». En faisant réagir le MeSEt avec du CuI, le CP 2D [(MeSEt) [indice inférieur 2]{Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 2] ([mu][indice inférieur 2]-I) [indice inférieur 2]}(MeCN) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] contenant des SBUs de type Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4] « cubanes en escalier » a été isolé dans MeCN, alors qu’ils entrainent l’obtention du polymère 1D [(MeSEt) [indice inférieur 3]{Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 4]}] [indice inférieur n] dans le n-heptane contenant quant à lui des clusters de types Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4] « cubanes fermés ». Alors que le traitement de MeSPr avec du CuI forme le CP 1D [(MeSPr) [indice inférieur 3]{Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 4]}] [indice inférieur n], les composés [(L) [indice inférieur 4]{Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 4]}] (L = EtSPr, Pr[indice inférieur 2]S) sont respectivement obtenus avec le EtSPr et le Pr[indice inférieur 2]S. À partir du [indice supérieur i]Pr[indice inférieur 2]S et de CuI, le cluster [([indice supérieur i]Pr[indice inférieur 2]S) [indice inférieur 6]{Cu[indice inférieur 8] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 3]}([mu][indice inférieur 4]-I) [indice inférieur 2]}] est obtenu alors que l’on forme un CP 2D [(Cu[indice inférieur 3]Br[indice inférieur 3])(MeSEt) [indice inférieur 3]] [indice inférieur n] à partir de CuBr et MeSEt dans l’heptane. Ce dernier incorpore à la fois des Cu([mu][indice inférieur 2]-Br) [indice inférieur 2]Cu rhomboédriques et des SBUs de type Cu[indice inférieur 4]Br[indice inférieur 4] « cubanes ouverts ». Le MeSPr forme, quant à lui avec le CuBr dans l’heptane, le CP 1D [(Cu[indice inférieur 3]Br[indice inférieur 3])(MeSPr) [indice inférieur 3]] [indice inférieur n] qui, après recristallisation dans le MeCN, est converti en un CP 2D [(Cu[indice inférieur 5]Br[indice inférieur 5])([mu][indice inférieur 2]-MeSPr) [indice inférieur 3]] [indice inférieur n] incorporant des SBUs [(Cu[indice inférieur 5] ([mu][indice inférieur 4]-Br)([mu][indice inférieur 2]-Br)]. Les propriétés de stabilités thermiques et photophysiques de ces matériaux ont aussi été reportées. Dans la section 2, i.e. au chapitre 3, les réactions entre des ligands dithioétherbutanes (1,4-bis(phénylthio)butane et 1,4-bis(cyclohexylthio)butane) avec CuX (X = Br, I) ont été étudiées. En faisant réagir les CuX avec le 1,4-bis(cyclohexylthio)butane, dans le ratio (1:1), les CPs 1D, peu luminescents, isostructuraux [(Cu[indice inférieur 2]X[indice inférieur 2])([mu]-CyS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4])SCy) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] (X = Br, I) sont obtenus. Inversement, quand CuI réagit avec 1,4-bis(phénylthio)butane, dans le ratio (2:1), il se forme le préalablement reporté CP 2D [(Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4])([mu]- PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4])SPh) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n], alors qu’avec le CyS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4])SCy, un nouveau composé luminescent est obtenu, mais sa structure n’a pas pu être résolue.(1) Les caractérisations habituelles en photophysique et en stabilité thermique ont été menées sur ces matériaux. Dans la troisième section, i.e. dans le chapitre 4, les réactions de coordination de CuX (Br, I) sur les ligands dithioétherbutènes E- et Z-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh, E- et Z-pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])S-pTol ont été comparées. Quand les sels CuX réagissent avec E-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh les CP 2D [Cu[indice inférieur 2]X[indice inférieur 2]{[mu]-E-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh}[indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] (X = I, Br), composés isostructuraux, sont obtenus. Incorporant une structure sans-précédente, ces réseaux sont formés à partir de couches 2D en alternance ABAB, contenants des SBUs Cu[indice inférieur 2] ([mu][indice inférieur 2]-X) [indice inférieur 2] rhomboédriques. Inversement, quand l’isomère Z-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh réagit avec des sels de CuX, deux structures différentes sont obtenues : le CP 2D [Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 4] ([mu]-Z-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh}[indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] contenant des SBUs de type « cubane fermé » et le complexe 0D [Cu[indice inférieur 2]Br[indice inférieur 2]{[mu]-Z-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh}[indice inférieur 2]]. De par la réaction de E-pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])S-pTol avec CuI, le CP 2D [{Cu([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I)} [indice inférieur 2] ([mu]-E-pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])S-pTol)]n contenant des rubans parallèles en escalier est obtenu, alors que la structure issue de CuBr n’a pas pu être résolue. Finalement, quand CuX réagit avec Z-pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])S-pTol, les CPs 2D iso-structuraux [Cu[indice inférieur 2]X[indice inférieur 2]{[mu]-Z-pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])S-pTol}[indice inférieur 2]] (X = I, Br) sont formés. Dans ce cas, contrairement, aux premières structures obtenues, les couches de ces CPs sont composées de grilles incorporant des SBUs rhomboédriques Cu[indice inférieur 2] ([mu][indice inférieur 2]-X) [indice inférieur 2] dont les distances Cu···Cu sont identiques d’une couche à l’autre. Les caractérisations habituelles en photophysique et en stabilités thermiques ont été menées sur ces matériaux. De plus, des calculs théoriques ont été réalisés afin de mieux comprendre les propriétés photophysiques de ces composés. La quatrième section, i.e. le chapitre 5, traite des réactions de CuX (Br, I, Cl) sur des ligands dithioétherbutynes (1,4-bis(pTolthio)but-2-yne et 1,4-bis(benzylthio)but-2-yne. Quand CuBr réagit avec 1,4-bis(pTolthio)but-2-yne, le CP 1D [{Cu([mu][indice inférieur 2]-Br) [indice inférieur 2]Cu}([mu]-pTolSCH[indice inférieur 2]C≡CCH[indice inférieur 2]S-pTol) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] est obtenu, alors que le CP 2D [{Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 4]}([mu]-pTolSCH[indice inférieur 2]C≡CCH[indice inférieur 2]S-pTol) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n], préalablement reporté, est formé.(2) La réaction des sels CuI et CuCl avec 1,4-bis(benzylthio)but-2-yne engendre la formation de complexes isomorphes 0D [{Cu([mu][indice inférieur 2]-X) [indice inférieur 2]Cu}([mu]-PhCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]C≡CCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]Ph) [indice inférieur 2]] (X = I, Br). Contrairement à l’utilisation de CuCl, qui avec PhCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]C≡CCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]Ph forme le CP 2D [{Cu[indice inférieur 2] ([mu][indice inférieur 2]-Cl)([mu] [indice inférieur 3]-Cl)}([mu]-PhCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]C≡CCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]Ph)] [indice inférieur n]. Notons que ce CP présente des propriétés de photophysique peu communes pour un dérivé chloré, car il émet de la lumière autour de 600 nm. La cinquième section, i.e. le chapitre 6, traite des réactions de CuI avec PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]SPh et pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]S-pTol qui génèrent respectivement les CPs luminescents 1D [Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4]{[mu][indice inférieur 2]-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]SPh}[indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] et 2D [Cu8I8{[mu]2-pTolS(CH2)8S-pTol}3(MeCN)2]n. Le CP 2D [Cu8I8{[mu]2-pTolS(CH2)8S-pTol}3 (MeCN)2]n présente un réseau qui n’avait jamais été rencontré dans la littérature auparavant, c.-à-d., des couches de polymère construites à partir de deux cubanes fermés pontés ensemble par un rhomboèdre comme SBUs. Leurs propriétés physiques et de stabilités thermiques ont été étudiées et présentent quelques différences notables. La sixième section, i.e. le chapitre 7, traite des réactions entre CuI avec le ligand flexible pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]S-pTol dans le MeCN ou EtCN et p-[indice supérieur t]BuC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]S(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]SC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]-p-[indice supérieur t]Bu L2 dans EtCN. Les synthèses issues de pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]S-pTol permettent l’obtention de CPs 2D [Cu[indice inférieur 8]I[indice inférieur 8]{pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]S-pTol}[indice inférieur 3] (solvant) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] (1•MeCN et 1•EtCN) contenant des nœuds de connexion de type Cu[indice inférieur 8]I[indice inférieur 8]. Par opposition, l’utilisation du ligand p-[indice supérieur t]BuC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]S(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]SC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]-p-[indice supérieur t]Bu dans EtCN entraine la formation d’un CP 1D [Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4]{p-[indice supérieur t]BuC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]S(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]SC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]-p-[indice supérieur t]Bu}[indice inférieur 2] (EtCN) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] incorporant les SBUs de type cubane fermé. Les CPs 2D 1•MeCN et 1•EtCN, contrairement à 2•EtCN, présentent l’habilité de pouvoir perdre le solvant initialement incorporé dans leur structure sous vide et de le readsorber ou d’adsorber un autre solvant, chose qui peut être suivie à l’aide de la variation de la luminescence, la stabilité thermique, ou encore par diffraction des rayons X sur poudre. La septième section, i.e. le chapitre 8 traite des réactions, une fois encore, entre un ligand dithioéther, contenant un pont flexible butane (EtS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4]SEt) et les sels CuX (X = I, Br). Dans ce cas, il se forme avec le CuI un CP luminescent 2D [Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4]{[mu]-EtS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4]SEt}[indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n], alors qu’il génère avec CuBr, le CP 3D [(Cu[indice inférieur 2]Br[indice inférieur 2]){[mu]-EtS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4]SEt}][indice inférieur n] faiblement luminescent, construit sur des couches en parallèle pontées par les soufres doublement n-donneurs. Il est intéressant de remarquer qu’une migration de l’énergie d’excitation se produit dans le CP 3D (dérivé bromé) contrairement au CP 2D (dérivé iodé) sous excitation de haute intensité. Très peu d’exemples présentent ce type de processus parmi tous les CPs ( < 10). Pour conclure, les réactions entre les sels CuX (X = Cl, Br, I) avec des ligands thioéthers de types différents (mono-, di-thio, rigide ou flexible) peuvent offrir des matériaux de structures variables (CP 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D avec et sans cavités) présentant leurs propres spécificités (luminescence, stabilité thermique, adsorption de gaz, solvatochromisme, etc.). Le résultat le plus important à noter, en comparaison avec la littérature est, qu’il est très difficile, voire impossible, de pouvoir prédire la dimensionnalité, la structure et les propriétés dont résultera la coordination des ligands thioéthers sur des sels de CuX (X = Cl, Br, I). Par conséquent, de nombreuses combinaisons et études restent encore à être menées pour mieux comprendre ces matériaux et trouver la, ou les meilleures combinaisons possibles pour concevoir des MOFs luminescents à partir de CuX.
The philosophy of minimalism in robotics promotes gaining an understanding of sensing and computational requirements for solving a task. This minimalist approach lies in contrast to the common practice of first taking an existing sensory motor system, and only afterwards determining how to apply the robotic system to the task. While it may seem convenient to simply apply existing hardware systems to the task at hand, this design philosophy often proves to be wasteful in terms of energy consumption and cost, along with unnecessary complexity and decreased reliability. While impressive in terms of their versatility, complex robots such as the PR2 (which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars) are impractical for many common applications. Instead, if a specific task is required, sensing and computational requirements can be determined specific to that task, and a clever hardware implementation can be built to accomplish the task. Since this minimalist hardware would be designed around accomplishing the specified task, significant reductions in hardware complexity can be obtained. This can lead to huge advantages in battery life, cost, and reliability. Even if cost is of no concern, battery life is often a limiting factor in many applications. Thus, a minimalist hardware system is critical in achieving the system requirements. In this thesis, we will discuss an implementation of a counting, tracking, and actuation system as it relates to ergodic bodies to illustrate a minimalist design methodology.
This study examined the conversational behaviors of eleven dyads consisting of a person with aphasia (PWA) and their familiar communication partner (CP), and investigated changes in behaviors as a result of attending a communication partner-training program CPT). Attitudes about communication were examined and related to conversational behaviors observed pre- and post- training. Results indicated that CPs and PWA used significantly more facilitating behaviors than barrier behaviors, although most dyads experienced some barriers. A comparison of pre-and post-CPT conversations revealed a significant interaction between time and type of behavior, with the increase in the number of facilitators approaching significance. Overall, persons with aphasia and their conversational partners expressed positive attitudes about communication. There were no significant correlations between scores on attitude surveys and behaviors pre or post-training. This study demonstrated that these dyads employed facilitative conversational behaviors even before CPT, and that facilitative behaviors can increase after a one-day training workshop.
Introducción: El implante cigomático (IC) es una alternativa para pacientes edéntulos o parcialmente dentados que no tienen suficiente hueso maxilar para retener el implante dental convencional y para casos en los cuales el injerto óseo no es adecuado, presentando taza de éxito sobre los 90%. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las estructuras óseas involucradas en la instalación del IC, considerando género y grupo étnico. Material y método: Fueron incluidos 96 cráneos de individuos adultos, edéntulos, ambos sexos, leucodermas y melanodermas. Se utilizó un cáliper digital para la realización de las siguientes medidas: 1) RA-CPS: distancia desde el reborde alveolar a nivel del segundo premolar superior, hasta el margen posterosuperior del hueso cigomático; 2) ECPS: Espesor del hueso cigomático a nivel del margen posterosuperior; 3) ECM: Espesor del hueso cigomático en su porción media. Resultados: Los valores promedios obtenidos para RA-CPS, ECPS y ECM en milímetros fueron, respectivamente: mujeres leucodermas 52,09, 2,04 y 4,30; mujeres melanodermas 53,47, 1,99 y 4,93; hombres leucodermas 55,49, 2,28 y 5,33; hombres melanodermas 57,01, 2,22 y 6,01. Discusión: Concluimos que individuos leucodermas, presentan valores promedios menores que individuos melanodermas. Además, las mujeres presentan valores promedios menores que hombres para todas las medidas. Los valores encontrados en este estudio pueden ser utilizados como parámetro para la planificación de la técnica quirúrgica de instalación de IC, evitando riesgos de complicaciones.
Nearest neighbour collaborative filtering (NNCF) algorithms are commonly used in multimedia recommender systems to suggest media items based on the ratings of users with similar preferences. However, the prediction accuracy of NNCF algorithms is affected by the reduced number of items – the subset of items co-rated by both users – typically used to determine the similarity between pairs of users. In this paper, we propose a different approach, which substantially enhances the accuracy of the neighbour selection process – a user-based CF (UbCF) with semantic neighbour discovery (SND). Our neighbour discovery methodology, which assesses pairs of users by taking into account all the items rated at least by one of the users instead of just the set of co-rated items, semantically enriches this enlarged set of items using linked data and, finally, applies the Collinearity and Proximity Similarity metric (CPS), which combines the cosine similarity with Chebyschev distance dissimilarity metric. We tested the proposed SND against the Pearson Correlation neighbour discovery algorithm off-line, using the HetRec data set, and the results show a clear improvement in terms of accuracy and execution time for the predicted recommendations.
The corrosive phenomenon on reinforced concrete structures is one of the most founded pathologies on the coastal area. With the objective to prevent the process development, or even, retard its beginning, it was studied the application of inorganic covering over concrete surfaces, after its cure, as well as, evaluate the efficiency of the covering applied on the concrete in reducing its porosity of concrete preventing the entrance of aggressive agents to preserve the integrity of the existing armor inside it, comparing the result obtained with the body-of-proof reference, that didn´t receive covering protection. On the concrete production it was used Portland Cement CP II 32, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water from the local distributive. Two types of covering were used, one resin based of silicon and solvent and other white cement based, selected sands and acrylic resin. The concrete mixture adopted was 1:1,5:2,5 (cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate) and 0.50 water/cement ratio. With the concrete on fresh state was made the experiment test to determinate the workability. On the hardened state was made the concrete resistance experiment, absorption of water and electrochemical experiments, through polarization curves. Also was held optical microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy experiments to analyze the layer of the covering applied to the concrete surface and the interface between the concrete and the layer. The obtained results shows that the covering applied to the concrete surface didn´t affect the resistance towards compression. On the absorption of water occurred a diminution of the percentage absorbed, improving the concrete development by making it more impermeable towards the entrance of aggressive agents. The electrochemical experiment results confirmed the water absorption results; the body-of-proof covered presented larger protection towards the development of corrosives process and retarded the evolution of the corrosive phenomenon
In September 2013, staff from the University of the South Pacific (USP) Honiara campus, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and IFREMER (UR LEADNC, AMBIO project) in New Caledonia, and the French Institute for Pacific Coral Reefs (IRCP) in Moorea, French Polynesia, co-facilitated a workshop entitled “Different survey methods of coral reef fish, including the methods based on underwater video”. The workshop was attended by students from USP, NGO and fisheries officers. They were trained to several underwater visual census techniques and to the STAVIRO video-based technique, including both field work and data analysis.