800 resultados para Breastfeeding self-efficacy


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Hope is believed to be beneficial for vocational pursuits, but the question of how and why hope is related to pivotal career development variables remains largely unaddressed. In a series of three studies,we investigated the relationship between hope and career exploration. Study 1 examined at-risk adolescents (N = 228) in Switzerland and showed that hope explains variance in career exploration beyond the significant effects of generalized self-efficacy beliefs and perceived social support. Study 2 found the same result among a group (N=223) of first-year students at a Swiss university with a measure of state hope. Study 3 applied a one-year cross-lagged design with a diverse group of students (N = 266) at a German university to investigate the mutual effects of dispositional hope and career exploration over time. Although both variables were found to be related within and over time, we could not confirm lagged effects in either direction. The results suggest that hope is significantly correlated with career exploration because both are related to personality and social-contextual variables.


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BACKGROUND: The burden of asthma on patients and healthcare systems is substantial. Interventions have been developed to overcome difficulties in asthma management. These include chronic disease management programmes, which are more than simple patient education, encompassing a set of coherent interventions that centre on the patients' needs, encouraging the co-ordination and integration of health services provided by a variety of healthcare professionals, and emphasising patient self-management as well as patient education. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of chronic disease management programmes for adults with asthma. SEARCH METHODS: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) Group Specialised Register, MEDLINE (MEDLINE In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations), EMBASE, CINAHL, and PsycINFO were searched up to June 2014. We also handsearched selected journals from 2000 to 2012 and scanned reference lists of relevant reviews. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included individual or cluster-randomised controlled trials, non-randomised controlled trials, and controlled before-after studies comparing chronic disease management programmes with usual care in adults over 16 years of age with a diagnosis of asthma. The chronic disease management programmes had to satisfy at least the following five criteria: an organisational component targeting patients; an organisational component targeting healthcare professionals or the healthcare system, or both; patient education or self-management support, or both; active involvement of two or more healthcare professionals in patient care; a minimum duration of three months. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: After an initial screen of the titles, two review authors working independently assessed the studies for eligibility and study quality; they also extracted the data. We contacted authors to obtain missing information and additional data, where necessary. We pooled results using the random-effects model and reported the pooled mean or standardised mean differences (SMDs). MAIN RESULTS: A total of 20 studies including 81,746 patients (median 129.5) were included in this review, with a follow-up ranging from 3 to more than 12 months. Patients' mean age was 42.5 years, 60% were female, and their asthma was mostly rated as moderate to severe. Overall the studies were of moderate to low methodological quality, because of limitations in their design and the wide confidence intervals for certain results.Compared with usual care, chronic disease management programmes resulted in improvements in asthma-specific quality of life (SMD 0.22, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.08 to 0.37), asthma severity scores (SMD 0.18, 95% CI 0.05 to 0.30), and lung function tests (SMD 0.19, 95% CI 0.09 to 0.30). The data for improvement in self-efficacy scores were inconclusive (SMD 0.51, 95% CI -0.08 to 1.11). Results on hospitalisations and emergency department or unscheduled visits could not be combined in a meta-analysis because the data were too heterogeneous; results from the individual studies were inconclusive overall. Only a few studies reported results on asthma exacerbations, days off work or school, use of an action plan, and patient satisfaction. Meta-analyses could not be performed for these outcomes. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is moderate to low quality evidence that chronic disease management programmes for adults with asthma can improve asthma-specific quality of life, asthma severity, and lung function tests. Overall, these results provide encouraging evidence of the potential effectiveness of these programmes in adults with asthma when compared with usual care. However, the optimal composition of asthma chronic disease management programmes and their added value, compared with education or self-management alone that is usually offered to patients with asthma, need further investigation.


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The aim of the study is to understand how the family influences the choice of becoming a psychologist and how an occupational choice is repeated in the family, via intergenerational transmission. We interviewed seven female students in a Master of Science in Psychology : first, they filled in a genosociogramm including data about occupations of their ancestors on about four generations ; then, they took part into a semi-structured qualitative enquiry. Our results have shown that a little bit less than half of the subjects have a parent who have social or care jobs, but more than half if we add the grand-parents. In a conscious level, subjects tend to deny any kind of family influence, in the majority ; afterwards, they discover influences they didn't notice. Secondly, the content analysis reveals five categories of family influence : the educational path (doubts, choices), the choice of psychology via the development of self-efficacy (interest, personality and soft skills), the exploration of occupations and activities during childhood and adulthood (leisure activities, professional world, suggestions, advice, education), the transmission of values (immaterial and material) and the family relationships during childhood and teenage years (relationship issues and difficulties, confidences and secrets, relationships and role in the brotherhood and/or sisterhood). The importance for the career counselor to investigate the relational context of his/her consultant is discussed, as much as the need for him to think about his own motivations to help others, linked with his family background.


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The aim of this paper was to explore whether self-efficacy as teacher and researcher perceived by university lecturers was related to teaching styles and approaches. Two instruments were administered to 259 teachers at the University of Girona (Spain), who were active researchers and had a teaching workload of 9 ECTS or above. The results showed that self-efficacy as a researcher was the variable which yielded most differences. The higher the self-efficacy of the researcher, the stronger the belief that teaching was guided by research. Certain beliefs about the teaching-research nexus were very different according to the degree of self-efficacy as a researcher, while there were fewer differences in terms of gender and field of study


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää mitkä tekijät saavat naisyrittäjät kasvattamaan yritystään ja millä tekijöillä on suurin vaikutus kasvuaikomuksen syntyyn. Naisten kasvuorientaation tutkimuksen taustalla on ajatus siitä, että sukupolvenvaihdosten myötä naisyrittäjien määrä Suomessa kasvaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa naisyrittäjien kasvuorientaatioon vaikuttavia tekijöitä tutkitaan kasvun prosessimallin avulla. Kasvun prosessimallin mukaan kasvuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat kasvun henkilökohtainen houkuttelevuus, koetut sosiaaliset normit, koettu henkilökohtainen suoriutumiskyky ja koettu kollektiivinen suoriutumiskyky. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty kvantitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkimus on toteutettu kyselytutkimuksena sähköisellä Webropol-järjestelmällä Naisyrittäjyyskeskuksen asiakkaiden keskuudessa. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan kasvun prosessimallin osatekijöistä kasvuaikomuksen kannalta tärkein on kasvun henkilökohtainen houkuttelevuus. Tätä tietoa voidaan hyödyntää suunniteltaessa naisia kasvuyrittäjyyteen kannustavia toimenpiteitä yhteiskunnassa.


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Des de la comunitat científica s’ha posat de manifest la necessitat d’avaluar els programes d’intervenció per a la millora de la parentalitat, especialment en el context de la infància i adolescència en risc. En aquesta recerca es presenten els resultats de l’avaluació del programa Límits aportant evidències d’eficàcia i efectivitat, que permeten identificar i descriure les seves fortaleses, així com també aquells elements que poden ser objecte de millora. El programa Límits és una proposta estructurada d’intervenció preventiva de caire selectiu amb grups de famílies de joves d’entre 14 i 18 anys que passen pel circuit de la justícia juvenil. El programa ha estat funcionant des del 2007, en diverses edicions, a tot el territori català aplegant una experiència i trajectòria remarcable que ha incidit en 351 persones i 245 famílies. El programa consta de vuit sessions en grup d’entre dotze i quinze participants, dinamitzat per dos monitors, en les que es treballen diferents estratègies a partir de l’abordatge de continguts relacionats amb les relacions i els lligams, la comunicació, els conflictes, l’establiment de normes i la disciplina. Per dur a terme l’avaluació del programa Límits s’ha partit d’un disseny quasi-experimental, pretest–postest aplicat a un grup programa (GP) i a grup col·laborador (GC) i de manera diferida (dos mesos després de la seva finalització) només al GP per constatar si s’han assolit els resultats previstos. Quan s’analitza l’evolució del GP s’observen millores en les habilitats d’autocontrol de les emocions, el reforç positiu i les relacions familiars. Tanmateix, des del punt de vista de les famílies no s’han observat canvis significatius en la millora de la percepció d’auto eficàcia del rol parental respecte el GC abans i després del programa. La percepció majoritària és que els objectius que planteja el programa són excessivament ambiciosos i en conseqüència, difícilment assolibles. Els responsables consideren que, en alguns casos, el perfil de famílies derivades al programa no és el més adequat perquè presenten problemàtiques molt més agudes a les desitjables per aquest tipus d’intervenció. Com a punts forts, es destaca que el programa és útil als ulls dels responsables i tècnics perquè genera una presa de consciència del problema i de la necessitat de canvi per part de les famílies. Els participants diuen transferir a la vida real algunes habilitats apreses especialment la comunicació i millora de les relacions familiars. Els tècnics aplicadors coincideixen amb la percepció de les famílies tot i declarar percentatges lleugerament inferiors. També és vist com un complement professional a la seva tasca que ajuda a fer un millor seguiment dels casos, i permet seguir treballant amb posterioritat amb les famílies.


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Desde la comunidad científica se ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de evaluar los programas de intervención para la mejora de la parentalidad, especialmente en el contexto de la infancia y la adolescencia en riesgo. En esta investigación se presentan los resultados de la evaluación del programa Límites aportando evidencias de eficacia y efectividad, que permiten identificar y describir sus fortalezas, así como también aquellos elementos que pueden ser objeto de mejora. El programa Límites es una propuesta estructurada de intervención preventiva de carácter selectivo, con grupos de familias de jóvenes de entre 14 y 18 años que pasan por el circuito de la justicia juvenil. El programa ha estado funcionando desde 2007 en todo el territorio catalán, y ha incidido en un total de 351 personas y 245 familias. El programa consta de ocho sesiones en grupo en las que se trabajan contenidos relacionados con las relaciones y los vínculos, la comunicación, los conflictos, el establecimiento de normas y la disciplina. Para llevar a cabo la evaluación del programa Límites se ha partido de un diseño cuasi-experimental, pretest-postest aplicado a un grupo programa (GP) y grupo colaborador (GC) y de manera diferida (dos meses después de su finalización) sólo en el GP, para constatar si se han alcanzado los resultados previstos. Cuando se analiza la evolución del GP se observan mejoras en las habilidades de autocontrol de las emociones, el refuerzo positivo y las relaciones familiares. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista de las familias no se han observado cambios significativos en la mejora de la percepción de auto eficacia del rol parental respecto al GC antes y después del programa. La percepción mayoritaria es que los objetivos que plantea el programa son excesivamente ambiciosos y en consecuencia, difícilmente alcanzables. Los responsables consideran que, en algunos casos, el perfil de familias derivadas al programa no es el más adecuado puesto que presenten problemáticas mucho más agudas a las deseables para este tipo de intervención. Como puntos fuertes, se destaca que el programa es útil a los ojos de los responsables y técnicos porque genera una toma de conciencia del problema y de la necesidad de cambio por parte de las familias. Los participantes dicen transferir a la vida real algunas habilidades aprendidas, especialmente la comunicación y mejora de las relaciones familiares. Los técnicos aplicadores coinciden con la percepción de las familias, a pesar de declarar porcentajes ligeramente inferiores. También es visto como un complemento profesional a su tarea que ayuda a hacer un mejor seguimiento de los casos, y permite seguir trabajando con posterioridad con las familias.


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There is evidence that virtual reality (VR) pain distraction is effective at improving pain-related outcomes. However, more research is needed to investigate VR environments with other pain-related goals. The main aim of this study was to compare the differential effects of two VR environments on a set of pain-related and cognitive variables during a cold pressor experiment. One of these environments aimed to distract attention away from pain (VRD), whereas the other was designed to enhance pain control (VRC). Participants were 77 psychology students, who were randomly assigned to one of the following three conditions during the cold pressor experiment: (a) VRD, (b) VRC, or (c) Non-VR (control condition). Data were collected regarding both pain-related variables (intensity, tolerance, threshold, time perception, and pain sensitivity range) and cognitive variables (self-efficacy and catastrophizing). Results showed that in comparison with the control condition, the VRC intervention significantly increased pain tolerance, the pain sensitivity range, and the degree of time underestimation. It also increased self-efficacy in tolerating pain and led to a reduction in reported helplessness. The VRD intervention significantly increased the pain threshold and pain tolerance in comparison with the control condition, but it did not affect any of the cognitive variables. Overall, the intervention designed to enhance control seems to have a greater effect on the cognitive variables assessed. Although these results need to be replicated in further studies, the findings suggest that the VRC intervention has considerable potential in terms of increasing self-efficacy and modifying the negative thoughts that commonly accompany pain problems.


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En aquesta recerca es presenta el Pla d’Intervenció Motivacional (PIM) per subjectes que han de realitzar un programa formatiu (PF) en matèria de violència domèstica com a mesura penal alternativa. La finalitat principal d’aquest programa motivacional és que els usuaris iniciïn el PF en condicions òptimes per així augmentar l’eficàcia de la mesura i la seva reinserció en la societat. El PIM s’ha fonamentat en els models teòrics sobre motivació al canvi i en les tècniques terapèutiques que resulten més rellevants i eficaces, segons la revisió bibliogràfica exhaustiva feta en la recerca El PIM és un programa d’intervenció individualitzat amb una duració d‘entre 4 i 6 sessions, segons la intensitat de la seva aplicació. El programa vol ajudar als participants a identificar els aspectes positius derivats d’aquest canvi i les seves capacitats personals per aconseguir-lo. Per portar-ho terme, s’utilitza un estil terapèutic basat en el diàleg socràtic mitjançant el qual es treballen els aspectes següents: resolució de l’ambivalència, sentiment d’autoeficàcia, identificació d’objectius específics i desenvolupament d’un pla d’acció alternatiu. Mitjançant l’elaboració dels exercicis i tasques descrits en aquesta memòria, el professional guia a l’usuari per aconseguir augmentar la seva motivació per canviar la conducta problemàtica que ha estat objecte de la imposició de la mesura penal.


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En este estudio se presenta el Plan de Intervención Motivacional (PIM) para sujetos que deben realizar un programa formativo (PF) en materia de violencia doméstica como medida penal alternativa. La finalidad principal de este programa motivacional es que los usuarios de medidas penales alternativas inicien el PF en condiciones óptimas para así aumentar la eficacia de la medida y su reinserción en la sociedad. El programa PIM se fundamenta en los modelos teóricos sobre motivación al cambio y en las técnicas terapéuticas que resultan más relevantes y eficaces, según la revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva llevada a cabo en la investigación. El PIM es un programa de intervención individualizada de una duración de entre 4 y 6 sesiones, según la intensidad de su aplicación. El programa tiene como objetivo ayudar a los participantes a identificar los aspectos positivos derivados del cambio y sus capacidades personales para llevarlo a cabo. Para ello, emplea un estilo terapéutico basado en el diálogo socrático mediante el cual se trabajan los aspectos siguientes: resolución de la ambivalencia, sentimiento de auto eficacia, identificación de objetivos específicos y desarrollo de un plan de acción alternativo. Mediante la elaboración de los ejercicios y tareas descritos en esta memoria el profesional guía al usuario para aumentar su motivación para cambiar la conducta problemática objeto de la imposición de la medida penal.


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Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan kouluikäisten lasten ja nuorten sosiaalisen kompetenssin ja yksinäisyyden mittaamista, yhteyksiä ja periytyvyyttä vanhemmilta heidän lapsilleen. Alakouluikäisten lasten tutkimusaineisto (n=985) koostuu lapsilta itseltään, heidän luokkatovereiltaan, opettajiltaan ja vanhemmiltaan vuosina 2000 - 2004 osana Merkitystä etsimässä – tutkimusprojektia (M. Vauras) kerätystä aineistosta. Mukana on itse-, toveri-, opettaja- ja vanhempien arviot lasten sosiaalisesta kompetenssista, seuranta-aineisto lasten yksinäisyydestä, opettajien arviot lasten motivationaalisesta orientaatiosta, standardoiduin testisarjoin arvioidut akateemiset taidot sekä lasten äitien ja isien arviot omasta yksinäisyydestään ja koetusta kyvykkyydestään toimia vanhempana. Yläkouluikäisten nuorten (n=386) aineisto koostuu vuosina 2006 – 2007 osana Sosioemotionaalinen oppiminen ja hyvinvointi yläkouluyhteisössä (P. M. Niemi) kerätystä nuorten yksinäisyyden, sosiaalisen ahdistuneisuuden ja sosiaalisen fobian seuranta-aineistosta. Mitattavuutta (päätavoite 1) tutkittiin erityisesti monitahoarviointien rakenteiden yhtenäisyyksiä, subjektiivisten arvioiden ajallista pysyvyyttä sekä mittareiden validiteettia ja reliabiliteettia testaamalla. Sosiaalisen kompetenssin ja yksinäisyyden keskinäisten yhteyksien lisäksi tarkasteltiin näiden yhteyttä alakoululaisten oppimiseen sekä yläkou¬lulaisten psykososiaaliseen hyvinvointiin (päätavoite 2). Kolmantena päätavoitteena oli selvittää yksinäisyyden mahdollista periytymistä vanhemmilta lapsille. Osana ensimmäistä päätavoitetta kehitettiin Monitahoarviointi sosiaalisesta kompetenssista (MASK) -arviointimenetelmä (artikkeli 1). Konfirmatorisen faktorianalyysin tulosten perusteella nelifaktorinen rakenne (prososiaalisuus sisältäen yhteistyötaidot ja empatiakyvyn sekä antisosiaalisuus sisältäen impulsiivisuuden ja häiritsevyyden) sopi sekä lasten itsensä, heidän luokkatovereidensa, opettajiensa että vanhempiensa tekemiin arviointeihin. Eri tahojen arviointien väliset korrelaatiot olivat tilastollisesti merkitseviä, joskin suhteellisen matalia, ts. eri tahojen näkökulmat lapsen sosiaalisesta kompetenssista ovat toisistaan eriäviä. Täten eri arvioitsijatahojen käyttäminen on kokonaisuuden tutkimisen kannalta tärkeää. Toisena mittaamiseen liittyvänä tavoitteena oli validoida Hozan, Bukowskin ja Beeryn (2000) sosiaalisen ja emotionaalisen yksinäisyyden mittari suomalaisille lapsille (artikkeli 3) ja nuorille (artikkeli 4) soveltuvaksi sekä tutkia, ovatko lasten ja nuorten arviot omasta yksinäisyydestään ajallisesti pysyviä. Alakoululaisten lasten osalta yksinäisyys, erityisesti sosiaalinen yksinäisyys osoittautui suhteellisen pysyväksi, mutta vahvistui entisestään yläkouluikäisten nuorten aineistoa tarkasteltaessa. Huomionarvoista sekä ala- että yläkoululaisten aineistoissa oli poikien kokema vahva emotionaalinen yksinäisyys. Molempien mittareiden osalta sekä validiteetti että reliabiliteetti todettiin hyväksyttäväksi ja niitä voidaan suositella lasten ja nuorten sosiaalisen kompetenssin ja yksinäisyyden arviointimenetelmiksi. Toisena päätavoitteena oli rakenneyhtälömallinnuksen keinoin tarkastella sosiaalisen kompetenssin ja yksinäisyyden yhteyksiä sekä keskenään (artikkelit 2 ja 3) että suhteessa lasten oppimiseen (artikkeli 2) ja nuorten psykososiaaliseen hyvinvointiin (artikkeli 4). Alakouluikäisten lasten osalta sosiaalinen kompetenssi oli yhteydessä pait¬si yksinäisyyteen myös opettajien oppilaistaan tekemiin motivationaalisen orientaation arvioihin sekä standardoiduin testien arvioituihin akateemisiin taitoihin. Yläkouluikäisten nuorten osalta yksinäisyys oli yhteydessä sosiaaliseen ahdistuneisuuteen ja sosiaaliseen fobiaan. Täten sosiaalisen kompetenssin voidaan katsoa olevan koululaisten hyvinvointia ja oppimista vahvistava, ja toisaalta yksinäisyyden nuorten psykososiaalista hyvinvointia heikentävä tekijä. Viimeisenä päätavoitteena mallinnettiin yksinäisyyden mahdollista periytyvyyttä. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa periytyvyyttä tarkasteltiin koko perheen sisällä, vanhempien tai lasten sukupuolta erottelematta (artikkeli 2). Tässä rakenneyhtälömallissa vanhempien kokema yksinäisyys ennusti heikompaa kyvykkyydentunnetta vanhemmuudesta, joka edelleen ennusti lapsen heikompaa toveriarvioitua sosiaalista kompetenssia koulussa ja tätä kautta vahvempaa yksinäisyyden kokemusta. Toisessa mallissa eroteltiin äitien ja isien sekä tyttöjen ja poikien aineistot, jotta periytyvyyttä voitiin tarkastella äiti-tytär, äiti-poika, isä-tytär ja isä-poika dyadisuhteissa. Rakenneyhtälömallinnuksen tulosten perusteella sekä äitien että isien kokema yksinäisyys ennusti


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In order to encourage children and adolescents to defend and support their victimized peers, it is important to identify factors that either maximize or minimize the probability that students will engage in such behaviors. This thesis is composed of four studies designed to elucidate how a variety of factors work in conjunction to explain why some children defend their victimized classmates, whereas others remain passive or reinforce the bully. The conceptual framework of this thesis is drawn from several theoretical considerations, including social cognitive learning theory, the expectancy-value framework as well as the literature emphasizing the importance of empathy in motivating behaviors. Also the child-by-environment perspective and the socialecological perspective influenced this research. Accordingly, several intra- and interpersonal characteristics (e.g., social cognitions, empathy, and social status) as well as group-level factors (e.g., norms) that may either enhance or reduce the probability that students defend their victimized peers are investigated. In Studies I and II, the focus is on social cognitions, and special attention is paid to take into account the domain-specificity of cognition-behavior processes. Self-efficacy for defending is still an interest of study III, but the role of affective empathy on defending is also investigated. Also social status variables (preference and perceived popularity) are evaluated as possible moderators of links between intrapersonal factors and defending. In Study IV, the focus is expanded further by concentrating on characteristics of children’s proximal environments (i.e., classroom). Bullying norms and collective perceptions (i.e., connectedness among the students and the teachers’ ability to deal with bullying situations) are examined. Data are drawn from two research projects: the Kaarina Cohort Study (consisting of fourth and eighth graders) and the randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluating the effects of the KiVa antibullying program (consisting of third to fifth graders). The results of the thesis suggest that defending the victims of bullying is influenced by a variety of individual level motivational characteristics, such as social cognitions and affective empathy. Also, both perceived popularity and social preference play a role in defending, and the findings support the conceptualization that behavior results from the interplay between the characteristics of an individual child and their social-relational environment. Classroom context further influences students’ defending behavior. Thus, antibullying efforts targeting peer bystanders should aim to influence intra- and interpersonal characteristics of children and adolescents as well as their social environment.


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The objective of this study was to understand how organizational knowledge governance mechanisms affect individual motivation, opportunity, and the ability to share knowledge (MOA framework), and further, how individual knowledge-sharing conditions affect actual knowledge sharing behaviour. The study followed the knowledge governance approach and a micro-foundations perspective to develop a theoretical model and hypotheses, which could explain the casual relationships between knowledge governance mechanisms, individual knowledge sharing conditions, and individual knowledge sharing behaviour. The quantitative research strategy and multivariate data analysis techniques (SEM) were used in the hypotheses testing with a survey dataset of 256 employees from eleven military schools of Finnish Defence Forces (FDF). The results showed that “performance-based feedback and rewards” affects employee’s “intrinsic motivation towards knowledge sharing”, that “lateral coordination” affects employee’s “knowledge self-efficacy”, and that ”training and development” is positively related to “time availability” for knowledge sharing but affects negatively employee’s knowledge self-efficacy. Individual motivation and knowledge self-efficacy towards knowledge sharing affected knowledge sharing behaviour when work-related knowledge was shared 1) between employees in a department and 2) between employees in different departments, however these factors did not play a crucial role in subordinate–superior knowledge sharing. The findings suggest that individual motivation, opportunity, and the ability towards knowledge sharing affects individual knowledge sharing behaviour differently in different knowledge sharing situations. Furthermore, knowledge governance mechanisms can be used to manage individual-level knowledge sharing conditions and individual knowledge sharing behaviour but their affect also vary in different knowledge sharing situations.


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Syftet med denna Pro gradu avhandling var att generera en modell för hur lärare skapar förutsättningar för lärande för elever i skolsvårigheter i årskurserna 7–9. Fokus låg på vad som uppfattas vara kärnproblematiken i dessa årskurser. Undersökningen var inriktad på lärare verksamma i lärartät undervisning, i vilken det finns färre elever per lärare eller fler lärare i gruppen än vanligt. Glasers riktlinjer för metoden för grundad teori användes som grund för studiens teorigenerering. Med hjälp av metoden kunde en modell skapas för lärarens arbete, med kärnproblematiken i åtanke. Modellen är baserad på de fenomen som hittats i empirin och inte på till exempel tidigare forskning. Tidigare forskning har använts som spegel för att lyfta fram väsentliga aspekter i modellen. Datainsamlingsmetod var i första hand intervju, men en elektronisk enkät fungerade också som data i teorigenereringen. Data bestod av 13 speciallärares enkätsvar och fem intervjuer med tre speciallärare och två ämneslärare i årskurserna 7–9. Kärnproblematiken, eller den så kallade kärnkategorin, i den genererade modellen är studieaktivering. Karaktäristika för arbete med att skapa förutsättningar för studieaktivering är reaktivitet, interaktion och ledarskap samt att trygghet skapas och att eleven får hjälp med att utveckla studiestrategier. Ett annat karaktäristikum är hur elevpåverkan möjliggörs. Elevens aktivitet i studierna kan påverkas på olika delnivåer. Förutsättningar för studieaktivering kan skapas genom att påverka elevens kompetenstankar, en självstyrd drivkraft i eleven, lärarens anpassade undervisningsstrategier, ett internt samspel i gruppen och ett externt samarbete runt eleven. Modellen som genererats i studien kan användas i det praktiska lärararbetet som en referensram för ett studieaktiverande arbete. Studieaktivering av elever i årskurserna 7–9 skulle vara viktigt med tanke på framtida studier och socialiseringen i samhället.


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Rapid changes in working life and competence requirements of different professions have increased interest in workplace learning. It is considered an effective way to learn and update professional skills by performing daily tasks in an authentic environment. Especially, ensuring a supply of skilled future workers is a crucial issue for firms facing tight competition and a shortage of competent employees due to the retirement of current professionals. In order to develop and make the most of workplace learning, it is important to focus on workplace learning environments and the individual characteristics of those participating in workplace learning. The literature has suggested various factors that influence adults' and professionals’ workplace learning of profession-related skills, but lacks empirical studies on contextual and individual-related factors that positively affect students' workplace learning. Workers with vocational education form a large group in modern firms. Therefore, elements of vocational students’ successful workplace learning during their studies, before starting their career paths, need to be examined. To fill this gap in the literature, this dissertation examines contributors to vocational students’ workplace learning in Finland, where students’ workplace learning is included in the vocational education and training system. The study is divided into two parts: the introduction, comprised of the overview of the relevant literature and the conclusion of the entire study, and five separate articles. Three of the articles utilize quantitative methods and two use qualitative methods to examine factors that contribute to vocational students’ workplace learning. The results show that, from the students’ perspective, attitudinal, motivational, and organizationrelated factors enhance the student’s development of professionalism during the on-the-job learning period. Specifically, the organization-related factors such as innovative climate, guidance, and interactions with seniors have a strong positive impact on the students’ perceived development of professional skills because, for example, the seniors’ guidance and provision of new viewpoints for the tasks helps the vocational students to gain autonomy at work performance. A multilevel analysis shows that of those factors enhancing workplace learning from the student perspective, innovative climate, knowledge transfer accuracy, and the students’ performance orientation were significantly related to the workplace instructors’ assessment regarding the students’ professional performance. Furthermore, support from senior colleagues and the students’ self-efficacy were both significantly associated with the formal grades measuring how well the students managed to learn necessary professional skills. In addition, the results suggest that the students’ on-the-job learning can be divided into three main phases, of which two require efforts from both the student and the on-the-job learning organization. The first phase includes the student’s application of basic professional skills, demonstration of potential in performing daily tasks, and orientation provided by the organization at the beginning of the on-the-job learning period. In the second phase, the student actively develops profession-related skills by performing daily tasks, thus learning a fluent working style while observing the seniors’ performance. The organization offers relevant tasks and follows the student’s development. The third level indicates a student who has reached the professional level described as a full occupation. The results suggest that constructing the vocational students’ successful on-the-job learning period requires feedback from seniors, opportunities to learn to manage entire work processes, self-efficacy on the part of the students, proactive behavior, and initiative in learning. The study contributes to research on workplace learning in three ways: firstly, it identifies the key individual- and organization-based factors that influence the vocational students’ successful on-the-job learning from their perspective and examines mutual relationships between these factors. Second, the study provides knowledge of how the factors related to the students’ view of successful workplace learning are associated with the workplace instructors’ perspective and the formal grades. Third, the present study finds elements needed to construct a successful on-the-job learning for the students.