996 resultados para Breast Neoplasm-genetics


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Amultidisciplinary collaborative study examining cognition in a large sample of twins is outlined. A common experimental protocol and design is used in The Netherlands, Australia and Japan to measure cognitive ability using traditional IQ measures (i.e., psychometric IQ), processing speed (e.g., reaction time [RT] and inspection time [IT]), and working memory (e.g., spatial span, delayed response [DR] performance). The main aim is to investigate the genetic covariation among these cognitive phenotypes in order to use the correlated biological markers in future linkage and association analyses to detect quantitativetrait loci (QTLs). We outline the study and methodology, and report results from our preliminary analyses that examines the heritability of processing speed and working memory indices, and their phenotypic correlation with IQ. Heritability of Full Scale IQ was 87% in the Netherlands, 83% in Australia, and 71% in Japan. Heritability estimates for processing speed and working memory indices ranged from 33–64%. Associations of IQ with RT and IT (−0.28 to −0.36) replicated previous findings with those of higher cognitive ability showing faster speed of processing. Similarly, significant correlations were indicated between IQ and the spatial span working memory task (storage [0.31], executive processing [0.37]) and the DR working memory task (0.25), with those of higher cognitive ability showing better memory performance. These analyses establish the heritability of the processing speed and working memory measures to be used in our collaborative twin study of cognition, and support the findings that individual differences in processing speed and working memory may underlie individual differences in psychometric IQ.


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p73 has recently been identified as a structural and functional homolog of the tumor suppressor protein p53. Overexpression of p53 activates transcription of p53 effector genes, causes growth inhibition and induced apoptosis. We describe here the effects of a tumor-derived truncated transcript of p73 alpha (p73 Delta exon2) on p53 function and on cell death. This transcript, which lacks the acidic N-terminus corresponding to the transactivation domain of p53, was initially detected in a neuroblastoma cell line. Overexpression of p73 Delta exon2 partially protects lymphoblastoid cells against apoptosis induced by anti-Fas antibody or cisplatin. By cotransfecting p73 Delta exon2 with wild-type p53 in the p53 null line Saos 2, we found that this truncated transcript reduces the ability of wild-type p53 to promote apoptosis. This anti-apoptotic effect was also observed when p73 Delta exon2 was co-transfected with full-length p73 (p73 alpha). This was further substantiated by suppression of p53 transactivation of the effector gene p21-Waf1 in p73 Delta exon2 transfected cells and by inhibition of expression of a reporter gene under the control of the p53 promoter. Thus, this truncated form of p73 can act as a dominant-negative agent towards transactivation by p53 and p73 alpha, highlighting the potential implications of these findings for p53 signaling pathway. Furthermore, we demonstrate the existence of a p73 Delta exon2 transcript in a very significant proportion (46%) of breast cancer cell lines. However, a large spectrum of normal and malignant tissues need to be surveyed to determine whether this transdominant p73 variant occurs in a tumor-specific manner.


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Now that some of the genes involved in asthma and allergy have been identified, interest is turning to how genetic predisposition interacts with exposure to environmental risk factors. These questions are best answered by studies in which both genotypes and other risk factors are measured, but even simpler studies, in which family history is used as a proxy for genotype, have made suggestive findings. For example, early breast feeding may increase the risk of allergic disease in genetically susceptible children, and decrease the risk of 'sporadic' allergy. This review also addresses the overall importance of genetic causes of allergic disease in the general population.


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There is a surprising lack of published experience on the use of videoconferencing in clinical genetics. Patients were randomly allocated to either a telegenetic (cases) or face-to-face (control) conventional clinic. The telegenetic consultation was done by videoconferencing, using ISDN lines at 384 kbit/s. Evaluation by the doctor and counsellor took place immediately after each appointment. The patient was asked to evaluate the appointment by telephone questionnaire about four weeks after the event. Forty-two patients were invited to participate and 33 (79%) returned their consent forms. Four patients declined to participate and were seen in ordinary face-to-face clinics. Preliminary results showed that the assessment of the telegenetics consultations by doctors, counsellors and patients was very favourable, and they responded positively when asked if they would be happy to use telemedicine in the future. For use in selected consultations, videoconferencing does appear to fulfil a useful role in clinical genetics.


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We show here that the neurotrophin nerve growth factor (NGF), which has been shown to be a mitogen for breast cancer cells, also stimulates cell survival through a distinct signaling pathway. Breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, T47-D, BT-20, and MDA-MB-231) were found to express both types of NGF receptors: p140(trkA) and p75(NTR). The two other tyrosine kinase receptors for neurotrophins, TrkB and TrkC, were not expressed. The mitogenic effect of NGF on breast cancer cells required the tyrosine kinase activity of p140(trkA) as well as the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade, but was independent of p75(NTR). I, contrast, the anti-apoptotic effect of NGF (studied using the ceramide analogue C2) required p75(NTR) as well as the activation of the transcription factor NF-kB, but neither p140(trkA) nor MAPK was necessary. Other neurotrophins (BDNF, NT-3, NT-4/5) also induced cell survival, although not proliferation, emphasizing the importance of p75(NTR) in NGF-mediated survival. Both the pharmacological NF-KB inhibitor SN50, and cell transfection with IkBm, resulted in a diminution of NGF anti-apoptotic effect. These data show that two distinct signaling pathways are required for NGF activity and confirm the roles played by p75(NTR) and NF-kappaB in the activation of the survival pathway in breast cancer cells.


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The class of molecular chaperones known as 14-3-3 is involved in the control of cellular growth by virtue of its apparent regulation of various signaling pathways, including the Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. In breast cancer cells, the sigma form of 14-3-3 has been shown to interact with cyclin-dependent kinases and to control the rate of entry into mitosis. To test for a direct role for 14-3-3 in breast epithelial cell neoplasia, me have quantitated 14-3-3 protein levels using a proteomic approach based on two-dimensional electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF). We show here that 14-3-3 sigma protein is strongly down-regulated in the prototypic breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 and in primary breast carcinomas as compared with normal breast epithelial cells. In contrast, levels of the alpha, beta, delta, or zeta isoforms of 14-3-3 mere the same in both normal and transformed cells. The data support the idea that 14-3-3 sigma is involved in the neoplastic transition of breast epithelial cells by virtue of its role as a tumor suppressor; as such, it may constitute a robust marker with clinical efficacy for this pathology.


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Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women and the identification of markers to discriminate tumorigenic from normal cells, as well as the different stages of this pathology, is of critical importance. Two-dimensional electrophoresis has been used before for studying breast cancer, but the progressive completion of human genomic sequencing and the introduction of mass spectrometry, combined with advanced bioinformatics for protein identification, have considerably increased the possibilities for characterizing new markers and therapeutic targets. Breast cancer proteomics has already identified markers of potential clinical interest (such as the molecular chaperone 14-3-3 sigma) and technological innovations such as large scale and high throughput analysis are now driving the field. Methods in functional proteomics have also been developed to study the intracellular signaling pathways that underlie the development of breast cancer. As illustrated with fibroblast growth factor-2, a mitogen and motogen factor for breast cancer cells, proteomics is a powerful approach to identify signaling proteins and to decipher the complex signaling circuitry involved in tumor growth. Together with genomics, proteomics is well on the way to molecularly characterizing the different types of breast tumor, and thus defining new therapeutic targets for future treatment.


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To examine whether nucleolar organizer regions detected by argyrophilia (Ag-NOR counts) can be used as a prognostic indicator in phyllodes tumors of the breast, and to compare its usefulness with that of DNA flow cytometric analysis, 28 cases of breast phyllodes tumors (including 15 benign, two borderline and 11 malignant tumors) were subjected to Ag-NOR staining and counting as well as DNA flow cytometric analysis. S-phase fraction and DNA ploidy analysis showed useful trends for improving outcome predictions in malignant phyllodes tumors. However, high Ag-NOR counts were significant in predicting survival status (P = 0.013) and reached near statistical significance in predicting survival times (P = 0.07). In predicting survival status, results for Ag-NOR counts were significantly better than those for ploidy analysis (P = 0.02) and S-phase fraction (P < 0.01). Only S-phase fraction was significantly predictive of survival times (P = 0.025). It is concluded that Ag-NOR counts and DNA flow cytometric analysis, easily performed using paraffin sections, give information that can improve predictions made by histopathological classification. Ag-NOR counts are significant in predicting survival in the presence of histopathological features of malignancy.


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1. Schizophrenia is a chronic, disabling brain disease that affects approxmately 1% of the world's population. It is characterized by delusions, hallucinations and formal thought disorder, together with a decline in socio-occupational functioning. While the causes for schizophrenia remain unknown, evidence from family, twin and adoption studies clearly demonstrates that it aggregates in families, with this clustering largely attributable to genetic rather than cultural or environmental factors. Identifying the genes involved, however, has proven to be a difficult task because schizophrenia is a complex trait characterized by an imprecise phenotype, the existence of phenocopies and the presence of low disease penetrance, 2. The current working hypothesis for schizophrenia causation is that multiple genes of small to moderate effect confer compounding risk through interactions with each other and with non-genetic risk factors, The same genes may be commonly involved in conferring risk across populations or they may vary in number and strength between different populations. To search for evidence of such genetic loci, both candidate gene and genome-wide linkage studies have been used in clinical cohorts collected from a variety of populations. Collectively, these works provide some evidence for the involvement of a number of specific genes (e.g. the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) type 2a receptor (5-HT2a) gene and the dopamine D-3 receptor gene) and as yet unidentified factors localized to specific chromosomal regions, including 6p, 6q, 8p, 13q and 22q, These data provide suggestive, but no conclusive, evidence for causative genes. 3. To enable further progress there is a need to: (i) collect fine-grained clinical datasets while searching the schizophrenia phenotype for subgroups or dimensions that may provide a more direct route to causative genes; and (ii) integrate recent refinements in molecular genetic technology, including modern composite marker maps, DNA expression assays and relevant animal models, while using the latest analytical techniques to extract maximum information in order to help distinguish a true result from a false-positive finding.


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An Alu insertion polymorphism of the progesterone receptor (PR) was reported recently to be associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer, with risks of 0.8- and 0.3-fold associated with the heterozygote and homozygote genotypes, respectively. This intronic variant is considered to be in linkage disequilibrium with an exon 4 hinge region G to T Val660Leu polymorphism. We investigated whether the exon 4 PR polymorphism was associated with breast cancer in Australian women, using a population-based study of 1452 cases and 793 controls, half of whom were


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The BRCA2 N372H nonconservative amino acid substitution polymorphism appears to affect fetal survival in a sex-dependent manner, and the HH genotype was found to be associated with a 1.3-fold risk of breast cancer from pooling five case-control studies of Northern European women. We investigated whether the BR 2 N372H polymorphism was associated with breast cancer in Australian women using a population-based case-control design. The BRCA2 372 genotype was determined in 1397 cases under the age of 60 years at diagnosis of a first primary breast cancer and in 775 population-sampled controls frequency matched for age. Case-control analyses and comparisons of genotype distributions were conducted using logistic regression. All of the statistical tests were two-tailed. The HH genotype was independent of age and family history of breast cancer within cases and controls, and was more common in cases (9.2% versus 6.5%). It was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, 1.47-fold unadjusted (95% confidence interval, 1.05-2.07; P = 0.02), and 1.42-fold (95% confidence interval, 1.00-2.02; P = 0.05) after adjusting for measured risk factors. This effect was still evident after excluding women with any non-Caucasian ancestry or the 33 cases known to have inherited a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2, and would explain similar to3% of breast cancer. The BRCA2 N372H polymorphism appears to be associated with a modest recessively inherited risk of breast cancer in Australian women. This result is consistent with the findings for Northern European women.


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Germline mutations of the PTEN tumor-suppressor gene, on 10q23, cause Cowden syndrome, an inherited hamartoma syndrome with a high risk of breast, thyroid and endometrial carcinomas and, some suggest, melanoma. To date, most studies which strongly implicate PTEN in the etiology of sporadic melanomas have depended on cell lines, short-term tumor cultures and noncultured metastatic melanomas. The only study which reports PTEN protein expression in melanoma focuses on cytoplasmic expression, mainly in metastatic samples. To determine how PTEN contributes to the etiology or the progression of primary cutaneous melanoma, we examined cytoplasmic and nuclear PTEN expression against clinical and pathologic features in a population-based sample of 150 individuals with incident primary cutaneous melanoma. Among 92 evaluable samples, 30 had no or decreased cytoplasmic PTEN protein expression and the remaining 62 had normal PTEN expression. In contrast, 84 tumors had no or decreased nuclear expression and 8 had normal nuclear PTEN expression. None of the clinical features studied, such as Clark's level and Breslow thickness or sun exposure, were associated with cytoplasmic PTEN expressional levels. An association with loss of nuclear PTEN expression was indicated for anatomical site (p = 0.06) and mitotic index (p = 0.02). There was also an association for melanomas to either not express nuclear PTEN or to express p53 alone, rather than both simultaneously (p = 0.02). In contrast with metastatic melanoma, where we have shown previously that almost two-thirds of tumors have some PTEN inactivation, only one-third of primary melanomas had PTEN silencing. This suggests that PTEN inactivation is a late event likely related to melanoma progression rather than initiation. Taken together with our previous observations in thyroid and islet cell tumors, our data suggest that nuclear-cytoplasmic partitioning of PTEN might also play a role in melanoma progression. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.