998 resultados para Brazilian literature and Portuguese literature


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We report a fast (less than 3 h) and cost-effective melting temperature assay method for the detection of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the MBL2 gene. The protocol, which is based on the Corbett Rotor Gene real time PCR platform and SYBR Green I chemistry, yielded, in the cohorts studied, sensitive (100%) and specific (100%) PCR amplification without the use of costly fluorophore-labeled probes or post-PCR manipulation. At the end of the PCR, the dissociation protocol included a slow heating from 60º to 95ºC in 0.2ºC steps, with an 8-s interval between steps. Melting curve profiles were obtained using the dissociation software of the Rotor Gene-3000 apparatus. Samples were analyzed in duplicate and in different PCR runs to test the reproducibility of this technique. No supplementary data handling is required to determine the MBL2 genotype. MBL2 genotyping performed on a cohort of 164 HIV-1-positive Brazilian children and 150 healthy controls, matched for age and sex and ethnic origin, yielded reproducible results confirmed by direct sequencing of the amplicon performed in blind. The three MBL2 variants (Arg52Cys, Gly54Asp, Gly57Glu) were grouped together and called allele 0, while the combination of three wild-type alleles was called allele A. The frequency of the A/A homozygotes was significantly higher among healthy controls (0.68) than in HIV-infected children (0.55; P = 0.0234) and the frequency of MBL2 0/0 homozygotes was higher among HIV-1-infected children than healthy controls (P = 0.0296). The 0 allele was significantly more frequent among the 164 HIV-1-infected children (0.29) than among the 150 healthy controls (0.18; P = 0.0032). Our data confirm the association between the presence of the mutated MBL2 allele (allele 0) and HIV-1 infection in perinatally exposed children. Our results are in agreement with the literature data which indicate that the presence of the allele 0 confers a relative risk of 1.37 for HIV-1 infection through vertical transmission.


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We assessed the 6-min walk distance (6MWD) and body weight x distance product (6MWw) in healthy Brazilian subjects and compared measured 6MWD with values predicted in five reference equations developed for other populations. Anthropometry, spirometry, reported physical activity, and two walk tests in a 30-m corridor were evaluated in 134 subjects (73 females, 13-84 years). Mean 6MWD and 6MWw were significantly greater in males than in females (622 ± 80 m, 46,322 ± 10,539 kg.m vs 551 ± 71 m, 36,356 ± 8,289 kg.m, P < 0.05). Four equations significantly overestimated measured 6MWD (range, 32 ± 71 to 137 ± 74 m; P < 0.001), and one significantly underestimated it (-36 ± 86 m; P < 0.001). 6MWD significantly correlated with age (r = -0.39), height (r = 0.44), body mass index (r = -0.24), and reported physical activity (r = 0.25). 6MWw significantly correlated with age (r = -0.21), height (r = 0.66) and reported physical activity (r = 0.25). The reference equation devised for walk distance was 6MWDm = 622.461 - (1.846 x Ageyears) + (61.503 x Gendermales = 1; females = 0); r2 = 0.300. In an additional group of 85 subjects prospectively studied, the difference between measured and the 6MWD predicted with the equation proposed here was not significant (-3 ± 68 m; P = 0.938). The measured 6MWD represented 99.6 ± 11.9% of the predicted value. We conclude that 6MWD and 6MWw variances were adequately explained by demographic and anthropometric attributes. This reference equation is probably most appropriate for evaluating the exercise capacity of Brazilian patients with chronic diseases.


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The elements called heavy metals when ingested are not completely eliminated from animal bodies and are responsible for chronic and acute intoxications. Sixty-three samples of beer, produced in the states of São Paulo, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, and Pará, were analysed for lead and cadmium content by atomic absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace atomization and Zeeman correction. The concentrations of Pb and Cd of dark differed significantly from light beers, being higher in the former. No significant difference was found between the beers produced in predominantly rural areas and the ones produced in industrialized areas. The concentrations of lead and cadmium in all samples were bellow the maximum accepted by present Brazilian regulations and ranged from not detected to 290mugPb/L and from not detected to 14.3mugCd/L. The average concentrations were 37mugPb/L and 1.6mugCd/L.


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Fruits and nuts from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil were collected to determine the fatty acid profile of their oils. The species studied were Brazil (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.), Mucajá (Couma rigida M.), Inajá (Maximiliana maripa D.), Jenipapo (Genipa Americana L.), and Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) nuts. Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). Brazil nut major fatty acid was 18:3n-3 (α-linolenic acid), and Buriti nut had approximately 23 times more 18:3n-3 than the pulp. Mucajá nut presented high content of 12:0 (lauric acid) and 16:0 (palmitic acid), and Mucajá pulp showed significant levels of 18:2n-6 (linoleic acid). Considering the PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) sum values, almost all fruits and nuts analyzed presented very high levels of these compounds. Regarding n-6/n-3 ratio, only Brazil Nut, Buriti Nut, Inajá pulp, and Jenipapo pulp corresponded to the desired profile. These Brazilian fruits and nuts could be of potential interest due to their high nutritive value and lipid content.


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The present paper examines the Brazilian experience from the 'Economic Miracle' to the 'Lost Decade'. Its aim is to advance an alternative measurement of the flows of extraordinary wealth (i.e. ground-rent and net external credit) available for appropriation in the Brazilian economy and to asses their relevance in sustaining the process of accumulation of industrial capital. That is done in order to provide further and more accurate evidence to the claim that the evolution of the Brazilian process of capital accumulation has been extremely dependent on the evolution of those masses of extraordinary wealth.


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In August 2010 Brazil decided to limit foreign direct investments (FDIs) in land, and attracted the attention of politicians as much as the fears of businessmen. However, few months before, in September 2009, it had concluded a trilateral agreement with Japan and Mozambique to implement agribusiness and contract farming on an area of ten million hectares in the Mozambican region of Nacala. In light of that, the paper analyses the apparent duality of the Brazilian politics, and concludes that, exactly like in the case of the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, it is not a matter of pathology, but a voluntarily induced double personality which is strategic in positioning Brazil at the core of the global capitalist system.


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Cette étude s’inscrit dans un questionnement entourant les notions d’identité nationale et de construction allégorique. Elle s’inscrit également dans une problématique touchant les questions de la matérialité de la littérature et du cinéma. Dans la première partie de cette recherche, nous allons d’abord définir les notions d’allégorie et d’allégorie nationale. Par la suite, à partir de l’histoire d’Iracema, nous allons questionner deux œuvres qui travaillent la rencontre entre une autochtone et un blanc de manière distincte. La première œuvre est Iracema : lenda do Ceará de José de Alencar, un écrivain connu du XIXe siècle au Brésil. Véritable allégorie nationale de fondation, cette œuvre cherche à unir allégoriquement les différences sociales pour fonder une identité qui serait brésilienne. Le film Iracema : uma transa amazônica reprend cette histoire de construction nationale dans un contexte de dictature et montre ses contradictions et ses limites. En mettant l’accent sur les travailleurs et les marginalisés de l’imaginaire national, le film altère la sensibilité visuelle des spectateurs. Puisque l'oeuvre de Bodansky et Senna se situe à la limite entre le documentaire et la fiction, nous avons posé notre regard sur les résistances qu’offrent des images documentaires à l’interprétation allégorique de la nation.


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La présente étude vise à analyser la manière dont le corps de Diadorim est représenté dans le roman Diadorim, de João Guimarães Rosa. Pour ce faire, je propose une analyse des principales rencontres entre ce personnage et Riobaldo. Lors de la première rencontre de ces deux personnages, encore adolescents, il est déjà possible d’entrevoir à quel point le corps de Diadorim échappe à la pleine représentation dans le discours du narrateur, ce que l’on remarquera également à leur seconde rencontre, à l’âge adulte et intégrés à la bande des jagunços. Les différentes façons de désigner le compagnon et le suspense par lequel Riobaldo retient l’interlocuteur et, par conséquent, le lecteur, contribuent également à l’effet énigmatique génèré par le corps de Diadorim. L’ambiguïté autour de la sexualité de ce dernier est constante. Enfin, la dernière rencontre coïncide avec la mort et la révélation de la nature féminine du personnage. On observe, toutefois, que cette découverte n’est pas entièrement assimilée par Riobaldo qui, à son tour, doit répéter l’expérience vécue, par la parole, afin d’essayer de déchiffrer l’énigme autour du personnage de Diadorim.


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Colombia en su legislación normatiza el sector de la minería de carbón, sin embargo se considera que las estrategias no han sido suficientes para la identificación, prevención y control de la accidentalidad y enfermedad laboral. Durante el año 2013 el índice de fatalidad fue de 1,59. Estadísticas del año 2004 evidencian que las neumoconiosis fueron las mayores causas de invalidez de origen profesional. Objetivo: Categorizar actividades de intervención en promoción y prevención de accidentalidad y enfermedad laboral en trabajadores de la minería de carbón. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión de literatura sobre minería de carbón y salud la cual fue obtenida de las bases de datos PUBMED, Sciendirect, VHL, SINAB por literatura publicada sin límites de año, en idioma inglés, español o portugués. Para la búsqueda se utilizaron términos en lenguaje controlado (términos MESH), revisión por pares de títulos y resúmenes. Las publicaciones fueron seleccionadas para revisión de texto completo bajo criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Los códigos contemplados para esta revisión fueron: a) país donde la intervención se llevó a cabo, b) salud ocupacional, c) prevención de accidentalidad, d) programas de promoción, e) tecnologías, f) resultados obtenidos. Resultados: Del total de 2500 artículos seleccionados por los autores principales se realizó la revisión de los primeros 300 artículos, 32 hacen referencia al tema de salud ocupacional y minería de carbón, 10 contienen intervenciones consideradas de relevancia para esta revisión bibliográfica. Se presentan intervenciones estadísticamente significativas (p<0.05) y que han demostrado ser de impacto positivo en la minería de carbón en promoción y prevención de accidentalidad y enfermedad ocupacional. Conclusiones: Se identificaron las siguientes cuatro tipos de intervención: 1) las de carácter educativo que hacen referencia a las capacitaciones participativas, el entrenamiento por medio de “degraded image”, la realización de gestión de autocontrol y retroalimentación para el uso de elementos de protección personal (EPP), la aplicación del Modelo de Proceso Paralelo Extendido; 2) intervenciones preventivas como la medición de alcoholimetría antes del turno, la presencia de personal de enfermería en minas de carbón y el reconocimiento de los predictores de la enfermedad para optimizar la prevención primaria; 3)intervenciones de vigilancia como la promovida en la metodología Estadísticas Europeas de Accidentes de Trabajo (EEAT) para la investigación de los accidentes de trabajo, la aplicación de las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para la detección de la neumoconiosis y 4) De carácter tecnológico consistente en la intervención de tareas a partir de los resultados de la aplicación del software desarrollado por el Instituto Nacional para la Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (NIOSH). Estas intervenciones han demostrado ser eficaces en la promoción y prevención de accidentalidad y enfermedad ocupacional por lo cual se recomienda su aplicación en Colombia posterior al análisis de costo-efectividad.


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Esta tesis doctoral presenta los resultados de la investigación realizada por la autora sobre desarrollo sostenible, grandes proyectos de minería de oro y derechos humanos en países en desarrollo como Brasil y Colombia. En este trabajo doctoral fueron seleccionados dos grandes proyectos de minería aurífera, uno en Brasil y el otro en Colombia, ambos ejecutados por la misma empresa minera en contextos geográficos y condiciones ambientales similares. El objetivo fue realizar un estudio comparativo de las diferentes legislaciones ambientales y mineras, las instituciones, las políticas nacionales y la protección de los derechos humanos de las comunidades impactadas por los proyectos mineros en cada país. La metodología utilizada para esta investigación doctoral, en primer lugar, consistió en la revisión de fuentes primarias y secundarias, a través de la literatura disponible en español, portugués e inglés sobre los grandes ejes temáticos del estudio. En segundo lugar, se utilizó la metodología de derecho comparado para el análisis de las legislaciones de Brasil y Colombia y finalmente, se realizaron visitas de campo a cada uno de los proyectos seleccionados y se trabajó con autoridades ambientales nacionales. Algunas conclusiones de la investigación señalaron que para garantizar la efectividad del derecho ambiental, el desarrollo sostenible y los derechos humanos en grandes proyectos mineros se requiere: •Fortalecer las legislaciones y las instituciones mineras y ambientales y en particular el proceso de licenciamiento ambiental. •Fortalecer la capacidad del Ministerio Público y de los jueces involucrados que deciden casos ambientales. •Reconocer el rol fundamental de los derechos procedimentales ambientales para resolver conflictos socioambientales, esto es, el empoderamiento de las comunidades con información de calidad y mecanismos de participación y justicia ambiental efectiva para la adecuada protección de derechos colectivos. •Incorporar el enfoque de derechos humanos en la gestión ambiental.


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O presente estudo é resultado de um trabalho inserido no contexto de uma pesquisa-ação desenvolvida no Instituto Federal de Sergipe- IFS, visando solucionar as dificuldades de aprendizagem apresentadas pelos alunos durante as aulas de Literatura Brasileira. A investigação tem como objeto a reflexão acerca da estratégia do Seminário Temático utilizada como método de ensino da referida disciplina, fundamentando-se, para tanto, no aporte teórico de autores como Carvalho (1979), Cândido (1995), Zilberman (2003), Veiga (2003), Morais (2005), Libâneo (2009), dentre outros que abordam não somente esta temática, mas também o ensino de Literatura, como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (2002). Os sujeitos da pesquisa, em número de 82, foram alunos da 2ª série do Ensino Médio dos Cursos Integrados de Eletrônica, Informática e Química, que participaram respondendo a um questionário composto de dez questões abertas, onde manifestaram suas opiniões pessoais sobre a importância do ensino da Literatura, o Seminário como método didático, abordagens dos textos literários e a contribuição do Seminário tanto na formação da cultura individual e de ações sociais, quanto na aprendizagem da Literatura Brasileira e no estímulo à pesquisa. Partindo-se do objetivo geral de investigar a contribuição do Seminário Temático no processo de aprendizagem da Literatura Brasileira desses alunos à luz da dinâmica de sala de aula, optou-se pela metodologia da análise de conteúdo para enfatizar os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos do material levantado. Os resultados demonstraram que os discentes valorizaram as experiências vivenciadas ao afirmarem que, no âmbito das atividades do Seminário Temático, adquiriram de forma dinâmica os conhecimentos propostos pela disciplina, validando assim a escolha do trabalho sistemático com tal estratégia metodológica.


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The present paper reports on 22 species collected by the Brazilian Program of Living Resources in the Exclusive Economic Zone (REVIZEE). A new genus and species of Cribrilinidae, Corbuliporina crepida n. gen. et sp., is described, along with seventeen other new species: Chaperia brasiliensis n. sp., Amastigia aviculifera n. sp., Isosecuriflustra pinniformis n. sp., Cellaria subtropicalis n. sp., Melicerita brasiliensis n. sp., Arachnopusia haywardi n. sp., Smittina migottoi n. sp., Hippomenella amaralae n. sp., Rogicka joannae n. sp., Malakosaria atlantica n. sp., Turbicellepora winstonae n. sp., Rhynchozoon coalitum n. sp., Stephanollona angusta n. sp., Stephanollona arborescens n. sp., Aulopocella americana n. sp., Conescharellina cookae n. sp. and Conescharellina bocki n. sp. Chorizopora brongniartii (Audouin, 1826) is recorded for the first time in Brazilian waters and a new combination for Rhynchozoon arborescens Canu & Bassler, 1928 is established. New illustrations and taxonomic remarks are included for two little-known species from Brazil, Rogicka scopae (Canu & Bassler, 1928) and Fenestrulina ampla Canu & Bassler, 1928. A compilation of species recorded from deeper waters of the Brazilian coast is included.


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In this study, we provide phylogenetic and biogeographic evidence that the Trypanosomo cruzi lineages T. cruzi I (TCI) and T. cruzi IIa (TCIIa) circulate amongst non-human primates in Brazilian Amazonia, and are transmitted by Rhodnius species in overlapping arboreal transmission cycles, sporadically infecting humans. TO presented higher prevalence rates, and no lineages other than TCI and TCIIa were found in this study in wild monkeys and Rhodnius from the Amazonian region. We characterised TO and TCIIa from wild primates (16 TO and five TCIIa), Rhodnius spp, (13 TCI and nine TCIIa), and humans with Chagas disease associated with oral transmission (14 TO and five TCIIa) in Brazilian Amazonia. To our knowledge, TCIIa had not been associated with wild monkeys until now. Polymorphisms of ssrDNA, cytochrome b gene sequences and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns clearly separated TCIIa from TCIIb-e and TCI lineages, and disclosed small intra-lineage polymorphisms amongst isolates from Amazonia. These data are important in understanding the complexity of the transmission cycles, genetic structure, and evolutionary history of T cruzi populations circulating in Amazonia, and they contribute to both the unravelling of human infection routes and the pathological peculiarities of Chagas disease in this region. (C) 2008 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Analysis of the phylogenetic relationships among trypanosomes from vertebrates and invertebrates disclosed a new lineage of trypanosomes circulating among anurans and sand flies that share the same ecotopes in Brazilian Amazonia. This assemblage of closely related trypanosomes was determined by comparing whole SSU rDNA sequences of anuran trypanosomes from the Brazilian biomes of Amazonia, the Pantanal, and the Atlantic Forest and from Europe, North America, and Africa, and from trypanosomes of sand flies from Amazonia. Phylogenetic trees based on maximum likelihood and parsimony corroborated the positioning of all new anuran trypanosomes in the aquatic clade but did not support the monophyly of anuran trypanosomes. However, all analyses always supported four major clades (An01-04) of anuran trypanosomes. Clade An04 is composed of trypanosomes from exotic anurans. Isolates in clades An01 and An02 were from Brazilian frogs and toads captured in the three biomes studied, Amazonia, the Pantanal and the Atlantic Forest. Clade An01 contains mostly isolates from Hylidae whereas clade An02 comprises mostly isolates from Bufonidae; and clade An03 contains trypanosomes from sand flies and anurans of Bufonidae, Leptodactylidae, and Leiuperidae exclusively from Amazonia. To our knowledge, this is the first study describing morphological and growth features, and molecular phylogenetic affiliation of trypanosomes from anurans and phlebotomines, incriminating these flies as invertebrate hosts and probably also as important vectors of Amazonian terrestrial anuran trypanosomes.


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A total of 25 sugarcane spirit extracts of six different Brazilian woods and oak, commonly used by cooperage industries for aging cachaca, were analyzed for the presence of 14 phenolic compounds (ellagic acid, gallic acid, vanillin, syringaldehyde, synapaldehyde, coniferaldehyde, vanillic acid, syringic acid, quercetin, trans-resveratrol, catechin, epicatechin, eugenol, and myricetin) and two coumarins (scopoletin and coumarin) by HPLC-DAD-fluorescence and HPLC-ESI-MS(n). Furthermore, an HPLC-DAD chromatographic fingerprint was build-up using chemometric analysis based on the chromatographic elution profiles of the extracts monitored at 280 nm. Major components identified and quantified in Brazilian wood extracts were coumarin, ellagic acid, and catechin, whereas oak extracts shown a major contribution of catechin, vanillic acid, and syringaldehyde. The main difference observed among oak and Brazilian woods remains in the concentration of coumarin, catechin, syringaldehyde, and coniferaldehyde. The chemometric analysis of the quantitative profile of the 14 phenolic compounds and two coumarins in the wood extracts provides a differentiation between the Brazilian wood and oak extracts. The chromatographic fingerprint treated by multivariate analysis revealed significant differences among Brazilian woods themselves and oak, clearly defining six groups of wood extracts: (i) oak extracts, (ii) jatoba extracts, (iii) cabreuva-parda extracts, (iv) amendoim extracts, (v) canela-sassafras extracts and (vi) pequi extracts.