384 resultados para Bored piles


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A região de São Thomé das Letras constitui o maior centro brasileiro de lavra de quartzitos foliados, com produção atual estimada em 250.000 t/ano. O baixo índice de recuperação decorrente das atividades de lavra destes quartzitos, estimada como inferiores a 20% do total extraído, estariam gerando cerca de 1.250.000 t/ano de rejeitos, o que tem se traduzido em grandes pilhas de bota-fora com evidentes desdobramentos ambientais indesejáveis. Objetivando a adequação ambiental da lavra, a Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente de Minas Gerais - FEAM iniciou, a partir do ano de 1993, trabalhos de fiscalização e orientação da atividade extrativa de quartzitos no Município de São Thomé das Letras. A partir de 1996, esses trabalhos foram ampliados através do Projeto Minas Ambiente - Mineração de Pedra São Tomé que, sob a coordenação da FEAM, promoveu estudos para disposição controlada e aproveitamento econômico de resíduos, revegetação das pilhas de bota-fora e técnicas menos impactantes de desmonte na lavra. Neste contexto, os estudos geológicos, petrográficos e químicos ora realizados visam contribuir com aspectos de interesse para as atividades extrativas e de aproveitamento industrial dos rejeitos da lavra e do beneficiamento dos quartzitos foliados São Tomé. Trabalhos desenvolvidos no âmbito do Projeto Minas Ambiente e, mais recentemente, pela Universidade Vale do Rio Verde de Três Corações demonstraram a viabilidade técnica de utilização dos quartzitos para elaboração de tijolos prensados e autoclavados. Algumas variedades de quartzitos também estão sendo aproveitadas na produção de vidrados e esmaltes cerâmicos, inclusive com vantagens técnicas e econômicas bastante competitivas sobre matérias-primas oriundas de sedimentos aluvionares. Outros usos para os quartzitos moídos, como carga mineral, material filtrante e argamassas em geral, estão em fase de estudos pelos mineradores e deverão ser brevemente viabilizados, o que permite vislumbrar, pelo menos a médio prazo, um expressivo incremento dos usos industriais para os quartzitos São Tomé. Palavras-chave: rocha ornamental; rocha de revestimento; quartzito laminado; recuperação de rejeito; quartzito São Tomé.


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Traditionally, undergraduate education emphasizes theory and technique. The ethical education of the professional who will act in society is placed at most in a discipline related to professional´s deontology. Ethical discussions are developed in a bored way and the mission of educating students is considered fulfilled. Based on this analysis, the principal purpose of this study was to verify if the training provided by university has some influence on the development of students’ moral judgment and moral competence. The participants were 540 undergraduate students from the first and the last year of education from Pedagogy course from two universities of São Paulo state, one of them was public and the other private. The instruments were Defining Issues Test (DIT-2) and Moral Judgment Test (MJT-xt). The results indicated that the training received did not lead to significant improvement of their capacity to reflect about moral issues.


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In the category of the solid waste, are included the yard solid waste, this kind of solid waste are noble raw material and uncontaminated being recycled through the composting processing. Inside this context, it was studied the influence of horse manure in yard solid waste composting process, analyze the viability to compost the yard solid waste in UNESP Bela Vista. It was made four piles of composting, two of them are composed only by yard solid waste and the others are composed by horse manure and yard solid waste. The experiments were operated during 45 days. The evaluation of the process was made through temperature measurements of the piles daily during the test period. On the contrary of the piles with horse manure, the piles with no horse manure didn’t undergo complete maturation in the end of the experiment. Through the results obtained concluded that it was important to use manure horse in yard solid waste composting process to accelerate this process, because the piles without horse manure didn’t reach temperatures that characterize the composting process.


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The organic wastes need to be adequately managed, in order to avoid the environmental pollution and damage to the public health. So, this work aimed to study the composting process using two methods: manual and mechanized, for the treatment of bovine ruminal waste. This residue is generated in large proportions during the bovine slaughter process, and it can lead environmental degradation and contamination, or even damage to the public health, when not treated. For the initial adjustment of the composting parameters, it was incorporated the residue of coffee husks. The manual composting system was done by the manually aerated piles, while the mechanized composting system was done in a reactor coupled to a compressor that enabled the aeration of the system. The proportions used in both systems were: 90% bovine rumen (R) and 10% coffe husks (CC); 85% bovine rumen and 15% coffe husks; 80% bovine rumen and 20% coffe husks. The parameters determined during the monitoring of the composting process were: temperature, pH, moisture, organic matter, ash, organic carbon, Kjeldahl nitrogen and C/N ratio. The results obtained during the monitoring of the piles and reactors presented similar behavior, except for the parameters Kjeldahl nitrogen and C/N ratio. When compared to the “Instrução Normativa no 25 de 23/07/2009 do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento”, the organic produced composts with the best results were: pile 2 (85% R; 15% CC) and reactors 1 (90% R; 10% CC) e 2 (85% R; 15% CC)


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The present work aimed to study the composting process using two methods of treatment, conventional and mechanized for the treatment of pruning/weeding waste and organic waste generated in the canteens of the FCT/UNESP. For this work, it was quantified the generation of the waste However, of the tests with pure organic compound, which had the best result was T1 - 70% RPC / 30% ROC, again indicating the feasibility of applying this condition in scales at the campus. The conventional treatment by composting was carried out on manual aerated piles: 70% residue pruning/weeding (RPC) and 30% organic waste from the canteen (ROC); 50% RPC / 50% ROC, 30% RPC / 70% ROC. The mechanized system consisted of a reactor of 190 liters – 50% RPC / 50% ROC, with air injection from a compressor for 15 minutes daily. The parameters characterized and monitored were pH, organic matter, organic carbon, ash, nitrogen kjedahl and phosphorus. The temperature measurements were taken daily by a digital thermocouple (top, middle and base of the piles and reactor)... (Completo abstract click electronic access below)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Miners activity results in a significant volume of waste, which is normally deposited in piles. This paper analyzes the behavior of geotextile barrier to control fine soil runoff in a quarry. Two types of geotextile was investigated in order to evaluate the retention efficiency and deterioration after several use.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this work, the author looks forward to develop a new method capable of incorporate the concepts of the Reliability Theory and Ruin Probability in Deep Foundations, in order to do a better quantification of the uncertainties, which is intrinsic in all geotechnical projects, meanly because we don't know all the properties of the materials that we work with. Using the methodologies of Decourt Quaresma and David Cabral, resistance surfaces have been developed utilizing the data achieved from the Standard Penetration Tests performed in the field of study, in conjecture with the loads defined in the executive project of the piles. The construction of resistance surfaces shows to be a very useful tool for decision making, no matter in which phase it is current on, projecting or execution. The surfaces were developed by Kriging (using the software Surfer® 12), making it easier to visualize the geotechnical profile of the field of study. Comparing the results, the conclusion was that a high safety factor doesn't mean higher security. It is fundamental to consider the loads and resistance of the piles in the whole field, carefully choosing the project methodology responsible to define the diameter and length of the piles


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In this work, the author looks forward to develop a new method capable of incorporate the concepts of the Reliability Theory and Ruin Probability in Deep Foundations, in order to do a better quantification of the uncertainties, which is intrinsic in all geotechnical projects, meanly because we don't know all the properties of the materials that we work with. Using the methodologies of Decourt Quaresma and David Cabral, resistance surfaces have been developed utilizing the data achieved from the Standard Penetration Tests performed in the field of study, in conjecture with the loads defined in the executive project of the piles. The construction of resistance surfaces shows to be a very useful tool for decision making, no matter in which phase it is current on, projecting or execution. The surfaces were developed by Kriging (using the software Surfer® 12), making it easier to visualize the geotechnical profile of the field of study. Comparing the results, the conclusion was that a high safety factor doesn't mean higher security. It is fundamental to consider the loads and resistance of the piles in the whole field, carefully choosing the project methodology responsible to define the diameter and length of the piles


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The uplift capacity of helical anchors normally increases with the number of helical plates. The rate of capacity gain is variable, considering that the disturbance caused by the anchor installation is generally more pronounced in the soil mass above the upper plates than above the lower plates, because the upper soil layers are penetrated more times. The present investigation examines the effect of the number of helices on the performance of helical anchors in sand, based on the results of centrifuge model tests. Uplift loading tests were performed on 12 different types of piles installed in two containers of dry sand prepared with different densities. The measured fractions of the uplift capacity related to each individual helical plate of multi-helix anchors were compared with the fractions predicted by the individual bearing method. The results of this investigation indicate that in double- and triple-helix anchors, the contributions of the second and third plate to the total anchor uplift capacity decreased with the increase of sand relative density and plate diameter. In addition, these experiments demonstrated that the variation of the anchor load-displacement behavior with the number of helices also depends on these parameters.


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This paper presents an alternative coupling strategy between the Boundary Element Method (BEM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) in order to create a computational code for the analysis of geometrical nonlinear 2D frames coupled to layered soils. The soil is modeled via BEM, considering multiple inclusions and internal load lines, through an alternative formulation to eliminate traction variables on subregions interfaces. A total Lagrangean formulation based on positions is adopted for the consideration of the geometric nonlinear behavior of frame structures with exact kinematics. The numerical coupling is performed by an algebraic strategy that extracts and condenses the equivalent soil's stiffness matrix and contact forces to be introduced into the frame structures hessian matrix and internal force vector, respectively. The formulation covers the analysis of shallow foundation structures and piles in any direction. Furthermore, the piles can pass through different layers. Numerical examples are shown in order to illustrate and confirm the accuracy and applicability of the proposed technique.


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Programa de doctorado: Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería Instituto Universitario (SIANI)


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Tra i temi di attualità, quello del risparmio energetico è tra i più dibattuti negli ultimi anni; tale tema è strettamente correlato al problema del riscaldamento globale, infatti, mentre sul prossimo esaurimento delle risorse energetiche tradizionali non vi sono ancora certezze assolute, per quanto riguarda l’azione nociva dei gas serra, la Comunità Scientifica Internazionale si ritrova d’accordo su una netta presa di posizione contro l’emissione di tali sostanze, provocata in larga parte dall’utilizzo dei combustibili fossili. In questo contesto, l’Unione Europea sta promuovendo la diffusione di tecnologie che non prevedano l’utilizzo di gas, petrolio o carbone, soprattutto per il settore dell’edilizia, ove una corretta progettazione e l’utilizzo di tecnologie non convenzionali può portare alla riduzione anche dell’80% dei consumi, con conseguente abbattimento delle emissioni. Tra questi interventi innovativi, il più comune e conosciuto è sicuramente quello del solare termico e fotovoltaico; ma ne esistono anche di altri, ancora non molto pubblicizzati in Italia, ma ampiamente conosciuti e utilizzati in altri paesi dell’Unione. Tra questi, vi è il sistema di riscaldamento analizzato in questa tesi: la pompa di calore geotermica. Tale sistema, come verrà spiegato nell’elaborato di laurea, ha indubbi vantaggi economici, energetici ed ambientali, a fronte di una non trascurabile spesa iniziale. Attualmente, nel Nord Italia, si incominciano a vedere impianti di questo tipo, sulla scia del successo riscontrato nei paesi confinanti (in particolare Austria e Svizzera). La progettazione si basa attualmente su modelli statici, sviluppati dall’Università Svizzera del Canton Ticino, per l’utilizzo della pompa di calore nel territorio alpino. Obiettivo della tesi, è la verifica di tali modelli, di cui si è venuto a conoscenza grazie alla collaborazione con l’Università SUPSI, sulle condizioni idrogeologiche della Pianura Padana, soffermandosi su alcuni parametri fondamentali della progettazione di una pompa di calore geotermica, quali la conduttività e la capacità termica volumetrica dei terreni incontrati, la presenza di falde, ed i parametri geometrici del pozzo, al fine di dare una valutazione tecnica ed economica dell’impianto. Tali analisi è stata infatti fino ad ora affrontata in maniera sommaria dai perforatori, che eseguono generalmente sempre lo stesso modello di pozzo geotermico, sulla base degli esempi consolidati di Svizzera e Germania. Alcune misure di temperatura in situ sono state rilevate in collaborazione con la società Geotermia SRL di Mantova, ditta specializzata nella perforazione di pozzi geotermici (tale esperienza è parte centrale dell’estratto “Laboratorio di Tesi Ls”), mentre la parte modellistica della tesi è stata sviluppata in collaborazione con lo studio di progettazione Studio Seta SRL di Faenza, il cui stabile è climatizzato in parte con una pompa di calore geotermica.