814 resultados para Black Studies|Social Work|Sociology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Issues Paper: Practice Learning
Report: Access to the New Social Work Degree for Relevant Graduate in Northern Ireland
Review of the Diploma in Social Work (JM Consulting Report)
Inspection of Social Work in Mental Health Services
Inspection of Social Work in Mental Health Services - Overview Report and Summary (June 2004)
Northern Ireland Framework Specification for the Degree in Social Work
L’estudi examina les relacions entre (1) les xarxes socials personals de la població immigrant resident a Barcelona i (2) les seves identitats culturals múltiples. L’objectiu principal de l’estudi és entendre com el contingut i l’estructura de les relacions socials dels immigrants facilita o dificulta (1) tenir un sentiment de pertinença a les noves cultures d’acollida, la catalana i la espanyola, i (2) la integració d’aquestes noves identitats socioculturals amb la seva identitat d’origen en una nova identitat bicultural cohesiva. El nostre plantejament inicial era que els immigrants amb xarxes socials més diverses des del punt de vista de la seva composició cultural tindrien més recursos socials i experiències cognitives més diverses , factors que afavoreixen les identificacions múltiples i la participació cívica. Els resultats de l’estudi mostren que el grau d’identificació dels participants amb la seva cultura ètnica o d’origen és força alt i, en certa mesura, més alt en comparació amb les cultures d’acollida ( catalana, cívica i espanyola). Tanmateix, el vincle dels participants amb les cultures d’acollida (p. ex., la cultura catalana) és prou rellevant per a indicar una orientació bicultural (catalana i ètnica). Les anàlisis de correlacions revelen que sentir-se català no impedeix sentir-se part de la comunitat etnocultural d’origen. A més, existeix una interrelació entre l'orientació cultural catalana i la identificació amb les comunitats cíviques locals. De la mateixa manera, tenir competències en llengua catalana no va en detriment de les competències en llengua castellana. Les anàlisis també mostren que factors com l’orientació cultural catalana, l’ús del català i la identificació amb la cultura catalana tenen una correlació positiva amb el grau de chohesio de la indentitat bicultural, afavoreixen el benestar psicològic i disminueixen l’estrès aculturatiu. L’anàlisi de les xarxes socials mostra que la identificació amb la cultura catalana, l’orientació cultural catalana i la integració de la identitat són factors clau per tenir xarxes socials més diverses des del punt de vista ètnic i lingüístic, amb menys membres del col•lectiu d’origen, i amb subgrups o “cliques” culturalment més heterogenis. La identificació espanyola també prediu, en mesura més reduïda, la diversitat de les xarxes. Els nostres resultats contribueixen a la recerca actual i les teories sobre interculturalitat i identitat cultural.
This is a critical review of the medical, ethical, judicial and financial aspects of the so called "social freezing", the cryopreservation of a woman's oocytes for non-medical purposes. The possibility of storing the eggs of fertile women in order to prevent age-related fertility decline is being widely promoted by fertility centres and the lay press throughout the world. Research data has shown that social freezing should ideally be performed on women around 25 years of age in order to increase their chances of a future pregnancy. In reality, it is mostly performed after the age of 35. Unfortunately, social freezing is in general not a solution for the underlying societal problems to fit in with professionally active women and having children. It only delays the existing problems. Furthermore, it creates a lot of potential new problems. A great deal more should be undertaken to offer real solutions to the underlying societal problems which are in part: pre-school education, care in the event of childhood illness, and the many weeks of school holidays, acceptance of professionally active women having children, and more job offers with a workload <100%.). Furthermore, society should be informed about the decreasing chances of pregnancy with increasing maternal (and paternal) age as well as the increasing risks of miscarriage and obstetric/neonatal complications. Detailed information for woman considering social freezing is crucial. Every doctor, proposing social freezing to his patients, should be up to date with all these details. Follow-up studies on the outcome of these children are needed.
This study examines differences in sibling relationships among native Dutch and immigrant groups in the Netherlands. It uses a large national dataset to compare adult sibling relationships among Moroccan, Turkish, Caribbean and native Dutch groups, focusing on the varying importance of gender composition and age structure for the sibling relationship in the ethnic minority groups and the native Dutch families. Results show that, on average, ethnic minorities in the Netherlands have more involved sibling relationships in adulthood, with more contact, more emotional support, practical support (except Turks and Antilleans), a higher relationship quality, but also more conflict (among the Turks and Antilleans) compared to the Dutch. Gender constellation and hierarchical position were not of equal influence in all groups, although no clear patterns emerged.
After 21 years of hosting the Creative Writing Seminar for Helping Professionals, in 2012 the School expanded its efforts to reach social workers and showcase their creativity through a national poetry competition. For more information about creative writing at Iowa, please go to page 42.
Many people worldwide live with a disability, i.e. limitations in functioning. The prevalence is expected to increase due to demographic change and the growing importance of non-communicable disease and injury. To date, many epidemiological studies have used simple dichotomous measures of disability, even though the WHO's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) provides a multi-dimensional framework of functioning. We aimed to examine associations of socio-economic status (SES) and social integration in 3 core domains of functioning (impairment, pain, limitations in activity and participation) and perceived health. We conducted a secondary analysis of representative cross-sectional data of the Swiss Health Survey 2007 including 10,336 female and 8,424 male Swiss residents aged 15 or more. Guided by a theoretical ICF-based model, 4 mixed effects Poisson regressions were fitted in order to explain functioning and perceived health by indicators of SES and social integration. Analyses were stratified by age groups (15-30, 31-54, ≥55 years). In all age groups, SES and social integration were significantly associated with functional and perceived health. Among the functional domains, impairment and pain were closely related, and both were associated with limitations in activity and participation. SES, social integration and functioning were related to perceived health. We found pronounced social inequalities in functioning and perceived health, supporting our theoretical model. Social factors play a significant role in the experience of health, even in a wealthy country such as Switzerland. These findings await confirmation in other, particularly lower resourced settings.
Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää, miten yritysten ajattelutapa sosiaalisesta vastuusta on muuttunut vuodesta 2000 vuoteen 2006. Lisäksi vastataan kysymyksiin, mistä osa-alueista sosiaalinen vastuu muodostuu, miten kirjoittelu sosiaalisesta vastuusta on muuttunut määrällisesti ja sisällöllisesti. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen ja analyysimenetelmänä on käytetty diskurssianalyysiä. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu johtavien talousalan lehtien Talouselämä ja Kauppalehden artikkeleista vuosilta 2000 ja 2006. Artikkeleista saatua tietoa peilataan teoriatietoon ja näin pyritään hahmottamaan tutkimuksen tulokset. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että vuonna 2000 lehdet ovat kirjoittaneet jonkin verran enemmän sosiaalisesta vastuusta kuin vuonna 2006. Molempina vuosina sijoittavat arvostavat vastuullista toimintaa. Yrityksen arvot ovat usein määritelty ”ylhäältä-alas”. Työntekijöiden pahoinvointi on lisääntynyt entisestään vuodesta 2000 vuoteen 2006. Syynä tähän kirjoitusten mukaan ovat esimerkiksi huono johtaminen ja työtehtävien organisointi. Sosiaalisen vastuun mittaaminen on hankalaa ja ikääntyviä työntekijöitä yritetään pitää yrityksissä mahdollisimman pitkään. Tulospalkkausjärjestelmät ovat käytössä muutamassa yrityksessä. Työn, perheen ja vapaa-ajan sovittaminen yhteen on vuodesta 2000 muuttunut entistäkin tärkeämmäksi vuonna 2006. Lopputulos on, että sosiaalisen vastuun kanto on huonontunut vuodesta 2000 vuoteen 2006.