777 resultados para Barry Boehm
Recent genome-wide association studies have described many loci implicated in type 2 diabetes (T2D) pathophysiology and β-cell dysfunction but have contributed little to the understanding of the genetic basis of insulin resistance. We hypothesized that genes implicated in insulin resistance pathways might be uncovered by accounting for differences in body mass index (BMI) and potential interactions between BMI and genetic variants. We applied a joint meta-analysis approach to test associations with fasting insulin and glucose on a genome-wide scale. We present six previously unknown loci associated with fasting insulin at P < 5 × 10(-8) in combined discovery and follow-up analyses of 52 studies comprising up to 96,496 non-diabetic individuals. Risk variants were associated with higher triglyceride and lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, suggesting a role for these loci in insulin resistance pathways. The discovery of these loci will aid further characterization of the role of insulin resistance in T2D pathophysiology.
Elevated serum urate concentrations can cause gout, a prevalent and painful inflammatory arthritis. By combining data from >140,000 individuals of European ancestry within the Global Urate Genetics Consortium (GUGC), we identified and replicated 28 genome-wide significant loci in association with serum urate concentrations (18 new regions in or near TRIM46, INHBB, SFMBT1, TMEM171, VEGFA, BAZ1B, PRKAG2, STC1, HNF4G, A1CF, ATXN2, UBE2Q2, IGF1R, NFAT5, MAF, HLF, ACVR1B-ACVRL1 and B3GNT4). Associations for many of the loci were of similar magnitude in individuals of non-European ancestry. We further characterized these loci for associations with gout, transcript expression and the fractional excretion of urate. Network analyses implicate the inhibins-activins signaling pathways and glucose metabolism in systemic urate control. New candidate genes for serum urate concentration highlight the importance of metabolic control of urate production and excretion, which may have implications for the treatment and prevention of gout.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The molecular mechanisms of obesity-related insulin resistance are incompletely understood. Macrophages accumulate in adipose tissue of obese individuals. In obesity, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), a key chemokine in the process of macrophage accumulation, is overexpressed in adipose tissue. MCP-1 is an insulin-responsive gene that continues to respond to exogenous insulin in insulin-resistant adipocytes and mice. MCP-1 decreases insulin-stimulated glucose uptake into adipocytes. The A-2518G polymorphism in the distal regulatory region of MCP-1 may regulate gene expression. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of this gene polymorphism on insulin resistance. METHODS: We genotyped the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) cohort ( n=3307). Insulin resistance, estimated by homeostasis model assessment, and Type 2 diabetes were diagnosed in 803 and 635 patients respectively. RESULTS: Univariate analysis revealed that plasma MCP-1 levels were significantly and positively correlated with WHR ( p=0.011), insulin resistance ( p=0.0097) and diabetes ( p<0.0001). Presence of the MCP-1 G-2518 allele was associated with decreased plasma MCP-1 ( p=0.017), a decreased prevalence of insulin resistance (odds ratio [OR]=0.82, 95% CI: 0.70-0.97, p=0.021) and a decreased prevalence of diabetes (OR=0.80, 95% CI: 0.67-0.96, p=0.014). In multivariate analysis, the G allele retained statistical significance as a negative predictor of insulin resistance (OR=0.78, 95% CI: 0.65-0.93, p=0.0060) and diabetes (OR=0.80, 95% CI: 0.66-0.96, p=0.018). CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: In a large cohort of Caucasians, the MCP-1 G-2518 gene variant was significantly and negatively correlated with plasma MCP-1 levels and the prevalence of insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. These results add to recent evidence supporting a role for MCP-1 in pathologies associated with hyperinsulinaemia.
A avaliacão do projecto do recursos hidricos do Tarrafal (Cabo Verde ) tem por base dois objectivos: 1) Cumprir as obrigag8es do contrato, o qual roquor uwa avaliação.o final, a 2) Sujeitar-se aon requisitos da CID pars a avaliação final. Desta formal a extenslo deta avaliaqlo 6 male quo ura simples rovialo, reopondendo a obrigaqos do contracto. Esta avaliagKot tern por fim estimar a forma coo o projecto atinglu ou doixou do atingir os objectivos propostos. An recomendaga4s quo safram desta avalia qio dovem sorvir para melhorar os projectos om andamento quo integram no sistema da CID. Ambos o fundos da CID o do contracto foram utilizados nesta avaliaqlo Os pontos apresentados nests documento slo da equipe do avaliaqlo o n~o representan necessariamente 0s da Administraqlo o/ou do Executivo da CID. B. A.VLICrUi)Z DA Ai1ALIAj!O Todo o projecto do Recurnos Hfdricos do Tarrafal eat inserido dontro do pris1m desta avalia.lo. Zbora outrou relatdrios tenham servido do fontes do infor=qlo, a proeantj oxamina o projecto dead. o porfodo da preparaqEo at o trmino C. EQU!!' DE AYALIACKO A equioe roi Joloeada polo Dean ( tipo do reitor do faculdads )# Director da Cemara don Adminintradoras da CID Dr. drnont Briskoyp o polo Director do Executivo, Dr. John L. Fiecher. A avaliaqgo foi orientada pole repartiglo do Executivo da CID. 0 Dr. Barry Re. Baintonp agents director do projectop coordenou o processo do avaliaqEo. 0 Dr. Gerald 3stlockq director do programus Internacionais do agricultura na Universidade do Arizonap foi selocionado coo lider da equips . 0 Dr. Howard Peterson, professor do agriculture • ongenharia do irrgaqIo da Universidade do Utah, foi selecionado coma segundo mumbro da equips. 0 Dr. Peterson ji tinha cumprido dues misses no projecto em Cabo Verde. 0 Dr. Jean Ruley Kearns, conselheiro director da CID no poriodo do 1982-83p fot selecionado comc sondo o tarceiro membro da equipe. D. ATODO DE AVALIAQXO Os pianos proliminares para conduzir a avaliaqo foram feitos numa rounibo inicial em Tucson ( Arizona ) a 5 do novembro do 1982. Nessa rounilo foi deci dido quo o Dr. Matlock visitaria o projecto durante o afs do novembro do 1982. A visita fot planojada do forma a coincidir com a presenga do Kern Stutlor, director coordenador do projectop quo devoria astar am Cabo lirde nessa data co.mpletando os trabalho a preparando o relat6rio final. Uma c6pia do Procasio do Avaliaglo pola AID assim como cdpias do relatdrios anteriores a outros docunontos rolevantea foram diatribufdos aos membros da equips duranto a reunigo inicial. Oa docu ientos examinados polos membros da equip. encontram-se listados na secção /III, Referiencias
A new parameter is introduced: the lightning potential index (LPI), which is a measure of the potential for charge generation and separation that leads to lightning flashes in convective thunderstorms. The LPI is calculated within the charge separation region of clouds between 0 C and 20 C, where the noninductive mechanism involving collisions of ice and graupel particles in the presence of supercooled water is most effective. As shown in several case studies using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with explicit microphysics, the LPI is highly correlated with observed lightning. It is suggested that the LPI may be a useful parameter for predicting lightning as well as a tool for improving weather forecasting of convective storms and heavy rainfall.
Two cationic octanuclear metalla-cubes [Ru(8)(η(6)-C(6)H(5)Me)(8)(tpp-H2)(2)(dhbq)(4)](8+) and [Ru(8)(η(6)-p-iPrC(6)H(4)Me)(8)(tpp-H2)(2)(dhbq)(4)](8+) were prepared and evaluated as dual photosensitizers and chemotherapeutics in cancer cells. In the dark, the complexes presented high cytotoxicity towards only melanoma and ovarian cancer cells. However, the complexes exhibited good phototoxicities toward all cancer cells (1μM concentration, LD(50)=2-7J/cm(2)), thus suggesting a dual synergistic effect with good properties of both the arene ruthenium chemotherapeutics and the porphyrin photosensitizers.
Given the anthropometric differences between men and women and previous evidence of sex-difference in genetic effects, we conducted a genome-wide search for sexually dimorphic associations with height, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference, and waist-to-hip-ratio (133,723 individuals) and took forward 348 SNPs into follow-up (additional 137,052 individuals) in a total of 94 studies. Seven loci displayed significant sex-difference (FDR<5%), including four previously established (near GRB14/COBLL1, LYPLAL1/SLC30A10, VEGFA, ADAMTS9) and three novel anthropometric trait loci (near MAP3K1, HSD17B4, PPARG), all of which were genome-wide significant in women (P<5×10(-8)), but not in men. Sex-differences were apparent only for waist phenotypes, not for height, weight, BMI, or hip circumference. Moreover, we found no evidence for genetic effects with opposite directions in men versus women. The PPARG locus is of specific interest due to its role in diabetes genetics and therapy. Our results demonstrate the value of sex-specific GWAS to unravel the sexually dimorphic genetic underpinning of complex traits.
Anaemia is a chief determinant of global ill health, contributing to cognitive impairment, growth retardation and impaired physical capacity. To understand further the genetic factors influencing red blood cells, we carried out a genome-wide association study of haemoglobin concentration and related parameters in up to 135,367 individuals. Here we identify 75 independent genetic loci associated with one or more red blood cell phenotypes at P < 10(-8), which together explain 4-9% of the phenotypic variance per trait. Using expression quantitative trait loci and bioinformatic strategies, we identify 121 candidate genes enriched in functions relevant to red blood cell biology. The candidate genes are expressed preferentially in red blood cell precursors, and 43 have haematopoietic phenotypes in Mus musculus or Drosophila melanogaster. Through open-chromatin and coding-variant analyses we identify potential causal genetic variants at 41 loci. Our findings provide extensive new insights into genetic mechanisms and biological pathways controlling red blood cell formation and function.
Plasmids have long been recognized as an important driver of DNA exchange and genetic innovation in prokaryotes. The success of plasmids has been attributed to their independent replication from the host's chromosome and their frequent self-transfer. It is thought that plasmids accumulate, rearrange and distribute nonessential genes, which may provide an advantage for host proliferation under selective conditions. In order to test this hypothesis independently of biases from culture selection, we study the plasmid metagenome from microbial communities in two activated sludge systems, one of which receives mostly household and the other chemical industry wastewater. We find that plasmids from activated sludge microbial communities carry among the largest proportion of unknown gene pools so far detected in metagenomic DNA, confirming their presumed role of DNA innovators. At a system level both plasmid metagenomes were dominated by functions associated with replication and transposition, and contained a wide variety of antibiotic and heavy metal resistances. Plasmid families were very different in the two metagenomes and grouped in deep-branching new families compared with known plasmid replicons. A number of abundant plasmid replicons could be completely assembled directly from the metagenome, providing insight in plasmid composition without culturing bias. Functionally, the two metagenomes strongly differed in several ways, including a greater abundance of genes for carbohydrate metabolism in the industrial and of general defense factors in the household activated sludge plasmid metagenome. This suggests that plasmids not only contribute to the adaptation of single individual prokaryotic species, but of the prokaryotic community as a whole under local selective conditions.
Cinema i educació (social). Tres mirades pedagògiques d'una mateixa pel·lícula. El cas de «Sleepers»
La verificació que la vida acadèmica està patint una revolució formal i de contingut obliga a recrear el discurs pedagògic introduint-hi elements molt heterogenis. Ressaltar els valors culturals dels diferents mitjans de comunicació ens permet destacar les potencialitats i l¿ús del cinema com a instrument docent facilitador dels aprenentatges dels alumnes. Fa molts anys que cadascú de nosaltres hem incorporat el cinema en el nostre treball docent. D¿acord amb els continguts que desenvolupem en les nostres assignatures, l¿utilitzem com a font analítica i documental per a la intervenció pedagògica i social. Els relats filmogràfics ens permeten introduir pràctiques formatives i professionalitzadores a partir de l¿anàlisi de casos, una eina de treball molt utilitzada en l¿àmbit socioeducatiu. Amb aquest article, presentem, doncs, tres visions diferents desenvolupades en el marc de tres assignatures dels ensenyaments de Pedagogia i Educació Social, i ho fem a partir d¿una mateixa pel·lícula, Sleepers, de Barry Levinson (1996), tot demostrant el caràcter transversal de la nostra proposta.
PURPOSE: Although the central role of the immune system for tumor prognosis is generally accepted, a single robust marker is not yet available. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: On the basis of receiver operating characteristic analyses, robust markers were identified from a 60-gene B cell-derived metagene and analyzed in gene expression profiles of 1,810 breast cancer; 1,056 non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC); 513 colorectal; and 426 ovarian cancer patients. Protein and RNA levels were examined in paraffin-embedded tissue of 330 breast cancer patients. The cell types were identified with immunohistochemical costaining and confocal fluorescence microscopy. RESULTS: We identified immunoglobulin κ C (IGKC) which as a single marker is similarly predictive and prognostic as the entire B-cell metagene. IGKC was consistently associated with metastasis-free survival across different molecular subtypes in node-negative breast cancer (n = 965) and predicted response to anthracycline-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy (n = 845; P < 0.001). In addition, IGKC gene expression was prognostic in NSCLC and colorectal cancer. No association was observed in ovarian cancer. IGKC protein expression was significantly associated with survival in paraffin-embedded tissues of 330 breast cancer patients. Tumor-infiltrating plasma cells were identified as the source of IGKC expression. CONCLUSION: Our findings provide IGKC as a novel diagnostic marker for risk stratification in human cancer and support concepts to exploit the humoral immune response for anticancer therapy. It could be validated in several independent cohorts and carried out similarly well in RNA from fresh frozen as well as from paraffin tissue and on protein level by immunostaining.