1000 resultados para Büsching, Anton Friedrich, 1724-1793.


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Resumen basado en el que aporta la revista


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El artículo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada a competencia artística y cultural. - El resultado de la experiencia puede visualizarse en http://xtec.cat/practicomp/artistica/practiques/ceipsetelsis.htm


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La clasificación de Carl Linnaeus en el siglo XVIII y la creación de los polos fuertes y débiles de las oposiciones binarias han logrado etiquetar al mundo entero. Bajo el pretexto de salvar al mundo de la barbarie, el proyecto hegemónico europeo ha podido dibujar la línea divisoria entre la oposición binaria centro y periferia. El civilizado del centro o el sujeto de conocimiento se ha dedicado a la labor de remediar todas las enfermedades causadas por el objeto de conocimiento o los bárbaros de la periferia. Al establecer el conocimiento científico como el único saber, el discurso hegemónico ha ganado el derecho de prescribir el recetario para eliminar la alteridad del bárbaro. Sin embargo, la presencia del bárbaro es necesaria para definir quién es el civilizado, motivo por el cual no sería factible que desaparezca por completo el otro. La literatura de viaje es uno de los portavoces más importantes para el plan hegemónico porque la alteridad de la periferia puede ser visiblemientras el civilizado del centro sirve como su ventrílocuo. Un ejemplo de este género: Cuatro años entre los ecuatorianos, escrito por Friedrich Hassaurek en el siglo XIX sobre sus experiencias durante el período que sirvió como embajador en Ecuador, manifiesta un dilema entre la protección de los intereses de su gobierno y su propia curiosidad acerca de los aspectos etnográficos e históricos ecuatorianos. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este trabajo es identificar y analizar las razones por las cuales Hassaurek cambió de una retórica de la vanguardia capitalista y la misión civilizadora (el sujeto de conocimiento) a una de la anticonquista: la mística de la reciprocidad (el objeto de conocimiento). Se propone vincular el proyecto hegemónico occidental con el género de la literatura de viaje cuya labor ha sido el vehículo de la imposición de la epistemología europea. La representación indígena en el libro de Hassaurek es una pieza del rompecabezas del proyecto hegemónico occidental que busca nombrar al otro (la periferia) para definir quién es el yo (el centro).


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Winckelmann's writings hold an interest for modern classical studies which is not restricted to the subfield of classical archaeology. Considered in terms of methodology, his writings dramatise problems and questions which attend any attempt to provide a comprehensive account of ancient culture and society. The Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums provided an influential model of what such a reconstruction might look like in a period when classical philology was undergoing a significant reconfiguration as „Alterthums-Wissenschaft" at the hands of scholars such as Christian Gottlob Heyne and Friedrich August Wolf. Investigation of their critical responses to Winckelmann’s works aims to contribute to understanding both of the early reception of his works and of questions which are still relevant today. Im Rahmen der modernen Altertumswissenschaften kommt den Werken Winckelmanns eine Bedeutung zu, die nicht auf den Bereich der Klassischen Archäologie beschränkt ist. Methodologisch betrachtet, dramatisieren seine Schriften Probleme und Fragen, die jedem Versuch einer umfassenden, erklärenden Rekonstruktion der antiken Kultur und Gesellschaft zugrunde liegen. Die Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums hat ein einflussreiches Modell dafür geliefert, was eine solche Rekonstruktion in einer Zeit leisten konnte, in der die klassische Philologie einer erheblichen Umstrukturierung als „Alterthums-Wissenschaft“ durch Gelehrte wie Christian Gottlob Heyne und Friedrich August Wolf unterzogen wurde. Die vorliegende Untersuchung ihrer kritischen Reaktionen auf Winckelmanns Schriften soll dazu beitragen, sowohl die frühe Rezeption seines Werkes als auch Fragestellungen, die heute noch aktuell sind, besser zu verstehen.


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In 1919 Anton Nyström became the first person in Sweden to publish a comprehensive defense of homosexuality. He believed that its classification as a mental illness was erroneous and that Sweden's law against homosexual sex was both irrational and cruel. Nyström was a physician whose work in the medical area dealt primarily with dermatology, psychiatry and human sexuality; however he was also a prolific historian, who took a staunchly anti-Christian view in his analysis of how Christianity affected European culture, especially in the area of sexual morality. In fact, much of Nyström's medical texts dealing with human sexuality consisted of anti-Christian cultural and historical commentary. The object of this "C-uppsats" is to analyze Nyström's pamphlet, Om Homosexualitet och Hermafroditi: Belysning af Missförstådda Existenser and illustrate how its defensive structure was consistent with the pattern used by the author in his other books and articles on human sexuality. Specifically, that irrational and neurotic Christian beliefs caused both mental and physical suffering and were the source of deleterious forms of morality. Additionally, this paper will also show that the solution Nyström had for the problem of negative and erroneous attitudes towards homosexuality was to replace the sodomitic view of homosexuality with one based upon a more rational and naturalistic belief system, the basis of which could be found in the pre-Christian cultures of Europe, most especially in Greece. This new conception was to be constructed primarily out of historical example and cultural analyses. For Nyström, history writing was used both as a weapon to fight the source of negative attitudes towards homosexuality, as well as a tool that could be used to build a positive cultural model which would be beneficial for homosexuals.


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What I have called the Ideal of Cultivation is a fundamental ethical principle of civilisation, originated by aristocratic warriors in Greek antiquity who held that the true purpose of humanity is to perfect nature

It was then professed that individuals and even entire peoples could consciously develop and improve themselves in a way that was thought to obey the original lawful impulses of nature, a process which was likened to those of agriculture and animal husbandry.

Subsequently the cognate idea of a politics of cultivation arose which deemed that society should be organised specifically to produce more virtuous or perfect human types. Given their fundamental association with Hellenism both ideas have been revisited constantly in the intellectual history of the west, and most notably during the great secular periods, the Renaissance and Enlightenment when active attempts were made to retrieve the ideals of antiquity. Both ideas were particularly pervasive in the German enlightenment, the Aufklärung, and were assimilated by the succeeding Romantic generation.

In nineteenth century Germany, when interest in these ideas was quickly waning, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche acquired an unswerving attachment to them and made the service of them his life's work.

The intention of this essay is to trace methodically the appearance of the Ideal of Cultivation in Nietzsche's philosophy and politics, and to outline his responses to a world which was abandoning the principles in which he deeply believed. This essay should be regarded as a case study in the long history of a fundamental ethical idea rather than one about the philosopher Nietzsche.


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Friedrich Hayek and Michael Polanyi corresponded with each other for the best part ofthirty years. They had shared interests that included science, social science, economics,epistemology, history of ideas and political philosophy. Studying their  correspondenceand related writings, this article shows that Hayek and Polanyi were committedLiberals but with different understandings of liberty, the forces that endanger liberty,and the policies required to rescue it.


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SILVA, Alexandre Reche e. Rudimentos de uma inspeção topográfica aplicados à Passacaglia para orquestra, opus 1, de Anton Webern. Ictus - Periódico do PPGMUS/UFBA, Salvador, v. 7, p.189-208, 2010


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The neoliberalism proclaims the crisis of the State in front of globalization , but, approaching two books taken as basic on this theoretical chain - The road to serfdom, of Friedrich Hayek, and Capitalism and Freedom, of Milton Friedman - to analyze this supposed dualism, the conclusion into which we arrive is another one. Remembering liberal tradition and quickly, later, analyzing critically the workmanships, can be perceived that others are the conflicts really gifts in the current capitalist reality - market versus State et capitalism versus democracy - and, from the understanding on the reading made and the theoretical trajectory of its authors, we may see as the neoliberalism locates itself in relation to these conflicts, which polar regions of these antagonisms privileges, what represents the State for itself, and what it intends as much more global philosophy than economic/politics thinking only