996 resultados para Artificial source
A preliminary survey of the spider fauna in natural and artificial forest gap formations at Porto Urucu, a petroleum/natural gas production facility in the Urucu river basin, Coari, Amazonas, Brazil is presented. Sampling was conducted both occasionally and using a protocol composed of a suite of techniques: beating trays (32 samples), nocturnal manual samplings (48), sweeping nets (16), Winkler extractors (24), and pitfall traps (120). A total of 4201 spiders, belonging to 43 families and 393 morphospecies, were collected during the dry season, in July, 2003. Excluding the occasional samples, the observed richness was 357 species. In a performance test of seven species richness estimators, the Incidence Based Coverage Estimator (ICE) was the best fit estimator, with 639 estimated species. To evaluate differences in species richness associated with natural and artificial gaps, samples from between the center of the gaps up to 300 meters inside the adjacent forest matrix were compared through the inspection of the confidence intervals of individual-based rarefaction curves for each treatment. The observed species richness was significantly higher in natural gaps combined with adjacent forest than in the artificial gaps combined with adjacent forest. Moreover, a community similarity analysis between the fauna collected under both treatments demonstrated that there were considerable differences in species composition. The significantly higher abundance of Lycosidae in artificial gap forest is explained by the presence of herbaceous vegetation in the gaps themselves. Ctenidae was significantly more abundant in the natural gap forest, probable due to the increase of shelter availability provided by the fallen trees in the gaps themselves. Both families are identified as potential indicators of environmental change related to the establishment or recovery of artificial gaps in the study area.
Our objective was to validate a new device dedicated to measure the light disturbances surrounding bright sources of light under different sources of potential variability. Twenty subjects were involved in the study. Light distortion was measured using an experimental prototype (light distortion analyzer, CEORLab, University of Minho, Portugal) comprising twenty-four LED arrays panel at 2 m. Sources of variability included: intrasession and intersession repeated measures, pupil size (3 versus 6 mm), defocus (þ0.50) correction for the working distance, angular resolution (15 deg versus 30 deg), temporal stimuli presentation, and pupil size. Size, shape, location, and irregularity parameters have been obtained. At a low speed of presentation of the stimuli, changes in angular resolution did not have an effect on the results of the parameters measured. Results did not change with pupil size. Intensity of the central glare source significantly influenced the outcomes. Examination time was reduced by 30% when a 30 deg angular resolution was explored instead of 15 deg. Measurements were fast and repeatable under the same experimental conditions. Size and shape parameters showed the highest consistency, whereas location and irregularity parameters showed lower consistency. The system was sensitive to changes in the intensity of the central glare source but not to pupil changes in this sample of healthy subjects.
Construction of hydroelectric dams in tropical regions has been contributing significantly to forest fragmentation. Alterations at edges of forest fragments impact plant communities that suffer increases in tree damage and dead, and decreases in seedling recruitment. This study aimed to test the core-area model in a fragmented landscape caused by construction of a hydroelectric power plant in the Brazilian Amazon. We studied variations in forest structure between the margin and interiors of 17 islands of 8-100 hectares in the Tucuruí dam reservoir, in two plots (30 and >100m from the margin) per island. Mean tree density, basal area, seedling density and forest cover did not significantly differ between marginal and interior island plots. Also, no significant differences were found in liana density, dead tree or damage for margin and interior plots. The peculiar topographic conditions associated with the matrix habitat and shapes of the island seem to extend edge effects to the islands' centers independently of the island size, giving the interior similar physical microclimatic conditions as at the edges. We propose a protocol for assessing the ecological impacts of edge effects in fragments of natural habitat surrounded by induced (artificial) edges. The protocol involves three steps: (1) identification of focal taxa of particular conservation or management interest, (2) measurement of an "edge function" that describes the response of these taxa to induced edges, and (3) use of a "Core-Area Model" to extrapolate edge function parameters to existing or novel situations.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores
Observational and experimental studies have shown that increased concealment of bird nests reduces nest predation rates. The objective of the present study was to evaluate differences in predation rates between two experimental manipulations of artificial ground nests (i.e., clearing an area around the artificial nest or leaving it as natural as possible), and test whether environmental variables also affected nest predation in an undisturbed area of Amazonian forest in eastern Brazil. A generalized linear model was used to examine the influence of five variables (manipulation type, perpendicular distance from the main trail, total basal area of trees surrounding the nest site, understorey density, and liana quantity) on nest predation rates. Model results, showed that manipulation type was the only variable that significantly affected nest predation rates. Thus, to avoid systematic biases, the influence of nest site manipulation must be taken into consideration when conducting experiments with artificial nests.
Dissertação de mestrado em Genética Molecular
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2016.03.148.
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem
The occurrence of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) and trace methane oxidation (TMO) was investigated in a freshwater natural gas source. Sediment samples were taken and analyzed for potential electron acceptors coupled to AOM. Long-term incubations with 13C-labeled CH4 (13CH4) and different electron acceptors showed that both AOM and TMO occurred. In most conditions, 13C-labeled CO2 (13CO2) simultaneously increased with methane formation, which is typical for TMO. In the presence of nitrate, neither methane formation nor methane oxidation occurred. Net AOM was measured only with sulfate as electron acceptor. Here, sulfide production occurred simultaneously with 13CO2 production and no methanogenesis occurred, excluding TMO as a possible source for 13CO2 production from 13CH4. Archaeal 16S rRNA gene analysis showed the highest presence of ANME-2a/b (ANaerobic MEthane oxidizing archaea) and AAA (AOM Associated Archaea) sequences in the incubations with methane and sulfate as compared with only methane addition. Higher abundance of ANME-2a/b in incubations with methane and sulfate as compared with only sulfate addition was shown by qPCR analysis. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene analysis showed the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria belonging to SEEP-SRB1. This is the first report that explicitly shows that AOM is associated with sulfate reduction in an enrichment culture of ANME-2a/b and AAA methanotrophs and SEEP-SRB1 sulfate reducers from a low-saline environment.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito do captopril, sobre o metabolismo dos quilomícrons e de seus remanescentes e as possíveis alterações nas concentrações dos lípides plasmáticos em hipertensos e hipercolesterolêmicos. MÉTODOS: O metabolismo dos quilomícrons foi testado pelo método da emulsão lipídica artificial de quilomícrons marcada com 3H-oleato de colesterol, foi injetada intravenosamente em 10 pacientes com hipertensão arterial leve-moderada antes e após 45 dias de tratamento com captopril (50 mg/dia). Após injeção, foram coletadas amostras de sangue durante 60min em intervalos de tempo pré-estabelecidos para determinar a curva de decaimento e a taxa fracional de remoção (TFR em min-1), bem como o tempo de residência no plasma, da emulsão lipídica artificial, por análise compartimental. As concentrações dos lípides do plasma também foram avaliadas antes e após o tratamento. RESULTADOS: A taxa fracional de remoção (em min-1) da emulsão lipídica antes e após o tratamento com captopril (0,012±0,003 e 0,011±0,003, respectivamente; p=0,85, n.s.) ou o tempo de permanência da emulsão no plasma (83,3±20,8 e 90,9± 22,5 min, n.s.) não se alteraram, mas os níveis de colesterol total e de LDL-c reduziram-se em 7% e 10% respectivamente (p=0,02). As concentrações de HDL-c, triglicérides, Lp(a) e apolipoproteínas AI e B não se modificaram. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento com captopril, avaliado pelo método da emulsão lipídica artificial, não provoca alterações deletérias no metabolismo dos quilomícrons e seus remanescentes.
La Loque Americana es la enfermedad de origen bacteriano más grave de la etapa larval de la abeja (Apis melífera). Desde su detección en el país en 1989 ya se ha establecido en 11 provincias incluida Córdoba. Su agente causal es Paenibacillus larvae White y su efecto final, la muerte de todo cría en su estadio de propupa. Es muy contagiosa, puede eliminar a toda la colmena y una vez establecida en una región difícilmente pueda ser erradicada por tratarse de una bacteria formadora de esporas que se diseminan: a través de determinados comportamientos de las abejas, con el polen o la miel y por la actividad del apicultor. Siendo Córdoba una provincia con posibilidades para incrementar esta actividad productiva donde ya la enfermedad está establecida, debe tenerse en cuenta que el manejo intensivo de las colmenas es factor desencadenante de diseminación. Se requiere, por lo tanto, contar con técnicas de control de probada efectividad, factibles de ser utilizadas por los productores en sus apiarios. Una manera de disminuir el grado de difusión es mantener lo más bajo posible los niveles de infección. (...) En Argentina, hasta el presente ninguna técnica por sí sola ha resultado eficaz. Este trabajo tiene como hipótesis demostrar que el enjambrado artificial, con la aplicación de un antibiótico durante el desarrollo inmediato posterior al trasvase de las colonias, puede resultar un método efectivo para el control de la enfermedad y la recuperación de los apiarios afectados de Loque Americana. El Objetivo del proyecto es determinar la eficiencia del Cepillado como método alternativo factible de ser usado para controlar la enfermedad y recuperar las colonias infectadas.
FUNDAMENTO: O benefício da estimulação cardíaca em pacientes portadores de cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) tem sido questionado, sendo escassas as pesquisas sobre este assunto no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Descrever a indicação, a resposta clínica, as complicações e a sobrevida relacionadas ao implante de marcapasso em pacientes portadores de CMH. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados, retrospectivamente, 39 pacientes portadores de cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (41% do sexo masculino) submetidos a implante de marcapasso, no período de maio de 1980 a novembro de 2003. RESULTADOS: Houve 27 portadores da forma obstrutiva e 12 portadores da forma não-obstrutiva com média de idade de 46,4 anos (14-77 anos) seguidos por 6,4 ± 4,1 anos. As principais indicações para implante foram: bloqueio atrioventricular espontâneo ou induzido (54%), refratariedade à terapêutica associada a gradiente elevado (33%), suporte para terapia medicamentosa por bradicardia (8%) e prevenção de fibrilação atrial (5%). Houve melhora na classe funcional de 2,41±0,87 para 1,97±0,92 (p = 0,008), bem como redução do número de sintomas referidos, sem ter havido diferença na utilização da terapia medicamentosa. Não houve óbitos relacionados ao procedimento que, apesar de demonstrar-se seguro, não foi isento de complicações (6 pacientes - 15,4%). Ocorreram três óbitos durante o seguimento, todos em pacientes mulheres, portadoras de fibrilação atrial e com evidências de deterioração funcional. Observou-se uma forte associação de piora clínica com surgimento de fibrilação atrial ou flutter. CONCLUSÃO: A estimulação cardíaca artificial em pacientes com CMH foi bem-sucedida, com evidências de alívio sintomático em pacientes portadores da forma obstrutiva. Não se observou melhora funcional para a forma não-obstrutiva.
This study utilised recent developments in forensic aromatic hydrocarbon fingerprint analysis to characterise and identify specific biogenic, pyrogenic and petrogenic contamination. The fingerprinting and data interpretation techniques discussed include the recognition of: The distribution patterns of hydrocarbons (alkylated naphthalene, phenanthrene, dibenzothiophene, fluorene, chrysene and phenol isomers), • Analysis of “source-specific marker” compounds (individual saturated hydrocarbons, including n-alkanes (n-C5 through 0-C40) • Selected benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene isomers (BTEX), • The recalcitrant isoprenoids; pristane and phytane and • The determination of diagnostic ratios of specific petroleum / non-petroleum constituents, and the application of various statistical and numerical analysis tools. An unknown sample from the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for origin characterisation was subjected to analysis by gas chromatography utilising both flame ionisation and mass spectral detection techniques in comparison to known reference materials. The percentage of the individual Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAIIs) and biomarker concentrations in the unknown sample were normalised to the sum of the analytes and the results were compared with the corresponding results with a range of reference materials. In addition, to the determination of conventional diagnostic PAH and biomarker ratios, a number of “source-specific markers” isomeric PAHs within the same alkylation levels were determined, and their relative abundance ratios were computed in order to definitively identify and differentiate the various sources. Statistical logarithmic star plots were generated from both sets of data to give a pictorial representation of the comparison between the unknown sample and reference products. The study successfully characterised the unknown sample as being contaminated with a “coal tar” and clearly demonstrates the future role of compound ratio analysis (CORAT) in the identification of possible source contaminants.