946 resultados para Apparently Healthy-men
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES High intake of added sweeteners is considered to have a causal role in the pathogenesis of cardiometabolic disorders. Especially, high-fructose intake is regarded as potentially harmful to cardiometabolic health. It may cause not only weight gain but also low-grade inflammation, which represents an independent risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In particular, fructose has been suggested to induce plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) expression in the liver and to increase circulating inflammatory cytokines. We therefore aimed to investigate, whether high-fructose diet has an impact on PAI-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), e-selectin and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations in healthy humans. SUBJECTS/METHODS We studied 20 participants (12 males and 8 females) of the TUebingen FRuctose Or Glucose study. This is an exploratory, parallel, prospective, randomized, single-blinded, outpatient, hypercaloric, intervention study. The participants had a mean age of 30.9 ± 2.1 years and a mean body mass index of 26.0 ± 0.5 kg/m(2) and they received 150 g of either fructose or glucose per day for 4 weeks.Results:There were neither significant changes of PAI-1, MCP-1, e-selectin and CRP after fructose (n=10) and glucose (n=10) intervention nor treatment effects (all P>0.2). Moreover, we did not observe longitudinal associations of the inflammatory parameters with triglycerides, liver fat, visceral fat and body weight in the fructose group. CONCLUSIONS Temporary high-fructose intake does not seem to cause inflammation in apparently healthy people in this secondary analysis of a small feeding trial.
BACKGROUND The number of cells positive for the α-6 and α-2 integrin subunits and the c-Met receptor in primary tumors and bone biopsies from prostate cancer patients has been correlated with metastasis and disease progression. The objective of this study was to quantify disseminated tumour cells present in bone marrow in prostate cancer patients using specific markers and determine their correlation with metastasis and survival. METHODS Patients were included at different stage of prostate cancer disease, from localised to metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. Healthy men were used as a control group. Bone marrow samples were collected and nucleated cells separated. These were stained for CD45, α-2, α-6 integrin subunits and c-Met and samples were processed for analysis and quantification of CD45-/α2+/α6+/c-met + cells using flow cytometry. Clinical and pathological parameters were assessed and survival measured. Statistical analyses were made of associations between disease specific parameters, bone marrow flow cytometry data, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) progression free survival and bone metastases progression free survival. RESULTS For all markers, the presence of more than 0.1% positive cells in bone marrow aspirates was significantly associated with the risk of biochemical progression, the risk of developing metastasis and death from prostate cancer. CONCLUSIONS Quantification of cells carrying putative stem cell markers in bone marrow is a potential indicator of disease progression. Functional studies on isolated cells are needed to show more specifically their property for metastatic spread in prostate cancer.
BACKGROUND The presence of social support has been associated with decreased stress responsiveness. Recent animal studies suggest that the neuropeptide oxytocin is implicated both in prosocial behavior and in the central nervous control of neuroendocrine responses to stress. This study was designed to determine the effects of social support and oxytocin on cortisol, mood, and anxiety responses to psychosocial stress in humans. METHODS In a placebo-controlled, double-blind study, 37 healthy men were exposed to the Trier Social Stress Test. All participants were randomly assigned to receive intranasal oxytocin (24 IU) or placebo 50 min before stress, and either social support from their best friend during the preparation period or no social support. RESULTS Salivary free cortisol levels were suppressed by social support in response to stress. Comparisons of pre- and poststress anxiety levels revealed an anxiolytic effect of oxytocin. More importantly, the combination of oxytocin and social support exhibited the lowest cortisol concentrations as well as increased calmness and decreased anxiety during stress. CONCLUSIONS Oxytocin seems to enhance the buffering effect of social support on stress responsiveness. These results concur with data from animal research suggesting an important role of oxytocin as an underlying biological mechanism for stress-protective effects of positive social interactions.
When subjects are required to generate a random sequence of numbers they typically produce too many forward and backward 'counts' (e.g. 5-6, 4-3). This counting bias is interpreted as the consequence of an interference by overlearned tendencies to arrange numbers according to their natural order. Inhibition of such well-learned routines is known to rely on frontal lobe functioning. We examined differential effects of slow (1 Hz) and fast (10 Hz) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the left or right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) on random number generation (RNG) performance. Eighteen healthy men performed an RNG task. Those subjects stimulated over the left DLPFC showed a frequency-dependent rTMS effect: counting bias was significantly reduced after the 1 Hz stimulation compared with baseline, but significantly exaggerated after the 10 Hz stimulation compared with 1 Hz stimulation. In contrast, the sequences of the subjects stimulated over the right DLPFC showed the well-known excess of counting in all conditions (i.e. baseline, 1 Hz and 10 Hz). These findings confirm the functional importance of specifically the left DLPFC in sequential response production and show, for the first time, that rTMS affects cognitive processing in a frequency-dependent manner.
PURPOSE To determine the variability of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values in various anatomic regions in the upper abdomen measured with magnetic resonance (MR) systems from different vendors and with different field strengths. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ten healthy men (mean age, 36.6 years ± 7.7 [standard deviation]) gave written informed consent to participate in this prospective ethics committee-approved study. Diffusion-weighted (DW) MR imaging was performed in each subject with 1.5- and 3.0-T MR systems from each of three vendors at two institutions. Two readers independently measured ADC values in seven upper abdominal regions (left and right liver lobe, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and renal cortex and medulla). ADC values were tested for interobserver differences, as well as for differences related to field strength and vendor, with repeated-measures analysis of variance; coefficients of variation (CVs) and variance components were calculated. RESULTS Interreader agreement was excellent (intraclass coefficient, 0.876). ADC values were (77.5-88.8) ×10(-5) mm(2)/sec in the spleen and (250.6-278.5) ×10(-5) mm(2)/sec in the gallbladder. There were no significant differences between ADC values measured at 1.5 T and those measured at 3.0 T in any anatomic region (P >.10 for all). In two of seven regions at 1.5 T (left and right liver lobes, P < .023) and in four of seven regions at 3.0 T (left liver lobe, pancreas, and renal cortex and medulla, P < .008), intervendor differences were significant. CVs ranged from 7.0% to 27.1% depending on the anatomic location. CONCLUSION Despite significant intervendor differences in ADC values of various anatomic regions of the upper abdomen, ADC values of the gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and kidney may be comparable between MR systems from different vendors and between different field strengths.
Anticipatory cognitive stress appraisal (ACSA) can affect the stress-induced release of stress hormones, which, in turn, can modulate microbicidal potential of macrophages. This study examines whether ACSA modulates wound-induced activation of macrophage microbicidal potential in 22 acutely stressed compared to 17 nonstressed healthy men. After catheter-induced wound infliction and completing the ACSA questionnaire, the stress group underwent an acute mental stress task, while the nonstressed group did not. Macrophage microbicidal potential and stress hormones were repeatedly measured. In acutely stressed men, but not in nonstressed men, higher scores in ACSA related to lower macrophage microbicidal potential. This association was statistically mediated by the norepinephrine (NE) stress response. Our data suggest that ACSA modulates stress-induced suppression of wound-induced macrophage activation and that the NE stress response underlies this effect.
Anthracnose fruit rot (AFR) of strawberry is caused by three Colletotrichum spp. In the Midwest, however, only Colletotrichum acutatum is found. This fungus can attach itself to apparently healthy plants and spread throughout without causing symptoms on the foliage. When fruit begin to ripen and weather conditions are rainy and warm, AFR can suddenly cause great damage to the fruit. To protect against AFR where it has appeared in the past, growers need to spray every 7 to 10 days beginning at the start of bloom until harvest.
Monilinia spp. (M. laxa, M. fructigena y M. fructicola) causa marchitez en brotes y flores, chancros en ramas y podredumbre de la fruta de hueso provocando pérdidas económicas importantes en años con climatología favorable para el desarrollo de la enfermedad, particularmente en variedades tardías de melocotonero y nectarino. En estos huéspedes en España, hasta el momento, la especie predominante es M. laxa y, en menor proporción, M. fructigena. La reciente introducción en Europa de la especie de cuarentena M. fructicola hace necesaria una detección e identificación rápida de cada una de las especies. Además, hay diversos aspectos de la etiología y epidemiología de la enfermedad que no se conocen en las condiciones de cultivo españolas. En un primer objetivo de esta Tesis se ha abordado la detección e identificación de las especies de Monilinia spp. causantes de podredumbre parda. El estudio de las bases epidemiológicas para el control de la enfermedad constituye el fin del segundo objetivo. Para la detección del género Monilinia en material vegetal por PCR, diferenciándolo de otros hongos presentes en la superficie del melocotonero, se diseñaron una pareja de cebadores siguiendo un análisis del ADN ribosomal. La discriminación entre especies de Monilinia se consiguió utilizando marcadores SCAR (región amplificada de secuencia caracterizada), obtenidos después de un estudio de marcadores polimórficos de ADN amplificados al azar (RAPDs). También fue diseñado un control interno de amplificación (CI) basado en la utilización de un plásmido con secuencias de los cebadores diferenciadores del género, para ser utilizado en el protocolo de diagnóstico de la podredumbre parda con el fin de reconocer falsos negativos debidos a la inhibición de PCR por componentes celulares del material vegetal. Se disponía de un kit comercial que permitía distinguir Monilinia de otros géneros y M. fructicola del resto de especies mediante anticuerpos monoclonales utilizando la técnica DAS-ELISA. En esta Tesis se probaron diferentes fuentes de material como micelio ó conidias procedentes de cultivos en APD, o el micelio de la superficie de frutas o de momias frescas, como formas de antígeno. Los resultados obtenidos con ELISA se compararon con la identificación por métodos morfológico-culturales y por PCR con los cebadores desarrollados en esta Tesis. Los resultados demostraron la posibilidad de una detección temprana en frutas frescas por este método, realzando las posibilidades de una diagnosis temprana para una prevención más eficaz de M. fructicola en fruta de hueso. El estudio epidemiológico de la enfermedad comenzó con la determinación de las principales fuentes de inóculo primario y su importancia relativa en melocotoneros y nectarinos del valle del Ebro. Para ello se muestrearon 9 huertos durante los años 2003 a 2005 recogiendo todas las momias, frutos abortados, gomas, chancros, y brotes necróticos en los árboles. También se recogieron brotes aparentemente sanos y muestras de material vegetal situados en el suelo. En estas muestras se determinó la presencia de Monilinia spp. Los resultados mostraron que la fuente principal de inóculo son las momias que se quedan en los árboles en las que la supervivencia del hongo tras el invierno es muy alta. También son fuentes de inóculo las momias del suelo y los brotes necróticos. De aquí se deriva que una recomendación importante para los agricultores es que deben eliminar este material de los huertos. Un aspecto no estudiado en melocotonero o nectarino en España es la posible relación que puede darse entre la incidencia de infecciones latentes en los frutos inmaduros a lo largo del cultivo y la incidencia de podredumbre en los frutos en el momento de la recolección y en postcosecha. Esta relación se había observado previamente en otros frutales de hueso infectados con M. fructicola en diversos países del mundo. Para estudiar esta relación se realizaron ensayos en cinco huertos comerciales de melocotonero y nectarino situados en el Valle del Ebro en cuatro estados fenológicos durante los años 2000-2002. No se observaron infecciones latentes en botón rosa, dándose la máxima incidencia en precosecha, aunque en algunos huertos se daba otro pico en el endurecimiento del embrión. La especie prevaleciente fue M. laxa. Se obtuvo una correlación positiva significativa entre la incidencia de infecciones latentes y la incidencia de podredumbre en postcosecha. Se desarrolló también un modelo de predicción de las infecciones latentes en función de la temperatura (T) y el periodo de humectación (W). Este modelo indicaba que T y W explicaban el 83% de la variación en la incidencia de infecciones latentes causadas por Monilinia spp. Por debajo de 8ºC no se predecían latentes, necesitándose más de 22h de W para predecir la ocurrencia de latentes con T = 8ºC, mientras que solo se necesitaban 5h de W a 25ºC. Se hicieron también ensayos en condiciones controladas para determinar la relación entre la incidencia de las infecciones latentes, las condiciones ambientales (T y W), la concentración de inóculo del patógeno (I) y el estado de desarrollo del huésped (S) y para validar el modelo de predicción desarrollado con los experimentos de campo. Estos ensayos se llevaron cabo con flores y frutos de nectarino procedentes de un huerto comercial en seis estados fenológicos en los años 2004 y 2005, demostrándose que la incidencia de podredumbre en postcosecha y de infecciones latentes estaba afectada por T, W, I y S. En los frutos se producían infecciones latentes cuando la T no era adecuada para el desarrollo de podredumbre. Una vez desarrollado el embrión eran necesarias más de 4-5h de W al día y un inóculo superior a 104 conidias ml-1 para que se desarrollase o podredumbre o infección latente. La ecuación del modelo obtenido con los datos de campo era capaz de predecir los datos observados en estos experimentos. Para evaluar el efecto del inóculo de Monilinia spp. en la incidencia de infecciones latentes y de podredumbre de frutos en postcosecha se hicieron 11 experimentos en huertos comerciales de melocotonero y nectarino del Valle del Ebro durante 2002 a 2005. Se observó una correlación positiva entre los números de conidias de Monilinia spp. en la superficie de los frutos y la incidencia de infecciones latentes De los estudios anteriores se deducen otras dos recomendaciones importantes para los agricultores: las estrategias de control deben tener en cuenta las infecciones latentes y estimar el riesgo potencial de las mismas basándose en la T y W. Deben tener también en cuenta la concentración de esporas de Monilinia spp. en la superficie de los frutos para disminuir el riesgo de podredumbre parda. El conocimiento de la estructura poblacional de los patógenos sienta las bases para establecer métodos más eficaces de manejo de las enfermedades. Por ello en esta Tesis se ha estudiado el grado de diversidad genética entre distintas poblaciones de M. laxa en diferentes localidades españolas utilizando 144 marcadores RAPDs (59 polimórficos y 85 monomórficos) y 21 aislados. El análisis de la estructura de la población reveló que la diversidad genética dentro de las subpoblaciones (huertos) (HS) representaba el 97% de la diversidad genética (HT), mientras que la diversidad genética entre subpoblaciones (DST) sólo representaba un 3% del total de esta diversidad. La magnitud relativa de la diferenciación génica entre subpoblaciones (GST) alcanzaba 0,032 y el número estimado de migrantes por generación (Nm) fue de 15,1. Los resultados obtenidos en los dendrogramas estaban de acuerdo con el análisis de diversidad génica. Las agrupaciones obtenidas eran independientes del huerto de procedencia, año o huésped. En la Tesis se discute la importancia relativa de las diferentes fuentes evolutivas en las poblaciones de M. laxa. Finalmente se realizó un muestreo en distintos huertos de melocotonero y nectarino del Valle del Ebro para determinar la existencia o no de aislados resistentes a los fungicidas del grupo de los benzimidazoles y las dicarboximidas, fungicidas utilizados habitualmente para el control de la podredumbre parda y con alto riesgo de desarrollar resistencia en las poblaciones patógenas. El análisis de 114 aislados de M. laxa con los fungicidas Benomilo (bencimidazol) (1Bg m.a ml-1), e Iprodiona (dicarboximida) (5Bg m.a ml-1), mostró que ninguno era resistente en las dosis ensayadas. Monilinia spp. (M. laxa, M. fructigena and M. fructicola) cause bud and flower wilt, canker in branches and stone fruit rot giving rise important economic losses in years with appropriate environmental conditions, it is particularly important in late varieties of peach and nectarine. Right now, M. laxa is the major species for peach and nectarine in Spain followed by M. fructigena, in a smaller proportion. The recent introduction of the quarantine organism M. fructicola in Europe makes detection and identification of each one of the species necessary. In addition, there are different aspects of disease etiology and epidemiology that are not well known in Spain conditions. The first goal of this Thesis was the detection and identification of Monilinia spp. causing brown rot. Study of the epidemiology basis for disease control was the second objective. A pair of primers for PCR detection was designed based on the ribosomal DNA sequence in order to detect Monilinia spp. in plant material and to discriminate it from other fungi colonizing peach tree surface. Discrimination among Monilinia spp. was successful by SCAR markers (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region), obtained after a random amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) study. An internal control for the PCR (CI) based on the use of a mimic plasmid designed on the primers specific for Monilinia was constructed to be used in diagnosis protocol for brown rot in order to avoid false negatives due to the inhibition of PCR as consequence of remained plant material. A commercial kit based on DAS-ELISA and monoclonals antibodies was successfully tested to distinguish Monilinia from other fungus genera and M. fructicola from other Monilinia species. Different materials such as micelium or conidias from APD cultures, or micelium from fresh fruit surfaces or mummies were tested in this Thesis, as antigens. Results obtained by ELISA were compared to classical identification by morphologic methods and PCR with the primers developed in this Thesis. Results demonstrated the possibility of an early detection in fresh fruits by this method for a more effective prevention of M. fructicola in stone fruit. The epidemiology study of the disease started with the determination of the main sources of primary inoculum and its relative importance in peach trees and nectarines in the Ebro valley. Nine orchards were evaluated during years 2003 to 2005 collecting all mummies, aborted fruits, rubbers, cankers, and necrotic buds from the trees. Apparently healthy buds and plant material located in the ground were also collected. In these samples presence of Monilinia spp. was determined. Results showed that the main inoculum sources are mummies that stay in the trees and where fungus survival after the winter is very high. Mummies on the ground and the necrotics buds are also sources of inoculum. As consequence of this an important recommendation for the growers is the removal of this material of the orchards. An important issue not well studied in peach or nectarine in Spain is the possible relationship between the incidence of latent infections in the immature fruits and the incidence of fruit rot at harvesting and postharvesting. This relationship had been previously shown in other stone fruit trees infected with M. fructicola in different countries over the world. In order to study this relationship experiments were run in five commercial peach and nectarine orchards located in the Ebro Valley in four phenologic states from 2000 to 2002. Latent infections were not observed in pink button, the maxima incidence arise in preharvest, although in some orchards another increase occurred in the embryo hardening. The most prevalence species was M. laxa. A significant positive correlation between the incidence of latent infections and the incidence of rot in postharvest was obtained. A prediction model of the latent infections based on the temperature (T) and the wetness duration (W) was also developed. This model showed that T and W explained 83% of the variation in latent infection incidence caused by Monilinia spp. Below 8ºC latent infection was not predicted, more than 22h of W with T = 8ºC were needed to predict latent infection occurrence of, whereas at 25ºC just 5h of W were enough. Tests under controlled conditions were also made to determine the relationship among latent infections incidence, environmental conditions (T and W), inoculum concentration of the pathogen (I) and development state of the host (S) to validate the prediction model developed on the field experiments. These tests were made with flowers and fruits of nectarine coming from a commercial orchard, in six phenologic states in 2004 and 2005, showing that incidence of rot in postharvest and latent infections were affected by T, W, I and S. In fruits latent infections took place when the T was not suitable for rot development. Once developed the embryo, more than 4-5h of W per day and higher inoculums (104 conidia ml-1) were necessary for rot or latent infection development. The equation of the model obtained with the field data was able to predict the data observed in these experiments. In order to evaluate the effect of inoculum of Monilinia spp. in the incidence of latent infections and of rot of fruits in postharvest, 11 experiments in commercial orchards of peach and nectarine of the Ebro Valley were performed from 2002 to 2005. A positive correlation between the conidial numbers of Monilinia spp. in the surface of the fruits and the incidence of latent infections was observed. Based on those studies other two important recommendations for the agriculturists are deduced: control strategies must consider the latent infections and potential risk based on the T and W. Spores concentration of Monilinia spp. in the surface of fruits must be also taken in concern to reduce the brown rot risk. The knowledge of the population structure of the pathogens determines the bases to establish more effective methods of diseases handling. For that reason in this Thesis the degree of genetic diversity among different M. laxa populations has been studied in different Spanish locations using 144 RAPDs markers (59 polymorphic and 85 monomorphics) on 21 fungal isolates. The analysis of the structure of the population revealed that the genetic diversity within the subpopulations (orchards) (HS) represented 97% of the genetic diversity (HT), whereas the genetic diversity between subpopulations (DST) only represented a 3% of the total of this diversity. The relative magnitude of the genic differentiation between subpopulations (GST) reached 0.032 and the considered number of migrantes by generation (Nm) was of 15.1. The results obtained in dendrograms were in agreement with the analysis of genic diversity. The obtained groupings were independent of the orchard of origin, year or host. In the Thesis the relative importance of the different evolutionary sources in the populations from M. laxa is discussed. Finally a sampling of resistant isolates in different orchards from peach and nectarine of Ebro Valley was made to determine the existence of fungicide resistance of the group of benzimidazoles and the dicarboximidas, fungicides used habitually for the control of rot brown and with high risk of resistance developing in the pathogenic populations. The analysis of 114 isolated ones of M. laxa with the fungicides Benomilo (bencimidazol) (1Bg m.a ml-1), and Iprodiona (dicarboximida) (5Bg m.a ml-1), showed no resistant in the doses evaluated.
Uteroglobin (UG) is a multifunctional, secreted protein that has receptor-mediated functions. The human UG (hUG) gene is mapped to chromosome 11q12.2–13.1, a region frequently rearranged or deleted in many cancers. Although high levels of hUG expression are characteristic of the mucosal epithelia of many organs, hUG expression is either drastically reduced or totally absent in adenocarcinomas and in viral-transformed epithelial cells derived from the same organs. In agreement with these findings, in an ongoing study to evaluate the effects of aging on UG-knockout mice, 16/16 animals developed malignant tumors, whereas the wild-type littermates (n = 25) remained apparently healthy even after 1½ years. In the present investigation, we sought to determine the effects of induced-expression of hUG in human cancer cells by transfecting several cell lines derived from adenocarcinomas of various organs with an hUG-cDNA construct. We demonstrate that induced hUG expression reverses at least two of the most important characteristics of the transformed phenotype (i.e., anchorage-independent growth on soft agar and extracellular matrix invasion) of only those cancer cells that also express the hUG receptor. Similarly, treatment of the nontransfected, receptor-positive adenocarcinoma cells with purified recombinant hUG yielded identical results. Taken together, these data define receptor-mediated, autocrine and paracrine pathways through which hUG reverses the transformed phenotype of cancer cells and consequently, may have tumor suppressor-like effects.
Experimental lemurs either were infected orally with the agent of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or were maintained as uninfected control animals. Immunohistochemical examination for proteinase-resistant protein (prion protein or PrP) was performed on tissues from two infected but still asymptomatic lemurs, killed 5 months after infection, and from three uninfected control lemurs. Control tissues showed no staining, whereas PrP was detected in the infected animals in tonsil, gastrointestinal tract and associated lymphatic tissues, and spleen. In addition, PrP was detected in ventral and dorsal roots of the cervical spinal cord, and within the spinal cord PrP could be traced in nerve tracts as far as the cerebral cortex. Similar patterns of PrP immunoreactivity were seen in two symptomatic and 18 apparently healthy lemurs in three different French primate centers, all of which had been fed diets supplemented with a beef protein product manufactured by a British company that has since ceased to include beef in its veterinary nutritional products. This study of BSE-infected lemurs early in their incubation period extends previous pathogenesis studies of the distribution of infectivity and PrP in natural and experimental scrapie. The similarity of neuropathology and PrP immunostaining patterns in experimentally infected animals to those observed in both symptomatic and asymptomatic animals in primate centers suggests that BSE contamination of zoo animals may have been more widespread than is generally appreciated.
The current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C, as proposed by the Food and Nutrition Board/National Research Council in 1980 and reconfirmed in 1989, is 60 mg daily for nonsmoking adult males. Levine et al. [Levine, M., Conry-Cantilena, C., Wang, Y., Welch, R. W., Washko, P. W., et al. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 3704–3709], based on a study of vitamin C pharmacokinetics in seven healthy men, have now proposed that the RDA should be increased to 200 mg daily. I have examined, in brief, the experimental and conceptual bases for this new recommendation and its implications for public health and nutrition policy and programs. Using, for illustrative purposes only, data extracted from each of two recent dietary surveys of noninstitutionalized adult males living in households in the Netherlands and the United States, it is predicted that the prevalence of intakes inadequate to meet the individual’s own requirement would be about 96% or 84%, respectively, if the criteria of adequacy used for derivation of the 200 mg RDA are accepted. Depending upon the particular average requirement value for ascorbic acid that might be derived from their data, the proposal by Levine et al. would mean a desirable increase in mean intakes in these two populations by as much about 2- to 3-fold. Hence, before an action of this kind is to be recommended, an answer must be sought to the question whether current experimental data including the criteria selected (saturation kinetics) are adequate to establish a new set of requirements for vitamin C, which then carry such profound policy implications. This will require critical assessment of all of the available evidence emerging from laboratory, clinical, and epidemiological studies to determine whether it provides a sufficient rationale for accepting criteria of vitamin C adequacy such as those proposed by Levine et al. and the requirement estimates so derived.
Introdução: Baixas concentrações séricas de hidroxivitamina D (25[OH]D) e o excesso de peso atingiram níveis epidêmicos em todo o mundo. Estudos relatam que concentrações séricas de vitamina D estão associadas às alterações lipídicas, glicolíticas e inflamatórias; e estas alterações são conhecidamente mediadas pela adiposidade. Dessa forma, a vitamina D pode atuar de forma benéfica sobre o perfil metabólico em adolescentes, adultos e idosos. Objetivo: Investigar e descrever as associações entre as concentrações séricas de 25(OH)D e o perfil metabólico, mediadas pela adiposidade em adolescentes, adultos e idosos. Metodologia: Inicialmente, foi utilizada subamostra do Inquérito de Saúde de São Paulo (ISA-Capital), estudo transversal, de base populacional (n=281), para investigar a associação entre as concentrações séricas de vitamina D e marcadores inflamatórios em adultos brasileiros. Posteriormente, foram utilizados dados do estudo Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescents-(HELENA), estudo multicêntrico transversal da população de adolescentes européia, com o intuito de avaliar as alterações nos marcadores lipídicos e de homeostase da glicose mediados pela deficiência de vitamina D e obesidade. Finalmente, foi analisada a amostra do estudo PHYSMED, um estudo transversal com idosos não institucionalizados para verificar associações entre concentrações séricas de vitamina D, perfil lipídico e composição corporal em idosos espanhóis aparentemente saudáveis. Resultados: Nos adultos, observou-se uma associação negativa entre as concentrações de TNF-alfa e de IL-6 e as concentrações séricas de 25(OH)D em indivíduos com peso normal. Nos adolescentes, as concentrações de 25(OH)D foram associadas de forma independente e positiva com o Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index-QUICKI (p <0.001) e negativamente associada com o IMC (p <0.05). Também foi observado que o aumento do IMC esteve associado com um aumento de 1.93 vezes maior chance de deficiência de vitamina D (IC de 95 por cento = 1.03 - 3.62; p = 0.040). Em idosos, verificou-se que as concentrações séricas de 25(OH)D foram associadas com o IMC (p = 0.04), a circunferência da cintura (p = 0.004), CT/HDL-c (p = 0.026) e o HDL-c (p = 0.001). Adicionalmente, foi observado que idosos com concentrações de HDL-c <40mg/dl possuíam 1.7 vezes maior chance de apresentarem deficiência de vitamina D em comparação com aqueles que possuíam concentrações de HDL-c >40 mg/dl (95 por cento IC = 1.10 a 2.85; p = 0.017) e o aumento na circunferência da cintura também foi associado com um maior risco de deficiência de vitamina D (95 por cento IC =0.96-1.00; p = 0.04). Conclusão: A composição corporal interage com as concentrações de 25(OH)D modulando a resposta inflamatória, à homeostase da glicose e também o perfil lipídico. Indivíduos sem deficiência de vitamina D apresentam melhor perfil metabólico e também melhor composição, sugerindo que a suficiência de vitamina D pode ter um papel importante nas condições metabólicas mediadas pela adiposidade.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Objective-Although physical activity is beneficial to health, people who exercise at high intensities throughout their lifetime may have increased cardiovascular risk. Aerobic exercise increases oxidative stress and may contribute to atherogenesis by augmented oxidation of plasma lipoproteins. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between aerobic power and markers of oxidative stress, including the susceptibility of plasma to oxidation. Methods and results-Aerobic power was measured in 24 healthy men aged 29 9 years (mean +/- SD). Plasma was analysed from subjects of high aerobic power (HAP; VO(2)max, 64.6 +/- 6.1 ml/kg/min) and lower aerobic power (LAP;VO(2)max, 45.1 +/- 6.3 ml/kg/min) for total antioxidant capacity (TAC), malondialdehyde (MDA) and susceptibility to oxidation. Three measures were used to quantify plasma oxidizability: (1) lag time to conjugated diene formation (lag time); (2) change in absorbance at 234 nm and; (3) slope of the oxidation curve during propagation (slope). The HAP subjects had significantly lowerTAC (1.38 +/- 0.04 versus 1.42 +/- 0.06 TEAC units; P < 0.05), significantly higher change in absorbance (1.55 +/- 0.21 versus 1.36 +/- 0.17 arbitrary units; P < 0.05), but no difference in MDA (P = 0.6), compared to LAP subjects. There was a significant inverse association between TAC and slope (r = -0.49; P < 0.05). Lipoprotein profiles and daily intake of nutrients did not differ between the groups. Conclusions-These findings suggest that people with high aerobic power, due to extreme endurance exercise, have plasma with decreased antioxidant capacity and higher susceptibility to oxidation, which may increase their cardiovascular risk.
Purpose of review Heart failure and diabetes mellitus are frequently associated, and diabetes appears to potentiate the clinical presentation of heart failure related to other causes. The purpose of this review is to examine recent advances in the application of tissue Doppler imaging for the assessment of diabetic heart disease. Recent findings Recent studies have documented that both myocardial systolic and diastolic abnormalities can be identified in apparently healthy patients with diabetes and no overt cardiac dysfunction. Interestingly, these are disturbances of longitudinal function, with compensatory increases of radial function-suggesting primary involvement of the subendocardium, which is a hallmark of myocardial ischemia. Despite this, there is limited evidence that diabetic microangiopathy is responsible-with reduced myocardial blood volume rather than reduced resting flow, and at least some evidence suggesting a normal increment of tissue velocity with stress. Finally, a few correlative studies have shown association of diabetic myocardial disease with poor glycemic control, while angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition may be protective. Summary Tissue Doppler imaging (and the related technique of strain rate imaging) appears to be extremely effective for the identification of subclinical LV dysfunction in diabetic patients It is hoped that the recognition of this condition will prompt specific therapy to prevent the development of overt LV dysfunction.