858 resultados para Antigenic Determinants


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Posttranscriptional control is known to contribute to the regulation of secondary metabolism and virulence determinants in certain gram-negative bacteria. Here we report the isolation of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa gene which encodes a global translational regulatory protein, RsmA (regulator of secondary metabolites). Overexpression of rsmA resulted in a substantial reduction in the levels of extracellular products, including protease, elastase, and staphylolytic (LasA protease) activity as well as the PA-IL lectin, hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and the phenazine pigment pyocyanin. While inactivation of rsmA in P. aeruginosa had only minor effects on the extracellular enzymes and the PA-IL lectin, the production of HCN and pyocyanin was enhanced during the exponential phase. The influence of RsmA on N-acylhomoserine lactone-mediated quorum sensing was determined by assaying the levels of N-(3-oxododecanoyl)homoserine lactone (3-oxo-C12-HSL) and N-butanoylhomoserine lactone (C4-HSL) produced by the rsmA mutant and the rsmA-overexpressing strain. RsmA exerted a negative effect on the synthesis of both 3-oxo-C12-HSL and C4-HSL, which was confirmed by using lasI and rhlI translational fusions. These data also highlighted the temporal expression control of the lasI gene, which was induced much earlier and to a higher level during the exponential growth phase in an rsmA mutant. To investigate whether RsmA modulates HCN production solely via quorum-sensing control, hcn translational fusions were employed to monitor the regulation of the cyanide biosynthesis genes (hcnABC). RsmA was shown to exert an additional negative effect on cyanogenesis posttranscriptionally by acting on a region surrounding the hcnA ribosome-binding site. This suggests that, in P. aeruginosa, RsmA functions as a pleiotropic posttranscriptional regulator of secondary metabolites directly and also indirectly by modulating the quorum-sensing circuitry.


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BACKGROUND Obeche wood dust is a known cause of occupational asthma where an IgE-mediated mechanism has been demonstrated. OBJECTIVE To characterize the allergenic profile of obeche wood dust and evaluate the reactivity of the proteins by in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays in carpenters with confirmed rhinitis and/or asthma MATERIALS AND METHODS An in-house obeche extract was obtained, and two IgE binding bands were purified (24 and 12 kDa) and sequenced by N-terminal identity. Specific IgE and IgG, basophil activation tests and skin prick tests (SPTs) were performed with whole extract and purified proteins. CCD binding was analyzed by ELISA inhibition studies. RESULTS Sixty-two subjects participated: 12 with confirmed occupational asthma/rhinitis (ORA+), 40 asymptomatic exposed (ORA-), and 10 controls. Of the confirmed subjects, 83% had a positive SPT to obeche. There was a 100% recognition by ELISA in symptomatic subjects vs. 30% and 10% in asymptomatic exposed subjects and controls respectively (p<0.05). Two new proteins were purified, a 24 kDa protein identified as a putative thaumatin-like protein and a 12 kDa gamma-expansin. Both showed allergenic activity in vitro, with the putative thaumatin being the most active, with 92% recognition by ELISA and 100% by basophil activation test in ORA+ subjects. Cross-reactivity due to CCD was ruled out in 82% of cases. CONCLUSIONS Two proteins of obeche wood were identified and were recognized by a high percentage of symptomatic subjects and by a small proportion of asymptomatic exposed subjects. Further studies are required to evaluate cross reactivity with other plant allergens.


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The aim of the present study was to analyse Taenia solium metacestode antigens that were derived from the unbound fraction of jacalin affinity chromatography and subsequent tert-octylphenoxy poly (oxyethylene) ethanol Triton X-114 (TX-114) partitioning in the diagnosis of human neurocysticercosis (NCC). Immunoassays were designed to detect T. solium-specific IgG antibodies by ELISA and immunoblot. Serum samples were collected from 132 individuals who were categorised as follows: 40 had NCC, 62 presented Taenia spp or other parasitic diseases and 30 were healthy individuals. The jacalin-unbound (J unbound ) fraction presented higher sensitivity and specificity rates than the jacalin-bound fraction and only this fraction was subjected to subsequent TX-114 partitioning, resulting in detergent (DJ unbound ) and aqueous (AJ unbound ) fractions. The ELISA sensitivity and specificity were 85% and 84.8% for J unbound , 92.5% and 93.5% for DJ unbound and 82.5% and 82.6% for AJ unbound . By immunoblot, the DJ unbound fraction showed 100% sensitivity and specificity and only serum samples from patients with NCC recognised the 50-70 kDa T. solium-specific components. We conclude that the DJ unbound fraction can serve as a useful tool for the differential immunodiagnosis of NCC by immunoblot.


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High quinolone resistance rates were observed among oxyiminocephalosporin-resistant enterobacteria. In the present study, we searched for the prevalence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) genes within the 55 oxyiminocephalosporin-resistant enterobacteria collected in a previous survey. The main PMQR determinants were aac(6')-Ib-cr and qnrB, which had prevalence rates of 42.4% and 33.3%, respectively. The aac(6')-Ib-crgene was more frequently found in CTX-M-15-producing isolates, while qnrB was homogeneously distributed among all CTX-M producers.


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Regional policies aiming to attract new firms are largely based on evidence that originates from Europe, the USA and Japan. This may raise doubts about the usefulness of such policies when applied to developing economies. This paper addresses this issue by providing estimates of the determinants of firm entry in the Argentinean provinces. We find that most of the determinants used in previous studies analysing developed countries are still relevant. However, there is a need for additional explanatory variables that reflect the specificities of developing economies. Key words: firm entry, regional economics, Argentina. JEL: R12; R30; C33


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Asymptomatic hyperuricemia affects one in five adults in the general population and is associated with elevated cardiovascular risk. It is however not clear whether asymptomatic hyperuricemia is a cause or simply a marker of conditions associated with high cardiovascular risk. Sex, age, obesity, renal function and selected drugs are major determinants of serum uric acid. Moreover, recent genome-wide association studies have identified new genes involved in the control of serum uric acid levels, in particular SLC2A9, which encodes a urate transporter located in the kidney. A genetic score based on several genetic variants associated with serum uric acid is strongly associated with the risk of gout, but not with cardiovascular events so far.


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The public primary school system in the State of Geneva, Switzerland, is characterized by centrally evaluated pupil performance measured with the use of standardized tests. As a result, consistent data are collected among the system. The 2010-2011 dataset is used to develop a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) of school efficiency. In the first stage, DEA is employed to calculate an individual efficiency score for each school. It shows that, on average, each school could reduce its inputs by 7% whilst maintaining the same quality of pupil performance. The cause of inefficiency lies in perfectible management. In the second stage, efficiency is regressed on school characteristics and environmental variables;external factors outside of the control of headteachers. The model is tested for multicollinearity, heteroskedasticity and endogeneity. Four variables are identified as statistically significant. School efficiency is negatively influenced by (1) the provision of special education, (2) the proportion of disadvantaged pupils enrolled at the school and (3) operations being held on multiple sites, but positively influenced by school size (captured by the number of pupils). The proportion of allophone pupils; schools located in urban areas and the provision of reception classes for immigrant pupils are not significant. Although the significant variables influencing school efficiency are outside of the control of headteachers, it is still possible to either boost the positive impact or curb the negative impact. Dans le canton de Genève (Suisse), les écoles publiques primaires sont caractérisées par un financement assuré par les collectivités publiques (canton et communes) et par une évaluation des élèves à l'aide d'épreuves standardisées à trois moments distincts de leur scolarité. Cela permet de réunir des informations statistiques consistantes. La base de données de l'année 2010-2011 est utilisée dans une analyse en deux étapes de l'efficience des écoles. Dans une première étape, la méthode d'analyse des données par enveloppement (DEA) est utilisée pour calculer un score d'efficience pour chaque école. Cette analyse démontre que l'efficience moyenne des écoles s'élève à 93%. Chaque école pourrait, en moyenne, réduire ses ressources de 7% tout en conservant constants les résultats des élèves aux épreuves standardisées. La source de l'inefficience réside dans un management des écoles perfectible. Dans une seconde étape, les scores d'efficience sont régressés sur les caractéristiques des écoles et sur des variables environnementales. Ces variables ne sont pas sous le contrôle (ou l'influence) des directeurs d'école. Le modèle est testé pour la multicolinéartié, l'hétéroscédasticité et l'endogénéité. Quatre variables sont statistiquement significatives. L'efficience des écoles est influencée négativement par (1) le fait d'offrir un enseignement spécialisé en classe séparée, (2) la proporition d'élèves défavorisés et (3) le fait d'opérer sur plusieurs sites différents. L'efficience des écoles est influencée positivement par la taille de l'école, mesurée par le nombre d'élèves. La proporition d'élèves allophones, le fait d'être situé dans une zone urbaine et d'offrir des classes d'accueil pour les élèves immigrants constituent autant de variables non significatives. Le fait que les variables qui influencent l'efficience des écoles ne soient pas sous le contrôle des directeurs ne signifie pas qu'il faille céder au fatalisme. Différentes pistes sont proposées pour permettre soit de réduire l'impact négatif soit de tirer parti de l'impact positif des variables significatives.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 2 (NS2) is required for HCV polyprotein processing and particle assembly. It comprises an N-terminal membrane domain and a C-terminal, cytosolically oriented protease domain. Here, we demonstrate that the NS2 protease domain itself associates with cellular membranes. A single charged residue in the second α-helix of the NS2 protease domain is required for proper membrane association, NS2 protein stability, and efficient HCV polyprotein processing.


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Investigating the factors affecting the strength of sexual selection is important for understanding the evolution of sex-specific morphological and behavioural traits. Traditionally, sexual selection studies focus on male ornaments, although recent evidence indicates that sexual selection mechanisms also target organismal performance. In the present study, we investigated the role of sexually dimorphic morphological and performance traits of the common (viviparous) lizard (Zootoca vivipara, Jacquin 1787) with respect to determining mating behaviour. Using an experimental set-up controlling for size differences, we found that males with longer tails had a higher probability of mating a female. Unexpectedly, males with lower bite forces had an advantage over males with higher bite forces, whereas males with bigger heads copulated for a longer time with the female. This shows that predicting mating success is not straightforward and is sometimes counterintuitive because a longer tail appears to be beneficial, whereas biting harder is not, for male Z. vivipara in a male-female interaction context


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A is a membrane-associated multifunctional protein harboring serine protease and RNA helicase activities. It is an essential component of the HCV replication complex and a prime target for antiviral intervention. Here, we show that membrane association and structural organization of HCV NS3-4A are ensured in a cooperative manner by two membrane-binding determinants. We demonstrate that the N-terminal 21 amino acids of NS4A form a transmembrane alpha-helix that may be involved in intramembrane protein-protein interactions important for the assembly of a functional replication complex. In addition, we demonstrate that amphipathic helix alpha(0), formed by NS3 residues 12-23, serves as a second essential determinant for membrane association of NS3-4A, allowing proper positioning of the serine protease active site on the membrane. These results allowed us to propose a dynamic model for the membrane association, processing, and structural organization of NS3-4A on the membrane. This model has implications for the functional architecture of the HCV replication complex, proteolytic targeting of host factors, and drug design.


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This paper examines the role of human capital, individual entrepreneurial traits and the business environment on firms' life cycle and on job creation in Spain. For this purpose, we have constructed a pseudo-panel, by using the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor survey over the period 2001-2008. We have found that the creation, maturity and survival of firms were aided by the availability of bank credit and the large immigration inflows that Spain received over this period. However, of these two factors, only bank credit had a positive effect on the creation of jobs and on improving expectations of job expansion. The relatively high levels of youth unemployment experienced even before the crises of 2008 hurt the firm's chances of maturity and survival. The results also suggested that the gender gap in entrepreneurial activities had narrowed. In relative terms, women with higher levels of education were more likely to create mature firms than men. Based on the empirical findings and those of related literature, the paper offers policy recommendations to foster a sustainable entrepreneurial sector capable of contributing to the recovery of the Spanish economy.


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We have defined structural features that are apparently important for the binding of four different, unrelated antigenic epitopes to the same major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule, H-2Kd. The four epitopes are recognized in the form of synthetic peptides by cytotoxic T lymphocytes of the appropriate specificity. By analysis of the relative potency of truncated peptides, we demonstrated that for each of the four epitopes, optimal antigenic activity was present in a peptide of 9 or 10 amino acid residues. A comparison of the relative competitor activity of the different-length peptides in a functional competition assay, as well as in a direct binding assay based on photoaffinity labeling of the Kd molecule, indicated that the enhanced potency of the peptides upon reduction in length was most likely due to a higher affinity of the shorter peptides for the Kd molecule. A remarkably simple motif that appears to be important for the specific binding of Kd-restricted peptides was identified by the analysis of peptides containing amino acid substitutions or deletions. The motif consists of two elements, a Tyr in the second position relative to the NH2 terminus and a hydrophobic residue with a large aliphatic side chain (Leu, Ile, or Val) at the COOH-terminal end of the optimal 9- or 10-mer peptides. We demonstrated that a simple peptide analogue (AYP6L) that incorporates the motif can effectively and specifically interact with the Kd molecule. Moreover, all of the additional Kd-restricted epitopes defined thus far in the literature contain the motif, and it may thus be useful for the prediction of new epitopes recognized by T cells in the context of this MHC class I molecule.


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Late career is often seen as a more vulnerable life-stage in the labour market, in which workers may experience a deterioration in job quality. Using a life course perspective and longitudinal data, this article analyses the vulnerability associated with late career by focusing on four occupational dimensions: working-time, career continuity, retirement timing and income change. The research is carried out using data from Switzerland, a country where the age profile of the labour force is an increasing issue. The paper also adopts a cumulative disadvantage perspective to examine the impact of previous work and family life experiences on work life vulnerability at older age. Our data come from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARELIFE). The paper uses cluster analysis, sequence analysis and ordered logistic regression. Results show that women with previous family responsibilities resulting in long-term unemployment or caring, often with health complications, are more likely to be vulnerable to deterioration in job quality in late career. This suggests that experiences in the last period of the working life may be just as gendered as earlier periods.


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Actinic keratosis (AK) is the most common skin lesion with malignant potential, and one of the main reasons for consulting a dermatologist. Found predominantly on sun-exposed body sites in fairskinned, older and male subjects, AK is among the strongest predictors of skin cancer, and a precursor of SCC. However, estimates of prevalence and study of determinants of AK are relatively scarce and generally based on small, hospital-based series. Clinical suspicion of AK is a reliable predictor of diagnosis. The presence of AK is documented by dermatologists during the Euromelanoma screening examinations so that the Euromelanoma database probably constitutes the largest series of AK cases worldwide. This study aimed at (1) describing the prevalence and risk pattern of AK among Euromelanoma screenees during the 2009-2013 time period, and (2) identifying determinants of AK by means of multivariate analysis. In particular, the contribution of host characteristics, sun exposure and sunrelated behaviour to the risk of AK was explored. Results will be discussed in the light of this large, self-selected, Pan-European series.