992 resultados para Ammonium Compounds--Adsorption


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Ferroelectric phase transition in ammonium sulfate has been studied by ESR of CrO43- radical substituting for SO42- ion in (NH4)2SO4. In addition to discontinuous changes at Tc, certain continuous changes are observed in ESR parameters of this probe below Tc, which reflect the role of the sulfate ion in the phase transition. A microscopic mechanism of the phase transition is proposed and discussed in terms of the change of orientation of the sulfate tetrahedron through a finite angle. The degree of the change of orientation below Tc is thought to be the possible order parameter of the phase transition.


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The chemical shifts in the X-ray K-absorption edge of strontium in various compounds and in six minerals are measured using a single crystal X-ray spectrometer. Besides valence, the shifts are found to be governed by ionic charges on the absorbing ions, which are calculated employing Pauling's method. For the minerals the plot of chemical shift against the theoretically calculated ionic charges is used to determine the charges on the strontium ions.


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A systematic study was undertaken on the combustion and thermal decomposition of pelletized Ammonium Perchlorate (AP) to investigate the effects of pelletizing pressure and dwell time. At constant pressure, increasing the dwell time results in an increase in the burning rate up to a maximum and thereafter decreases it. The dwell time required for the pellets to have maximum burning rate is a function of pressure. The maximum burning rate is the same for all the pressures used and is also unaffected by increasing, to the range 90-250 μ, the particle size of AP used. In order to explain the occurrence of a maximum in burning rate, pellets were examined for their thermal sensitivities, physical nature and the changes occurring during pelletization with dwell time and pressure. The variations are argued in terms of increasing density, formation of defects such as dislocations leading to an increase in the number of reactive sites, followed by their partial annihilation at longer dwell times due to flow of material during pelletization.


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The role of different chemical compounds, particularly organics, involved in the new particle formation (NPF) and its consequent growth are not fully understood. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the chemical composition of aerosol particles during NPF events in an urban subtropical environment. Aerosol chemical composition was measured along with particle number size distribution (PNSD) and several other air quality parameters at five sites across an urban subtropical environment. An Aerodyne compact Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (c-TOF-AMS) and a TSI Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) measured aerosol chemical composition (particles above 50 nm in vacuum aerodynamic diameter) and PNSD (particles within 9-414 nm in mobility diameter), respectively. Five NPF events, with growth rates in the range 3.3-4.6 nm, were detected at two of the sites. The NPF events happened on relatively warmer days with lower condensation sink (CS). Temporal percent fractions of organics increased after the particles grew enough to have a significant contribution to particles volume, while the mass fraction of ammonium and sulphate decreased. This uncovered the important role of organics in the growth of newly formed particles. Three organic markers, factors f43, f44 and f57, were calculated and the f44 vs f43 trends were compared between nucleation and non-nucleation days. K-means cluster analysis was performed on f44 vs f43 data and it was found that they follow different patterns on nucleation days compared to non-nucleation days, whereby f43 decreased for vehicle emission generated particles, while both f44 and f43 decreased for NPF generated particles. It was found for the first time that vehicle generated and newly formed particles cluster in different locations on f44 vs f43 plot and this finding can be potentially used as a tool for source apportionment of measured particles.


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An electric field (100 V/cm at 230°C and 150°C) has been applied to ammonium perchlorate (AP)/polystyrene (PS) propellant mixtures in order to understand the low temperature decomposition behavior of the propellant. The charge-carrying species is anionic in nature at 230°C, which could be ClO4−, but is cationic at 150°C, which could be either NH4+ or H+. These results are parallel to that observed for pure ammonium perchlorate (AP) pellets [1]. The burning rate (r' ) of the propellant was found to follow the same trend as that for the thermal decomposition of the propellant on application of an electric field. At 150°C Image was higher at the −ve electrode than at the +ve electrode, but at 230°C just the opposite was observed. Kinetic studies have confirmed that the decomposition of the orthorhombic AP follows two mechanism corresponding to E = 30 kcal mol−1 (180–230°C) and E = 15 kcal mol−1 (150–180°C).


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Methanol adsorbs molecularly on the surfaces of Cu–Pd alloys at low temperatures and transforms to CH3O or CO on warming, depending upon the alloy composition. On oxygen presorbed Cu–Pd alloy surfaces, adsorption of methanol gives rise to H2O and H2CO. CH3OH adsorbed molecularly on the surfaces of Cu–Au alloys and CH3O is formed only at relatively high temperatures.


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Proton second moment (M2) and spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) of Ammonium Hydrogen Bischloroacetate (ABCA) have been measured in the range 77-350 K. A value of 6.5 G2 has been observed for the second moment at room temperature, which is typical of NH4+ reorientation and also a second moment transition in the range 170-145 K indicates the freezing of NH4+ motion. The NMR signal disappears dicontinuously at 128 K. Proton spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) Vs temperature, yielded only one sharp miniumum of 1.9 msec which is again typical of NH4+ reorientation. A slope change at 250 K is also observed, prbably due to CH2 motion. Further, the FID signal disappears at 128 K. Thus the Tc appears to be 128 K (of two reported values 120 K and 128 K). Activation energies have been calculated and the mechanism of the phase transition is discussed.


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The participation of aluminum in the decomposition reaction of ammonium perchlorate (AP) is enhanced if magnesium is added—either as a mixture of Al and Mg powders or as an alloy of Mg in Al. The differential thermal analyses of the compositions show a sensitization in the temperatures of decomposition, as well as increase in the heat of reaction. The AP-Mg and Ap-(Mg---Li) alloy pellets also show increased reactivity. The burning rates of AP-(Al-10% Mg) alloy pellets increase with increase in the alloy content, while calorimetric values peak at 40% alloy content. The combustion product gases of AP-40% (Al-10% Mg) alloy contain large quantities of hydrogen.


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Generation of H2O2 by rat liver mitochondria with choline, glycerol 1-phosphate and proline as substrates has been shown by using high-concentration phosphate buffer. Rates obtained under these conditions were higher and more consistent as compared with the earlier reports with high-concentration mannitol/sucrose/Tris buffer. Sulphate ions could replace phosphate indicating a requirement for a high concentration of oxygen-containing anions. H2O2 generation was dependent on the presence of native mitochondria and substrate. Maximal rates with various substrates were found to be the same as with succinate. Values of Km and Vmax for H2O2 generation were considerably less than those obtained for respective dehydrogenase activities, measured by dye reduction. Scavengers of O2-. and OH. inhibited generation of H2O2. ATP, ADP, thyronine derivatives and a number of phenolic compounds also showed very potent inhibitory effects of H2O2 generation, whereas phenyl compound had no effect. Phenolic compounds did not have any effect on mitochondrial superoxide dismutase and choline dehydrogenase activities as well as on O2-. generation by the xanthine-xanthine oxidase system. Inhibition by phenolic compounds may have potential for regulation of the intracellular concentration of H2O2, that is not considered to have a "second messenger' function.


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A binary mixture of ammonium perchlorate-sodium nitrate in molar proportion undergoes partial fusion at 223°C and the transformation of the mixture to sodium perchlorate-ammonium nitrate occurs in the broad endothermic region. The mixture was heated and quenched at various temperatures in a differential thermal analysis assembly. Thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction, and infrared spectroscopic techniques were used to determine the composition of the quenched sample in order to explain the overall thermal phenomenon. Visual observations of the morphological changes that occur during the course of heating were made using a hot-stage microscope, 30–350°C.


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A study of the burning rates of compressed mixtures of ammonium perchlorate (AP) and trimethylammonium perchlorate (TMAP) has been carried out at ambient pressure. The overall increase in the linear burning rate, showing a maximum at a composition having 80% TMAP, has been discussed in terms of factors such as stoichiometry, presence of faster burning component, and eutectic melt formation. The thermal decomposition studies of the mixtures, using isothermal thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis techniques, indicate the possibility of eutectic melt formation.


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This paper is concerned with the study of the equilibrium exchange of ammonium ions with two natural zeolite samples sourced in Australia from Castle Mountain Zeolites and Zeolite Australia. A range of sorption models including Langmuir Vageler, Competitive Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, Dubinin Astakhov and Brouers–Sotolongo were applied in order to gain an insight as to the exchange process. In contrast to most previous studies, non-linear regression was used in all instances to determine the best fit of the experimental data. Castle Mountain natural zeolite was found to exhibit higher ammonium capacity than Zeolite Australia material when in the freshly received state, and this behavior was related to the greater amount of sodium ions present relative to calcium ions on the zeolite exchange sites. The zeolite capacity for ammonium ions was also found to be dependent on the solution normality, with 35–60% increase inuptake noted when increasing the ammonium concentration from 250 to 1000 mg/L. The optimal fit ofthe equilibrium data was achieved by the Freundlich expression as confirmed by use of Akaikes Information Criteria. It was emphasized that the bottle-point method chosen influenced the isotherm profile in several ways, and could lead to misleading interpretation of experiments, especially if the constant zeolite mass approach was followed. Pre-treatment of natural zeolite with acid and subsequently sodium hydroxide promoted the uptake of ammonium species by at least 90%. This paper highlighted the factors which should be taken into account when investigating ammonium ion exchange with natural zeolites.


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Electron spectroscopic studies clearly demonstrate that modification of the surfaces of Mn, Fe and Ni metals by chlorine significantly decreases the strength of interaction between the metal and adsorbed molecules such as CO and N2. This is in contrast to the effect of electropositive additives such as Ba and Al which increase the adsorption bond strength significantly.


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Monochloro-tetra-μ-aryl-carboxylatodiruthenium(III, II) compounds Ru2Cl (O2CAr)4 (Ar = -C6H5; -C6H4-p-OCH3), are prepared and characterized. The compounds have magnetic moments that correspond to three unpaired spins per dimer. The Rusingle bondRu bond order is 2.5 and the ground electronic configuration is σ2π4δ2(δ*π*)3. The visible spectral band is observed at ca 450 nm along with a shoulder near 580 nm in DMF solution. The compounds undergo a one-electron Ru(III)Ru(II) → Ru(II)Ru(II) quasi-reversible reduction in DMF near 0.0 V vs sce.


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Superconducting and magnetically long-range ordered states were believed to be mutually exclusive phenomena. The discovery of rare-earth compounds in recent years, which exhibit both superconductivity and magnetic ordering (ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic or sinusoidal), has led to considerable theoretical and experimental work on such systems. In the present article, we give a review of various theoretical models and important experimental results. In the theoretical sections, we start with the Abrikosov-Gorkov pair breaking theory for dilute alloys and discuss its improvement in the work of Müller-Hartmann and Zittartz. Then, in the context of magnetic superconductors, various microscopic theories that have been advanced are presented. These predict re-entrant behaviour in some systems (ferromagnetic superconductors) and coexistence regions in others (particularly antiferromagnetic superconductors). Following this, phenomenological generalized Ginzburg-Landau theories for two kinds of orders (superconducting and magnetic) are presented. A section dealing with renormalization group analysis of phase diagrams in magnetic superconductors is given. In experimental sections, the properties of each rare-earth compounds (ternary as well as some tetranery) are reviewed. These involve susceptibility, heat capacity, resistivity, upper critical field, neutron scattering and magnetic resonance measurements. The anomalous behaviour of the upper critical field of antiferromagnetic superconductors near the Néel temperature is discussed both in theory sections and experimental section for various systems.