311 resultados para Aac


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Nos últimos anos, tem-se assistido a um crescimento no interesse do estudo da ressuspensão de pó de estrada, dado o reconhecimento da importância que esta fração representa para os níveis de partículas atmosféricas em ambiente urbano. Dada a prematuridade deste tema e, de forma a compreender e conhecer a sua contribuição e caracterização, realizou-se um estudo sobre a ressuspensão de pó de estrada urbano para as cidades do Porto e Braga. No âmbito do projeto AIRUSE e URBE, realizaram-se amostragens de PM10 no terreno com um dispositivo de amostragem móvel e em ambiente laboratorial com uma câmara de ressuspensão, sendo posteriormente analisado o seu conteúdo carbonoso por um sistema de análise termo-ótico de transmitância e, os elementos por ICP-MS e ICP-AES. Da campanha in situ resultaram cargas de PM10 compreendidas entre 0.190 e 49.5 mg.m-2 para a cidade do Porto e 0.577 mg.m-2 para o túnel rodoviário em Braga. As amostras caracterizam-se por serem dominadas pelos elementos Al, Fe, K, e Ca e conterem enriquecimentos de Sb, Fe, Cu, Sn e Zn, fruto da contaminação antropogénica da atividade rodoviária. No que respeita às amostragens em laboratório, utilizou-se uma câmara de ressuspensão e o dispositivo móvel aplicado na campanha anteriormente descrita para estudar e caracterizar a fração PM10 do pó de estrada urbano proveniente do Túnel Avenida da Liberdade (Braga). Os resultados obtidos para as duas metodologias foram de um modo geral similares, com o carbono total a representar cerca de 6% da massa total de PM10. Esta última é composta maioritariamente por Al, Fe, Ca e K, elementos característicos da crosta terrestre. Quanto ao fatores de enriquecimento calculados, denotou-se a presença de Sb, Zn, Cu e Sn, tendo-se associando ao desgaste dos travões e pneus.


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Durante os últimos anos, a procura mundial de recursos energéticos renováveis tem sofrido um grande aumento. Neste grupo insere-se a biomassa, cuja conversão termoquímica, principalmente através de tecnologias de combustão e gasificação, é utilizada para a produção de energia térmica e elétrica. No processo de gasificação de biomassa é possível obter um combustível gasoso secundário com variadas aplicações, podendo inclusive servir como substituto do gás natural. No entanto, ao contrário da combustão, esta tecnologia aplicada à biomassa ainda está em fase de demonstração a nível industrial, apresentando algumas limitações em alguns aspetos tecnológicos, entre os quais a qualidade do gás produzido. Neste contexto, e com o objetivo de contribuir para o conhecimento da aplicabilidade desta tecnologia, surge o presente trabalho, onde a caracterização e definição das condições de operação de um gasificador de biomassa, bem como a caracterização do gás produzido foram objeto de estudo. Foi realizado um conjunto de experiências de gasificação direta, num reator de leito fluidizado borbulhante à escala piloto, com dois tipos de biomassa tipicamente encontrados em Portugal, e para diferentes condições de operação do gasificador, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à razão de equivalência. A biomassa utilizada consistiu em pellets comerciais de madeira e estilha de biomassa florestal residual derivada de pinheiro (Pinus pinaster), e resultante de operações florestais em Portugal. Na gama de temperatura do leito aplicada, tipicamente entre 800ºC e 875ºC, o reator funcionou em condições auto térmicas, isto é, sem a necessidade de recorrer a uma fonte de calor auxiliar externa. Em relação à composição do gás seco durante o processo de gasificação, os gases presentes em maior percentagem (em volume), para as experiências com ambos os tipos de biomassa, são o CO2 e o CO, com o primeiro a registar valores médios entre os 13.4% e os 16%, e o segundo entre 11.3% e 16.3%. Por ordem decrescente de concentração encontra-se o H2, na gama de 5.8% a 12.7%, o CH4 com valores médios entre 2.8% e 4.5%, e o C2H4 com concentrações médias entre 1.0% e 2.2%. Importa referir ainda a ausência de O2 no gás produzido. Verificou-se na concentração de H2, a principal diferença na composição do gás seco relativamente à gasificação dos dois combustíveis utilizados, com valores de concentração inferiores durante a operação com estilha de biomassa florestal residual derivada de pinheiro. Nas várias experiências realizadas, e para as condições operatórias utilizadas, observou-se que a razão de equivalência (RE) exerce um efeito significativo na composição do gás, verificando-se, genericamente, que com o aumento da RE a concentração de gases combustíveis diminui. Os valores de Poder Calorífico Inferior (PCI) obtidos para o gás seco produzido encontram-se na gama 3.4-5.6 MJ/Nm3, sendo que os valores mais elevados foram registados no decorrer dos ensaios de gasificação com pellets de madeira. Para ambos os combustíveis, o PCI do gás seco diminui com o aumento da RE.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Ambiente (Ecologia), 30 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is known to involve the gastrointestinal tract, but gallbladder involvement is rare. The authors report the case of a 26-year-old postpartum female who presented with acute right upper quadrant abdominal pain and was diagnosed with acute acalculous cholecystitis (AAC). In the presence of concomitant features of nephritis, pericardial effusion, anaemia and positive ANA titre, the diagnosis of SLE was confirmed during hospitalisation. Histopathological analysis of the gall bladder revealed evidence of vasculitis. Although rare, AAC can be the first presentation of patients diagnosed with SLE. Prompt diagnosis and management results in a better patient outcome.


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In this work, ionic liquids are evaluated for the first time as solvents for extraction and entrainers in separation processes involving terpenes and terpenoids. For that purpose, activity coefficients at infinite dilution, γ13 ∞, of terpenes and terpenoids, in the ionic liquids [C4mim]Cl, [C4mim][CH3SO3], [C4mim][(CH3)2PO4] and [C4mim][CF3SO3] were determined by gas−liquid chromatography at six temperatures in the range 398.15 to 448.15 K. On the basis of the experimental values, a correlation of γ13 ∞ with an increase of the solubility parameters is proposed. The infinite dilution thermodynamic functions were calculated showing the entropic effect is dominant over the enthalpic. Gas−liquid partition coefficients give indications about the recovery and purification of terpenes and terpenoids from ionic liquid solutions. Presenting a strong innovative character, COSMO-RS was evaluated for the description of the selectivities and capacities, showing to be a useful tool for the screening of ionic liquids in order to find suitable candidates for terpenes and terpenoids extraction, and separation. COSMO-RS predictions show that in order to achieve the maximum separation efficiency, polar anions should be used such as bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinate or acetate, whereas high capacities require nonpolar cations such as phosphonium.


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N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzimido derivatives are polar multifunctional substances. A set of these compounds was synthesised by successive substitution on the enamine side, resulting in similar substances with different polarities, providing a set of model compounds with respect to the study of substituent effects on physico-chemical properties. Experimental aqueous solubility data, at T = 298.15 K, of N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzamidine, PhCNH2NCSNEt2 (1),N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N'-phenylbenzamidine, PhCNHPhNCSNEt2 (2), N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N'-monoethylbenzamidine, PhCNHEtNCSNEt2 (3), N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N',N'-diethylbenzamidine, PhCNEt2NCSNEt2 (4), and N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzimido ethylester, PhCOEtNCSNEt2 (5) were measured at T = 298.15 K. The obtained data are supplemented by COSMO-RS aqueous solubility predictions as well as other environmentally important partition coefficients. This information is shown in a two-dimensional chemical space diagram, providing indications about the compartment into which the bulk of the compounds is likely to concentrate. The expected quality of COSMO-RS predictions for this type of screening exercise is illustrated on a set of pesticides with established thermophysical property data.


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Klebsiella pneumoniae U25 is a multidrug resistant strain isolated from a tertiary care hospital in Chennai, India. Here, we report the complete annotated genome sequence of strain U25 obtained using PacBio RSII. This is the first report of the whole genome of K. pneumoniae species from Chennai. It consists of a single circular chromosome of size 5,491,870-bp and two plasmids of size 211,813 and 172,619-bp. The genes associated with multidrug resistance were identified. The chromosome of U25 was found to have eight antibiotic resistant genes [blaOXA-1, blaSHV-28, aac(6’)1b-cr, catB3, oqxAB, dfrA1]. The plasmid pMGRU25-001 was found to have only one resistant gene (catA1) while plasmid pMGRU25-002 had 20 resistant genes [strAB, aadA1, aac(6’)-Ib, aac(3)-IId, sul1,2, blaTEM-1A,1B, blaOXA-9, blaCTX-M-15, blaSHV-11, cmlA1, erm(B), mph(A)]. A mutation in the porin OmpK36 was identified which is likely to be associated with the intermediate resistance to carbapenems in the absence of carbapenemase genes. U25 is one of the few K. pneumoniae strains to harbour clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) systems. Two CRISPR arrays corresponding to Cas3 family helicase were identified in the genome. When compared to K. pneumoniae NTUHK2044, a transposase gene InsH of IS5-13 was found inserted.


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En Autoridad de Aviación Civil (AAC) la ausencia de planeación estratégica ha ocasionado que las actividades no hayan sido planificadas a largo plazo. Motivo por el cual, se ha elaborado el trabajo de investigación denominado “La Planeación Estratégica, como Herramienta Administrativa, para el Desarrollo Organizacional de Autoridad de Aviación Civil”. por ser una herramienta que ayuda a los líderes de una organización a tomar determinados enfoques y cursos de acción para analizar constantemente todos los cambios, tanto internos como externos, que permitan la actualización de ésta, permitiendo comparar los resultados obtenidos con lo planificado. El presente trabajo tiene como propósito realizar una propuesta de planeación estratégica y desarrollo organizacional para AAC, detallando los pasos a seguir en el “Modelo Base de Planeación Estratégica” y en el “Proceso de Desarrollo Organizacional”. La información utilizada se obtuvo a través de entrevista, cuestionarios, observación y el análisis de contenido. En la elaboración del marco teórico se utilizó la investigación bibliográfica, ésta brindó información teórica importante, en la cual se utilizaron libros y trabajos de investigación. Se emplearon, en la investigación bibliográfica y de campo, solamente fuentes primarias. Para la recolección de información, en la investigación de campo, se utilizó la entrevista, el cuestionario y la observación ordinaria no participativa. Además, en el trabajo, se presentan conclusiones y las respectivas recomendaciones, las cuales se determinaron de acuerdo a la información obtenida. Finalmente, se presenta la propuesta del Modelo Base de Planeación Estratégica para Autoridad de Aviación Civil con la respectiva guía de implementación, la cual les facilitará a los miembros de la institución comprender y poner en práctica dicho modelo; asimismo, la propuesta incluye las posibles soluciones a problemas identificados mediante el análisis del desarrollo organizacional de AAC.


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Candida infective endocarditis is a rare disease with a high mortality rate. Our understanding of this infection is derived from case series, case reports, and small prospective cohorts. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical features and use of different antifungal treatment regimens for Candida infective endocarditis. This prospective cohort study was based on 70 cases of Candida infective endocarditis from the International Collaboration on Endocarditis (ICE)-Prospective Cohort Study and ICE-Plus databases collected between 2000 and 2010. The majority of infections were acquired nosocomially (67%). Congestive heart failure (24%), prosthetic heart valve (46%), and previous infective endocarditis (26%) were common comorbidities. Overall mortality was high, with 36% mortality in the hospital and 59% at 1 year. On univariate analysis, older age, heart failure at baseline, persistent candidemia, nosocomial acquisition, heart failure as a complication, and intracardiac abscess were associated with higher mortality. Mortality was not affected by use of surgical therapy or choice of antifungal agent. A subgroup analysis was performed on 33 patients for whom specific antifungal therapy information was available. In this subgroup, 11 patients received amphotericin B-based therapy and 14 received echinocandin-based therapy. Despite a higher percentage of older patients and nosocomial infection in the echinocandin group, mortality rates were similar between the two groups. In conclusion, Candida infective endocarditis is associated with a high mortality rate that was not impacted by choice of antifungal therapy or by adjunctive surgical intervention. Additionally, echinocandin therapy was as effective as amphotericin B-based therapy in the small subgroup analysis.


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La suppléance à la communication (SC) est un moyen qui permet aux personnes qui ne peuvent pas communiquer par la parole de transmettre des informations à leur environnement et d'interagir de manière fonctionnelle avec lui. Le développement de la SC connaît des avancées importantes depuis quelques années, surtout avec l'avènement de nouvelles technologies. Toujours est-il qu'une compréhension plus approfondie des mécanismes qui sous-tendent l'utilisation de la SC reste primordiale. De plus, les relations qui existent entre l'utilisation du langage oral et de symboles graphiques sont peu explorées à ce jour. La présente étude fait partie d'un projet plus large visant donc à mieux explorer la nature des compétences nécessaires à une utilisation optimale de symboles graphiques dans la SC. Ainsi, et afin de mieux comprendre cette relation entre le langage oral et l'utilisation de symboles graphiques aussi bien en production qu'en compréhension, ainsi que pour mieux explorer l'effet d'âge et de genre, nous avons recruté 79 enfants (37 filles et 42 garçons), âgés entre 4;1 ans et 9;11ans, et qui présentent un développement typique du langage. L'étude du développement typique nous permet d'étudier certaines habiletés qui peuvent être difficiles à évaluer chez des enfants présentant des déficits sévères. Les sujets ont été répartis en 3 groupes selon leur âge: groupe 4-5 ans (n=26), groupe 6-7 ans (n=35) et groupe 8-9 ans (n=18). Plusieurs tâches ont été crées; celles-ci comprenaient des tâches de compréhension et de production, avec comme matériel des symboles graphiques, des objets ou des mots, qui étaient répartis au sein d'énoncés formés de trois, quatre, six ou huit éléments. Les résultats montrent tout d'abord deux profils distincts: chez les jeunes enfants, on observe une meilleure performance aux tâches d'interprétation par rapport aux tâches de production. Cependant, cette différence n'est plus évidente pour les groupes des plus âgés, et la distinction principale se situe alors au niveau de la différence de performance entre les tâches orales et les tâches symboliques au profit des premières. Par ailleurs, et conformément aux observations sur le développement du langage oral, la performance des filles est supérieure à celle des garçons à toutes les tâches, et cette différence semble disparaître avec l'âge. Enfin, nos résultats ont permis de montrer une amélioration plus marquée de la maîtrise du langage oral avec l'âge par comparaison à la maîtrise du traitement du symbole graphique. Par contre, l'interprétation et la production semblent être maîtrisées de manière similaire. Notre étude vient appuyer certains résultats rapportés dans la littérature, ainsi qu'élargir les connaissances surtout au niveau des liens qui existent entre la production et l'interprétation orale et symbolique en fonction de l'âge et du genre.


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We studied the presence of the mobile colistin resistance gene mcr-1 in human, animal, and environmental Enterobacteriaceae samples from Cumana, Venezuela, that were collected in 2015. The mcr-1 gene was detected in 2/93 Escherichia coli isolates from swine (novel ST452) and human (ST19) samples that were resistant to colistin. Whole-genome sequencing and transformation experiments identified mcr-1 on an IncI2 plasmid. One of the isolates also bore the widely spread carbapenemase NDM-1. A One Health approach is necessary to further elucidate the flux of these high-risk genes.


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Plasmids play a key role in the horizontal spread of antibiotic resistance determinants among bacterial pathogens. When an antibiotic resistance plasmid arrives in a new bacterial host, it produces a fitness cost, causing a competitive disadvantage for the plasmid-bearing bacterium in the absence of antibiotics. On the other hand, in the presence of antibiotics, the plasmid promotes the survival of the clone. The adaptations experienced by plasmid and bacterium in the presence of antibiotics during the first generations of coexistence will be crucial for the progress of the infection and the maintenance of plasmid-mediated resistance once the treatment is over. Here we developed a model system using the human pathogen Haemophilus influenzae carrying the small plasmid pB1000 conferring resistance to β-lactam antibiotics to investigate host and plasmid adaptations in the course of a simulated ampicillin therapy. Our results proved that plasmid-bearing clones compensated for the fitness disadvantage during the first 100 generations of plasmid-host adaptation. In addition, ampicillin treatment was associated with an increase in pB1000 copy number. The augmentation in both bacterial fitness and plasmid copy number gave rise to H. influenzae populations with higher ampicillin resistance levels. In conclusion, we show here that the modulations in bacterial fitness and plasmid copy number help a plasmid-bearing bacterium to adapt during antibiotic therapy, promoting both the survival of the host and the spread of the plasmid.


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We describe the genetic background of bla(TEM-4) and the complete sequence of pRYC11::bla(TEM-4), a mosaic plasmid that is highly similar to pKpQIL-like variants, predominant among TEM-4 producers in a Spanish hospital (1990 to 2004), which belong to Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli high-risk clones responsible for the current spread of different antibiotic resistance genes. Predominant populations of plasmids and host adapted clonal lineages seem to have greatly contributed to the spread of resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins.


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La suppléance à la communication (SC) est un moyen qui permet aux personnes qui ne peuvent pas communiquer par la parole de transmettre des informations à leur environnement et d'interagir de manière fonctionnelle avec lui. Le développement de la SC connaît des avancées importantes depuis quelques années, surtout avec l'avènement de nouvelles technologies. Toujours est-il qu'une compréhension plus approfondie des mécanismes qui sous-tendent l'utilisation de la SC reste primordiale. De plus, les relations qui existent entre l'utilisation du langage oral et de symboles graphiques sont peu explorées à ce jour. La présente étude fait partie d'un projet plus large visant donc à mieux explorer la nature des compétences nécessaires à une utilisation optimale de symboles graphiques dans la SC. Ainsi, et afin de mieux comprendre cette relation entre le langage oral et l'utilisation de symboles graphiques aussi bien en production qu'en compréhension, ainsi que pour mieux explorer l'effet d'âge et de genre, nous avons recruté 79 enfants (37 filles et 42 garçons), âgés entre 4;1 ans et 9;11ans, et qui présentent un développement typique du langage. L'étude du développement typique nous permet d'étudier certaines habiletés qui peuvent être difficiles à évaluer chez des enfants présentant des déficits sévères. Les sujets ont été répartis en 3 groupes selon leur âge: groupe 4-5 ans (n=26), groupe 6-7 ans (n=35) et groupe 8-9 ans (n=18). Plusieurs tâches ont été crées; celles-ci comprenaient des tâches de compréhension et de production, avec comme matériel des symboles graphiques, des objets ou des mots, qui étaient répartis au sein d'énoncés formés de trois, quatre, six ou huit éléments. Les résultats montrent tout d'abord deux profils distincts: chez les jeunes enfants, on observe une meilleure performance aux tâches d'interprétation par rapport aux tâches de production. Cependant, cette différence n'est plus évidente pour les groupes des plus âgés, et la distinction principale se situe alors au niveau de la différence de performance entre les tâches orales et les tâches symboliques au profit des premières. Par ailleurs, et conformément aux observations sur le développement du langage oral, la performance des filles est supérieure à celle des garçons à toutes les tâches, et cette différence semble disparaître avec l'âge. Enfin, nos résultats ont permis de montrer une amélioration plus marquée de la maîtrise du langage oral avec l'âge par comparaison à la maîtrise du traitement du symbole graphique. Par contre, l'interprétation et la production semblent être maîtrisées de manière similaire. Notre étude vient appuyer certains résultats rapportés dans la littérature, ainsi qu'élargir les connaissances surtout au niveau des liens qui existent entre la production et l'interprétation orale et symbolique en fonction de l'âge et du genre.


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Seven Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from dogs and cats in Spain were found to be highly resistant to aminoglycosides, and ArmA methyltransferase was responsible for this phenotype. All isolates were typed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) as ST11, a human epidemic clone reported worldwide and associated with, among others, OXA-48 and NDM carbapenemases. In the seven strains, armA was borne by an IncR plasmid, pB1025, of 50 kb. The isolates were found to coproduce DHA-1 and SHV-11 β-lactamases, as well as the QnrB4 resistance determinant. This first report of the ArmA methyltransferase in pets illustrates their importance as a reservoir for human multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae.