521 resultados para 976


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The objective of the present study was to verify, based on the analysis of student portfolio narratives, if the four pillars of education were approached in the class "Comprehensiveness in health care", part of the integrated curriculum of the Baccalaureate in Nursing Program of the University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing. A qualitative, documental study was performed using 46 portfolios constructed during the classes. Data collection was performed using an assessment tool that contained items addressing cognitive and affective dimensions. The data were submitted to thematic categorical analysis using the pillars of education as predefined categories. The results show that the pillars of education were, apparently, included in the class. Despite the present study findings, no evidence was found that the expected competencies were actually discussed among students and faculty, according to the records regarding the evaluations of each pedagogical cycle of the studied class.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the mid-term outcomes of the laparoscopic ileal interposition into the jejunum (JII-SG) or into the duodenum (DII-SG) associated with sleeve gastrectomy for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with BMI below 35. The procedures were performed on 202 consecutive patients. Mean age was 52.2 +/- 7.5. Mean duration of T2DM was 9.8 +/- 5.2 years. Insulin therapy was used by 41.1%. Dyslipidemia was observed in 78.2%, hypertension in 67.3%, nephropathy in 49.5%, retinopathy in 31.2%, coronary heart disease in 11.9%, and other cardiovascular events in 12.9%. Mean follow-up was 39.1 months (range, 25-61). Early and late mortality was 0.99% and 1.0%, respectively. Early reoperation was performed in 2.5%. Early and late major complications were 8.4% and 3.5%. Early most frequent complications were pneumonia and ileus. Intestinal obstruction was diagnosed in 1.5%. Mean BMI decreased from 29.7 to 23.5 kg/m(2), mean fasting glucose from 202.1 to 112.2 mg/dl, and mean postprandial glucose from 263.3 to 130 mg/dl. Triglycerides diminished from a mean of 273.4 to 110.3 mg/dl and cholesterol from a mean of 204.7 to 160.1 mg/dl. Hypertension was resolved in 87.5%. Mean hemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c)) decreased from 8.7 to 6.2% after the JII-SG and to 5.9% following the DII-SG. HbA(1c) below 7% was seen in 89.9% of the patients and below 6.5% in 78.3%. Overall, 86.4% of patients were off antidiabetic medications. Both JII-SG and DII-SG demonstrated to be safe, effective, and long-lasting alternatives for the treatment of T2DM patients with BMI < 35. Beyond glycemic control, other benefits were achieved.


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This paper aims to describe the construction workers' activities, as well as their perceptions about risks and workload. The study, based on the Collective Work Analysis, is part of a broader public policies project for the improvement of SIVAT (Surveillance System of Work Accidents) - in the city of Piracicaba (Southeastern Brazil). Civil construction was prioritized given the epidemiological magnitude of the occurrence of work accidents and the limited efficacy of traditional surveillance initiatives in this sector due to informal employment practices, outsourcing, high staff turnover, etc. The workers have a high level of awareness concerning the risk of accidents, but they believe that the main preventive measures hinder or even make it impossible for them to carry out the tasks. Our findings question the efficacy of traditional training for adherence to safety practices, thus highlighting the need for a transformative pedagogy for preventive practices and the health promotion of workers.


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These updated guidelines are based on a first edition of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry Guidelines for Biological Treatment of Schizophrenia published in 2005. For this 2012 revision, all available publications pertaining to the biological treatment of schizophrenia were reviewed systematically to allow for an evidence-based update. These guidelines provide evidence-based practice recommendations that are clinically and scientifically meaningful and these guidelines are intended to be used by all physicians diagnosing and treating people suffering from schizophrenia. Based on the first version of these guidelines, a systematic review of the MEDLINE/PUBMED database and the Cochrane Library, in addition to data extraction from national treatment guidelines, has been performed for this update. The identified literature was evaluated with respect to the strength of evidence for its efficacy and then categorised into six levels of evidence (A-F; Bandelow et al. 2008b, World J Biol Psychiatry 9: 242). This first part of the updated guidelines covers the general descriptions of antipsychotics and their side effects, the biological treatment of acute schizophrenia and the management of treatment-resistant schizophrenia.


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In the present study, the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) genotoxicity was investigated in a one-step predator-prey relationship with the trophic-related marine species. Florida pompanos were fed for 5 and 10 days with pink shrimp post larvae previously exposed to benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) concentrations. Parent BaP body burden was measured in samples of Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis. BaP metabolites were determined in bile samples of Trachinotus carolinus and DNA damage was assessed through the comet and erythrocyte nuclear abnormalities (ENAs) assays in fish erythrocytes. BaP body burden increased significantly with the PAH concentration in pink shrimp PLs as well as the fish bile BaP metabolites. Both, comet and ENAs assays indicated significant increase on erythrocyte DNA damage of Florida pompanos fed with BaP-exposed pink shrimp on both feeding periods. The trophic route of BaP genotoxicity is discussed as well as the PAH biotransformation as the inducing mechanism for the DNA damages observed.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a prevalência de supranumerários na região dos pré-molares nos estágios de dentadura decídua, mista e permanente, além de verificar sua associação com a presença de terceiros molares. Foram avaliadas radiografias panorâmicas de 1.976 pacientes matriculados no curso de Ortodontia Preventiva e Interceptiva da Profis (Sociedade de Promoção Social do Fissurado Lábio-Palatal), em Bauru-SP. As radiografias foram analisadas em negatoscópio, em ambiente escurecido, por um único examinador que determinou a presença de supranumerários na região dos pré-molares, bem como a presença de terceiros molares. A associação entre o aparecimento de supranumerários e a presença de terceiros molares foi verificada pelo Teste de McNemar. O Teste exato de Fisher foi aplicado para verificar o dimorfismo sexual. Constatou-se uma prevalência de 0,45% de supranumerários na região dos pré-molares na amostra estudada, sendo 11% na maxila e 89% na mandíbula, e não foi observado dimorfismo sexual em relação ao aparecimento dos supranumerários (p=0,32). Nas radiografias avaliadas, foi observado que os quatro terceiros molares estavam presentes sempre que verificada a presença dos supranumerários, detectando uma associação estatisticamente significante (p < 0,01) entre o aparecimento dos pré-molares supranumerários e a presença dos terceiros molares. Concluiu-se que a incidência de pré-molares supranumerários foi baixa na população estudada, e que existe associação entre o aparecimento destes supranumerários com a presença dos terceiros molares.


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O gerenciamento de custos de materiais de consumo hospitalar é um tema atual em pesquisa, principalmente em unidades de saúde especializadas. Os enfermeiros são destacados como os principais gestores do consumo e custo de materiais hospitalares. Neste estudo, objetivou-se caracterizar unidades pediátricas semi-intensivas e intensivas de um hospital de ensino e verificar o consumo e os custos de materiais utilizados na assistência a pacientes internados nessas unidades. Estudo descritivo, exploratório, retrospectivo, com abordagem quantitativa; os dados foram obtidos do Sistema de Informação Hospitalar; analisados com base na classificação ABC. O gasto médio foi semelhante entre as UTIs cardiológica e neonatal e menor nas UTI e semi-intensiva pediátricas; houve variação significativa de consumo mensal de materiais; os materiais de maior custo tiveram mais impacto no orçamento das unidades estudadas. Os dados obtidos revelaram a importância do uso de método sistêmico de análise de consumo e gastos de materiais em unidades pediátricas e subsidiam ações administrativas de economia.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as condições de uso dos esfigmomanômetros em hospitais públicos e privados. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo de abordagem- quantitativa realizado em quatro hospitais de grande porte do Estado de São Paulo, no período entre 2009 e 2010. Os manômetros aneroides foram- testados contra manômetro de mercúrio calibrado. Foram considerados descalibrados quando as diferenças foram > a 4 mmHg. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 162 esfigmomanômetros, (78 de um hospital público e 84 de instituições filantrópicas e privada) e 98,1% eram do tipo aneróide.- Verificou-se que 56,2% dos manômetros estavam descalibrados (48,6% do hospital privado e 63,1% dos hospitais públicos). Analisando-se as- médias das diferenças negativas da descalibração, houve diferença significativa entre os manômetros do hospital privado e os dos hospitais públicos- (-6,14±2,66 mmHg vs -8,97±6,74 mmHg, respectivamente, p<0,05). Observou-se ainda que em 70,2% não era feita avaliação periódica; 26,7%- tinham extensão de borracha envelhecida; 20,5% das válvulas apresentaram vazamento; e 27% dos manômetros não estavam com o ponteiro na- marca zero. CONCLUSÃO: A descalibração dos esfigmomanômetros aneróides foi expressiva e pode acarretar avaliação incorreta da pressão arterial.


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Este artigo descreve a atividade e a percepção dos trabalhadores da construção civil sobre os riscos e a carga de trabalho. O estudo, com base na Análise Coletiva de Trabalho (ACT), é parte de pesquisa em políticas públicas para aprimoramento do Sistema de Vigilância em Acidentes de Trabalho (SIVAT) de Piracicaba-SP. Priorizou-se a construção civil pela magnitude epidemiológica de ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho e a baixa eficácia das ações tradicionais de vigilância pelas características de informalidade, terceirização e rotatividade do setor. Os trabalhadores revelaram elevada percepção dos riscos de acidentes e que as medidas de segurança dificultam ou impedem a realização do trabalho. Os achados questionam a eficácia dos treinamentos para adesão às medidas de segurança e evidenciam a necessidade de uma pedagogia transformadora nas ações de promoção da saúde e prevenção dos acidentes de trabalho.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença de anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-DNA de duplo filamento (dsDNA) em pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil (LESJ) e controles. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 67 pacientes com LESJ e 34 controles saudáveis para presença de anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA pelo método ELISA. Os níveis de C1q foram avaliados por imunodifusão radial. RESULTADOS: Na época, a média de idade era similar entre os pacientes com LESJ e os controles (14,6 ± 3,86 vs. 13,6 ± 2,93 anos; P = 0,14). Foram observadas frequências mais altas de anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA em pacientes com LESJ em relação aos controles (20% vs. 0%; P = 0,0037; 48% vs. 0%; P < 0,0001 e 69% vs. 3%; P < 0,0001, respectivamente). A mediana dos anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA também foi significativamente mais alta em pacientes com LESJ em relação aos controles [9,6 (5,5-127) vs. 7,5 (5-20) unidades, P = 0,0006; 18 (1,9-212) vs. 3,2 (1,7-17) unidades, P < 0,0001; e 111 UI/mL (6-741) vs. 14 (6-33) UI/mL, P < 0,0001, respectivamente]. A sensibilidade para os anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA foi: 21% (IC: 11-33), 49% (IC: 36-62) e 70% (IC: 57-81). A especificidade foi de 100% (IC: 88-100), 100% (88-100) e 97% (IC: 83-99), respectivamente. Foi observada uma correlação positiva entre os níveis de anti-dsDNA e tanto anticorpos anti-C1q (r = 0,51; IC: 0,29-0,68; P < 0,0001) como anticromatina/nucleossomo (r = 0,87; IC: 0,79-0,92; P < 0,0001). Foi observada uma correlação negativa entre os níveis de anti-C1q e C1q (r = -0,33; IC: -0,56-0,05; P = 0,018). A frequência de anti-dsDNA foi mais alta em pacientes com SLEDAI-2K > 1 (P = 0,0047), e não foram observadas diferenças nas frequências desses três autoanticorpos e nefrite (P > 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Nosso estudo demonstrou elevada especificidade para diagnóstico de lúpus envolvendo os três autoanticorpos, especialmente anti-C1q e anticromatina/nucleossomo.


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Energy transfer (ET) and heat generation processes in Yb3+/Ho3+-codoped low-silica calcium aluminosilicate glasses were investigated using thermal lens (TL) and photoluminescence measurements looking for the emission around 2.0 μm. Stepwise ET processes from Yb3+ to Ho3+, upon excitation at 0.976 μm, produced highly efficient emission in the mid-infrared range at around 2.0 μm, with high fluorescence quantum efficiency (η1 ∼ 0.85 and independent of Ho3+ concentration) and relatively very low thermal loading (<0.4) for concentration up to 1.5% of Ho2O3. An equation was deduced for the description of the TL results that provided the absolute value of η1 and the number of emitted photons at 2.0 μm per absorbed pump photon by the Yb3+ ions, the latter reaching 60% for the highest Ho3+ concentration. These results suggest that the studied codoped system would be a promising candidate for the construction of photonic devices, especially for medical applications.


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Industrial and domestic sewage effluents have been found to cause reproductive disorders in wild fish, often as a result of the interference of compounds in the effluents with the endocrine system. This thesis describes laboratory-based exposure experiments and a field survey that were conducted with juveniles of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. This small teleost is a common fish in Swedish coastal waters and was chosen as an alternative to non-native test species commonly used in endocrine disruption studies, which allows the comparison of field data with results from laboratory experiments. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate 1) if genetic sex determination and differentiation can be disturbed by natural and synthetic steroid hormones and 2) whether this provides an endpoint for the detection of endocrine disruption, 3) to evaluate the applicability of specific estrogen- and androgen-inducible marker proteins in juvenile three-spined sticklebacks, 4) to investigate whether estrogenic and/or androgenic endocrine disrupting activity can be detected in effluents from Swedish pulp mills and domestic sewage treatment plants and 5) whether such activity can be detected in coastal waters receiving these effluents. Laboratory exposure experiments found juvenile three-spined sticklebacks to be sensitive to water-borne estrogenic and androgenic steroid substances. Intersex – the co-occurrence of ovarian and testicular tissue in gonads – was induced by 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The first two weeks after hatching was the phase of highest sensitivity. MT was ambivalent by simultaneously eliciting masculinizing and feminizing effects. When applying a DNA-based method for genetic sex identification, it was found that application of MT only during the first two weeks after hatching caused total and apparently irreversible development of testis in genetic females. E2 caused gonad type reversal from male to female. E2 and EE2 induced vitellogenin - the estrogen-responsive yolk precursor protein, while DHT and MT induced spiggin – the androgen-responsive glue protein of the stickleback. None of the effluents from two pulp mills and two domestic sewage treatment plants had any estrogenic or androgenic activity. Juvenile three-spined sticklebacks were collected during four subsequent summers at the Swedish Baltic Sea coast in recipients of effluents from pulp mills and a domestic sewage treatment plant as well as remote reference sites. No sings of endocrine disruption were observed at any site, when studying gonad development or marker proteins, except for a deviation of sex ratios at a reference site. The three-spined stickleback – with focus on the juvenile stage – was found to be a sensitive species suitable for the study of estrogenic and androgenic endocrine disruption.


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[EN] These experiments test whether respiration can be predicted better from biomass or from potential respiration, a measurement of the mitochondrial and microsomal respiratory electron transport systems. For nearly a century Kleiber's law or a similar precursor have argued the importance of biomass in predicting respiration. In the last decade, a version of the Metabolic Theory of Ecology has elaborated on Kleiber's Law adding emphasis to the importance of biomass in predicting respiration. We argue that Kleiber's law works because biomass packages mitochondria and microsomal electron transport complexes. On a scale of five orders of magnitude we have shown previously that potential respiration predicts respiration aswell as biomass inmarine zooplankton. Here, using cultures of the branchiopod, Artemia salina and on a scale of less than 2 orders of magnitude,we investigated the power of biomass and potential respiration in predicting respiration.We measured biomass, respiration and potential respiration in Artemia grown in different ways and found that potential respiration (Ф) could predict respiration (R), both in μlO2h−1 (R=0.924Φ+0.062, r2=0.976), but biomass (as mg dry mass) could not (R=27.02DM+8.857, r2=0.128). Furthermore the R/Ф ratio appeared independent of age and differences in the food source.