880 resultados para 850 Italian, Romanian


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Este estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver uma anlise comparativa do potencial de internacionalizao na Rssia e no Brasil para as PME italianas que operam na indstria da moda. Depois de apresentar ao leitor as principais reas cobertas, tais como, o contexto, a metodologia e reviso da literatura, fornecido um panorama macroeconmico das reas geogrficas composto, englobando um estudo especfico sobre o estado atual da economia e da demanda para os bens italianos. O estudo, introduzindo o leitor na indstria de moda italiana, suas principais caractersticas e o desempenho atual, j evidencia a busca pela internacionalizao. As concluses decorrentes das anlises macroeconmicas funcionam como introduo viso geral da indstria de moda italiana, uma indstria que representa, fortemente, o "Made in Italy" no exterior. A breve anlise da histria desta indstria, principais caractersticas e situao atual iro, ento, sugerir que a internacionalizao o caminho mais vivel s PME, para se recuperarem dos anos turbulentos da crise. Entre o vasto conjunto de opes geogrficas que as PME tm para abraar internacionalizao, este estudo tem como objetivo fornecer duas anlises sobre a indstria da moda: o mercado russo e o brasileiro. A anlise, com base no quadro de capacidade de resposta internacional proposto por Bartlet e Ghoshal (1989), apresenta os resultados de um conjunto de pesquisas e entrevistas realizadas no Brasil, na Itlia e na Rssia, sob a forma de uma anlise comparativa dos dois mercados-alvo. A anlise evidenciar os drivers de mercado, custo, competitividade e legislao que justificam o processo de internacionalizao em ambos os mercados. Os resultados levam concluso e s recomendaes que os dois mercados representam duas oportunidades muito diferentes para as PME da indstria da moda italiana.


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Esta tese de mestrado tem por inteno entender quais so as mais importantes diferenas culturais para os expatriados Italianos que trabalham no Brasil e aprender as implicaes prticas para o ambiente de trabalho. O mtodo utilizado foi qualitativo, com 23 entrevistas em profundidade com expatriados italianos de nvel mdio ate top management, com experincia de trabalho no Brasil. Os resultados indicam que os expatriados Italianos experimentam dificuldades com as diferenas em termos de comunicao, distino entre as esfera profissional e privada, distancia do poder e planejamento. Em contrapartida, outros fatores como a discriminao positiva para os estrangeiros, diferenas em geneder equality e masculinidade, assim como com a atitude positiva dos workplaces e uma economia em crescimento, todos influenciam de maneira positiva a experincia do expatriado. Enfim, algumas sugestes prticas sobre os efeitos das diferenas culturais e sobre a estruturao de um possvel cross-cultural training so expostas.


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This study assessed the effect of different cage stocking densities on the performance of Italian quails in the laying period. Two hundred and sixty four quails with 30 weeks of age and 280g mean body weight were used. Birds were randomly assigned to 96 x 33 x 16 cm cages and distributed in a randomized block design with 4 treatments (12, 15, 18 and 21 quails per cage or 264, 211, 176 and 151 cm per quail, respectively) and 4 replicates. Birds were given feed and water ad libitum and submitted to the same experimental conditions. The experimental diet was formulated based on NRC (1994) recommendations. There were no significant differences among treatments for feed conversion per egg mass (kg:kg), percentage of broken eggs and mortality. There was a linear reduction (p<0.05) in egg weight, feed consumption, percentage of production, egg mass and feed conversion per dozen with the increase in stocking density. The gain per house per day was better at the cage density of 151 cm per bird. However, the density of 211 cm per bird provided the best gain per bird per day, because this stocking density had better productive indexes when compared with the other treatments.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Comparou-se o nmero de ovarolos de operrias de abelhas Apis mellifera L. de 36 colnias de retrocruzamentos (Africanizadas e Italianas) e operrias de colnias ancestrais parentais, endocruzadas e hbridas (F1). No houve diferena no nmero de ovarolos dos ovrios direito e esquerdo das operrias. As abelhas hbridas da gerao F1 apresentaram de 2 a 31 ovarolos. O nmero de ovarolos nas operrias dos retrocruzamentos africanizados variou de 2 a 56 e nos retrocruzamentos italianos de 2 a 117. A grande variao no nmero de ovarolos das abelhas dos retrocruzamentos deveu-se a variabilidade observada na gerao parental (abelhas africanizadas: 2 - 16; italianas: 6 - 26) e no F1 (2 - 31).


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The action of So Paulo's Italian reformist socialists at the beginning of the 20th century had a political impact on the way of considering the question of democracy both in the state of So Paulo and the whole of Brazil. In fact not only did the socialists oppose the fascist political project and the symbolic roots of its aggressive behavior, but they also faced the opposition of the theoretical proposals coming from other leftist groups. This article intends to present the main interlocutors of these socialists and understand how this theoretical dispute has developed.


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Background: Rheumatic diseases in children are associated with significant morbidity and poor health-related quality of life (HRQOL). There is no health-related quality of life (HRQOL) scale available specifically for children with less common rheumatic diseases. These diseases share several features with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) such as their chronic episodic nature, multi-systemic involvement, and the need for immunosuppressive medications. HRQOL scale developed for pediatric SLE will likely be applicable to children with systemic inflammatory diseases.Findings: We adapted Simple Measure of Impact of Lupus Erythematosus in Youngsters (SMILEY (c)) to Simple Measure of Impact of Illness in Youngsters (SMILY (c)-Illness) and had it reviewed by pediatric rheumatologists for its appropriateness and cultural suitability. We tested SMILY (c)-Illness in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases and then translated it into 28 languages. Nineteen children (79% female, n= 15) and 17 parents participated. The mean age was 12 +/- 4 years, with median disease duration of 21 months (1-172 months). We translated SMILY (c)-Illness into the following 28 languages: Danish, Dutch, French (France), English (UK), German (Germany), German (Austria), German (Switzerland), Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Slovene, Spanish (USA and Puerto Rico), Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Argentina), Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Venezuela), Turkish, Afrikaans, Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Arabic (Egypt), Czech, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Japanese, Romanian, Serbian and Xhosa.Conclusion: SMILY (c)-Illness is a brief, easy to administer and score HRQOL scale for children with systemic rheumatic diseases. It is suitable for use across different age groups and literacy levels. SMILY (c)-Illness with its available translations may be used as useful adjuncts to clinical practice and research.


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A culture of childhood is a shared vision an agreed upon vision of the needs and rights of children, including ideas about how the people of the community can collectively nurture them and at the same time be renewed by them. In other words, it is a set of values, beliefs, and practices that people have created to guide their way of nurturing young children and their families. The vision is about investing in young children and investing in the supports and relationships that children need to learn and grow, both for the reason that children carry our future and because they carry our hopes and dreams for the future. These hopes and dreams begin with birth. Sensitive, emotionally available parents create the framework for interaction with their children by responding to the babys cues, engaging the baby in mutual gazes, and imitating the baby. The baby, born with a primary ability to share emotions with other human beings eagerly joins the relationship dance. The intimate family circle soon widens. Providers, teachers, and directors of early childhood programs become significant figures in childrens livesimplicit or explicit partners in a "relationship dance" (Edwards & Raikes, 2002). These close relationships are believed to be critical to healthy intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development in childhood and adolescence as well. These conclusions have been documented by diverse fields of science, ranging from cognitive science to communication studies and social and personality psychology. Close relationships contribute to security and trust, promote skill development and understanding, nurture healthy physical growth, infuse developing self-understanding and self-confidence, enable self-control and emotion regulation, and strengthen emotional connections with others that contribute to prosocial motivation (Dunn, 1993; Fogel, 1993; Thompson, 1996). Furthermore, many studies showing how relationship dysfunction is linked to child abuse and neglect, aggression, criminality, and other problems involving the lack of significant human connections (Shankoff & Meisels, 2000). In extending the dance of primary relationships to new relationships, a childcare teacher can play a primary role. The teacher makes the space ready--creating a beautiful place that causes everyone to feel like dancing. Gradually, as the dance between them becomes smooth and familiar, the teacher encourages the baby to try out more complex steps and learn how to dance to new compositions, beats, and tempos. As the baby alternates dancing sometimes with one or two partners, sometimes with many, the dance itself becomes a story about who the child has been and who the child is becoming, a reciprocal self created through close relationships.


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As part of the international CUPID investigation, we compared physical and psychosocial risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders among nurses in Brazil and Italy. Using questionnaires, we collected information on musculoskeletal disorders and potential risk factors from 751 nurses employed in public hospitals. By fitting country-specific multiple logistic regression models, we investigated the association of stressful physical activities and psychosocial characteristics with site-specific and multisite pain, and associated sickness absence. We found no clear relationship between low back pain and occupational lifting, but neck and shoulder pain were more common among nurses who reported prolonged work with the arms in an elevated position. After adjustment for potential confounding variables, pain in the low back, neck and shoulder, multisite pain, and sickness absence were all associated with somatizing tendency in both countries. Our findings support a role of somatizing tendency in predisposition to musculoskeletal disorders, acting as an important mediator of the individual response to triggering exposures, such as work-load.


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Based on a structured literature review, the ceramic tiles sector of Italy (benchmark) and Brazil (2nd world producer and consumer) are compared, under four strategic factors: normative, market, technology and strategic management, in order to identify critical risks for a national strategic sector. The document aims to propose guidelines for a strategic re-planning of the Brazilian ceramic tiles sector, making the Brazilian producers aware of the national market fragility (in spite of its recent remarkable evolution) and helping the policy makers to reflect on the need of reviewing the strategic planning methods and practice, of designing new targeted programs (based on coherence between operation and business strategies), of providing improved management to strengthen the sector against unfair competition by low-cost producers, enhancing the necessary infrastructure in technology, work, marketing and quality management. The analysis is limited to the single-firing production technology. The wide-coverage strategic analysis of the Brazilian ceramic tiles sector, very little studied until now in a scientific way, emphasizes the importance of applying research methodology and may be valuable to both scholars and practitioners. Additionally, it highlights the need of investments in innovation (product design and production technology) and the fundamental role of the sector organization, identifying different dimensions. It is possible to conclude that the recent Brazilian production growth is not due to a natural strengthening because of the hit of the sector and of correct enterprises strategy, but it seems the result of a temporary and favorable economic contingency.


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[ES] Glosario de las 850 palabras ms usadas en ingls


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[EN] This study examined the effectiveness of a school-based rugby introductory training course (Rugby Project For Schools) in a sample of one hundred and three Italian adolescents, sixty-three attending the program (rugby group), and forty not taking part in the project (control group).