965 resultados para 750


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The reaction γ + p p + π+ + π- has been studied for photon energies between 800 and 1500 MeV and for dipion masses between 510 and 900 MeV. The bremsstrahlung beam from the Caltech synchrotron was passed through a liquid hydrogen target and spark chambers were used to detect the three final particles. In addition, the proton energy was determined by a range measurement. Approximately 40,000 photographs were taken, yielding 3018 acceptable events. The results were fit to an incoherent combination of the N*(1238) resonance, the po (750) resonance, and three-body phase space, with various models being tried for po production. The total cross section for po production is consistent with previous experiments. However, the angular dependence of the cross section is slightly more peaked in the forward direction, and the ratio of po production to phase space production is larger than previously observed.

However, since this experiment was only sensitive to the production angles cos θ cm ≥ .75, statistical fluctuations and/or an anisotropic distribution of background production have a severe influence on the po to background ratio. Of the po models tested, the results prefer po production by the one pion exchange mechanism with a very steep form factor dependence. The values of the mass and width of the po found here are consistent with previous experiments.


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Gaur egun, Botere Judizialaren Lege Organikoaren Erreformatik abiatuta -abenduaren 23ko 19/2003 LOren bidez gauzatua-, hainbat erregelamendu eta araudi sortu dira hizkuntza-normalizaziorako prozesu garrantzitsu bat abiarazteko Justizia Administrazioan. Beraz, aipatzekoa da orain arte eginiko ahalegina ez dela nolanahikoa izan, emaitzak desberdinak izan badira ere hainbat gorabehera medio, eta bereziki nabarmentzekoa da Justizia Administrazioaren zerbitzura diharduten pertsonen konpromisoa euskalduntze-prozesuan eta hizkuntzaren erabilera bultzatzeko ekimenetan. Botere Judizialaren Lege Organikoak irismen juridiko handia du zuzenbide publikoaren esparruen multzoan. Hori horrela, eragina du Konstituzio Zuzenbidean -Estatuaren funtsezko Botere bati eta Botere Judizialaren Kontseilu Nagusia bezalako organo konstituzional bati eragiten dien aldetik-, Zuzenbide Prozesalean -Epaitegien eta Auzitegien antolakuntza eta funtzionamendua erregulatzen duen aldetik- eta baita Administrazio Zuzenbidean ere -erlazio juridiko administratiboak eta administrazio-izaerako prozedurak barne hartzen dituen neurrian, adibidez, Epaileen eta Magistratuen estatutu-araubideari dagozkionak-. Beste ikuspegi batetik, Botere Judizialaren Lege Organikoa erreferentzia da epaileriaren estatutu juridikoan, «Zuzenbide Judiziala» izenez ere ezaguna, hiru eratako funtsezko alderdiak barne hartzen dituena: alderdi subjektiboak -Botere Judizialaren organoak eta Epaileen eta Magistratuen estatutu-araubidea, baita Idazkari Judizialen eta Justizia Administrazioaren zerbitzura diharduten gainerako funtzionario Kidegoen estatutu-araubidea ere-; alderdi objektiboak -Botere Judizialaren gobernua, Jurisdikzioaren hedadura eta mugak, eta Epaileen eta Magistratuen independentzia-; eta azkenik, alderdi formalak -Organo jurisdikzionalen araubide prozesala, ekinbide judizialen iraupena eta forma, eta hainbat gairi dagozkien prozedurak: hautaketa, lanpostuak betetzea, egoera administratiboak, ikuskaritza eta Karrera Judizialeko kideen diziplinaaraubidea eta ikuskapena-. Botere Judizialaren Lege Organikoaren —dokumentu berez luzea -eta haren ondoz ondoko erreformen itzulpenarekin, UPV/EHUko zuzenbideko irakasle-talde baten lan serio eta zorrotza bururatzen da. Lan horretan, itzulpenean espezializatutako hizkuntzalarien laguntza izan dute, itzulpen fidel eta teknikoena egiteko, termino egokienak hautatu eta erabilita.


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Porous SiO2 antireflective (AR) coatings are prepared from the colloidal silica solution modified with methyltriethoxysilane (MTES) based on the sol-gel route. The viscosity of modified silica suspensions changes but their stability keeps when MTES is introduced. The refractive indices of modified coatings vary little after bake treatment from 100 to 150 Celsius. The modified silica coatings on Ti:sapphire crystal, owning good homogeneity, display prominent antireflective effect within the laser output waveband (750-850 nm) of Ti:sapphire lasers, with average transmission above 98.6%, and own laser induced damage thresholds (LIDTs) of more than 2.2 J/cm2 at 800 nm with the pulse duration of 300 ps.


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[EU]- 1/2002 Legea, otsailaren 21ekoa, Estatuak eta autonomia erkidegoek lehiaren babesaren arloan dituzten eskumenen koordinazioari buruzkoa. - 3/1991 Legea, urtarrilaren 10ekoa, Lehia Desleialari buruzkoa. - 15/2007 Legea, uztailaren 3koa, Lehiaren Babesari buruzkoa. - 34/1988 Lege Orokorra, azaroaren 11koa, Publizitateari buruzkoa . - 261/2008 Errege Dekretua, otsailaren 22koa, Lehiaren Babesari buruzko Erregelamendua onesten duena. - Lexikoa.


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Este estudo investigou a variação altitudinal da comunidade de anfíbios anuros em uma montanha de floresta Atlântica da Ilha Grande, avaliando a ocorrência, distribuição, organização e riqueza de anuros nas diferentes altitudes. Estabelecemos seis faixas de altitude para realização do estudo: 150, 300, 450, 600, 750 e 900 metros acima do nível do mar. Utilizamos duas metodologias de amostragem: o método de parcelas grandes (5 x 5 metros) e o método de transecção, entre janeiro de 2008 e março de 2009. Os dados indicaram que na região de Mata Atlântica do Pico do Papagaio ocorre uma considerável riqueza de espécies de anuros, a qual varia dependendo da faixa de altitude ao longo do gradiente altitudinal do morro. Houve em geral uma tendência a um decréscimo da riqueza com aumento da altitude, com exceção da altitude de 900 metros, onde a riqueza teve um aumento quando comparado à faixa altitudinal imediatamente abaixo. Nossos dados mostram ainda que ao longo de todo o gradiente altitudinal do morro, as maiores riquezas de anuros em geral ocorrem nas faixas de altitudes de 150 e 300 metros. Nossos dados indicaram para a região estudada uma considerável densidade de anuros, que além de variar significativamente entre as estações seca e chuvosa, foi influenciada negativamente pela altitude: na medida em que houve um aumento da altitude ocorreu uma correspondente diminuição na densidade geral de anuros da comunidade componente. A anurofauna da região do Pico do Papagaio apresentou uma queda abrupta na abundância a partir dos 450 metros de altitude, com grande dominância, em termos numéricos, de três espécies com desenvolvimento direto. Nossos dados mostraram haver uma variação sazonal na abundância e, nas densidades de anuros na região do Pico do Papagaio. Concluímos que a região de Mata Atlântica do Pico do Papagaio possui uma elevada riqueza de espécies de anuros, a qual varia ao longo do gradiente altitudinal com os maiores valores de riqueza e abundâncias encontradas entre as faixas de 150 e 300 metros, o que pode ser favorecido pela menor inclinação do terreno, pela maior ocorrência de cursos dágua e pela elevada pluviosidade que ocorre nestas faixas altitudinais na Ilha Grande. A considerável similaridade na comunidade componente de anuros entre as altitudes de 150 e 300 pode resultar da similaridade estrutural da vegetação entre estas faixas de altitudes. A região em geral teve uma alta densidade de anuros, que além de variar sazonalmente, foi negativamente influenciada pela altitude. A observada redução na abundância dos anuros a partir dos 450 metros de altitude pareceu favorecer espécies com desenvolvimento direto.


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The three-photon absorption (3PA) properties of two thiophene-fluorene derivatives (abbreviated as MOTFTBr and ATFTBr) have been determined by using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser pumped wish 38ps pulses at 1064nm in DMF. The measured 3PA cross-sections are 152x10(-78)cm(6)s(2) and 139x10(-78)cm(6)s(2), respectively. The optimized structures were obtained by AM1 calculations and the results indicate that these two molecules show nonplanar structures, and attaching different donors has different effects on the molecular structure. The charge density distributions during the excitation were also systematically studied by using AM1 method. In addition, an obvious optical power limiting effect induced by 3PA has been demonstrated for both derivatives.


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Dy3+ doped oxyfluoride silicate glass was prepared and its optical absorption, 1.3 mu m emission, and upconversion luminescence properties were studied. Furthermore, the Judd-Ofelt [Phys. Rev. 127, 750 (1962); J. Chem. Phys. 37, 511 (1962)] intensity parameters, oscillator strengths, spontaneous transition probability, fluorescence branching ratio and radiative lifetime were calculated by Judd-Ofelt theory, while stimulated emission cross section of H-6(9/2)+F-6(11/2)-> H-6(15/2) transition was calculated by McCumber theory [Phys. Rev. A. 134, 299 (1964)]. According to the obtained Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters Omega(2)=2.69x10(-20) cm(2), Omega(4)=1.64x10(-20) cm(2), and Omega(6)=1.64x10(-20) cm(2), the radiative lifetime was calculated to be 810 mu s for 1.3 mu m emission, whose full width at half maximum and sigma(e) were 115 nm and 2.21x10(-20)cm(2), respectively. In addition, near infrared to visible upconversion luminescence was observed and evaluated. The results suggest that Dy3+ doped oxyfluoride silicate glass can be used as potential host material for developing broadband optical amplifiers and laser applications.


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Glass systems of composition xBiCl(3)-(1-x)TeO2 (x=0.2, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6, respectively) have been investigated by means of DSC, infrared absorption spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy in order to obtain information about the transformation of structure, thermal and optical properties in the formation of the glass network. The results confirm that the addition of BiCl3 network former increases the glass forming ability and the optical transmission range. And also from Raman results a structural evolution was observed where the number of structural units described as [TeO3] trigonal pyramids, [TeO3+1] polyhedra and ionic behavior bonds (NBO) increases at the expense of the [TeO4] trigonal bipyramids. Bi3+ ions exist in network structure as [BiO6] or [BiCl6] octahedral coordination. As upconversion luminescence glass host, this glassy system is desired for optical properties but the thermal stability will still be improved. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Infrared-to-visible upconversion fluorescence property of Er3+/Yb3+ codoped novel bismuth-germanium glass under 975 nm LD excitation has been studied. Intense green and red emissions centered at 525, 546 and 657 nm, corresponding to the transitions H-2(11/2) -> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2), and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2), respectively, were observed at room temperature. The quadratic dependence of the 525, 546 and 657 nm emissions on excitation power indicates that a two-photon absorption process occurs. The structure of the bismuth-germanium glass has been investigated by peak-deconvolution of FT-Raman spectrum, and the structural information was obtained from the peak wavenumbers. This novel bismuth-germanium glass with low maximum phonon energy (similar to 750 cm(-1)) can be used as potential host material for upconversion lasers. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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gamma-LiAlO2 layers with a highly preferred (1 0 0) orientation were prepared by vapor transport equilibration (VTE) technique on (0 0 0 1) sapphire substrate. Microststructure of the gamma-LiAlO2 layers was studied by XRD and SEM. In the temperature range from 750 to 1100 degrees C, the residual stress in the gamma-LiAlO2 layers varied from tensile to compressive with the increase of VTE temperature, and the critical point of the change between tensile and compressive stress is around 975 degrees C. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transparent polycrystalline Nd:YAG ceramics were fabricated by solid-state reactive sintering a mixture of commercial Al2O3,Y2O3, and Nd2O3 powders. The powders were mixed in ethanol and doped with 0.5 wt% tetraethoxysilane, dried, and pressed. Pressed samples were sintered at 1750 degrees C in vacuum. Transparent fully dense samples with average grain sizes of 10 mu m were obtained. The 1 at.% Nd:YAG ceramic was used to research passively Q-switched laser output with a Cr4+:YAG crystal as a saturable absorber. An average output power of 94 mW with a pulse width of 50 ns was obtained when the incident pump power was 750 mW. The slope efficiency was 13%. The pulse energy is 5 mu J, and the peak power is about 100 W.