982 resultados para 364-M0077A
Contact zones of closely related and ecologically similar species constitute rare opportunities to study the evolutionary consequences of past speciation processes. They represent natural laboratories in which strong competition could lead to the exclusion of one species, or the various species may switch into distinct ecological niches. Alternatively, if reproductive isolation has not yet been achieved, they may hybridize. We elucidate the degree of taxon integrity by comparing genetics and habitat use of three similar-sized congeneric viper species, Vipera ammodytes, Viperaaspis, and Viperaberus, of Nadiza Valley in western Slovenia. No hybridization was detected for either mitochondrial or nuclear genomes. Similarly, external intermediacy by a single prestudy viper (probably V.ammodytesxV. aspis) indicates that hybridization occasionally occurs, but should be very rare. Populations of the three related viperids are partially allopatric in Nadiza Valley, but they also coexist in a narrow contact zone in the montane grassland along the south-exposed slope of Mount Stol (1673m a.s.l.). Here, the three species that occupy areas in or near patches of rocky microhabitats (e.g. stone piles, slides, and walls) live in syntopy. However, fine-scale measurements of structural components show partial habitat segregation, in which V.berus becomes more dominant at elevations above 1400m and occupies mostly the mountain ridge and north-exposed slopes of Mount Stol, V.aspis occurs below 1300m and is the only species to inhabit stoneless patches of grass and bushes around 1000m and lower, and V.ammodytes occurs at all elevations up to 1500m, but is restricted to a rocky microhabitat. We suggest that a high degree of microstructure divergence, slightly different environmental niches, and a generally favourable habitat for all three viper species, keep the pressure for mis-mating and hybridization low, although mechanisms such as reduced hybrid inferiority and temporal mating segregation cannot yet be excluded.
De nombreuses études ont mis en évidence le fait que les individus étaient prêts à commettre des actes discriminatoires pour autant qu'ils puissent les justifier (Crandall & Eshleman, 2003). Nous proposons de contribuer à la compréhension de ce phénomène grâce au concept de désengagement moral pour des actes discriminatoires (DMD). Nous définissons le désengagement moral comme le fait de justifier ses propres actes immoraux de manière à les rendre acceptable. Ce concept trouve ses origines dans les travaux de Bandura et al. (1996) portant sur les comportements agressifs chez des enfants. Il se compose de huit mécanismes (p.ex. le déplacement de responsabilité). Notre recherche dépasse le cadre théorique développé par Bandura et al. pour inscrire le désengagement moral dans le champ de la discrimination intergroupe. De plus, en conceptualisant le désengagement moral comme une différence individuelle, nous proposons également de présenter les premières étapes du développement d'une échelle permettant de mesurer le DMD. L'échelle de DMD a été développée en trois étapes en suivant la procédure proposée par Hinkin (1998). Tout d'abord, une liste de 72 items a été générée suivant une méthode déductive. Puis, suite à une étude (n = 13) portant sur la cohérence des items vis-à-vis du concept et de ses mécanismes, cette liste a été réduite à 40 items (5 par mécanisme). Enfin, 118 étudiants universitaires ont participé à une étude dans le but de mener des analyses factorielles (exploratoire et confirmatoire), ainsi que de tester les validités convergente, divergente et prédictive de l'échelle. La première partie de cette étude se composait de différentes échelles (p.ex. mesure de personnalité, préjugés anti-immigrés, etc.). La seconde partie de l'étude était une expérience portant sur l'évaluation d'idées de méthodes de sélection (discriminatoire versus méritocratique) des étudiants suisses et étrangers à l'université, ayant pour but de réduire la surpopulation dans les salles de cours. Les résultats obtenus sont prometteurs pour le développement de l'échelle, autant du point de vue de sa structure (p.ex. α = .82) que de sa validité. Par exemple, plus le niveau de DMD des participants était élevé, plus ils étaient favorables à une méthode de sélection discriminatoire des étudiants à l'université. L'ensemble des résultats sera présenté durant la conférence. Nous discuterons également des potentielles contributions de cette échelle pour de futurs projets de recherche. Référence : Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V., & Pastorelli, C. (1996). Mechanisms of moral disengagement of the exercise of moral agency. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71 (2), 364-374. Crandall, C. S., & Eshleman, A. (2003). The Justification-suppression model of the expression and experience of prejudice. Psychological Bulletin, 129 (3), 414-446. Hinkin, T. R. (1998). A brief tutorial on the development of measures for use un survey questionnaires. Organizational Research Methods, 1 (1), 104.121.
HIV-infected women are at increased risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and invasive cervical cancer (ICC), but it has been difficult to disentangle the influences of heavy exposure to HPV infection, inadequate screening and immunodeficiency. A case-control study including 364 CIN2/3 and 20 ICC cases matched to 1,147 controls was nested in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (1985-2013). CIN2/3 risk was significantly associated with low CD4+ cell counts, whether measured as nadir [odds ratio (OR) per 100-cell/μL decrease = 1.15, 95% CI: 1.08, 1.22], or at CIN2/3 diagnosis (1.10, 95% CI: 1.04, 1.16). An association was evident even for nadir CD4+ 200-349 versus ≥350 cells/μL (OR = 1.57, 95% CI: 1.09, 2.25). After adjustment for nadir CD4+, a protective effect of >2-year cART use was seen against CIN2/3 (OR versus never cART use = 0.64, 95% CI: 0.42, 0.98). Despite low study power, similar associations were seen for ICC, notably with nadir CD4+ (OR for 50 vs. >350 cells/μL= 11.10, 95% CI: 1.24, 100). HPV16-L1 antibodies were significantly associated with CIN2/3, but HPV16-E6 antibodies were nearly exclusively detected in ICC. In conclusion, worsening immunodeficiency, even at only moderately decreased CD4+ cell counts, is a significant risk factor for CIN2/3 and cervical cancer.
Abstract Objective: To propose a protocol for pulmonary angiography using 64-slice multidetector computed tomography (64-MDCT) with 50 mL of iodinated contrast material, in an unselected patient population, as well as to evaluate vascular enhancement and image quality. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 29 patients (22-86 years of age). The body mass index ranged from 19.0 kg/m2 to 41.8 kg/m2. Patients underwent pulmonary CT angiography in a 64-MDCT scanner, receiving 50 mL of iodinated contrast material via venous access at a rate of 4.5 mL/s. Bolus tracking was applied in the superior vena cava. Two experienced radiologists assessed image quality and vascular enhancement. Results: The mean density was 382 Hounsfield units (HU) for the pulmonary trunk; 379 and 377 HU for the right and left main pulmonary arteries, respectively; and 346 and 364 HU for the right and left inferior pulmonary arteries, respectively. In all patients, subsegmental arteries were analyzed. There were streak artifacts from contrast material in the superior vena cava in all patients. However, those artifacts did not impair the image analysis. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that pulmonary angiography using 64-MDCT with 50 mL of iodinated contrast can produce high quality images in unselected patient populations.
1816/12/29 (Numéro 364).
Invocatio: I.N.J.C.
Cardiac troponins (cTns) are the recommended biochemical markers in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI). They are very sensitive and tissue-specific but are limited by their delayed appearance in the circulation. Biochemical markers with more rapid release kinetics, e.g. myoglobin and especially heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP), have been used to enhance the early identification of MI. The implementation of cTns into clinical practice has shown that cardiomyocyte injury occurs in many other clinical conditions than MI. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of modern and highly sensitive cTnI assays on the early diagnosis of MI. In a patient cohort with suspected MI, such a sensitive cTnI assay enhanced the early diagnostic accuracy when compared to a less sensitive cTnI assay and to myoglobin. When compared to H-FABP during the early hours after symptom onset, the sensitive cTnI assay showed at least similar and, after 6 hours, superior diagnostic accuracy. A positive cTnI test result had superior prognostic value when compared to H-FABP, even among early presenters. The prognostic value of cTn in acute heart failure (AHF) was evaluated in 364 patients who participated in the FINN-AKVA study. The patients presented with AHF but no acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Up to half of the patients had elevated cTn levels which were associated with higher 6-month mortality. The magnitude of cTn elevation was directly proportional to mortality. Finally, the clinical spectrum of cTnI elevations was evaluated in 991 cTnI positive emergency department (ED) patients. 83% of the patients had MI and 17% had cTnI elevation due to other clinical conditions. The latter patient group was characterized by lower absolute cTnI levels and – importantly – higher in-hospital mortality when compared to the MI patients. In conclusion, the use of a highly sensitive cTnI assay enhances the early diagnostic accuracy and risk stratification in suspected MI patients. Cardiac troponin elevations are highly prevalent also in other acute clinical conditions and indicate an adverse outcome of these patients.
Soitinnus: piano.
Doenças do trigo, como a ferrugem-da-folha, a helmintosporiose e o oídio, causadas por Puccinia recondita, Bipolaris sorokiniana e Blumeria graminis tritici, respectivamente, podem reduzir severamente o rendimento da cultura. Diversas medidas são preconizadas para o controle das mesmas, entre as quais o emprego de cultivares resistentes, na época adequada, e o controle químico, sem o qual, freqüentemente, a cultura torna-se inviável economicamente. No presente trabalho avaliou-se, em condições de campo, a resposta a aplicações de fungicidas de seis cultivares de trigo, IAC 24, IAC 289, IAC 350, IAC 362, IAC 364 e IAC 370, em quatro experimentos instalados nos anos de 2000 a 2003, em Capão Bonito, Estado de São Paulo. Os ensaios foram realizados em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com 4 repetições, e analisados, a cada ano, em esquema fatorial, 2 x 6, sendo fungicida o fator 1 (com e sem) e cultivar o fator 2. As pulverizações, duas ou três, foram iniciadas quando a ferrugem-da-folha atingiu entre 10 e 15% de incidência, e repetidas após aproximadamente 15 dias. Avaliou-se a severidade das doenças por meio de uma escala de notas, que variou de 0 a 9 sendo 0 ausência de sintomas e 9 maior que 60 % de área de tecido foliar afetado pelas doenças, além do peso de mil sementes (PMS) e do rendimento. O oídio foi encontrado apenas em 2000, a ferrugem-da-folha em todos os anos em elevados índices de severidade (30 a 60% de área foliar afetada) e a helmintosporiose ocorreu nos três últimos anos, 2001 a 2003, apresentando os maiores índices de severidade em 2001 (até 60 % de área foliar afetada), o ano mais chuvoso. Em todos os anos os tratamentos químicos proporcionaram controle das doenças, aumentos no PMS e no rendimento. Nos anos mais favoráveis para a cultura, 2002 e 2003, o retorno em rendimento foi maior. As cultivares de ciclo mais longo, IAC 370, IAC 289 e IAC 350, foram as que mais responderam à aplicação do fungicida, embora as duas últimas tenham apresentado os menores índices de severidade das doenças, indicando que não só a resistência, mas fatores como o ciclo e características de produtividade intrínsecas a cada cultivar podem ser importantes na resposta ao controle químico.
1868/04/20 (Numéro 364).
OBJETIVO: Descrever as práticas e cuidados com a área genital de mulheres universitárias. MÉTODOS: Estudo analítico descritivo, que analisou os hábitos e costumes de 364 estudantes de uma universidade pública do Estado de São Paulo quanto ao uso de roupas íntimas, piercings corporais, tatuagens, depilação e práticas sexuais. Um questionário com 42 perguntas avaliou as práticas habituais mais comuns das universitárias. Todas as perguntas foram autorrespondidas e os questionários, sem qualquer identificação, foram colocados em urnas lacradas para garantir o sigilo das informações. As respostas foram tabuladas em planilha Microsoft® Excel 2007 para obtenção de análise univariável. RESULTADOS: A média de idade das universitárias estudadas foi de 21 anos (DP±2,7), sendo 84% brancas. Participaram do estudo voluntárias das áreas de biológicas (50%), exatas (29%) e humanas (21%). Observou-se que 61,8% das entrevistadas usam calcinhas de algodão, porém, ao mesmo tempo, 75,4% usam calças jeans apertadas, e que somente 18,4% deixam de usar calcinha para dormir. Apenas uma participante relatou ter piercing genital e nenhuma tinha tatuagem. A maioria das universitárias faz depilação genital, sendo que aproximadamente um terço delas o faz de forma completa. Após depilar, dois terços usam produtos como anti-inflamatórios e/ou hidratantes na região. Apenas 62% usam camisinha masculina e 17,6% lubrificante na relação sexual. Metade pratica sexo oral receptor; 17,9% sexo anal e 26,6% delas relatam ter dor no ato sexual. Corrimento vaginal foi relatado após a relação sexual em 25,6% dos casos. CONCLUSÃO:Mulheres jovens de universidade pública brasileira têm muitos hábitos inadequados de cuidados relacionados à sua área genital. Não costumam usar piercings ou tatuagens genitais, mas relatam ter dor no ato sexual e corrimento vaginal após o sexo em um grande número de casos.
Vuollejokisimpukan populaatiossa tapahtuvia muutoksia tutkittiin Siuntionjoessa vuosina 2007–2010. Siuntionjoen Sågarsforsin pato, sen kiertävä sivu-uoma sekä alapuolista aluetta kunnostettiin vuonna 2007 mahdollistamaan kalan nousu joessa, sekä lisäämään lohikalojen lisääntymis- ja elinalueita. Kunnostettu alue ulottui lähelle uhanalaisen vuollejokisimpukan (Unio crassus) populaatiota ja toteutettiin syksyllä vuollejokisimpukan lisääntymiskauden jälkeen. Kunnostuksen aiheuttamaa kiintoainekuormitusta pyrittiin rajoittamaan seuraamalla jokiveden samentumista ja keskeyttämällä kunnostustoimet luvanvaraisen rajan ylittyessä. Muista ympäristötekijöistä Sågarsforsin simpukkaseurannan alueella seurattiin pohjanläheisiä virtausnopeuksia avoveden aikaan. Sågarsforsilla sekä Purnuksen vertailualueella seurattiin 2007–2010 alkukesäisin 250 m:n mittaisilla tutkimusalueilla muutoksia simpukkalajistossa, simpukoiden kokonaismäärissä, sekä esiintymistiheyksissä. Kummallekin alueelle satunnaistettiin vuosittain 90 näyteruutua, joilta kerättiin simpukat niin sedimentin pinnalta kuin sisältä. Kultakin näyteruudulta kirjattiin myös virtausnopeus. Elävien simpukoiden osalta lajistossa ei tapahtunut muutoksia kummallakaan alueella. Sågarsforsilla vuollejokisimpukan (U. crassus) sekä sysijokisimpukan (Unio tumidus) kokonaismäärissä että esiintymistiheyksissä tapahtui laskua tutkimusjaksolla. Soukkojokisimpukan (Unio pictorum) määrät vaihtelivat vuodesta toiseen ilman merkittäviä muutoksia esiintymistiheydessä. Järvisimpukoiden (Adononta & Pseudoanodonta-suvut) kokonaismäärät otoksessa vaihtelivat, mutta käytännössä esiintymistiheydet laskivat tutkimuksen aikana. Purnuksella simpukkamäärät ja tiheydet laskivat ja nousivat, ilman selkeää suuntaa, vaikka esimerkiksi vuollejokisimpukan osalta havaittiin hienoista laskua vuodelta 2007 vuodelle 2010. Kummallakin alueella pienten (< 16 mm) simpukoiden määrät laskivat. Sågarsforsilla vuollejokisimpukkapopulaation kokojakaumassa, määrissä sekä tiheyksissä havaitut muutokset näyttäisivät virtausnopeusmittausten, sekä vesistössä suoritetun vedenkorkeuden pitkäaikaismittauksen pohjalta ajoittuvan poikkeuksellisen runsasvetisille vuosille. Kunnostuksista johtuvia vakavia muutoksia virtausnopeudessa tai kiintoainepitoisuudessa ei havaittu, joten todennäköistä on että runsasvetisinä talvina 2007–2008 sekä alkuvuodesta 2010 vuollejokisimpukoita on huuhtoutunut Sågarsforsin alueelta. Tätä vahvistaa myös havainto alhaisista simpukkamääristä korkeamman virtausnopeuden näyteruuduilla. Purnuksen alueella on todennäköistä että simpukkapopulaation vaihtuvuus on suurta ja että yksilöitä huuhtoutuu alueelle ja sieltä pois vuosittain riippuen vesimäärästä joessa.