1000 resultados para 1136
上新世时期是地球环境发展变化过程中由温暖的中新世向冰期-间冰期交替出现的更新世的过渡时期,研究上新世的气候有助于研究现代全球气候变化趋势。我国上新世植物群研究不多,尤其缺乏早上新世植物群的研究。在研究化石植物群的过程中,叶角质层的信息通常被忽视。迄今,我国古气候的定量研究主要集中在山东山旺和云南地区,研究的主要是中新世和晚上新世的古气候,早上新世气候的定量研究国内外都未见报道。 本论文以采自浙江中部嵊州地区硅藻土中的植物叶和果实为材料,通过光学显微镜、荧光显微镜和扫描电镜观察,对提取的化石叶角质层和叶结构进行研究,对比研究现代相关类群植物的叶片,确定了化石植物类群计15科24属(或亚科)34种。同时参照现代植物分布,恢复了早上新世嵊州地区古植被情况,进一步运用共存分析(Co-existence Approch)定量重建了当时的古气候,得到古年均温、古年较差和古年降水量等7个参数。 研究表明,叶结构和叶角质层可以应用于化石植物类群的鉴定。光学显微镜和荧光显微镜下可以获得的信息有:气孔、表皮细胞形状及大小、表皮细胞垂周壁、分泌结构、表皮毛或毛基等。扫描电镜观察的是叶表皮细胞表面的情况,如细胞外壁是否被蜡质以及蜡质的交结情况,气孔外壁是否增厚呈环等。 经化石植物类群鉴定,早上新世(约4Ma)嵊州地区植被属亚热带常绿阔叶林。推测:该地区当时存在一个较大的湖泊,湖泊边缘水中生长有菱角,湖泊周边可能有海拔超过1400m的山地。 常绿阔叶林主要成分是壳斗科植物,其中青冈属植物可能是建群植物。自低海拔到高海拔地区都有分布的是:栎属、栗属、桤木属植物,青杨梅。低海拔地区(<600m)分布的植物有:海南锥,樟。中低海拔地区(300-1000m)分布着:柯属、黄杨属植物,水青冈,海南油丹,江南油杉,福建柏。中高海拔地区(>700m)分布有:高山栎、黄肉楠属植物,米心水青冈,榉树,建始槭,天台鹅耳枥和昌化鹅耳枥。除了上述类群,林中还散布着鼠李属、杜鹃花属和冬青属的植物,豆科崖豆藤属植物则缠绕一些较大乔木生长。另外,在一些土壤、有机质易堆积的洼地生长有竹林,山地贫瘠的地方生长着柏属植物。 嵊州早上新世化石植物群反映的植被同浙江地区现代植被相似。第三纪浙江地区从针叶林或阔叶树为主的针-阔叶混交林过渡到常绿-落叶阔叶林,再发展为常绿阔叶林。 依据23个植物类群分析获得7个古气候参数:年均温17.7-21.4°C,最热月均温22.2-27°C,最冷月均温8.4-13.4°C,年较差12.1-15.3°C,年降水量1136-1869.9mm,最大月降水量211.8-283.3mm,最小月降水量20.3-36.8mm。 对比现代嵊州地区气候参数,早上新世嵊州地区年降水量略高于现代,年均温比现代高1.3-5°C,年较差为12.1-15.3°C。早上新世期嵊州地区四季气温比现代平稳。
Six on-farm trials were conducted from 1 August to 23 November 2004 in two different environments such as homestead ditches (10 to 17 square meters) and plastic barrels (240 liters) to develop techniques for nonoculture [sic] of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis and walking catfish, Clarias batrachus for poor and landless people who have no access to pond. Stocking density for ditch was 10 fry/square meter while that for barrel was 20 fry/cubic meter. The fishes were fed with 3-test diets viz. low-cost formulated feed (rice bran 20%, wheat meal 10%, mustered [sic] oil cake 35%, poultry offal 35%), live foods (chopped snails and clams), and a commercial feed (Saudi-Bangla feed, starter 3: first month and grower-1: subsequent two months) and designated as T1, T2 and T3, respectively. Feeding rate was the same in all the treatments viz. 10% of body weight (first two months), 8% (third month) and 6% (fourth month). T1 and T2 had three replications while T3 had two replications. Water temperature was recorded weekly while fish growth was monitored monthly. After 4 months' rearing, H. fossilis and C. batrachus in ditches and barrels attained higher average weight in T2 followed by T3 and T1 while A. testudineus in barrels also attained higher average weight in T2. The variation in net weight gain by A. testudineus in ditch fed test diets T2 and T3 was not significantly different (P>0.05) though the net gain in both T2 and T3 was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of T1. The yield of climbing perch as obtained from T1, T2 and T3 was 988, 1136 and 1185 kg/ha, respectively while that stinging catfish was 395, 242 and 444 kg/ha and walking catfish was 1605, 2,099 and 1,654 kg/ha respectively. All the three species showed significantly lower growth rate in barrels than in ditches.
由中国科学院昆明动物研究所熊郁良研究员主持研究的“烙铁头属蛇毒结构与功能研究”荣获2004 年度云南省科学技术奖(自然科学类)二等奖。该项目利用我省丰富的烙铁头属蛇毒资源条件,从1985 年开始,在中国科学院和云南省多项基金资助下,重点对烙铁头蛇毒血小板活化素TMVA,与血栓、冠心 病相关的纤溶组分、激活纤溶组分、凝血酶样酶和止血组分、L-氨基酸氧化酶、去整合素、磷脂酶A等
In this paper, a charge-pump based phase-locked loop (CPLL) that can achieve fast locking and tiny deviation is proposed and analyzed. A lock-aid circuit is added to achieve fast locking of the CPLL. Besides, a novel differential charge pump which has good current matching characteristics and a PFD with delay cell has been used in this PLL. The proposed PILL circuit is designed based on the 0.35um 2P4M CMOS process with 3.3V/5V supply voltage. HSPICE simulation shows that the lock time of the proposed CPLL can be reduced by over 72% in comparison to the conventional PILL and its charge pump sink and source current mismatch is only 0.008%.
For a triangular triple quantum dots (TTQDs) ring with three terminals, when lowering one of the dot-lead coupling to realize the left-right (L-R) reflection symmetry coupling, the internal C-upsilon of the TTQDs is well preserved in the absence of many-body effect for the symmetric distribution of the dot-lead coupling on the molecular orbits. In the presence of Kondo effect, the decrement of one of the dot-lead couplings suppresses the inter-dot hopping. This happens especially for the coupled quantum dot (QD), which decouples with the other two ones gradually to form a localized state near the Fermi level As a result, the internal dynamic symmetry of the TTQDs ring is reduced to L-R reflection symmetry, and simultaneously, the linear conductance is lifted for the new forming molecular orbit near the Fermi level
A new technique is reported for the rapid determination of interstitial oxygen in heavily Sb-doped silicon. This technique includes wafer thinning and low-temperature 10 K infrared measurement on highly thinned wafers. The fine structure of the interstitial oxygen absorption band around 1136 cm(-1) is obtained. Our results show that this method efficiently reduces free-carrier absorption interference, allowing a high reliability of measurement, and can be used at resistivities down to 1 x 10(-2) Omega cm for heavily Sb-doped silicon.
采用一种新型的被动调Q饱和吸收体,低温生长GaAs薄膜,实现了半导体抽运Nd:YVO4激光器的调Q运转.研究了激光器的调Q特性,调Q抽运阈值为2W.在抽运功率9.2 W时,获得的最短脉冲半峰全宽为15 ns,最大单脉冲能量为4.84 μJ,最高峰值功率为330 W,最大平均输出功率为1.16 W;脉冲重复频率在220 kHz到360 kHz之间.
藉助氦喷嘴带传输系统 ,采用“p γ”符合的鉴别原理 ,成功地合成与鉴别了5 8Ni(36 Ar,2p3n)反应产生的核素89Ru ,并研究了它的 β缓发质子衰变性质 .实验给出89Ru的衰变半衰期为 (1 .2± 0 .2 )s,测定了它的β缓发质子能谱 ,提取出了89Ru经缓发质子衰变布居到子核88Mo的 2 + 和 4+ 态的相对终态分支比 (1 0 0∶6 ) .通过与统计模型计算结果进行对比 ,初步指定了89Ru基态的自旋 宇称 (5 / 2 + 或 7/ 2 ±)和质量过剩 (- 5 9.5MeV) .