941 resultados para yeast extract
A matriz energética mundial é baseada em fontes fósseis e renováveis. No Brasil, o bioetanol é gerado principalmente a partir da cana-de-açúcar. Resíduos agroindustriais (fontes celulósicas ou amiláceas) despontam como biomassas alternativas à cana-de-açúcar, para aumentar a competitividade deste combustível renovável frente aos de origem fóssil e também favorecer a sustentabilidade e a segurança alimentar e energética, pois são ricos em polissacarídeos não diretamente fermentescíveis, abundantes (problema ambiental) e apresentam baixo valor comercial. O farelo de mandioca é um exemplo de resíduo sólido gerado na produção de fécula (amido) e farinha de mandioca que ainda contém, em média, 75% de amido. Consequentemente, deve ser previamente hidrolisado e posteriormente fermentado por leveduras do gênero Saccharomyces para gerar etanol. O objetivo deste estudo foi produzir bioetanol a partir de hidrolisados enzimáticos de farelo de mandioca, usando levedura álcool resistente (AR). Primeiramente, a concentração de açúcares obtida a partir da hidrólise enzimática foi verificada através de um planejamento fatorial completo (24), com triplicata no ponto central, a fim de investigar a influência dos seguintes fatores na hidrólise: concentração de α-amilase (Termamyl 2X), tempo de liquefação, concentração de glucoamilase (AMG 300L) e o tempo sacarificação. A condição de hidrólise mais favorável foi a do ensaio com 0,517 mL de AMG/g amido, 0,270 mL de Termamyl/g amido, 1h de tempo de liquefação e 2h de tempo de sacarificação. O caldo resultante da condição escolhida alcançou altas concentrações de glicose (160 g/L). Os ensaios de fermentação alcoólica foram realizados em duplicata em biorreator de 3L, em regime de batelada, a 30C, 100 rpm e pH 5,5. Cerca de 3 g/L (massa seca) de uma linhagem de levedura álcool tolerante, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen BY4741, crescida por 12h em meio YEDP (2% de glicose) foram usados como inóculo. O mosto consistiu de um litro de hidrolisado (160 g/L de glicose) fortificado com extrato de levedura (1%) e peptona de carne (1%), além da adição de um antiespumante (Tween 80) na concentração de 0,05% (m/v). Em 30 horas de fermentação, a média da concentração de etanol obtida foi de 65 g/L. A eficiência foi de 87,6% e o rendimento e a produtividade foram 0,448 e 2,16 g/L.h, respectivamente. Os resultados indicaram a aplicabilidade do farelo de mandioca como matéria-prima para a produção de bioetanol
Hovenia dulcis Thunberg, natural da Ásia Oriental, é cultivada no Brasil onde é conhecida como uva-do-japão. A espécie possui várias indicações na medicina popular e alguns estudos apontam o seu potencial antineoplásico, tripanocida e hepatoprotetor. Metabólitos secundários são substâncias não essenciais para a sobrevivência celular, mas que fornecem vantagens adaptativas aos vegetais, sendo atribuído, para algumas delas, atividades biológicas importantes. Substâncias de interesse medicinal têm sido obtidas por técnicas da cultura de tecidos vegetais, como a calogênese e a cultura de células em suspensão, que permitem a síntese de matéria-prima de forma contínua e homogênea, independentemente de fatores ambientais e sazonais. O presente estudo objetivou o estabelecimento de culturas in vitro de H. dulcis, visando à produção de metabólitos de interesse, com vistas à avaliação do seu potencial antineoplásico sobre células K562. Foram testados protocolos para o estabelecimento de diferentes sistemas, como culturas de calos, de células em suspensão (CCS) e compact callus clusters (CCC) e ainda a avaliação do uso de elicitores na otimização de metabólitos produzidos in vitro. Foi verificado que a adição dos fitorreguladores KIN e TDZ, substituindo o BAP, não foi capaz de induzir a formação de calos friáveis, bem como a manutenção das culturas em ausência de luz. O uso do nitrato de prata promoveu a friabilidade de calos em todas as concentrações testadas, considerando-se 2,0 mg.L-1 a melhor concentração. Foram alcançadas taxas de 100% de formação de CCS tanto na presença, quanto em ausência de AgNO3. O maior acúmulo de biomassa foi verificado na concentração mais baixa de PIC (0,625 mg.L-1). A análise dos espectros de RMN indicou a presença de (+)-dihidromiricetina, (+)-galocatequina, hovenitina II, hovenosideo G, hodulosideo III, hodulosideo IV, hodulosideo I e hovenidulciosideo B1 nas culturas de calos friáveis. No estabelecimento de culturas CCC, observou-se a formação de calos compactos verdes em todas as concentrações de ANA testadas. O aumento da velocidade de rotação para 135 rpm aumentou a dispersão das células com consequente formação dos agregados celulares desejados. A seleção de linhagens celulares demonstrou ser um método eficiente na uniformização do tamanho desses agregados e tal uniformidade se manteve estável por mais de cinco subcultivos em 100% das culturas. Uma fração rica em saponinas foi obtida a partir dos agregados celulares, correspondendo a 1,46% da massa seca. A análise por RMN sugeriu a presença das saponinas Hovenosideo G e dos hovenidulciosideos A2 e B2. O uso de elicitores em cultura de calos mostrou-se adequado à produção de metabólitos secundários, sem alterações morfológicas nos mesmos. A elicitação alterou o perfil cromatográfico analisado por HPLC. Na elicitação com 5,0 mg.L-1 de extrato de levedura foi verificado um aumento de quase três vezes (12,280 3,396 equivalentes de quercetina/mg de extrato) na síntese de flavonoides. Finalmente, os estudos de ação antitumoral in vitro demonstraram citotoxicidade dos extratos de calos não elicitados de H. dulcis sobre linhagem de leucemia mieloide crônica (IC50 de 74,05 μg.mL-1.) e inibição do crescimento de tais células (K562), sugerindo o potencial antineoplásico para um produto biotecnológio (calo) desta espécie.
The production of colour by homogenised fish material in a simplified sugar medium containing and acid indicator has been made use of for the rapid approximation of bacterial load in such products. The medium thus developed contains poptone, tryptone, yeast extract, sodium chloride and beef extract besides dextrose. The time of colour production is influenced to some extent by the level of sodium chloride in the medium and is almost always inversely proportional to the bacterial load in the homogenate.
本文根据我们实验室建立的发酵产物中辅酶Q10定性定量检测方法,筛选得到一株可以代谢产生较多辅酶Q10的野生菌株放射形土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium radiobacter No.50)。 为了提高放射形土壤杆菌的辅酶Q10的产量,本实验利用液体培养研究了单因素对菌株辅酶Q10产量的影响,并用正交法确定了最佳液态发酵条件。最佳发酵培养基是:葡萄糖20g,蔗糖40g, 硫酸铵10g,玉米浆30g, 酵母膏3g,K2HPO4 3g,MgSO4.7H2O 1g,蒸馏水1000mL,pH 7.0-7.2。最佳发酵条件是:转接斜面菌种到种子培养基, 转速220r/min、温度28。C培养24h后,转入发酵培养基(250mL三角拼装液量为50mL,pH 7.0), 接种量为10%,转速220r/min、温度28。C,培养120h。在此条件下,菌体湿重约为50g/L,辅酶Q10含量约为20mg/L。 本文以放射形土壤杆菌为出发菌株进行诱变育种,以期获得辅酶Q10高产菌。根据微生物育种原理、参照辅酶Q10的代谢调控机制,以野生型放射形土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium radiobacter No.50)为出发菌株,采用紫外线和亚硝基胍复合诱变技术,依次筛选得到菌体提取物M抗性菌ARM-7、烟草提取物T抗性菌株ARMT-26、Vk3抗性菌株ARMTV-25、链霉素抗性菌株ARMTVS-32,菌株ARMTVS-32产量达到了36.8mg/L,与原始出发菌株相比,产量提高了77%。 研究了茄尼醇、对羟基苯甲酸、橘子皮提取物D、胡萝卜提取物E、烟草提取物对ARMTVS-32合成辅酶Q10的影响,结果表明这些物质对菌体合成辅酶Q10有一定促进作用,添加0.2g/L茄尼醇时,辅酶Q10含量提高了17%,达到了40.7mg/L;添加1.2g/L橘子皮提取物D时,辅酶Q10含量提高了13.8%,达到了39.6mg/L;添加0.5g/L胡萝卜提取物E时,辅酶Q10含量提高了25.3% ,达到了43.6mg/L;添加8g/L烟草提取物时,辅酶Q10含量提高了12.6%,达到了39.2mg/L。 Production of Coenzyme- Q10 (CoQ10) by fermentation is considered as a process with broad prospects.Quantitative Analysis of CoQ10 in the culture of microbe by TLC—UV spectrophotometry was developed, by using this method we got the strain Agrobacterium radiobacter,which was isolated from forest soil of southwest of China. The effect of the single factor on CoQ10-production ability of the strain was examined by liquid cultured, and its best optimum cultivation conditions were established by orthogonal method. The results showed that the optimum fermentation conditions were as following: carbon sources glucose 20g/L,sucrose 40g/L; nitrongen sources (NH4)2SO4 10g/L,maize liquid 30g/L;yeast extract 3g; K2HPO4 3g/L,MgSO4.7H2O 1g/L; initial pH was 7 and volume of medium(medium volume vs flask volume) was 50mL/500mL, incubating for 120h on a rotary shaker at 220 rpm and 28℃.Under these conditions, the biomass and CoQ10 concentration reached 50g/L and 20mg/L respectively. According to the biosynthesis mechanism of CoQ10 and breeding theory, CoQ10 over-production strains were screened by UV--NTG. mutation using Agrobacterium radiobacter No.50 as parent strain. A microbe-juice resistant mutant ARMTVS-32, which also could resist tobacco-juice, VK3 and streptomycin, was screened out from an agar plate. The CoQ10 content of ARMTVS-32 reached 36.8mg/L, which was 77% higher than the initial strain. In addition, We discussed the effects of some organic substrates on the synthesis of CoQ10 in ARMTVS-32. The results showed that solanesol, orange juice D, carrot juice E and tobacco juice could promote the CoQ10 accumulation in the cells. The CoQ10 content of ARMTVS-32 reached 40.7mg/L when added 0.2g/L solanesol,it reached 39.6mg/L when added 1.2g/L orange juice D,it reached 43.6mg/L when added 0.5g/L carrot juice E. it reached 39.2mg/L when added 8g/L tobacco juice.
本论文以红薯淀粉的双酶法水解液为碳源,从19 株红色酵母中筛选出一株油脂含量较高的菌株掷孢酵母(Sporobolomyces reseus)As.2.618。为了提高掷孢酵母(S.reseus)As.2.618 的油脂产量,考察了培养基组成对该菌生长情况及油脂积累的影响。用均匀设计法对培养基组成进行了优化,由DPS软件得出的优化结果为:还原糖103g/L、酵母粉11.5g/L、磷酸二氢钾0.3g/L、硫酸镁0.15g/L。生物量可达19.23 g/L,油脂含量为3.875 g/L。研究了添加二价离子对该菌的生长及油脂积累的影响,结果表明Zn2+对该菌生长和油脂积累都有显著促进作用。研究了发酵条件以及添加氧载体正十二烷对该菌发酵的影响,表明添加正十二烷有利用于该菌生长与油脂积累。得出最佳发酵条件是:在还原糖103g/L、酵母粉11.5g/L、磷酸二氢钾0.3g/L、硫酸镁0.15g/L。添加30mg/L 硫酸锌,接种量为5%,在24h 后添加2g/L 的碳酸钙和2%(v/v)正十二烷,pH6.0 培养温度为27℃,转速为200r/min,培养时间为7 天的条件下,该菌生物量干重可达35.05g/L,油脂含量也达11.98g/L。Lipid is one of the basic material for life-sustaining activities andimportant industrial materials. As lipid resources mainly come from the animal andthe plant, the problem of lipid lack is encountered at times. The lipid frommicroorganisms is the substitute and superior to the above lipid with a short period ofproduction and much cheaper fermentation materials such as agricultural and sidelineproducts or wastes of crop.Thus large scale production and broad application ofmicrobial lipid will be efficient not only in substitute of the animal and the plant lipidfor food and industrial field , but also inducing a new way leading to solve the energyproblem.For the purpose of exploring the characteristics of lipid production of redyeasts from sweet potato starch hydrolysates. 19 red yeasts are screened for thecapability of lipid producing and one strain Sporobolomyces reseus As.2.618 withsuperior performance is sellected.To improve the Sporobolomyces reseus As.2.618’s capability of lipidaccumulation , the components of the medium, which may influence the growth of thestrain and the lipid yield have been studied. To get the optimum mediumcomponents ,the “uniform design” was used .The DPS software gave the optimummedium component is: reducing sugar 103 g/L、yeast extract 11.5 g/L、KH2PO4 0.3g/L、MgSO4 0.15 g/L. The biomass could reach up to 19.23 g/L and lipid yield 3.87g/L with the above composition of fermentation medium.Furthermore the fermentation conditions , addition of the divalent metal ionsand the oxygen vector to increase the strain’s lipid producing capability are tested.The optimum condition is : reducing sugar 103 g/L、yeast extract 11.5 g/L、KH2PO40.3 g/L、MgSO4 0.15 g/L,Adding 30mg/L ZnSO4,and adding 2g/L CaCO3 2%(v/v)n-dodecane after 24h’s fermentation. the optimal fermentation condition were asfollow :30ml medium in the 500ml flask with initial pH 6.0,the flasks with 5%inoculation volume were at 200r/min shaking speed for 7d’s fermentation at27 .Under this kind of condition the high biom ¡æ ass which reach to 35.05 g/L could begot ,the yield of lipid also could reach to 11.98g/L.
红发夫酵母分离于北美西部高山地区和日本一些岛屿上落叶树的渗出液中,因其所产主要色素为在水产养殖、食品和医药工业有广阔应用前景的虾青素而成为研究的热点。本论文对红发夫酵母Phaffia rhodozyma 的生长特性、培养参数与培养基组分对生长和虾青素积累的影响及其优化、虾青素合成的调节控制、虾青素的提取测定及红发夫酵母耐高温菌种的诱变进行了系统的研究。 虾青素是红发夫酵母的胞内色素,要对其进行分析首先要对红发夫酵母进行破壁处理,实验发现二甲亚砜是最有效的破壁溶剂,用氯仿和丙酮可以有效地把类胡萝卜素从二甲亚砜破壁后的红发夫酵母细胞中提取出来。 在固定摇床转速为200 rpm,温度为20 ℃的条件下,当种龄为36 h,以10%的接种量接入装液量为30 mL的250 mL三角瓶,初始pH为5.5时最有利于红发夫酵母的生长及类胡萝卜素的合成。 本实验中红发夫酵母最佳利用碳、氮源分别为蔗糖和蛋白胨,但蛋白胨价格昂贵,不适宜作单一氮源,因此使用硫酸铵和酵母膏作为复合氮源。 本论文采用了BP神经网络结合遗传算法的方法来优化红发夫酵母的发酵培养基,得到红发夫酵母发酵培养基的最佳配比为:蔗糖45.10 g/L、硫酸铵3.00 g/L、硫酸镁0.80 g/L、磷酸二氢钾1.40 g/L、酵母膏3.00 g/L、氯化钙0.50 g/L,使用优化后的培养基发酵类胡萝卜素产量达到8.20 mg/L,干重达到9.47 g/L,类胡萝卜素的产量比起始培养基提高了95.90%,干重提高了89.40%。 从代谢途径出发对红发夫酵母合成虾青素调控调控,选择谷氨酸、乙醇、VB1作为添加剂,通过正交试验设计得出三者添加水平分别为0.2 g/L,0.1% (V/V),10 mg/L时,类胡萝卜素产量提高了25.73%,达到了10.31mg/L。 通过上述优化培养,本论文中红发夫酵母的虾青素产量从1.33 mg/L提高到9.12 mg/L,产量提高了6.86倍;总类胡萝卜素产量从4.23 mg/L提高到10.31 mg/L,产量提高了2.44倍;细胞干重从5.00 g/L提高到11.35 g/L,提高了2.27倍,总体提高效果显著。 红发夫酵母属于中低温菌,本论文采用紫外复合诱变的方式,通过高温筛选,得到一株能在35 ℃下能生长的突变株,但所产类胡萝卜素中虾青素所占比例很小,可能是诱变改变了红发夫酵母的代谢途径,阻断了虾青素的合成。 Phaffia rhodozyma is a heterobasidiomyceteous yeast that was originally isolated from the slime fluxes of brich tree wounds in mountain regions of northern Japan and southern Alaska. Phaffia rhodozyma produces astaxanthin as its principal carotenoid pigment, which has potential applications in acquaculture, food and pharmaceutical industry. This paper researched ways to break cell, analysis of astaxanthin, characteristics of growth, culture parameters and the effects of components of medium on growth and astaxanthin formation , optimization of culture medium, control of astaxanthin synthesis and mutagenesis of Phaffia rhodozyma. It is necessary to disrupt the yeast cell for extracting astaxanthin considering the yeast accumulating carotenoids in cell. Dimethyisulphoxide was the most effective solvent for breaking the yeast cell; acetone and chloroform were effective to extract carotenoids out of the disrupted cell. The optimum pH for growth and carotenoids synthesis is 5.5, the optimum medium volume is 30 mL (in 250 mL flask), the optimum culture time of inoculum is 36 h, the optimum inoculum concentration is 10%. The research on culture medium showed: sucrose is the best one of 6 carbon sources for growth and astaxanthin synthesis. Peptone is the best nitrogen source for growth and astaxanthin synthesis. Uniform Design was used for trial design of the formula medium components, then back-propagation neural network was established to modeling the relationships between the carotenoid yield and the concentration of medium components. Genetic algorithm (GA) was used for global optimization of the model. The optimum combination of the medium was obtained: sucrose 45.10 g/L, ammonium sulfate 3.00 g/L, magnesium sulfate 0.80 g/L, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1.40 g/L, yeast extract 3.00 g/L, calcium chloride 0.50 g/L. The yield of carotenoid reached 8.20 mg/L, which was 95.90% higher than that of the original medium. Glu, VB1 and ethanol were selected as fermentation addictives, after Orthogonal Test, the carotenoid contents increased by 25.73% when adding 0.16 g/L Glu, VB1 10 mg/L and ethanol 0.1% (V/V). After the above optimization, the astaxanthin content increased 6.86 folds, which is 9.12 mg/L. The carotenoids content increased 2.44 folds, which is 10.31 mg/L. The biomass increased 2.27 folds, which is 11.35 g/L. Phaffia rhodozyma grows in the mild temperature range of 0 to 27 ℃, in this work, a thermotolerant mutant was selected through UV-irradiation. It can grows at 35 ℃, and showed increased carotenoid content. The optimal growth temperature for this mutant is 30 ℃. But the mutant can only produce carotenoids with little astaxanthin accumulation.
本文结合我国燃料乙醇发展的方针政策,以酿酒酵母和运动发酵单胞菌为菌种研究其在非粮能源作物木薯中乙醇发酵的情况,为木薯原料更好地应用于生产中提供了理论依据。 酿酒酵母木薯高浓度乙醇发酵的研究。实验采用的木薯干淀粉含量约70-75%。以酿酒酵母为菌种进行高浓度乙醇发酵的工艺条件研究,最佳条件为:木薯干粉碎细度为35目,料水比1:2,α-淀粉酶用量0.09 KNU/g淀粉,蒸煮温度85 ℃,蒸煮时间15 min。采用30 ℃同步糖化发酵工艺,糖化酶用量为3.4 AGU/g淀粉,发酵时间30 h。在10 L发酵罐中,乙醇质量比达127.88 g/kg,发酵效率为88.28%,发酵强度4.263 g/kg/h,100 L中试研究中乙醇浓度为127.75 g/kg,发酵强度4.258 g/kg/h。利用高效液相色谱对发酵液中残糖进行了分析,证明葡萄糖、果糖等单糖已完全被菌体利用,剩余糖为二糖,三糖等不可发酵的低聚糖。 运动发酵单胞菌快速乙醇发酵的研究。对实验室保藏的8株运动发酵单胞菌进行比较,选择发酵速度最快的Zymomonas mobilis232B进行研究。该菌在纯葡萄糖中的最佳发酵条件为:葡萄糖浓度18%,起始pH 6-7,发酵温度30 ℃,发酵时间18 h,乙醇浓度88 g/kg。在以木薯为底物同步糖化快速乙醇发酵中,采用Full Factorial设计和最速上升实验确定了培养基成分中的2个显著性因子及其最适浓度:酵母粉4 g/kg,硫酸铵0.8 g/kg。在最适培养基条件下,对木薯料水比和糖化酶用量进行了优化,得到Z.mobilis232B木薯乙醇发酵最佳料水比1:3,糖化酶浓度4 AGU/g淀粉,乙醇发酵4.915 g/kg/h。利用高效液相色谱对发酵液中残糖进行了分析,剩余糖为二糖,三糖等,但成分较酵母发酵后复杂。 According to the fuel ethanol development plans and policies in our country, the ethanol production from cassava by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis was studied. It provided theoretical basis for ethanol fermentation by cassava in industry. Part 1 is the study of VHG (very high gravity) ethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The content of starch in cassava was 70-75%. Compared with the performances under different experimental conditions, the following optimal conditions for VHG fermentation were obtained: Granule size of dry cassava 35 mashes, hydromodulus of cassava to water at 1:2, α-amylase enzyme dosage 0.09 KNU/g starch, cooking temperature 85 ℃ for 15 min, using the SSF process (simultaneous saccharification and fermentation) and the amount of glucoamylase 3.4 AGU/g starch. Accordingly, the final ethanol concentration was up to 127.88 g/kg; the ethanol yield reached 88.28%, and ethanol productivity was 4.263 g/kg/h after 30 h. When the fermentation scale expanded to 100 L, the final ethanol concentration was 127.75 g/kg, and the ethanol productivity was 4.258 g/kg/h in 30 h. The residual sugar was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography, and proved that there was no glucose and fructose. The residual reducing sugar was some unfermentable oligosaccharide Part 2 is the study of the rapid ethanol production by Zymomonas mobilis. Compare with other seven stains, Zymomonas mobilis 232B was selected for research. The optimum condition in glucose medium was as follow: glucose concentration 18%, initial pH 6-7, and fermentation temperature 30 ℃. The ethanol concentration was 88g/kg in 18 h. After that, rapid ethanol production from cassava in SSF by Zymomonas mobilis 232B was studied. Through a series of experiments aided by Full Factorial Design and steepest ascent search, the optimal concentration yeast extract and ammonium sulfate were determined: 4 g/kg and 0.8 g/kg, each. Under optimum medium conditions, the optimal hydromodulus of cassava to water and glucoamylase dosages were obtained: hydromodulus of cassava to water at 1:3 and glucoamylase dosages 4 AGU/g starch. The ethanol production reached 4.915 g/kg/h. The residual sugar was analyzed by HPLC, and proved that the residual reducing sugar was some unfermentable oligosaccharide,but the components were more complex than that fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
本文筛选出一株能利用木糖产乙醇的丝状真菌Z7,对其利用木糖和半纤维素水解产物产乙醇的发酵条件进行了研究,并对Z7 利用玉米芯产木聚糖酶的条件进行了优化。全文分为三部分: 第一部分:目标微生物筛选、纯化及系统发育分析。以木糖为唯一碳源,采用梯度稀释和平板化线法从高温、中温酒曲中分离到16 株能利用木糖良好生长的丝状真菌;通过发酵试验复筛,获得一株能产乙醇的丝状真菌Z7;综合形态学和ITS 序列分析,初步鉴定为Aspergillus flavus。 第二部分:Z7 的乙醇发酵条件研究。以木糖为碳源,通过单因素试验确定最佳氮源和发酵温度;通过正交试验及SPSS 软件分析得到了不同N、P、K 成分对乙醇、残糖和菌体干重的影响。获得最佳的发酵条件为:(g/L)木糖50,尿素1, NH4NO3 1, K2HPO4 2 , KCl 0.5 , MgSO4.7H2O 0.5 , NaNO3 1 , pH 自然,培养温度33 ℃。以玉米芯半纤维素稀酸水解液为底物进行乙醇发酵,根据稀酸水解的单糖释放量和乙醇产量,确定115 ℃,1 h 为最佳玉米芯预处理条件;结合最佳发酵条件,添加1 g/L 的吐温20 能获得最大的乙醇浓度8.31 g/L。因此,Aspergillus flavus Z7 能利用半纤维素水解产物产乙醇,其中木糖的利用率80%以上。 第三部分:Z7 利用玉米芯产木聚糖酶条件优化。Aspergillus flavus Z7 在具有产乙醇能力的同时还具有产木聚糖酶的能力。本文通过单因素和正交试验得到最佳产酶培养基组分为:(g/L)玉米芯20,尿素2, 酵母膏2.5, K2HPO4 5,NaNO31, MgSO4.7H2O 1。单因素试验表明,用纱布代替塑料布密封摇瓶封口能显著提高产酶量;Z7 在碱性条件下具有更强的产酶性能。在最优条件下发酵,能产生最大木聚糖酶活122.23IU/mL。通过薄层分析,验证了Z7 产生的木聚糖酶具有水解木聚糖生成木糖及木寡糖的能力。 A strain of filamentous fungus which can produce ethanol by using the xylose was isolated in this research. The ethanol fermention conditions from xylose and dilute-acid hydrolyzate of the corn core were studied. The conditions of xylanase production by Z7 were also optimized. The paper involved three parts. Part1: Isolation, purification and phylogenetic analysis of the microbe. By using xylose as the single carbon source and the pla te streaking method, several filamentous fungi were isolated from the wine starter; through the fermentation test, a filamentous fungus Z7 which can produce ethanol was further recognized; furthermore, according to the morphologic observation and ITS seque nces analysis, Z7 was identified as Aspergillus flavus at the first step. Part2: Research on the condition of ethanol fermentation by Z7. By single factor experiment, the optional nitrogen resource and temperature of the fermentation were fixed; meanwhile, through the orthogonal array tests and the analysis of statistic software SPSS, the optional component of the culture medium and the fermentation condition were organized as follows: (g/L) xylose 50, urea 1, NH4NO3 1, K2HPO4 2, KCl 0.5 , MgSO4.7H2O 0.5, NaNO31, pH nature, temperature 33℃. Based on these optimal parameters, the fermentation of dilute-acid hydrolyzate of the corn core was carried on by Z7. According to the quantities of released sugar monomers and content of the ethanol, 115℃ in 1h is the best pretreatment condition; the maximal ethanol content can be obtained when 1g/L Tween 20 was added to. Therefore, the filamentous fungus Aspergillus flavus can use the hydrolysate of hemicellulose to produce ethanol, and the rate of xylose utilization was over 80%. Part3: Optimization of Z7’s xylanase producing condition from corn core. Aspergillus flavus Z7, which can utilize xylose or the hydrolysate of hemicellulose to produce ethanol, also had the ability of xylanase production. The optional component of the culture medium were fixed by the single factor experiment and the orthogonal array tests, and they were organized as follows: (g/L) corn core 20, Urea 2, Yeast extract 2.5, K2HPO4 5, NaNO31, MgSO4.7H2O 1; it was testified by the single factor experiment that sealing the shaking flasks with pledget other than plastic paper can obviously increase the xylanase activity; moreover, Z7 showed better xylanase production ability when in the alkali environment. Under the optional fermentation condition, the maximal xylanase activity 122.23IU/mL was proved. Through the analysis of thin- layer chromatography (TLC), the ability of xylanase from Z7, which can hydrolyze xylan to xylose monomer and oligomer, was vividly displayed.
Penicillium herquei isolate GA4 was isolated from the infected Conchocelis of Porphyra yezoensis. A large-scale fermentation using yeast extract sucrose medium and repeated chromatography afforded a new symmetrical urea derivative, hualyzin (1). The structure was determined by detailed NMR spectroscopic investigations and MS fragmentation analysis.
Yeasts and filamentous fungi are beginning to emerge as significant microbial pathogens in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), particularly in relation to allergic-type responses, as seen in patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), Aspergillus bronchitis and in invasive fungal disease in lung transplant patients. Four fungal media were compared in this study, including Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) and Medium B, with and without the addition of selective antibiotics, where antibiotic-supplemented media were designated with (+). These media were compared for their ability to suppress contaminating, mainly Gram-ve pathogens, in CF sputa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia complex [BCC] organisms) and to enhance the growth of fungi present in CF sputum. Medium B consisted of glucose (16.7 g/l), agar (20 g/l), yeast extract (30 g/l) and peptone (6.8 g/l) at pH 6.3 and both SDA(+) and Medium B+ were supplemented with cotrimethoxazole, 128 mg/l; chloramphenicol, 50 mg/l; ceftazidime, 32 mg/l; colistin, 24 mg/l). Employment of SDA(+) or Medium B+ allowed an increase in specificity in the detection of yeasts and moulds, by 42.8% and 39.3%, respectively, over SDA when used solely. SDA(+) had a greater ability than Medium B+ to suppress bacterial growth from predominantly Gram-ve co-colonisers. This is a significant benefit when attempting to detect and isolate fungi from the sputum of CF patients, as it largely suppressed any bacterial growth, with the exception of the BCC organisms, thus allowing for an increased opportunity to detect target fungal organisms in sputum and represented a significant improvement over the commercial medium (SDA), which is currently used. Overall, both novel selective media were superior in their ability to suppress bacteria in comparison with the commercially available SDA medium, which is routinely employed in most clinical microbiology diagnostic laboratories presently. Alternatively, Medium B+ had a great ability to grow fungi than SDA(+) and when employed together, the specificity of combined use was 82%, with a sensitivity for yeasts, filamentous fungi, and combined overall fungi of 96.0%, 92.3% and 96.0%, respectively. Overall, when employing one fungal selective medium for the routine detection of yeasts and filamentous fungi in the sputum of CF patients, we would recommend employment of Medium B+. However, we would recommend the combined employment of SDA(+) and Medium B+, in order to synergistically isolate and detect the greatest number of fungi present in CF sputa. (C) 2008 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Mortierella pusilla is a susceptible host and supports good growth of the mycoparasite, Piptocephalis virginiana. Uninucleate spores of M. pusilla were sUbjected to N-methyl-N'-nitro-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). To attain a high mutation frequency , a 1o-minute exposure to 10 mg/ml MNNG was used and lead to the survival of about 10 % of the spores. The exposed spores then were plated on chitin or milk plates. Approximately 30,000 colonies were examined after mutagenesis on the screening media. A strain, MUT23 , with abnormal slow growth morphology was found to delay parasitism by £. virginiana. The particular morphology was not due to auxotrophy, because this strain displayed normal hyphae when glucose was used as the sole carbon source. One interesting phenomenon was that MUT23 showed an extensive clearing zone around the colony on colloidal chitin agar after 20-25 d. On the same conditions, wild type strain did not show this phenotype. In addition, the MUT23 strain produced the same normal hypha as the wild type strain when it was grown on colloidal chitin agar. The MUT23 was also able to produce more spores on colloidal chitin agar than on malt-yeast extract and minimal media. The parasite germ tubes formed appressoria at the point of contact on the cell surface of wild type and MUT23 grown for 6 days cell surface but not on the cel surface of MUT23 grown for 2 days. Thus, interaction between MUT23 strain and the mycoparasite was dependent on MUT23 age. The effect of MUT23 filtrate on germination of the parasite was tested. Lysis of germinated spores of the parasite were observed in concentrated MUT23 filtered solution. MUT23 was compared to the wild type strain for their chitinase production in sUbmerged culture. The chitinase isozymes of both wild type and MUT23 were shown by immunoblotting. Eight distinct chitinase molecules were detected. MUT23 showed markedly higher chitinase activity than the wild type cultured in chitin-containing medium. Maximum chitinase activities of MUT23 were 13.5 fold higher at 20 day of the culture then that of wild type.
The fatty acid composition of the total, neutral, sterol, free fatty acid and polar-lipid fractions in the mycelium of Choanephora cucurbitarum was determined. The major fatty acids in all lipid fractions were palmitic, oleic, linoleic and y-linolenic acid. Different lipid fractions did not show any particular preference for any individual fatty acid; however, the degree of unsaturation was different in various lipid fractions. Addition of glutamic acid to the malt-yeast extract medium resulted in the biosynthesis of a number of long-chain fatty acids beyond y-linolenic acid. These fatty acids, e.g. C22~1' C24:0 and C26=Q were never observed to be present in the fungus when grown on a malt-yeast extract medium without glutamic acid. Furthermore, thin-layer chromatographic analysis showed a larger and denser spot of diphosphatidyl glycerol from the mycelium grown on the glutamic acid medium than from the control mycelium. Various cultural conditions such as temperature, age, pH, light and carbon:nitrogen ratio in the growth medium used in this study did not alter the qualitative profile of fatty acids normally present in the organism. Neither did these conditions stimulate the production of further long-chain fatty acids (C20 - C26) beyond y-linolenic acid as observed in growth media containing glutamic acid. These cultural conditions influenced the degree of unsaturation, this being due mainly to changes in the concentration of y-linolenic acid. The fatty acid pattern of the lipid fractions though the same qualitatively, differed quantitatively due to the variation in the y-linolenic acid content under different cultural conditions. The degree of unsaturation of various lipid fractions decreased with increases in temperature, light intensity and pH, but within each treatment the same pattern of decreasing degree of unsaturation with increasing age was observed. The cultural conditions, used in this study, are also known to influence the degree and rate of development of the parasite, Piptocephalis virginiana. A direct correlation was observed between the levels of y-linolenic acid in C. cucurbitarum during the early stages of growth (24 h) and the degree of parasitism of P. virginiana. The amount of y-linolenic acid present in the host mycelium was found to be unrelated to either the dry weight of the mycelium or to the total lipid contents. K. virginiana is confined to host species which produce y-linolenic acid in their mycelium. The lipid profile of the host, C. cucurbitarum, did not show a significant qualitative or quantitative change in the lipid profile as a result of infection by the parasite, P. virginiana,e However, an increase in the total lipid was observed in the infected host mycelium. The significance of these results is discussed.
Wine produced using an appassimento-type process represents a new and exciting innovation for the Ontario wine industry. This process involves drying grapes that have already been picked from the vine, which increases the sugar content due to dehydration and induces a variety of changes both within and on the surface of the grapes. Increasing sugar contents in musts subject wine yeast to conditions of high osmolarity during alcoholic fermentations. Under these conditions, yeast growth can be inhibited, target alcohol levels may not be attained and metabolic by-products of the hyperosmotic stress response, including glycerol and acetic acid, may impact wine composition. The further metabolism of acetic acid to acetylCoA by yeast facilitates the synthesis of ethyl acetate, a volatile compound that can also impact wine quality if present in sufficiently high concentrations. The first objective of this project was to understand the effect of yeast strain and sugar concentration on fermentation kinetics and metabolite formation, notably acetic acid and ethyl acetate, during fermentation in appassimento-type must. Our working hypotheses were that (1) the natural isolate Saccharomyces bayanus would produce less acetic acid and ethyl acetate compared to Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain EC-1118 fermenting the high and low sugar juices; (2) the wine produced using the appassimento process would contain higher levels of acetic acid and lower levels of ethyl acetate compared to table wine; (3) and the strains would be similar in the kinetic behavior of their fermentation performances in the high sugar must. This study determined that the S. bayanus strain produced significantly less acetic acid and ethyl acetate in the appassimento wine and table wine fermentations. Differences in acetic acid and ethyl acetate production were also observed within strains fermenting the two sugar conditions. Acetic acid production was higher in table wine fermented by S. bayanus as no acetic acid was produced in appassimento-style wine, and 1.4-times higher in appassimento wine fermented by EC-1118 over that found in table wine. Ethyl acetate production was 27.6-times higher in table wine fermented by S. bayanus, and 5.2-times higher by EC-1118, compared to that in appassimento wine. Sugar utilization and ethanol production were comparable between strains as no significant differences were determined. The second objective of this project was to bring a method in-house for measuring the concentration of pyridine nucleotides, NAD+, NADP+, NADH and NADPH, in yeast cytosolic extract. Development of this method is of applicative interest for our lab group as it will enable the redox balance of the NAD+/ NADH and NADP+/ NADPH systems to be assessed during high sugar fermentations to determine their respective roles as metabolic triggers for acetic acid production. Two methods were evaluated in this study including a UV-endpoint method using a set of enzymatic assay protocols outlined in Bergmeyer (1974) and a colorimetric enzyme cycling method developed by Sigma-Aldrich® using commercial kits. The former was determined to be limited by its low sensitivity following application to yeast extract and subsequent coenzyme analyses, while the latter was shown to exhibit greater sensitivity. The results obtained from the kits indicated high linearity, accuracy and precision of the analytical method for measuring NADH and NADPH, and that it was sensitive enough to measure the low coenzyme concentrations present in yeast extract samples. NADtotal and NADPtotal concentrations were determined to be above the lower limit of quantification and within the range of the respective calibration curves, making this method suitable for our research purposes.
Xylanases with hydrolytic activity on xylan, one of the hemicellulosic materials present in plant cell walls, have been identified long back and the applicability of this enzyme is constantly growing. All these applications especially the pulp and paper industries require novel enzymes. There has been lot of documentation on microbial xylanases, however, none meeting all the required characteristics. The characters being sought are: higher production, higher pH and temperature optima, good stabilities under these conditions and finally the low associated cellulase and protease production. The present study analyses various facets of xylanase biotechnology giving emphasis on bacterial xylanases. Fungal xylanases are having problems like low pH values for both enzyme activity and growth. Moreover, the associated production of cellulases at significant levels make fungal xylanases less suitable for application in paper and pulp industries.Bacillus SSP-34 selected from 200 isolates was clearly having xylan catabolizing nature distinct from earlier reports. The stabilities at higher temperatures and pH values along with the optimum conditions for pH and temperature is rendering Bacillus SSP-34 xylanase more suitable than many of the previous reports for application in pulp and paper industries.Bacillus SSP-34 is an alkalophilic thertmotolerant bacteria which under optimal cultural conditions as mentioned earlier, can produce 2.5 times more xylanase than the basal medium.The 0.5% xylan concentration in the medium was found to the best carbon source resulting in 366 IU/ml of xylanase activity. This induction was subjected to catabolite repression by glucose. Xylose was a good inducer for xylanase production. The combination of yeast extract and peptone selected from several nitrogen sources resulted in the highest enzyme production (379+-0.2 IU/ml) at the optimum final concentration of 0.5%. All the cultural and nutritional parameters were compiled and comparative study showed that the modified medium resulted in xylanase activity of 506 IU/ml, 5 folds higher than the basal medium.The novel combination of purification techniques like ultrafiltraton, ammonium sulphate fractionation, DEAE Sepharose anion exchange chromatography, CM Sephadex cation exchange chromatography and Gel permeation chromatography resulted in the purified xylanase having a specific activity of 1723 U/mg protein with 33.3% yield. The enzyme was having a molecular weight of 20-22 kDa. The Km of the purified xylanase was 6.5 mg of oat spelts xylan per ml and Vmax 1233 µ mol/min/mg protein.Bacillus SSP-34 xylanase resulted in the ISO brightness increase from 41.1% to 48.5%. The hydrolytic nature of the xylanase was in the endo-form.Thus the organism Bacillus SSP-34 was having interesting biotechnological and physiological aspects. The SSP-34 xylanase having desired characters seems to be suited for application in paper and pulp industries.
Emergence of drug resistance among pathogenic bacteria to currently available antibiotics has intensified the search for novel bioactive compounds from unexplored habitats. In the present study actinomycetes were isolated from two relatively unexplored and widely differing habitats such as mountain and wetlands and their ability to produce antibacterial substances were analyzed. Pure cultures of actinomycetes were identified by morphological and biochemical tests. Various genera of actinomycetes encountered included Nocardia, Pseudonocardia, Streptomyces, Nocardiopsis, Streptosporangium, Micromonospora, Rhodococcus, Actinosynnema, Nocardiodes, Kitasatosporia, Gordona, Intrasporangium and Streptoalloteichus. The frequency of occurrence of each genus was found to vary with sample. About 47% of wetland isolates and 33% of mountain isolates were identified as various species of Nocardia. The isolated strains differed among themselves in their ability to decompose proteins and amino acids and also in enzyme production potential. Antibiotic activities of these actinomycetes were evaluated against 12 test pathogenic bacteria by well diffusion method using agar wells in glycerol-yeast extract agar. About 95% of actinomycete isolates from wetland ecosystem and 75% of highland isolates suppressed in different degrees the growth of test pathogens. Relatively high antibacterial activity among these isolates underlined their potential as a source of novel antibiotics.