948 resultados para wheat (Triticum aestivum. L.)


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Introduction: Drought is one of the most significant factors that limit plant productivity. Oxidative stress is a secondary event in many unfavorable environmental conditions. Intracellular proteases have a role in the metabolism reorganisation and nutrient remobilization under stress. In order to under stand the relative significance of oxidative stress and proteolysis in the yield reduction under drought, four varieties of Triticum aestivum L. with different field drought resistance were examined. Methods: A two-year field experiment was conducted. Analyses were performed on the upper most leaf of control plants and plants under water deficitat the stages most critical for yield reduction under drought (from jointing till milk ripeness). Leaf water deficit and electrolyte leakage, malondyaldehyde level, activities and isoenzymes of superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase, leaf protein content and proteolytic activity were studied. Yield components were analyzed. Results: A general trend of increasing the membrane in stability and accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides was observed with some differences among varieties, especially under drought. The anti-oxidative enzyme activities were progressively enhanced, as well as the azocaseinolytic activities. The leaf protein content decreased under drought at the last phase. Differences among varieties were observed in the parameters under study. They were compared to yield components` reduction under water deprivation.


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Investigations were focused on light effects on allocation of root-borne macronutrients (calcium, magnesium and potassium) and micronutrients (iron, manganese, zinc and copper) in roots, shoots and harvested grains of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plants were exposed to low (100 μmol photons m−2 s−1) or high light (380 μmol photons m−2 s−1). High light stimulated both root and shoot growth. While the total contents per plant of some nutrients were markedly higher (calcium and potassium) or lower (copper) under high light, no major differences were observed for other nutrients. The distribution of nutrients and the further redistribution within the shoot were influenced by the light intensity in an element-specific manner. Nutrients were selectively directed to the leaves of the main shoot (low light) or to the tillers (high light). The quality of the harvested grains was also affected by the light intensity.


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The approach developed by Fuhrer in 1995 to estimate wheat yield losses induced by ozone and modulated by the soil water content (SWC) was applied to the data on Catalonian wheat yields. The aim of our work was to apply this approach and adjust it to Mediterranean environmental conditions by means of the necessary corrections. The main objective pursued was to prove the importance of soil water availability in the estimation of relative wheat yield losses as a factor that modifies the effects of tropospheric ozone on wheat, and to develop the algorithms required for the estimation of relative yield losses, adapted to the Mediterranean environmental conditions. The results show that this is an easy way to estimate relative yield losses just using meteorological data, without using ozone fluxes, which are much more difficult to calculate. Soil water availability is very important as a modulating factor of the effects of ozone on wheat; when soil water availability decreases, almost twice the amount of accumulated exposure to ozone is required to induce the same percentage of yield loss as in years when soil water availability is high.


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For many agronomically important plant genes, only their position on a genetic map is known. In the absence of an efficient transposon tagging system, such genes have to be isolated by map-based cloning. In bread wheat Triticum aestivum, the genome is hexaploid, has a size of 1.6 × 1010 bp, and contains more than 80% of repetitive sequences. So far, this genome complexity has not allowed chromosome walking and positional cloning. Here, we demonstrate that chromosome walking using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones is possible in the diploid wheat Triticum monococcum (Am genome). BAC end sequences were mostly repetitive and could not be used for the first walking step. New probes corresponding to rare low-copy sequences were efficiently identified by low-pass DNA sequencing of the BACs. Two walking steps resulted in a physical contig of 450 kb on chromosome 1AmS. Genetic mapping of the probes derived from the BAC contig demonstrated perfect colinearity between the physical map of T. monococcum and the genetic map of bread wheat on chromosome 1AS. The contig genetically spans the Lr10 leaf rust disease resistance locus in bread wheat, with 0.13 centimorgans corresponding to 300 kb between the closest flanking markers. Comparison of the genetic to physical distances has shown large variations within 350 kb of the contig. The physical contig can now be used for the isolation of the orthologous regions in bread wheat. Thus, subgenome chromosome walking in wheat can produce large physical contigs and saturate genomic regions to support positional cloning.


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以肥熟土垫旱耕人为土为供试土样,用分层土柱试验法研究了不同层次水分、氮、磷组合对冬小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)氮磷养分有效性和产量效应的影响。结果表明,不同土层水肥处理的氮磷养分有效性和产量效应差异显著。氮素养分有效性在4.73%~41.19%之间,磷素养分有效性在4.11%~13.58%之间。对氮素养分有效性,单施氮整体湿润时(0~90cm土层湿润)较上干下湿(0~30cm土层干旱胁迫,30~90cm土层湿润)低4.87%,而氮磷配施在整体湿润时较上干下湿高6.38%,差异均达显著水平;对磷素养分有效性,氮磷配施时,在整体湿润时较上干下湿增加5.01T(p<0.05)。从不同施肥土层看,氮素养分有效性均以0~90cm土层施肥处理最高;对氮磷配施处理,在上干下湿时分别比0~30cm、30~60cm和60~90cm土层施肥处理高9.5%、10.1%和20.2个%;对磷素养分有效性,整体湿润处理,以0~30cm土层施肥显著高于其它土层施肥处理。单施氮或磷,上干下湿时氮磷养分的产量效应均高于整体湿润处理,但氮磷配施时均以整体湿润处理较高;从不同土层施肥看,氮素养分的产量效应以0~90cm土层施肥...


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O problema do acamamento em trigo tem chamado a atenção dos melhoristas devido à severidade dos danos causados as plantas com reflexo no rendimento e na qualidade dos grãos. É um caráter difícil de ser estudado diretamente, dados a múltiplas interações com o ambiente. Muitos trabalhos foram desenvolvidos procurando identificar métodos para seleção indireta. A estatura de planta foi exaustivamente estudada por ser um caráter de alta herdabilidade e fortemente correlacionado com o acamamento; entretanto, plantas com estatura abaixo de 70 cm são inadequadas para o cultivo devido a sua pouca competitividade com as ervas daninhas e por apresentarem dificuldades para a colheita mecanizada. Neste sentido, no presente trabalho foram testados os vários caracteres relacionados com o acamamento e métodos indiretos que possibilitem maiores ganhos na seleção. Foi identificado o coeficiente de resistência do colmo, método internacionalmente conhecido com cLr, como sendo a metodologia mais eficiente para seleção indireta em populações segregantes. Foi também mensurada a dissimilaridade genética entre dez cultivares de trigo recomendadas para cultivo no Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina, no ano 2000, e mais os genótipos IAC 5 e TB 951. A genética do caráter cLr foi estudada através da Análise de Gerações, metodologia também conhecida como Teste de Escala Conjunta. Foram avaliadas a natureza e a magnitude dos efeitos gênicos envolvidos o que ficou determinado que a aditividade e dominância atuam de maneira similar. Não foram encontrados efeitos epistáticos e a herdabilidade no sentido restrito foi de mediana a alta. O caráter cLr parece ser controlado por dois genes independentes com dois alelos cada, sendo que o genótipo duplamente recessivo (aabb) expressou fenotipicamente os valores mais altos para resistência ao acamamento.


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No programa de pesquisa a respeito da adubação da cultura de trigo, utilizando isotopos (32P e 15N), o plano do ano 1971/1972 tinha, entre outros objetivos, a finalidade de determinar a porcentagem de aproveitamento do fósforo pelo trigo, em função do modo de aplicação e interação com fontes de nitrogênio. Oexperimento foi instalado em solo pertencente a ordem Ultisol e grande grupo Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo (Pelotas-RS), contendo 9 ppm de P. Os adubos nitrogenados: sulfato de amônio, uréia e nitrato de amônio, na dose de 120 kg/ha, foram aplicados metade no plantio (ao lado e abaixo das sementes) e metade em cobertura, na fase do perfilhamento. O fósforo radioativo, na forma de superfosfato simples, foi aplicado na dose de 30 kg P2O5/ha de duas maneiras: junto com as sementes ou junto com o adubo nitrogenado aplicado no plantio. Amostras de plantas de trigo foram coletadas entre perfilhamento e espigamento e determinaram-se os pesos de matéria verde e seca, as porcentagens de P total e de P proveniente do fertilizante contidos na matéria seca e a porcentagem de utilização do fósforo aplicado (% UP). Pode-se concluir que a aplicação de nitrogênio é necessário para se obter maio res % UP, mas não há diferenças entre as fontes. Os modos de aplicação do fósforo não diferiram entre si quanto a % UP.


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En la evaluación regional de riego con equipos presurizados, se observa que la mayoría de los establecimientos no hacen uso de programas de riego basados en necesidades hídricas, dando lugar a un uso inadecuado de los recursos hídricos. Por ello, en el presente trabajo se evala la producción de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) bajo riego programado considerando las variables clima-suelo-cultivo. La experiencia se desarrolló en el campo experimental de la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto durante los ciclos 1999, 2000 y 2001. Se contó con la información climática de la estación meteorolgica instalada en el lugar. En los ensayos se consideró un diseño estadístico en parcelas totalmente al azar con seis repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron los siguientes: 1. sin riego; 2. reponiendo desde un umbral de marchitez incipiente hasta capacidad de campo; 3. reponiendo desde umbral de marchitez incipiente hasta un nivel que permita el aprovechamiento del agua de lluvia con un 75 % de probabilidad de ocurrencia; 4. riego sólo en el período comprendido entre las etapas fenolgicas de macollaje y grano lechoso y 5. considerando el modelo de programación YACU. Los resultados de esta experiencia en los tres años considerados establecen una respuesta significativa al riego complementario, con una producción promedio de los tratamientos bajo riego de 4980 kg.ha-1 en 1999, 5895 kg.ha-1 en el 2000 y 6271 kg.ha-1 en el 2001, contra 3296 kg.ha-1, 4054 kg.ha-1 y 3197 kg.ha-1, respectivamente, para los tratamientos sin riego. Dentro de los tratamientos bajo riego, en los dos primeros años se obtuvieron valores significativamente menores en las parcelas regadas sólo entre macollaje y grano lechoso: 4704 kg.ha-1 en 1999 y 4973 kg.ha-1 en el 2000.