952 resultados para visual pattern recognition network


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In this paper, a modification for the high-order neural network (HONN) is presented. Third order networks are considered for achieving translation, rotation and scale invariant pattern recognition. They require however much storage and computation power for the task. The proposed modified HONN takes into account a priori knowledge of the binary patterns that have to be learned, achieving significant gain in computation time and memory requirements. This modification enables the efficient computation of HONNs for image fields of greater that 100 × 100 pixels without any loss of pattern information.


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Audio-visualspeechrecognition, or the combination of visual lip-reading with traditional acoustic speechrecognition, has been previously shown to provide a considerable improvement over acoustic-only approaches in noisy environments, such as that present in an automotive cabin. The research presented in this paper will extend upon the established audio-visualspeechrecognition literature to show that further improvements in speechrecognition accuracy can be obtained when multiple frontal or near-frontal views of a speaker's face are available. A series of visualspeechrecognition experiments using a four-stream visual synchronous hidden Markov model (SHMM) are conducted on the four-camera AVICAR automotiveaudio-visualspeech database. We study the relative contribution between the side and central orientated cameras in improving visualspeechrecognition accuracy. Finally combination of the four visual streams with a single audio stream in a five-stream SHMM demonstrates a relative improvement of over 56% in word recognition accuracy when compared to the acoustic-only approach in the noisiest conditions of the AVICAR database.


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Pattern recognition is a promising approach for the identification of structural damage using measured dynamic data. Much of the research on pattern recognition has employed artificial neural networks (ANNs) and genetic algorithms as systematic ways of matching pattern features. The selection of a damage-sensitive and noise-insensitive pattern feature is important for all structural damage identification methods. Accordingly, a neural networks-based damage detection method using frequency response function (FRF) data is presented in this paper. This method can effectively consider uncertainties of measured data from which training patterns are generated. The proposed method reduces the dimension of the initial FRF data and transforms it into new damage indices and employs an ANN method for the actual damage localization and quantification using recognized damage patterns from the algorithm. In civil engineering applications, the measurement of dynamic response under field conditions always contains noise components from environmental factors. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed strategy with noise polluted data, noise contaminated measurements are also introduced to the proposed algorithm. ANNs with optimal architecture give minimum training and testing errors and provide precise damage detection results. In order to maximize damage detection results, the optimal architecture of ANN is identified by defining the number of hidden layers and the number of neurons per hidden layer by a trial and error method. In real testing, the number of measurement points and the measurement locations to obtain the structure response are critical for damage detection. Therefore, optimal sensor placement to improve damage identification is also investigated herein. A finite element model of a two storey framed structure is used to train the neural network. It shows accurate performance and gives low error with simulated and noise-contaminated data for single and multiple damage cases. As a result, the proposed method can be used for structural health monitoring and damage detection, particularly for cases where the measurement data is very large. Furthermore, it is suggested that an optimal ANN architecture can detect damage occurrence with good accuracy and can provide damage quantification with reasonable accuracy under varying levels of damage.


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In this paper we introduce a weighted complex networks model to investigate and recognize structures of patterns. The regular treating in pattern recognition models is to describe each pattern as a high-dimensional vector which however is insufficient to express the structural information. Thus, a number of methods are developed to extract the structural information, such as different feature extraction algorithms used in pre-processing steps, or the local receptive fields in convolutional networks. In our model, each pattern is attributed to a weighted complex network, whose topology represents the structure of that pattern. Based upon the training samples, we get several prototypal complex networks which could stand for the general structural characteristics of patterns in different categories. We use these prototypal networks to recognize the unknown patterns. It is an attempt to use complex networks in pattern recognition, and our result shows the potential for real-world pattern recognition. A spatial parameter is introduced to get the optimal recognition accuracy, and it remains constant insensitive to the amount of training samples. We have discussed the interesting properties of the prototypal networks. An approximate linear relation is found between the strength and color of vertexes, in which we could compare the structural difference between each category. We have visualized these prototypal networks to show that their topology indeed represents the common characteristics of patterns. We have also shown that the asymmetric strength distribution in these prototypal networks brings high robustness for recognition. Our study may cast a light on understanding the mechanism of the biologic neuronal systems in object recognition as well.


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We studied the application of Biomimetic Pattern Recognition to speaker recognition. A speaker recognition neural network using network matching degree as criterion is proposed. It has been used in the system of text-dependent speaker recognition. Experimental results show that good effect could be obtained even with lesser samples. Furthermore, the misrecognition caused by untrained speakers occurring in testing could be controlled effectively. In addition, the basic idea "cognition" of Biomimetic Pattern Recognition results in no requirement of retraining the old system for enrolling new speakers.


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A new model of pattern recognition principles-Biomimetic Pattern Recognition, which is based on "matter cognition" instead of "matter classification", has been proposed. As a important means realizing Biomimetic Pattern Recognition, the mathematical model and analyzing method of ANN get breakthrough: a novel all-purpose mathematical model has been advanced, which can simulate all kinds of neuron architecture, including RBF and BP models. As the same time this model has been realized using hardware; the high-dimension space geometry method, a new means to analyzing ANN, has been researched.


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We studied the application of Biomimetic Pattern Recognition to speaker recognition. A speaker recognition neural network using network matching degree as criterion is proposed. It has been used in the system of text-dependent speaker recognition. Experimental results show that good effect could be obtained even with lesser samples. Furthermore, the misrecognition caused by untrained speakers occurring in testing could be controlled effectively. In addition, the basic idea "cognition" of Biomimetic Pattern Recognition results in no requirement of retraining the old system for enrolling new speakers.


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A new method of face recognition, based on Biomimetic Pattern Recognition and Multi-Weights Neuron Network, had been proposed. A model for face recognition that is based on Biomimetic Pattern Recognition had been discussed, and a new method of facial feature extraction also had been introduced. The results of experiments with BPR and K-Nearest Neighbor Rules showed that the method based on BPR can eliminate the error recognition of the samples of the types that not be trained, the correct rate is also enhanced.


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A new theoretical model of Pattern Recognition principles was proposed, which is based on "matter cognition" instead of "matter classification" in traditional statistical Pattern Recognition. This new model is closer to the function of human being, rather than traditional statistical Pattern Recognition using "optimal separating" as its main principle. So the new model of Pattern Recognition is called the Biomimetic Pattern Recognition (BPR)(1). Its mathematical basis is placed on topological analysis of the sample set in the high dimensional feature space. Therefore, it is also called the Topological Pattern Recognition (TPR). The fundamental idea of this model is based on the fact of the continuity in the feature space of any one of the certain kinds of samples. We experimented with the Biomimetic Pattern Recognition (BPR) by using artificial neural networks, which act through covering the high dimensional geometrical distribution of the sample set in the feature space. Onmidirectionally cognitive tests were done on various kinds of animal and vehicle models of rather similar shapes. For the total 8800 tests, the correct recognition rate is 99.87%. The rejection rate is 0.13% and on the condition of zero error rates, the correct rate of BPR was much better than that of RBF-SVM.


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An improved BP algorithm for pattern recognition is proposed in this paper. By a function substitution for error measure, it resolves the inconsistency of BP algorithm for pattern recognition problems, i.e. the quadratic error is not sensitive to whether the training pattern is recognized correctly or not. Trained by this new method, the computer simulation result shows that the convergence speed is increased to treble and performance of the network is better than conventional BP algorithm with momentum and adaptive step size.


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A new model of pattern recognition principles-Biomimetic Pattern Recognition, which is based on "matter cognition" instead of "matter classification", has been proposed. As a important means realizing Biomimetic Pattern Recognition, the mathematical model and analyzing method of ANN get breakthrough: a novel all-purpose mathematical model has been advanced, which can simulate all kinds of neuron architecture, including RBF and BP models. As the same time this model has been realized using hardware; the high-dimension space geometry method, a new means to analyzing ANN, has been researched.


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An active, attentionally-modulated recognition architecture is proposed for object recognition and scene analysis. The proposed architecture forms part of navigation and trajectory planning modules for mobile robots. Key characteristics of the system include movement planning and execution based on environmental factors and internal goal definitions. Real-time implementation of the system is based on space-variant representation of the visual field, as well as an optimal visual processing scheme utilizing separate and parallel channels for the extraction of boundaries and stimulus qualities. A spatial and temporal grouping module (VWM) allows for scene scanning, multi-object segmentation, and featural/object priming. VWM is used to modulate a tn~ectory formation module capable of redirecting the focus of spatial attention. Finally, an object recognition module based on adaptive resonance theory is interfaced through VWM to the visual processing module. The system is capable of using information from different modalities to disambiguate sensory input.


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A new neural network architecture for spatial patttern recognition using multi-scale pyramida1 coding is here described. The network has an ARTMAP structure with a new class of ART-module, called Hybrid ART-module, as its front-end processor. Hybrid ART-module, which has processing modules corresponding to each scale channel of multi-scale pyramid, employs channels of finer scales only if it is necesssary to discriminate a pattern from others. This process is effected by serial match tracking. Also the parallel match tracking is used to select the spatial location having most salient feature and limit its attention to that part.


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An incremental, nonparametric probability estimation procedure using the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network is introduced. In slow-learning mode, fuzzy ARTMAP searches for patterns of data on which to build ever more accurate estimates. In max-nodes mode, the network initially learns a fixed number of categories, and weights are then adjusted gradually.


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Working memory neural networks are characterized which encode the invariant temporal order of sequential events. Inputs to the networks, called Sustained Temporal Order REcurrent (STORE) models, may be presented at widely differing speeds, durations, and interstimulus intervals. The STORE temporal order code is designed to enable all emergent groupings of sequential events to be stably learned and remembered in real time, even as new events perturb the system. Such a competence is needed in neural architectures which self-organize learned codes for variable-rate speech perception, sensory-motor planning, or 3-D visual object recognition. Using such a working memory, a self-organizing architecture for invariant 3-D visual object recognition is described. The new model is based on the model of Seibert and Waxman (1990a), which builds a 3-D representation of an object from a temporally ordered sequence of its 2-D aspect graphs. The new model, called an ARTSTORE model, consists of the following cascade of processing modules: Invariant Preprocessor --> ART 2 --> STORE Model --> ART 2 --> Outstar Network.