87 resultados para underdevelopment
After a review of the concept of economic growth as a historical process beginning with the capitalist revolution and the formation of the modern national states, the author claims that growth is almost invariably the outcome of a national development strategy. Effective economic development occurs historically when the different social classes are able to cooperate and formulate an effective strategy to promote growth and face international competition. It follows a discussion of the main characteristics and of the basic tensions that such strategies face in the central countries which first developed, and in the underdeveloped countries, which, besides their domestic problems, confront major challenges in their relations with the rich countries.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata suomalaisen PK-yrityksen kasvamista globaa- liksi toimijaksi. Tapahtunut kasvu on tarkoittanut case-yrityksen kohdalla liike- vaihdon ja henkilöstömäärän kasvun lisäksi myös toimipaikkojen määrän kasvua ja organisaatiorakenteen monimutkaistumista. Näiden muutosten perusteella ja ta- pahtuneiden muutoskohtien avulla on löydettävissä yrityksen toimintaa kuvaavia vaiheita, joita ovat alkuvaihe, kasvuvaihe ja kypsä vaihe. Näiden vaiheiden jälkeen tulee vielä neljäs vaihe, eli uusiutumisvaihe tai laskeva vaihe. Tämän neljännen vaiheen suunta riippuu yrityksen kyvystä uusiutua ja kehittyä vastaamaan uusiin tuleviin haasteisiin joita aikaisempaa globaalimpi toiminta tuo tullessaan. Tapahtuneilla muutoksilla on ollut myös vaikutusta tietohallintoon. Tämä tieto- hallinnossa tapahtunut muutos onkin tämän tutkimuksen ydin, eli mitä haasteita ja vaatimuksia Trafotekin tietohallinto on kohdannut toiminnan eri vaiheissa, ja onko tietohallinto pystynyt omalta osaltaan vastaamaan näihin vaatimuksiin. Toiminnan alkuvaiheessa tietotekniikalla ei ollut suurtakaan strategista ja liike- toimintaa tukevaa roolia, ja tietohallinto pystyikin vastaamaan liiketoiminnan vaa- timuksiin. Tässä vaiheessa Trafotekissa ei ollut erillistä tietohallintoa, vaan tieto- tekniset työt hoidettiin muiden työtehtävien ohessa. Tietotekniset tehtävät olivat lähinnä tukitoimintoihin liittyviä tehtäviä. Kasvuvaiheessa tietotekniikan merkitys kasvoi, ja Trafotekiin tuli tarvetta luoda erillinen tietotekninen työtehtävä. Tässä toiminnan vaiheessa kyvykkyydet ja kypsyys eivät kuitenkaan kehittyneet halu- tulla tavalla, sillä kaikki käytössä oleva resursointi käytettiin edelleen päivittäisiin tukitoimintoihin, kehittämisen sijaan. Sama kehittymättömyys vaivasi toiminnan kypsässä vaiheessa. Tässä vaiheessa toki alettiin jo ymmärtää, että tietohallinnolla on strateginen rooli, joka tukee liiketoimintaa sen tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. Tehty tutkimus tukee näkemystä siitä, että myös tietohallinnon kehittäminen on kokonaisvaltaista kehittämistä, jossa pitää huomioida toimintaa tukevia kyvyk- kyyksiä kaikissa toiminnan vaiheissa. Yrityksen kasvaessa myös tietohallinnon tu- lee kasvaa ja kehittyä. Osa tämän tutkimuksen tapahtumista oli tapahtunut ennen tämän tutkimustyön varsinaista aloittamista, eli ne kuvataan ja selitetään jälkijättöisesti. Kyseessä on toimintatutkimus, joka ajoittuu vuosiin 1996–2014. Avainsanat: globalisaatio, kansainvälinen kasvu, tietohallinto, tietohallinnon joh- taminen ja kehitys, kasvu-, kehitys- ja kypsyysmalli
This article is devoted to analyze changes in economic policy to be adopted by Mexico if a national development project were implemented. Starting from an evaluation of the main economic and political outcomes of Vicentes Fox administration, the author proposes an alternative development strategy which permits Mexico to overcome economic stagnation. That strategy would be based in recovering the internal market as the dynamical focus of the economy with the purpose of satisfying basic needs of people. To be successful this strategy should to confront the "critical knots" of the Neo-liberal model: to reverse the uneven distribution of income; abandoning the fixing of restrictive monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies; and mobilizing economic surplus by means of a profound revision of debt service schemes. It concludes that to implement a national development project it is required a political and economic strategy to dismantle neoliberalism, which is an antinational structure of power.
The central hypothesis of this article is that in the context of globalization, monetary inconvertibility is a crucial problem of peripheral countries. It begins with a brief review of the debate from a historical point of view and then stresses the contemporary opposite's views on the fragility of financial system of emerging countries: the original sin and the debt intolerance hypothesis. Despite of supporting the first one, the article goes further and explores the domestic implication of inconvertibility. It criticizes the jurisdicional uncertainty proposition showing that an inherent flaw in the store of value of emerging market currencies, derived from original sin is the main reason for de facto inconvertibility and underdevelopment of domestic financial system of these countries.
Kalecki made important contributions to development economics, which rank him among the founding fathers of this area of our discipline. The objective of this paper is to give an account of his contributions, and in particular of his conception of the peculiarities and the way of functioning of the underdeveloped economies, and of the barriers that limits their capacity for high and sustained long run growth. As most socialist economists of his time, he was skeptic about the possibilities of overcoming underdevelopment under capitalism. However, in contradistinction to other pioneers of development economics, Kalecki did not stress the international forces that hamper development, but put the accent rather in the internal institutions and social and political determinants. In particular, the feudal and semi-feudal conditions in agriculture, the reduced market ensuing from income concentration and widespread monopolization of the economy, and the lack of willingness of entrepreneurs to carry out the necessary investments. Accordingly, his economic policy recommendations emphasized also the domestic aspects involved.
A master in the periphery of capitalism. Maria da Conceição Tavares is an eminent figure in Brazilian economic thought, especially in heterodox circles. She has tackled various issues, such as underdevelopment, from the perspective of a "critique of political economy". The purpose of this article is to identify the main theoretical references, as well as the methodological stance, in Tavares's works, by revisiting the author's critical dialogue with some strands of Political Economy. Although Tavares's work sets up a dialogue with various economists, the paper will focus on her interpretation of Marx, Keynes and Kalecki, whose ideas are of utmost importance for the construction of her analytical framework.
Celso Furtado, the return to the basic controversy. A reading of the work of Celso Furtado in its completion opens an enriching view of the interaction between theoretical thinking and the unveiling of Latin-America history. Starting from an appraisal of the pre-Classic and Classic authors, Furtado outlined an approach of surplus theory. That would enable development theory to deal with the unevenly industrialized economies like Brazil. His thorough analysis of development and underdevelopment processes broke away from the initial ECLA experiences to build a planning proposal the uprising country. The French roots of his academic profile helped him to keep an orderly explanation of capital demand that kept him siding with Wicksell against the subjective theory of Schumpeter.
This paper addresses the concept of sustainable development and, more particularly, its applicability in underdeveloped economies when analyzing reciprocal effects between economic organization and environmental issues. It also addresses the relationships between development and underdevelopment, from an ecological economics' approach, and its theoretical implications regarding the concept of sustainable development. We conclude that the specificities of Latin American economies, when compared to those economies of developed countries, also entail, beyond economical disparities, the existence of strong antagonisms from an environmental standpoint, which are recurrently ignored by most of the interpretations concerning sustainable development.
Sudene is the Brazilian Federal Agency for Northeast development. The Agency was recreated last year and this article discusses the possibility of its success. The main point argued here is that financial incentives per se are not the best way for a sustained economical and social progress. It is necessary a change in the institutions which maintain the status quo of the underdevelopment. The article shows the Sudene history and the motives of its failure.
This thesis compares the foreign economic poUcy dimension of the development strategies adopted by the governments of two Commonwealth caribbean countries: The Hardey government In Jamaica, and the· Williams government in Trlnidad and T ooago, The foreign economic policIes adopted by these governments appeared, on the surface~ to be markedly dissimilar. The Jamakan strategv on the one hand, emphasised self-reliance and national autonomy; and featured the espousal of radical oonaHgnment together with attempts to re-deftne the terms of the Islands externaa economIc relaUoos. The Trinidadian strategy 00 the other hand, featured Uberal externaUy-oriented growth poUctes, and close relatjoos with Western governments and financial institutions. Th1s study attempts to identify the explanatory factors that account for the apparent dlssimUarUy 1n the foreign economic policies of these two govemnents. The study is based on a comparison of how the structural bases of an underdeveloped ecooomYg and the foreign penetration and vulnerabUUy to external pressures asSOCiated wUh dependence, shape and influence foreign economic poUcy strategy. The framework views fore1gn ecooom1c strategy as an adaptive response on the part of the decision makers of a state to the coostralnts and opportunities provided by a particular situation. The · situat i 00' in this case being the events, conditions, structures and processes, associated wUh dependente and underdevelopment. The results indicate that the similarities and dissimHarities in the foreign economic policies of the governments of Jamaica and Trinidad were a reflecUon of the simHarities and dissimilarities in their respective situations. The conclusion derived suggests that If the foreign pol1cy field as an arena of choice, Is indeed one of opportunities and constraints for each and every state, then poHcy makers of smaU, weak, hlghW penetrated and vulnerable states enter thlS arena with constraints outweighing opportunities. This places effective limits 00 their decisional latitude and the range of policy options avaUable. Policy makers thus have to decide critical issues with few estabUshed precedents, in the face of domestic social and political cleavages, as wen as serious foreign pressures. This is a reflection not only of the trappings of dependence, but also of the Umned capabilities arising from the sman size of the state, and the Impact of the resource-gap In an underdeveloped economy. The Trinidadian strategy 1s UlustraUve of a development strategy made viable through a combination of a fortuitous circumstance, a confluence of the interests of influential groups» and accurate perception on the part of poUcy makers. These factors enabled policy makers to minimise some of the constraints of dependence. The faUure of Manlets strategy on the other hand, 15 iHustraUve of the problems involved tn the adoption of poUcles that work against the interest of internal and external political and economic forces. It is also tUustraUve of the consequences of the faUure 00 the part of policy makers to clarify goals, and to reconcile the values of rapid economic growth with increased self-reliance and national autonomy. These values tend to be mutuany Incompatible given the existing patterns of relations in the jnternational economy.
This study investigated the effectiveness of an Ontario-developed online Special Education teacher training course as a model for in-service teacher professional development in China. The study employed a mixed method approach encompassing both a quantitative survey and a qualitative research component to gather perceptions of Chinese and Canadian teachers, educational administrators, and teacher-educators who have intensive experience with online education, Special Education, and teacher preparation programs both in China and Canada. The study revealed insufficient understanding of Special Education among the general Chinese population, underdevelopment of Special Education teacher preparation in China, and potential benefits of using a Canadian online teacher training course as a model for Special Education in China. Based on the literature review and the results of this study, it is concluded that online Canadian Special Education teacher in-service courses can set an example for Chinese Special Education teacher training. A caveat is that such courses would require localized modifications, support of educational authorities, and pilot testing.
S’il existe plusieurs modèles présentant les attentes par rapport au développement, peu d’auteurs ont tenté de caractériser le sous-développement au sein d’un concept englobant. C’est pourquoi la notion de vulnérabilité, exposée par Denis Goulet dans The Cruel Choice (1971), demeure très utile aussi bien pour comprendre le sous-développement que pour se pencher sur les rapports entre le développement et le sous-développement. Il est particulièrement important d’analyser la vulnérabilité des détenteurs du pouvoir en tant que condition nécessaire pour le développement des faibles comme des puissants.
Although there are several models that seek to understand development, few authors try to characterize underdevelopment under an all-encompassing concept. This is why the notion of vulnerability, as exposed by Goulet in The Cruel Choice (1971), continues to be useful in the analysis of underdevelopment. Firstly, it aids us to understand underdevelopment, but also to see the relationship between development and underdevelopment. In particular, it is important to analyze Goulet's idea of vulnerability of those who have power as a necessary condition for the development of both the powerless and the powerful.
Introduction: Les professionnels de la réadaptation de l’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ont la responsabilité d’offrir des services de qualité ancrés dans les données probantes. Cette responsabilité relève du rôle d’érudit selon le cadre de compétences CanMEDS. Quelle place occupe par ce rôle en clinique? Objectifs : 1) Documenter les perceptions, expériences et vécus en lien avec le rôle d’érudit chez les professionnels de la réadaptation de l’AVC. 2) Identifier les facteurs perçus comme facilitant ou entravant ce rôle clinique. Méthodologie : Étude qualitative exploratoire d’orientation phénoménologique par entrevue individuelle de professionnels travaillant en réadaptation de l’AVC depuis au moins deux ans. Codification des verbatim avec le logiciel QDA-Miner. Résultats : Les participants (âge moyen 40,7 ans ± 11,2) sont majoritairement des femmes (9/11) et leur expérience de travail en AVC varie de 3 à 23 ans. Les principaux thèmes identifiés sont: 1) Les savoirs tacites sont perçus comme synonyme du rôle d’érudit; 2) L’expérience de travail et l’intuition clinique amènent confiance et confort dans les pratiques; 3) L’insatisfaction quant au manque de partage des connaissances; 4) L’importance de la diversification dans les tâches cliniques et 5) La pratique réflexive est peu développée. Les quatre facteurs influençant le rôle d’érudit sont: la motivation; l’incident critique, les stagiaires et le manque de temps. Conclusion : Le rôle d’érudit apparaît peu valorisé par les participants. Il existe un écart entre le rôle d’érudit tel que décrit dans les cadres de compétences et la façon dont il est actualisé en pratique clinique.
Né à Constantine en 1905 É.C., décédé à Alger en 1973 É.C., Malek Bennabi ce penseur algérien et réformateur musulman peu connu, s’est attaché durant sa vie, à étudier et analyser les problèmes liés à la civilisation du Monde arabo-musulman. Ingénieur sorti de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, Malek Bennabi a jumelé deux cultures différentes : la culture islamique et la culture occidentale.C'est pour cette raison que ses analyses sont ornées d'expertise et d'expérience, d'innovation et d'émancipation. Sa réflexion est pleine d'animation, il a plus d'une vingtaine d'ouvrages, traitant des thèmes variés : la civilisation, le dialogue civilisationnel, la culture, l'idéologie, les problèmes de société, l’orientalisme, la démocratie, le système colonial ainsi que de sujets relatifs au phénomène coranique. À travers ses écrits, il s’attache à étudier et à analyser les raisons de la stagnation de la Société arabo-musulmane et les conditions d’une nouvelle renaissance. Malek Bennabi, s’attèle à tenter d’éveiller les consciences pour une renaissance de cette société. Ayant vécu l’expérience coloniale et post – coloniale dans son pays, Malek Bennabi demeurera tourmenté par les obstacles de développement. Pour lui l’accession à l’indépendance et la construction d’un État moderne n’auront pas suffi à arracher la société au sous-développement économique, social et culturel. En effectuant une relecture du patrimoine islamique, tout comme l’ont fait deux penseurs décédés récemment : Al Djâbiri et Mohamed Arkoun. Malek Bennabi cherchait à offrir une énergie sociale capable à arracher les sociétés arabo-musulmanes de leur sous-développement et décadence. C’est sous cet angle, que nous allons, dans ce mémoire, mener notre réflexion en l’articulant autour de la problématique centrale qui traverse la pensée de Malek Bennabi, à savoir celle du renouveau de la société islamique marquée par une grande diversité. Nous allons tenter de répondre à plusieurs questions, dont la principale est la suivante : est-ce que Malek Bennabi a présenté, à travers ses idées, de la nouveauté pour changer la réalité arabo-musulmane?