992 resultados para typing methods


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Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus) is an important human pathogen, causing a wide array of infections ranging in severity. The majority of S. pyogenes infections are mild upper respiratory tract or skin infections. Severe, invasive infections, such as bacteraemia, are relatively rare, but constitute a major global burden with a high mortality. Certain streptococcal types are associated with a more severe disease and higher mortality. Bacterial, non-necrotizing cellulitis and erysipelas are localised infections of the skin, and although they are usually not life-threatening, they have a tendency to recur and therefore cause substantial morbidity. Despite several efforts aimed at developing an effective and safe vaccine against S. pyogenes infections, no vaccine is yet available. In this study, the epidemiology of invasive S. pyogenes infections in Finland was described over a decade of national, population-based surveillance. Recent trends in incidence, outcome and bacterial types were investigated. The beta-haemolytic streptococci causing cellulitis and erysipelas infections in Finland were studied in a case-control study. Bacterial isolates were characterised using both conventional and molecular typing methods, such as the emm typing, which is the most widely used typing method for beta-haemolytic streptococci. The incidence of invasive S. pyogenes disease has had an increasing trend during the past ten years in Finland, especially from 2006 onwards. Age- and sex-specific differences in the incidence rate were identified, with men having a higher incidence than women, especially among persons aged 45-64 years. In contrast, more infections occurred in women aged 25-34 years than men. Seasonal patterns with occasional peaks during the midsummer and midwinter were observed. Differences in the predisposing factors and underlying conditions of patients may contribute to these distinctions. Case fatality associated with invasive S. pyogenes infections peaked in 2005 (12%) but remained at a reasonably low level (8% overall during 2004-2007) compared to that of other developed countries (mostly exceeding 10%). Changes in the prevalent emm types were associated with the observed increases in incidence and case fatality. In the case-control study, acute bacterial non-necrotizing cellulitis was caused predominantly by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, instead of S. pyogenes. The recurrent nature of cellulitis became evident. This study adds to our understanding of S. pyogenes infections in Finland and provides a basis for comparison to other countries and future trends. emm type surveillance and outcome analyses remain important for detecting such changes in type distribution that might lead to increases in incidence and case fatality. Bacterial characterisation serves as a basis for disease pathogenesis studies and vaccine development.


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Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis are among the major enteropathogenic bacteria causing infections in humans in many industrialized countries. In Finland, Y. pseudotuberculosis has caused 10 outbreaks among humans during 1997-2008. Some of these outbreaks have been very extensive involving over 400 cases; mainly children attending schools and day-care. Y. enterocolitica, on the contrary, has caused mainly a large number of sporadic human infections in Finland. Y. pseudotuberculosis is widespread in nature, causing infections in a variety of domestic and wild animals. Foodborne transmission of human infections has long been suspected, however, attempts to trace the pathogen have been unsuccessful before this study that epidemiologically linked Y. pseudotuberculosis to a specific food item. Furthermore, due to modern food distribution systems, foodborne outbreaks usually involve many geographically separate infection clusters difficult to identify as part of the same outbreak. Among pathogenic Y. enterocolitica, the global predominance of one genetically homogeneous type (bioserotype 4/O:3) is a challenge to the development of genetic typing methods discriminatory enough for epidemiological purposes, for example, for tracing back to the sources of infections. Furthermore, the diagnostics of Y. enterocolitica infections is hampered because clinical laboratories easily misidentify some other members of the Yersinia species (Y. enterocolitica–like species) as Y. enterocolitica. This results in misleading information on the prevalence and clinical significance of various Yersinia isolates. The aim of this study was to develop and optimize molecular typing methods to be used in epidemiological investigations of Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis, particularly in active surveillance and outbreak investigations of Y. pseudotuberculosis isolates. The aim was also to develop a simplified set of phenotypic tests that could be used in routine diagnostic laboratories for the correct identification of Y. enterocolitica and Y. enterocolitica –like species. A PFGE method designed here for typing of Y. pseudotuberculosis was efficient in linking the geographically dispersed and apparently unrelated Y. pseudotuberculosis infections as parts of the same outbreak. It proved to be useful in active laboratory-based surveillance of Y. pseudotuberculosis outbreaks. Throughout the study period, information about the diversity of genotypes among outbreak and non-outbreak related strains of human origin was obtained. Also, to our knowledge, this was the first study to epidemiologically link a Y. pseudotuberculosis outbreak of human illnesses to a specific food item, iceberg lettuce. A novel epidemiological typing method based on the use of a repeated genomic region (YeO:3RS) as a probe was developed for the detection and differentiation between strains of Y. enterocolitica subspecies palearctica. This method was able to increase the discrimination in a set of 106 previously PFGE typed Finnish Y. enterocolitica bioserotype 4/O:3 strains among which two main PFGE genotypes had prevailed. The developed simplified method was a more reliable tool than the commercially available biochemical test kits for differentiation between Y. enterocolitica and Y. enterocolitica –like species. In Finland, the methods developed for Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis have been used to improve the identification protocols and in subsequent outbreak investigations.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae é um importante agente etiológico de infecções invasivas e não invasivas, incluindo meningite, pneumonia e otite média. A cápsula polissacarídica é o principal fator de virulência desse microrganismo, sendo também considerada um importante marcador em estudos epidemiológicos. Dentre os mais de 90 tipos capsulares conhecidos, o sorotipo 14 se destaca pela prevalência elevada em várias regiões, inclusive no Brasil. A avaliação da diversidade genética desse microrganismo também inclui a aplicação de métodos moleculares, como PFGE e MLST. Entretanto, essas metodologias são relativamente onerosas, consomem muito tempo e os resultados obtidos com a técnica de PFGE são de difícil comparação entre diferentes laboratórios. A técnica de análise do polimorfismo numérico de segmentos repetitivos em múltiplos loci [MLVA, do inglês Multiple Loci VTNR (Variable-Number Tandem Repeat) Analysis] se apresenta como uma alternativa, embora ainda necessite de padronização e avaliação mais ampla para a espécie em questão. No presente estudo, 60 amostras de Streptococcus pneumoniae pertencentes ao sorotipo 14, isoladas de diversas fontes clínicas, em diferentes locais e períodos de tempo, foram caracterizadas pelas técnicas de MLVA (baseada na análise de 18 loci distintos), MLST, PFGE e tipagem do gene pspA. O gene pspA2 predominou entre as amostras analisadas, seguido pelo gene pspA1. Os tipos de MLVA, perfis de PFGE, e STs encontrados apresentaram resultados, em geral, concordantes, indicando o elevado poder discriminatório da versão da técnica de MLVA empregada. Cinco complexos clonais (CC) de MLVA e cinco singletons puderam ser definidos. O CC de MLVA denominado de L7 foi o predominante, compreendendo 36,7% da amostragem estudada. O CC L7 mostrou-se relacionado com genes pspA da família 2, com o CC1 de MLST, com o CC Pen14-H de PFGE, e com a não susceptibilidade à penicilina, Entre os complexos clonais de MLST, o CC1 foi o prevalente e incluiu predominantemente o ST156, pertencente ao clone internacional Spain9V-3. O CC L3 e o singleton L17 de MLVA apresentaram-se associados ao CC de PFGE Eri14-A, a família 1 de PspA e ao CC2 de MLST, que por sua vez também estava relacionado com o clone internacional England14-9. O CC L15 de MLVA esteve associado ao CC de PFGE Pen14-A, ao gene pspA2, aos CC3 e CC4 de MLST e ao clone internacional do PMEN Tennessee14-18. A técnica de MLVA revelou-se significativamente mais discriminatória que as técnicas de PFGE e MLST, conforme exemplificado pela detecção de 21 perfis de MLVA, 13 perfis de PFGE e cinco STs, entre as 22 amostras pertencentes ao CC de MLVA L7. Uma versão de MLVA, compreendendo um painel com os oito loci de maior poder discriminatório, pôde ser proposta a partir da análise dos resultados obtidos. Estes aspectos, aliados ao menor tempo e custo de execução, indicam que a técnica de MLVA constitui uma alternativa importante e satisfatória para uso em estudos sobre a diversidade genética de S. pneumoniae.


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Were study a horse (Equus caballus), Purebred Spanish Horse, 6 years old, intact male sex, weight about 550kg, from equestrian center in Fregenal Sierra-Extremadura, Spain. History of acute diarrhea, are apply conventional treatment (hydration, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic). Physical examination showed severe profuse, fetid diarrhea deep red, tachypnea. The physiological parameters were: heart rate 60 bpm, respiratory rate 39 rpm and mucous cyanotic. Temperature: 40°C. Hematological examination showed severe leucopenia, decreased total serum protein, albumin and globulin also diminished. Serum chemistry evidenced severe hyponatremia and hypokalemia, with high levels of chlorine indicating metabolic acidosis. A stool analysis, which was negative and showed no eggs or larvae in the samples studied was performed. The microbial culture allowed the isolation of Klebsiella sp. and susceptibility testing showed sensitivity to ampicillin, Cetafzidine, Ciprofloxacin, Cefepine, gentamicin, imipenem, meropenem, Piperaciclina, piperacillin / tazobactam and trimethoprim sulfa resistance. The horse presented systemic complications associated with endotoxemia and death 36 hours after the onset of diarrhea. At necropsy, severe bleeding was observed enterotiflocolitis. The histological sections showed proliferative enteritis characterized by lymphocyte and mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate plasmocytorious mucosa and submucosa, coagulation necrosis, bacteria and short rod type morphology with no specific grouping. In conclusion a case of acute syndrome enterotiflocolitis reported Klebsiella sp. on a horse Purebred Spanish.


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Refined vegetable oils are widely used in the food industry as ingredients or components in many processed food products in the form of oil blends. To date, the generic term 'vegetable oil' has been used in the labelling of food containing oil blends. With the introduction of new EU Regulation for Food Information (1169/2011) due to take effect in 2014, the oil species used must be clearly identified on the package and there is a need for development of fit for purpose methodology for industry and regulators alike to verify the oil species present in a product. The available methodologies that may be employed to authenticate the botanical origin of a vegetable oil admixture were reviewed and evaluated. The majority of the sources however, described techniques applied to crude vegetable oils such as olive oil due to the lack of refined vegetable oil focused studies. Nevertheless, DNA based typing methods and stable isotopes procedures were found not suitable for this particular purpose due to several issues. Only a small number of specific chromatographic and spectroscopic fingerprinting methods in either targeted or untargeted mode were found to be applicable in potentially providing a solution to this complex authenticity problem. Applied as a single method in isolation, these techniques would be able to give limited information on the oils identity as signals obtained for various oil types may well be overlapping. Therefore, more complex and combined approaches are likely to be needed to identify the oil species present in oil blends employing a stepwise approach in combination with advanced chemometrics. Options to provide such a methodology are outlined in the current study.


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The anaerobic skin commensal Propionibacterium acnes is an underestimated cause of human infections and clinical conditions. Previous studies have suggested a role for the bacterium in lumbar disc herniation and infection. To further investigate this, five biopsy samples were surgically excised from each of 64 patients with lumbar disc herniation. P. acnes and other bacteria were detected by anaerobic culture, followed by biochemical and PCR-based identification. In total, 24/64 (38%) patients had evidence of P. acnes in their excised herniated disc tissue. Using recA and mAb typing methods, 52% of the isolates were type II (50% of culture-positive patients), while type IA strains accounted for 28% of isolates (42% patients). Type III (11% isolates; 21% patients) and type IB strains (9% isolates; 17% patients) were detected less frequently. The MIC values for all isolates were lowest for amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, rifampicin, tetracycline, and vancomycin (≤1 mg/L). The MIC for fusidic acid was 1-2 mg/L. The MIC for trimethoprim and gentamicin was 2 to ≥4  mg/L. The demonstration that type II and III strains, which are not frequently recovered from skin, predominated within our isolate collection (63%) suggests that the role of P. acnes in lumbar disc herniation should not be readily dismissed.


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Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) comprises microorganisms that affect a wide range of animals including humans. The most relevant are Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominissuis (Mah) with a high impact on public health affecting mainly immunocompromised individuals and Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) causing paratuberculosis in animals with a high economic impact worldwide. In this work, we characterized 28 human and 67 porcine Mah isolates and evaluated the relationship among them by Multiple-Locus Variable number tandem repeat Analysis (MLVA). We concluded that Mah population presented a high genetic diversity and no correlations were inferred based on geographical origin, host or biological sample. For the first time in Portugal Map strains, from asymptomatic bovine faecal samples were isolated highlighting the need of more reliable and rapid diagnostic methods for Map direct detection. Therefore, we developed an IS900 nested real time PCR with high sensitivity and specificity associated with optimized DNA extraction methodologies for faecal and milk samples. We detected 83% of 155 faecal samples from goats, cattle and sheep, and 26% of 98 milk samples from cattle, positive for Map IS900 nested real time PCR. A novel SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) assay to Map characterization based on a Whole Genome Sequencing analysis was developed to elucidate the genetic relationship between strains. Based on sequential detection of 14 SNPs and on a decision tree we were able to differentiate 14 phylogenetic groups with a higher discriminatory power compared to other typing methods. A pigmented Map strain was isolated and characterized evidencing for the first time to our knowledge the existence of pigmented Type C strains. With this work, we intended to improve the ante mortem direct molecular detection of Map, to conscientiously aware for the existence of Map animal infections widespread in Portugal and to contribute to the improvement of Map and Mah epidemiological studies.


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The present investigation was envisaged to determine the prevalence and identify the different Salmonella serovar in seafood from Cochin area. Though, the distribution of Salmonella serovars in different seafood samples of Cochin has been well documented, the present attempt was made to identify the different Salmonella serovars and determine its prevalence in various seafoods. First pan of this investigation involved the isolation and identification of Salmonella strains with the help of different conventional culture methods. The identified isolates were used for the further investigation i.e. serotyping, this provides the information about the prevalent serovars in seafood. The prevalent Salmonella strains have been further characterized based on the utilization of different sugars and amino acids, to identify the different biovar of a serovar.A major research gap was observed in molecular characterization of Salmonella in seafood. Though, previous investigations reported the large number of Salmonella serovars from food sources in India, yet, very few work has been reported regarding genetic characterization of Salmonella serovars associated with food. Second part of this thesis deals with different molecular fingerprint profiles of the Salmonella serovars from seafood. Various molecular typing methods such as plasmid profiling, characterization of virulence genes, PFGE, PCR- ribotyping, and ERIC—PCR have been used for the genetic characterization of Salmonella serovars.The conventional culture methods are mainly used for the identification of Salmonella in seafood and most of the investigations from India and abroad showed the usage of culture method for detection of Salmonella in seafood. Hence, development of indigenous, rapid molecular method is most desirable for screening of Salmonella in large number of seafood samples at a shorter time period. Final part of this study attempted to develop alternative, rapid molecular detection method for the detection of Salmonella in seafood. Rapid eight—hour PCR assay has been developed for detection of Salmonella in seafood. The performance of three different methods viz., culture, ELISA and PCR assays were evaluated for detection of Salmonella in seafood and the results were statistically analyzed. Presence of Salmonella cells in food and enviromnental has been reported low in number, hence, more sensitive method for enumeration of Salmonella in food sample need to be developed. A quantitative realtime PCR has been developed for detection of Salmonella in seafood. This method would be useful for quantitative detection of Salmonella in seafood.


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The genus Vibrioof the family Vibrionaceae are Gram negative, oxidasepositive, rod- or curved- rodshaped facultative anaerobes, widespread in marine and estuarine environments. Vibrio species are opportunistic human pathogens responsible for diarrhoeal disease, gastroenteritis, septicaemia and wound infections and are also pathogens of aquatic organisms, causing infections to crustaceans, bivalves and fishes. In the present study, marine environmental samples like seafood and water and sediment samples from aquafarms and mangroves were screened for the presence of Vibrio species. Of the134 isolates obtained from the various samples, 45 were segregated to the genus Vibrio on the basis of phenotypic characterization.like Gram staining, oxidase test, MoF test and salinity tolerance. Partial 16S rDNA sequence analysis was utilized for species level identification of the isolates and the strains were identified as V. cholerae(N=21), V. vulnificus(N=18), V. parahaemolyticus(N=3), V. alginolyticus (N=2) and V. azureus (N=1). The genetic relatedness and variations among the 45 Vibrio isolates were elucidated based on 16S rDNA sequences. Phenotypic characterization of the isolates was based on their response to 12 biochemical tests namely Voges-Proskauers’s (VP test), arginine dihydrolase , tolerance to 3% NaCl test, ONPG test that detects β-galactosidase activity, and tests for utilization of citrate, ornithine, mannitol, arabinose, sucrose, glucose, salicin and cellobiose. The isolates exhibited diverse biochemical patterns, some specific for the species and others indicative of their environmental source.Antibiogram for the isolates was determined subsequent to testing their susceptibility to 12 antibiotics by the disc diffusion method. Varying degrees of resistance to gentamycin (2.22%), ampicillin(62.22%), nalidixic acid (4.44%), vancomycin (86.66), cefixime (17.77%), rifampicin (20%), tetracycline (42.22%) and chloramphenicol (2.22%) was exhibited. All the isolates were susceptible to streptomycin, co-trimoxazole, trimethoprim and azithromycin. Isolates from all the three marine environments exhibited multiple antibiotic resistance, with high MAR index value. The molecular typing methods such as ERIC PCR and BOX PCR revealed intraspecies relatedness and genetic heterogeneity within the environmental isolatesof V. cholerae and V. vulnificus. The 21 strains of V. choleraewere serogroupedas non O1/ non O139 by screening for the presence O1rfb and O139 rfb marker genes by PCR. The virulence/virulence associated genes namely ctxA, ctxB, ace, VPI, hlyA, ompU, rtxA, toxR, zot, nagst, tcpA, nin and nanwere screened in V. cholerae and V. vulnificusstrains.The V. vulnificusstrains were also screened for three species specific genes viz., cps, vvhand viu. In V. cholerae strains, the virulence associated genes like VPI, hlyA, rtxA, ompU and toxR were confirmed by PCR. All the isolates, except for strain BTOS6, harbored at least one or a combination of the tested genes and V. choleraestrain BTPR5 isolated from prawn hosted the highest number of virulence associated genes. Among the V. vulnificusstrains, only 3 virulence genes, VPI, toxR and cps, were confirmed out of the 16 tested and only 7 of the isolates had these genes in one or more combinations. Strain BTPS6 from aquafarm and strain BTVE4 from mangrove samples yielded positive amplification for the three genes. The toxRgene from 9 strains of V. choleraeand 3 strains of V. vulnificus were cloned and sequenced for phylogenetic analysis based on nucleotide and the amino acid sequences. Multiple sequence alignment of the nucleotide sequences and amino acid sequences of the environmental strains of V. choleraerevealed that the toxRgene in the environmental strains are 100% homologous to themselves and to the V. choleraetoxR gene sequence available in the Genbank database. The 3 strains of V. vulnificus displayed high nucleotide and amino acid sequence similarity among themselves and to the sequences of V. cholerae and V. harveyi obtained from the GenBank database, but exhibited only 72% homology to the sequences of its close relative V. vulnificus. Structure prediction of the ToxR protein of Vibrio cholerae strain BTMA5 was by PHYRE2 software. The deduced amino acid sequence showed maximum resemblance with the structure of DNA-binding domain of response regulator2 from Escherichia coli k-12 Template based homology modelling in PHYRE2 successfully modelled the predicted protein and its secondary structure based on protein data bank (PDB) template c3zq7A. The pathogenicity studies were performed using the nematode Caenorhabditiselegansas a model system. The assessment of pathogenicity of environmental strain of V. choleraewas conducted with E. coli strain OP50 as the food source in control plates, environmental V. cholerae strain BTOS6, negative for all tested virulence genes, to check for the suitability of Vibrio sp. as a food source for the nematode;V. cholerae Co 366 ElTor, a clinical pathogenic strain and V. cholerae strain BTPR5 from seafood (Prawn) and positive for the tested virulence genes like VPI, hlyA, ompU,rtxA and toxR. It was found that V. cholerae strain BTOS6 could serve as a food source in place of E. coli strain OP50 but behavioral aberrations like sluggish movement and lawn avoidance and morphological abnormalities like pharyngeal and intestinal distensions and bagging were exhibited by the worms fed on V. cholerae Co 366 ElTor strain and environmental BTPR5 indicating their pathogenicity to the nematode. Assessment of pathogenicity of the environmental strains of V. vulnificus was performed with V. vulnificus strain BTPS6 which tested positive for 3 virulence genes, namely, cps, toxRand VPI, and V. vulnificus strain BTMM7 that did not possess any of the tested virulence genes. A reduction was observed in the life span of worms fed on environmental strain of V. vulnificusBTMM7 rather than on the ordinary laboratory food source, E. coli OP50. Behavioral abnormalities like sluggish movement, lawn avoidance and bagging were also observed in the worms fed with strain BTPS6, but the pharynx and the intestine were intact. The presence of multi drug resistant environmental Vibrio strainsthat constitute a major reservoir of diverse virulence genes are to be dealt with caution as they play a decisive role in pathogenicity and horizontal gene transfer in the marine environments.


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The usefulness of motor subtypes of delirium is unclear due to inconsistency in sub-typing methods and a lack of validation with objective measures of activity. The activity of 40 patients was measured with 24 h accelerometry monitoring. Patients with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) delirium (n = 30) were allocated into hyperactive, hypoactive and mixed motor subtypes. Delirium subtypes differed in relation to overall amount of activity, including movement in both sagittal and transverse planes. Differences were greater in the daytime and during the early evening ‘sundowning’ period. Frequency of postural changes was the most discriminating measure examined. Clinical subtypes of delirium defined by observed motor behaviour on the ward differ in electronically measured activity levels.


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Infections involving Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovars have serious animal and human health implications; causing gastroenteritis in humans and clinical symptoms, such as diarrhoea and abortion, in livestock. In this study an optical genetic mapping technique was used to screen 20 field isolate strains from four serovars implicated in disease outbreaks. The technique was able to distinguish between the serovars and the available sequenced strains and group them in agreement with similar data from microarrays and PFGE. The optical maps revealed variation in genome maps associated with antimicrobial resistance and prophage content in S. Typhimurium, and separated the S. Newport strains into two clear geographical lineages defined by the presence of prophage sequences. The technique was also able to detect novel insertions that may have had effects on the central metabolism of some strains. Overall optical mapping allowed a greater level of differentiation of genomic content and spatial information than more traditional typing methods.


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Reliable and sufficiently discriminative methods are needed for differentiating individual strains of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis beyond the phenotypic level; however, a consensus has not been reached as to which molecular method is best suited for this purpose. In addition, data are lacking on the molecular fingerprinting of serotype Enteritidis from poultry environments in the United Kingdom. This study evaluated the combined use of classical methods (phage typing) with three well-established molecular methods (ribotyping, macrorestriction analysis of genomic DNA, and plasmid profiling) in the assessment of diversity within 104 isolates of serotype Enteritidis from eight unaffiliated poultry farms in England. The most sensitive technique for identifying polymorphism was PstI-SphII ribotyping, distinguishing a total of 22 patterns, 10 of which were found among phage type 4 isolates. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of XhaI-digested genomic DNA segregated the isolates into only six types with minor differences between them. In addition, 14 plasmid profiles were found among this population. When all of the typing methods were combined, 54 types of strains were differentiated, and most of the poultry farms presented a variety of strains, which suggests that serotype Enteritidis organisms representing different genomic groups are circulating in England. In conclusion, geographical and animal origins of Salmonella serotype Enteritidis isolates may have a considerable influence on selecting the best typing strategy for individual programs, and a single method cannot be relied on for discriminating between strains.


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A LightCycler-based PCR-hybridization gyrA mutation assay (GAMA) was developed to rapidly detect gyrA point mutations in multiresistant (MR) Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium DT104 with decreased susceptibility to ciprofloxacin (MIC, 0.25 to 1.0 mg/liter). Ninety-two isolates (49 human, 43 animal) were tested with three individual oligonucleotide probes directed against an Asp-87-to-Asn (GAC --> AAC) mutation, an Asp-87-to-Gly (GAC --> GGC) mutation, and a Ser-83-to-Phe (TCC --> TTC) mutation. Strains homologous to the probes could be distinguished from strains that had different mutations by their probe-target melting temperatures. Thirty-seven human and 30 animal isolates had an Asp-87-to-Asn substitution, 6 human and 6 animal isolates had a Ser-83-to-Phe substitution, and 5 human and 2 animal isolates had an Asp-87-to-Gly substitution. The remaining six strains all had mismatches with the three probes and therefore different gyrA mutations. The sequencing of gyrA from these six isolates showed that one human strain and two animal strains had an Asp-87-to-Tyr (GAC --> TAC) substitution and two animal strains had a Ser-83-to-Tyr (TCC --> TAC) substitution. One animal strain had no gyrA mutation, suggesting that this isolate had a different mechanism of resistance. Fifty-eight of the strains tested were indistinguishable by several different typing methods including antibiograms, pulsed-field gel gel electrophoresis, and plasmid profiling, although they could be further subdivided according to gyrA mutation. This study confirmed that MR DT104 with decreased susceptibility to ciprofloxacin from humans and food animals in England and Wales may have arisen independently against a background of clonal spread of MR DT104.


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The Escherichia coli O26 serogroup includes important food-borne pathogens associated with human and animal diarrheal disease. Current typing methods have revealed great genetic heterogeneity within the O26 group; the data are often inconsistent and focus only on verotoxin (VT)-positive O26 isolates. To improve current understanding of diversity within this serogroup, the genomic relatedness of VT-positive and -negative O26 strains was assessed by comparative genomic indexing. Our results clearly demonstrate that irrespective of virulence characteristics and pathotype designation, the O26 strains show greater genomic similarity to each other than to any other strain included in this study. Our data suggest that enteropathogenic and VT-expressing E. coli O26 strains represent the same clonal lineage and that W-expressing E. coli O26 strains have gained additional virulence characteristics. Using this approach, we established the core genes which are central to the E. coli species and identified regions of variation from the E. coli K-12 chromosomal backbone.


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A recent outbreak of Q fever was linked to an intensive goat and sheep dairy farm in Victoria, Australia, 2012-2014. Seventeen employees and one family member were confirmed with Q fever over a 28-month period, including two culture-positive cases. The outbreak investigation and management involved a One Health approach with representation from human, animal, environmental and public health. Seroprevalence in non-pregnant milking goats was 15% [95% confidence interval (CI) 7–27]; active infection was confirmed by positive quantitative PCR on several animal specimens. Genotyping of Coxiella burnetii DNA obtained from goat and human specimens was identical by two typing methods. A number of farming practices probably contributed to the outbreak, with similar precipitating factors to the Netherlands outbreak, 2007-2012. Compared to workers in a high-efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) filtered factory, administrative staff in an unfiltered adjoining office and those regularly handling goats and kids had 5·49 (95% CI 1·29–23·4) and 5·65 (95% CI 1·09–29·3) times the risk of infection, respectively; suggesting factory workers were protected from windborne spread of organisms. Reduction in the incidence of human cases was achieved through an intensive human vaccination programme plus environmental and biosecurity interventions. Subsequent non-occupational acquisition of Q fever in the spouse of an employee, indicates that infection remains endemic in the goat herd, and remains a challenge to manage without source control.