101 resultados para trypanocidal


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A set of 25 quinone compounds with anti-trypanocidal activity was studied by using the density functional theory (DFT) method in order to calculate atomic and molecular properties to be correlated with the biological activity. The chemometric methods principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA), Kth nearest neighbor (KNN) and soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA) were used to obtain possible relationships between the calculated descriptors and the biological activity studied and to predict the anti-trypanocidal activity of new quinone compounds from a prediction set. Four descriptors were responsible for the separation between the active and inactive compounds: T-5 (torsion angle), QTS1 (sum of absolute values of the atomic charges), VOLS2 (volume of the substituent at region B) and HOMO-1 (energy of the molecular orbital below HOMO). These descriptors give information on the kind of interaction that occurs between the compounds and the biological receptor. The prediction study was done with a set of three new compounds by using the PCA, HCA, SDA, KNN and SIMCA methods and two of them were predicted as active against the Trypanosoma cruzi. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Arrabidaea chica (HBK.) Verlot (Bignoniaceae) popularmente, "Pariri", é um arbusto escandente, distribuído do sul do México até a Guiana e Brasil central e é tradicionalmente indicado para tratar sintomas de inflamações e afecções da pele. Seu extrato etanólico foi quimicamente investigado e testado contra leveduras e fungos dermatófitos. A atividade tripanocida do mesmo extrato foi também avaliada. Este trabalho reporta o isolamento de três flavonóides, a inibição total do crescimento de Trichophyton mentagrophytes e um significante efeito tripanocida do extrato etanólico e de suas frações. Não foi detectada qualquer toxicidade aguda relevante, mesmo a uma dose de 1000 mg/kg


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a potencial atividade tripanocida do extrato bruto etanólico dos frutos de Solanum palinacanthum, Solanum lycocarpum e do glicoalcalóide solamargina. Pó do fruto seco de S. palinacanthum e S. lycocarpum foram submetidos a extracção por refluxo com etanol a 96% e solamargina foi isolada a partir do extrato bruto de S. palinacanthum. Foram determinadas de ambos os extratos e a solamargina a atividade tripanocida utilizando o ensaio colorimétrico MTT. O Extrato de S. palinacanthum mostrou-se mais ativo (IC50 = 175,9 µg.ml–1) de que o extrato de S. lycocarpum (IC50 = 194,7 µg.ml–1). A solamargina apresentou forte atividade tripanocida (IC50 = 15,3 µg.ml–1), o que pode explicar a melhor atividade de ambos os extratos. O benzonidazol (IC50 = 9,0 µg.ml–1) é a única droga utilizada para o tratamento da doença de Chagas. Estes resultados demonstram pela primeira vez que os extratos etanólicos obtidos a partir de frutos de S. palinacanthum e S. lycocarpum, além da solamargina apresentam uma atividade tripanocida potencial.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Essential oils of ripe fruits from Schinus terebinthifolius (Anacardiaceae), obtained using a pilot extractor and a Clevenger apparatus were chemically characterized. Due the high amount of (-)-alpha-pinene in both oils, this monoterpene was tested against the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, showing a moderate potential (IC50 63.56 mu g/mL) when compared to benznidazole (IC50 43.14 mu g/mL). Otherwise, (-)-alpha-pinene oxide did not showed anti-trypanosomal activity (IC50 > 400 mu g/mL) while (-)-pinane showed an IC50 of 56.50 mu g/mL. The obtained results indicated that the epoxydation of a-pinene results to the loss of the anti-parasitic activity while its hydrogenation product, contributed slightly to the increased activity.


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Solid dispersions (SDs) are an approach to increasing the water solubility and bioavailability of lipophilic drugs such as ursolic acid (UA), a triterpenoid with trypanocidal activity. In this work, Gelucire 50/13, a surfactant compound with permeability-enhancing properties, and silicon dioxide, a drying adjuvant, were employed to produce SDs with UA. SDs and physical mixtures (PMs) in different drug/carrier ratios were characterized and compared using differential scanning calorimetry, hot stage microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size, water solubility values, and dissolution profiles. Moreover, LLC-MK2 fibroblast cytotoxicity and trypanocidal activity evaluation were performed to determine the potential of SD as a strategy to improve UA efficacy against Chagas disease. The results demonstrated the conversion of UA from the crystalline to the amorphous state through XRD. FTIR experiments provided evidence of intermolecular interactions among the drug and carriers through carbonyl peak broadening in the SDs. These findings helped explain the enhancement of water solubility from 75.98 mu g/mL in PMs to 293.43 mu g/mL in SDs and the faster drug release into aqueous media compared with pure UA or PMs, which was maintained after 6 months at room temperature. Importantly, improved SD dissolution was accompanied by higher UA activity against trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi, but not against mammalian fibroblasts, enhancing the potential of UA for Chagas disease treatment.


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Essential oils of ripe fruits from Schinus terebinthifolius (Anacardiaceae), obtained using a pilot extractor and a Clevenger apparatus were chemically characterized. Due the high amount of (-)- α-pinene in both oils, this monoterpene was tested against the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, showing a moderate potential (IC50 63.56 µg/mL) when compared to benznidazole (IC50 43.14 µg/mL). Otherwise, (-)- α-pinene oxide did not showed anti-trypanosomal activity (IC50 > 400 µg/mL) while (-)-pinane showed an IC50 of 56.50 µg/mL. The obtained results indicated that the epoxydation of α-pinene results to the loss of the anti-parasitic activity while its hydrogenation product, contributed slightly to the increased activity.


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Chagas disease is one of the main public health problems in Latin America. Since the available treatments for this disease are not effective in providing cure, the screening of potential antiprotozoal agents is essential, mainly of those obtained from natural sources. This study aimed to provide an evaluation of the trypanocidal activity of 92 ethanol extracts from species belonging to the families Annonaceae, Apiaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Lamiaceae, Lauraceae, Moraceae, Nyctaginaceae, and Verbenaceae against the Y and Bolivia strains of Trypanosoma cruzi. Additionally, cytotoxic activity on LLCMK2 fibroblasts was evaluated. Both the trypanocidal activity and cytotoxicity were evaluated using the MTT method, in the following concentrations: 500, 350, 250, and 100 µg/mL. Benznidazole was used for positive control. The best results among the 92 samples evaluated were obtained with ethanol extracts of Ocotea paranapiacabensis (Am93) and Aegiphila lhotzkiana (Am160). Am93 showed trypanocidal activity against epimastigote forms of the Bolivia strain and was moderately toxic to LLCMK2 cells, its Selectivity Index (SI) being 14.56, while Am160 showed moderate trypanocidal activity against the Bolivia strain and moderate toxicicity, its SI being equal to 1.15. The screening of Brazilian plants has indicated the potential effect of ethanol extracts obtained from Ocotea paranapiacabensis and Aegiphila lhotzkiana against Chagas disease.


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Trypanosomes are protozoan parasites of medical and veterinary importance. Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infect humans, causing African sleeping sickness. However, Trypanosoma brucei brucei can only infect animals, causing the disease Nagana in cattle. Man is protected from this subspecies of trypanosomes by a toxic subtype of high density lipoproteins (HDLs) called the trypanosome lytic factor (TLF). The toxic molecule in TLF is believed to be the haptoglobin-related protein that when bound to hemoglobin kills the trypanosome via oxidative damage initiated by its peroxidase activity. The amount of lytic activity in serum varies widely between different individuals with up to a 60-fold difference in activity. In addition, an increase in the total amount of lytic activity occurs during the purification of TLF, suggesting that an inhibitor of TLF (ITLF) exists in human serum. We now show that the individual variation in trypanosome lytic activity in serum correlates to variations in the amount of ITLF. Immunoblots of ITLF probed with antiserum against haptoglobin recognize a 120-kDa protein, indicating that haptoglobin is present in partially purified ITLF. Haptoglobin involvement is further shown in that it inhibits TLF in a manner similar to ITLF. Using an anti-haptoglobin column to remove haptoglobin from ITLF, we show that the loss of haptoglobin coincides with the loss of inhibitor activity. Addition of purified haptoglobin restores inhibitor activity. This indicates that haptoglobin is the molecule responsible for inhibition and therefore causing the individual variation in serum lytic activity.


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A doença de Chagas é uma doença tropical infecciosa e negligenciada responsável por um grande número de pessoas infectadas e em risco de infecção, principalmente nas regiões pobres da América Latina. No momento, apenas duas drogas, Benzonidazol e Nifurtimox, estão disponíveis para o tratamento da doença de Chagas, mas são ineficazes por apresentarem baixa taxa de cura. O Megazol é um importante representante da classe dos nitroimidazóis e é uma alternativa promissora devido ao seu potencial tripanocida com um perfil superior de ação quando comparado ao tratamento disponível. No entanto, o Megazol não é utilizado clinicamente uma vez que possui atividade mutagênica e carcinogênica relatada. O Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos (Farmanguinhos) desenvolveu três análogos do Megazol: PTAL 05-02 (3-amino-5-(1-metil-5-nitro-1H-imidazol-2-il)-1H-1,2,4-triazol), PAMT 09 (2-amino-N-(1-metil-4-nitro-1H-imidazol-5-il)-5-(trifluorometil)-1H-1,2,4-triazol) e PTAL 04-09 (1-(1-metil-4-nitro-1H-imidazol-5-il)-1H-pirazol). O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar novas moléculas análogas do Megazol com atividade tripanocida, desenvolvidas a partir de estratégias racionais de desenvolvimento de substâncias bioativas ao manter o perfil farmacodinâmico do Megazol enquanto tenta diminuir ou remover o efeito genotóxico. Testes genotóxicos na avaliação segura de novas substâncias bioativas foram utilizados, de acordo com as diretrizes da OECD. O teste da Salmonella/microssoma foi utilizado na avaliação mutagênica e citotóxica, utilizando linhagens de Salmonella enterica sorovar Typhimurium, deficientes e supercompetentes na síntese de enzimas nitroredutase e acetiltransferase. O análogo PAMT 09 não foi mutagênico em nenhuma concentração e linhagem utilizada. Os análogos PTAL 05-02 e PTAL 04-09 foram mutagênicos, na ausência de S9 mix, para a linhagem TA98/1,8-DNP6. Na avaliação de citotoxicidade, os três análogos foram citotóxicos, independente de metabolização exógena S9 mix. O teste do micronúcleo, utilizando células de macrófago de rato, foi realizado para a avaliação genotóxica dos análogos do Megazol. Os três análogos foram capazes de induzir a formação de micronúcleos e apresentaram efeito citotóxico.


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La cardiomiopatía chagásica es la más importante y severa manifestación de la enfermedad crónica, los pacientes pueden cursar con falla cardiaca, arritmias, bloqueos cardiacos, tromboembolismo y muerte súbita. El diagnóstico es tardío, debido a que se confunden con cardiopatías de otra etiología y el manejo se realiza con base en guías y protocolos dirigidos hacia el tratamiento de falla cardiaca de origen no chagásico. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática y tuvo como objetivo responder a las siguientes Preguntas clínicas: PREGUNTA 1. ¿El manejo actual para la cardiomiopatía chagásica (betabloqueadores, IECA, ARA II, Diuréticos, Inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa, Estatinas, antiagragantes plaquetarios) que es extrapolado del manejo de falla cardiaca de origen no chagásico tiene impacto en la calidad de vida, sobrevida, seguridad, estancia hospitalaria y disminución del número de hospitalizaciones, mejoría de síntomas, de los pacientes adultos con cardiopatía chagásica?. PREGUNTA 2. ¿En pacientes con cardiomiopatía chagásica el uso de fármacos tripanocidas mejora la sobrevida, calidad de vida, estancia hospitalaria, disminución del número de hospitalizaciones, y resolución de síntomas? PREGUNTA 3. ¿En pacientes con cardiomiopatía chagásica el uso de cardiodesfibriladores mejora la sobrevida, calidad de vida, estancia hospitalaria, disminución del número de hospitalizaciones, y resolución de síntomas? PREGUNTA 4. ¿En pacientes con cardiomiopatía chagásica el uso de marcapasos mejora la sobrevida, calidad de vida, estancia hospitalaria, disminución del número de hospitalizaciones, y resolución de síntomas? PREGUNTA 5. ¿En pacientes con cardiomiopatía chagásica el uso de trasplante de corazón mejora la sobrevida, calidad de vida, estancia hospitalaria, disminución del número de hospitalizaciones, y resolución de síntomas? Se realizaron búsquedas en: MEDLINE, Colaboración Cochrane, Trip database, y otras importantes bases de datos desde 1996 hasta 2010, limitando la búsqueda. Los estudios se seleccionaron de acuerdo a criterios de pertinencia PICO y se evaluó la calidad, usando la metodología recomendada en Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Resultados: Se encontraron 21 estudios, que incluyen revisiones sistemáticas, ensayos clínicos controlados y aleatorizados, ensayos clínicos, cohortes y, casos y controles. Estos estudios cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Discusión: En esta revisión sistemática se presenta un consolidado de la evidencia disponible acerca de la eficacia de las siguientes intervenciones: Betabloqueadores, IECAS, PDE, Digoxina, nitroderivados, cardiodesfibriladores, marcapasos y trasplante de corazón, en pacientes con cardiopatía chagásica; los estudios encontrados en su mayoría son de baja evidencia.


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La posible asociación entre el desarrollo de fibrilación auricular (FA) con la presencia de cardiopatía chagásica en una población portadora de dispositivos cardiacos de estimulación no está descrita. Se presenta un estudio de tipo cohorte retrospectivo realizado en la FCI que recopila las principales características clínicas de una población de pacientes con cardiopatía de variada etiología y portadores de dispositivos cardiacos buscando evaluar la incidencia de FA en presencia de cardiomiopatía de origen chagásico y no chagásico. A la fecha no se cuenta con una base de datos institucional ni regional que contenga las variables analizadas. Durante los 5 meses que duró la construcción de la base de datos se incluyeron 99 sujetos de investigación. Se implantaron 42 marcapasos bicamerales, 39 cardiodesfibriladores bicamerales, 6 dispositivos correspondientes cardiodesfibrilador con función de resincronización cardiaca, 2 resincronizadores cardiacos sin función de cardiodesfibrilador y 7 cardiodesfibriladores unicamerales. De los 99 sujetos recolectados se presentaron 8 desenlaces (FA de novo) y de esos solamente 1 pertenece al grupo de pacientes con cardiomiopatía chagásica. Este número reducido de desenlaces no permitió desarrollar un modelo de regresión de Cox y ni otros tipos de análisis estadísticos planteados en el protocolo inicial debido al bajo número de casos y pobre poder estadístico. Esta dificultad es inherente a la naturaleza del problema a estudiar y al corto tiempo de seguimiento. Por lo anterior no se puede establecer si existe una relación entre la presencia de serología positiva para infección por T. Cruzi y la presencia de FA de novo.


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Background/Aim: Chagas` disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi and occurs in most Latin American countries. The protozoan may colonize the central nervous system (CNS) of immune-compromised human hosts, thus causing neuronal disorders. Systemic control of the intracellular forms of the parasite greatly depends on the establishment of a TH1 response and subsequent nitric oxide (NO) release. At the CNS, it is known that low concentrations of NO promote neuronal survival and growth, while high concentrations exert toxic effects and neuron death. Accounting for NO production by astrocytes is the glia-derived factor S100 beta, which is overproduced in some neurodegenerative diseases. In the current work, we studied the expression of NO, interferon (IFN)-gamma and S100 beta in the spinal cord tissue of IL-12p40KO mice infected with T. cruzi, a model of neurodegenerative process. Methods: IL-12p40KO and wild-type (WT) female mice infected with T. cruzi Sylvio X10/4 (10(5) trypomastigotes, intraperitoneally) were euthanized when IL-12p40KO individuals presented limb paralysis. Spinal cord sections were submitted to immunohistochemical procedures for localization of neurofilament, laminin, nitrotyrosine, NO synthases (NOS), IFN-gamma and S100 beta. The total number of neurons was estimated by stereological analysis and the area and intensity of immunoreactivities were assessed by microdensitometric/morphometric image analysis. Results: No lesion was found in the spinal cord sections of WT mice, while morphological disarrangements, many inflammatory foci, enlarged vessels, amastigote nests and dying neurons were seen at various levels of IL-12p40KO spinal cord. Compared to WT mice, IL-12p40KO mice presented a decrement on total number of neurons (46.4%, p<0.05) and showed increased values of immunoreactive area for nitrotyrosine (239%, p<0.01) and NOS (544%, p<0.001). Moreover, the intensity of nitrotyrosine (16%, p<0.01), NOS (38%, p<0.05) and S100 beta (21%, p<0.001) immunoreactivities were also augmented. No IFN-gamma labeled cells were seen in WT spinal cord tissue, contrary to IL-12p40KO tissue that displayed inflammatory infiltrating cells and also some parenchymal cells positively labeled.Conclusion: We suggest that overproduction of NO may account for neuronal death at the spinal cord of T. cruzi-infected IL-12p40KO mice and that IFN-gamma and S100 beta may contribute to NOS activation in the absence of IL-12. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel