985 resultados para translation studies


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This paper questions the current concept of quality as used in research assessment rankings and peer review, with special reference to the link often established between impact and the way this impact is measured in the form of citation counting. Taking translation studies as a case study, we will offer a two-level approach to reveal both the macro- and micro-level biases that exist in this regard. We will first review three key aspects related to the idea of the quality of publications, namely peer review, journal indexing, and journal impact factor. We will then pinpoint some of the main macro-level problems regarding current practices and criteria as applied to translation studies, such as Thomson Reuters World of Science's journal coverage, citation patterns, and publication format. Next we will provide a micro-textual and practical perspective, focusing on citation counts and suggesting a series of corrective measures to increase comparability.


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This research investigated annular field reversed configuration (AFRC)devices for high power electric propulsion by demonstrating the acceleration of these plasmoids using an experimental prototype and measuring the plasmoid's velocity, impulse, and energy efficiency. The AFRC plasmoid translation experiment was design and constructed with the aid of a dynamic circuit model. Two versions of the experiment were built, using underdamped RLC circuits at 10 kHz and 20 kHz. Input energies were varied from 100 J/pulse to 1000 J/pulse for the 10 kHz bank and 100 J/pulse for the 20 kHz bank. The plasmoids were formed in static gas fill of argon, from 1 mTorr to 50 mTorr. The translation of the plasmoid was accomplished by incorporating a small taper into the outer coil, with a half angle of 2°. Magnetic field diagnostics, plasma probes, and single-frame imaging were used to measure the plasmoid's velocity and to diagnose plasmoid behavior. Full details of the device design, construction, and diagnostics are provided in this dissertation. The results from the experiment demonstrated that a repeatable AFRC plasmoid was produced between the coils, yet failed to translate for all tested conditions. The data revealed the plasmoid was limited in lifetime to only a few (4-10) μs, too short for translation at low energy. A global stability study showed that the plasma suffered a radial collapse onto the inner wall early in its lifecycle. The radial collapse was traced to a magnetic pressure imbalance. A correction made to the circuit was successful in restoring an equilibrium pressure balance and prolonging radial stability by an additional 2.5 μs. The equilibrium state was sufficient to confirm that the plasmoid current in an AFRC reaches a steady-state prior to the peak of the coil currents. This implies that the plasmoid will always be driven to the inner wall, unless it translates from the coils prior to peak coil currents. However, ejection of the plasmoid before the peak coil currents results in severe efficiency losses. These results demonstrate the difficulty in designing an AFRC experiment for translation as balancing the different requirements for stability, balance, and efficient translation can have competing consequences.


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The significance of Jacques Derrida's philosophical contribution to translation studies is becoming more widely acknowledged, thanks to authors such as Lawrence Venuti, Kaisa Koskinen, Rosemary Arrojo, Lieven Tack and africa Vidal Claramonte. However, what remains unknown is the debt which Derrida owes to the thinking of SOren Kierkegaard. This article sets out this legacy for the purposes of presenting some basic principles of deconstruction and in order to further promote its dissemination in the area of translation studies. At the same time, this article aims to be both a tribute to the Danish philosopher and a recognition of his contribution to modern-day thinking. Ultimately, the objective of this piece of research is to demonstrate how the ramifications of Kierkegaard's ideas are still relevant and, to a certain extent, are present in the area of translation studies. Among other things, this article shows how notions which are so fundamental to Kierkegaardian thinking, such as subjectivity', decision', instant' or impossible' echo in several recent texts regarding translation studies.


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The first issue of the 'Journal of War and Culture Studies' in 2008 mapped out the academic space which the discipline sought to occupy. Nearly a decade later, the location of war, traditionally within the nation-state, is being challenged in ways which arguably affect the analytical spaces of War and Culture Studies. The article argues for an overt engagement with a reconceptualization of the location of war as broader in both spatial and temporal terms than the nation-state. Within this framing, it identifies local 'contact zones' which are multi-vocal translational spaces, and calls for an incorporation of 'translation' into our analyses of war: translating identities, including associations of the material as well as of subjective identities, and espousing a conscious interdisciplinarity which might lead us to focus more on the performative than the representational. Putting 'translation' into the 'transnational' marks the spaces of War and culture studies as multilingual, making accessible the cultural products and cultural analyses of a much broader range of sources and reflections. The article calls for the discipline of Translation Studies to become a leading contributor to War and Culture Studies in the years to come.


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This article examines book illustrations through the prism of Translation Studies. It mainly suggests that the pictures in illustrated books are (intersemiotic) translations of the text and that, as such, they can be analyzed making use of the same tools applied to verbal interlingual translation. The first section deals with the theoretical bases upon which illustrations can be regarded as translations, concentrating on theories of re-creation, as illustration is viewed essentially as the re-creation of the text in visual form. One of the claims in this section is that, because illustration is carried out in very similar ways as interlingual translation itself, the term ""intersemiotic"" relates more to the (obvious) difference of medium. For this reason the word is most often referred to in parentheses. The second section discusses three particular ways through which illustrations can translate the text, namely, by reproducing the textual elements literally in the picture, by emphasizing a specific narrative element, and by adapting the pictures to a certain ideology or artistic trend. The example illustrations are extracted from different. kinds of publication and media, ranging from Virgil`s Aeneid, Lewis Carroll`s Alice in Wonderland and Mark Twain`s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to an online comic version of Shakespeare`s Hamlet.


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For some years now, translation theorist and educator Anthony Pym has been trying to establish a dialogue between the academic tradition he comes from and the world of the language industries into which he is meant to introduce his students: in other words, between the Translation Studies discipline and the localisation sector. This rapprochement is also the stated aim of his new book The Moving Text (p. 159). Rather than collect and synthesise what was previously dispersed over several articles, Pym has rewritten his material completely, both literally and conceptually, all in the light of the more than three decades of research he has conducted into the field of cross--cultural communication. The theoretical arguments are ably supported by a few short but telling and well-exploited examples.


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The inadequacies and obsolescence of Eurocentric theories based on a binaryand static worldview have become a staple topic of postcolonial studies, and tosome extent also of translation studies. Nonetheless, the literary texts that arecalled upon in order to show the dynamism and hybridity of (post)modern worksbelong for the most part to the languages of the former colonial powers, especiallyEnglish, and remain inserted in a system that construes literatures interms of opposition. As a consequence, there is outside India a doubly misleadingunderstanding of Indian literatures other than those written in English:firstly, that translations of works in Hindi and in the Indian bhāṣā seem to belacking, if not inexistent, and secondly, that these "minor" literatures - as theyare regularly termed - are still often viewed as being highly dependent on theidea of "tradition," in opposition to the "postmodern" hybridity of the literatureswritten in the "dominant" languages, such as English or French. Againstthese views and supported by the analysis of Ajñeya's works in Hindi togetherwith their English translations, this paper aims to show: 1) that translationsfrom Hindi, which are not in fact non-existent, are mainly carried out in India,and 2) that Ajñeya's works, while representing a significant instance of the effectivehybridity present in Indian literatures, help to illustrate the moving spaceof translation. This demonstration effectively invalidates the above-mentionedoppositional standpoint.


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This paper is a study of the concept of priority and its use together with the notion of hierarchy in academic writing and theoretical models of translation. Hierarchies and priorities can be implicit or explicit, prescribed, suggested or described. The paper starts, chronologically, wtih Nida and Levý’s hierarchical accounts of translation and follows their legacy in scholars as different as Newmark and Gutt. The concept of priorities is hinted at also in didactic models (Nord) as well as in norm-theoretical and accounts of translation (Toury and Chesterman) within Descriptive Translation Studies. All of these authors are analyzed and commented. The paper calls for a more systematic and straightforward account of translational priorities, and proposes a few conceptual tools that stem from this research model, including the concepts of ambition and richness of a translation. Finally, the paper concludes with an adaptation of Lakoff and Johnson’s view of prototypicality and its potential usefulness in research into and the understanding of translation.


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In the present dissertation, multilingual thesauri were approached as cultural products and the focus was twofold: On the empirical level the focus was placed on the translatability of certain British-English social science indexing terms into the Finnish language and culture at a concept, a term and an indexing term level. On the theoretical level the focus was placed on the aim of translation and on the concept of equivalence. In accordance with modern communicative and dynamic translation theories the interest was on the human dimension. The study is qualitative. In this study, equivalence was understood in a similar way to how dynamic, functional equivalence is commonly understood in translation studies. Translating was seen as a decision-making process, where a translator often has different kinds of possibilities to choose in order to fulfil the function of the translation. Accordingly, and as a starting point for the construction of the empirical part, the function of the source text was considered to be the same or similar to the function of the target text, that is, a functional thesaurus both in source and target context. Further, the study approached the challenges of multilingual thesaurus construction from the perspectives of semantics and pragmatics. In semantic analysis the focus was on what the words conventionally mean and in pragmatics on the ‘invisible’ meaning - or how we recognise what is meant even when it is not actually said (or written). Languages and ideas expressed by languages are created mainly in accordance with expressional needs of the surrounding culture and thesauri were considered to reflect several subcultures and consequently the discourses which represent them. The research material consisted of different kinds of potential discourses: dictionaries, database records, and thesauri, Finnish versus British social science researches, Finnish versus British indexers, simulated indexing tasks with five articles and Finnish versus British thesaurus constructors. In practice, the professional background of the two last mentioned groups was rather similar. It became even more clear that all the material types had their own characteristics, although naturally not entirely separate from each other. It is further noteworthy that the different types and origins of research material were not used to represent true comparison pairs, and that the aim of triangulation of methods and material was to gain a holistic view. The general research questions were: 1. Can differences be found between Finnish and British discourses regarding family roles as thesaurus terms, and if so, what kinds of differences and which are the implications for multilingual thesaurus construction? 2. What is the pragmatic indexing term equivalence? The first question studied how the same topic (family roles) was represented in different contexts and by different users, and further focused on how the possible differences were handled in multilingual thesaurus construction. The second question was based on findings of the previous one, and answered to the final question as to what kinds of factors should be considered when defining translation equivalence in multilingual thesaurus construction. The study used multiple cases and several data collection and analysis methods aiming at theoretical replication and complementarity. The empirical material and analysis consisted of focused interviews (with Finnish and British social scientists, thesaurus constructors and indexers), simulated indexing tasks with Finnish and British indexers, semantic component analysis of dictionary definitions and translations, coword analysis and datasets retrieved in databases, and discourse analysis of thesauri. As a terminological starting point a topic and case family roles was selected. The results were clear: 1) It was possible to identify different discourses. There also existed subdiscourses. For example within the group of social scientists the orientation to qualitative versus quantitative research had an impact on the way they reacted to the studied words and discourses, and indexers placed more emphasis on the information seekers whereas thesaurus constructors approached the construction problems from a more material based solution. The differences between the different specialist groups i.e. the social scientists, the indexers and the thesaurus constructors were often greater than between the different geo-cultural groups i.e. Finnish versus British. The differences occurred as a result of different translation aims, diverging expectations for multilingual thesauri and variety of practices. For multilingual thesaurus construction this means severe challenges. The clearly ambiguous concept of multilingual thesaurus as well as different construction and translation strategies should be considered more precisely in order to shed light on focus and equivalence types, which are clearly not self-evident. The research also revealed the close connection between the aims of multilingual thesauri and the pragmatic indexing term equivalence. 2) The pragmatic indexing term equivalence is very much context-depended. Although thesaurus term equivalence is defined and standardised in the field of library and information science (LIS), it is not understood in one established way and the current LIS tools are inadequate to provide enough analytical tools for both constructing and studying different kinds of multilingual thesauri as well as their indexing term equivalence. The tools provided in translation science were more practical and theoretical, and especially the division of different meanings of a word provided a useful tool in analysing the pragmatic equivalence, which often differs from the ideal model represented in thesaurus construction literature. The study thus showed that the variety of different discourses should be acknowledged, there is a need for operationalisation of new types of multilingual thesauri, and the factors influencing pragmatic indexing term equivalence should be discussed more precisely than is traditionally done.


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Cette recherche examine la traduction et la réception en France, en Grande Bretagne et aux États-Unis de la littérature contemporaine d’expression arabe écrite par des femmes, afin de répondre à deux questions principales: comment les écrivaines provenant de pays arabes perdent-elles leur agentivité dans les processus de traduction et de réception? Et comment la traduction et la réception de leurs textes contribuent-elles à la construction d’une altérité arabe? Pour y répondre, l’auteure examine trois romans présentant des traits thématiques et formels très différents, à savoir Fawḍā al-Ḥawāss (1997) par Ahlem Mosteghanemi, Innahā Lundun Yā ‘Azīzī (2001) par Hanan al-Shaykh et Banāt al-Riyāḍ (2005) par Rajaa Alsanea. L’analyse, basée sur le modèle à trois dimensions de Norman Fairclough, vise à découvrir comment les écrivaines expriment leur agentivité à travers l’écriture, et quelles images elles projettent d’elles-mêmes et plus généralement des femmes dans leurs sociétés respectives. L’auteure se penche ensuite sur les traductions anglaise et française de chaque roman. Elle examine les déplacements qui s’opèrent principalement sur le plan de la texture et le plan pragma-sémiotique, et interroge en quoi ces déplacements ébranlent l’autorité des écrivaines. Enfin, une étude de la réception de ces traductions en France, en Grande Bretagne et aux États-Unis vient enrichir l’analyse textuelle. À cette étape, les critiques éditoriales et universitaires ainsi que les choix éditoriaux relatifs au paratexte sont scrutés de façon à mettre en lumière les processus décisionnels, les discours et les tropes sous-tendant la mise en marché et la consommation de ces traductions. L’analyse des originaux révèle tout d’abord qu’à travers leurs textes, les auteures sont des agentes actives de changement social. Elles s’insurgent, chacune à sa manière, contre les discours hégémoniques tant locaux qu’occidentaux, et (ré-)imaginent leurs sociétés et leurs nations. Ce faisant, elles se créent leur propre espace discursif dans la sphère publique. Toutefois, la thèse montre que dans la plupart des traductions, les discours dissidents sont neutralisés, l’agentivité et la subjectivité des écrivaines minées au profit d’un discours dominant orientaliste. Ce même discours semble sous-tendre la réception des romans en traduction. Dans ce discours réifiant, l’expression de la différence culturelle est inextricablement imbriquée dans l’expression de la différence sexuelle: la « femme arabe » est la victime d’une religion islamique et d’une culture arabe essentiellement misogynes et arriérées. L’étude suggère, cependant, que ce sont moins les interventions des traductrices que les décisions des éditeurs, le travail de médiation opéré par les critiques, et l’intérêt (ou le désintérêt) des universitaires qui influencent le plus la manière dont ces romans sont mis en marché et reçus dans les nouveaux contextes. L’auteure conclut par rappeler l’importance d’une éthique de la traduction qui transcende toute approche binaire et se fonde sur une lecture éthique des textes qui fait ressortir le lien entre la poétique et la politique. Enfin, elle propose une lecture basée sur la reconnaissance du caractère situé du texte traduit comme du sujet lisant/traduisant.


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En tant que moyen de communication qui détermine les structures de base des langues, la métaphore se classe parmi les enjeux les plus importants du domaine de la traductologie, d’où la complexité de la rendre traduisible. La nature indirecte de la métaphore étant problématique, celle-ci exige une étude approfondie, surtout vis-à-vis le transfert de la culture d’une langue à une autre. Un survol de la littérature académique traitant des théories et des approches différentes en traductologie révèle une façon de rendre possible la traduction de la métaphore. Cette étude traite de la traduction des métaphores du perse aux sous-titres anglais. Elle indique également les approches et les stratégies appliquées à la traduction des expressions linguistiques métaphoriques telles que proposées par Newmark (1988). En se fondant sur des exemples authentiques tirés des textes sources (deux films perses bien connus) et leurs traductions anglaises, cette étude démontre la façon dont certains traducteurs iraniens traduisent des expressions métaphoriques en se servant d’une des sept stratégies proposées par Newmark. Elle explique également comment certains éléments (par ex. les difficultés de la traduction) ont été influents sur leurs conclusions, tout en soutenant l’hypothèse que la reproduction d’une même image d’une langue source dans une langue cible ainsi que l’effacement sont respectivement la plus fréquente et la moins fréquente des stratégies employées par les sous-titreurs iraniens.


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Albrecht von Haller's Die Alpen [The Alps] was an immensely popular piece of early eighteenth-century poetry, yet it took more than half a century to be translated into English. In this article I examine Mrs J. Howorth's prose rendering of it in her translated collection The Poems of Baron Haller (1794) and analyse how the translation itself reflects late-eighteenth-century scientific, political and aesthetic concerns, notably through the influence of Linnaeus and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Secondly, I explore how Howorth constructed a public image of herself as a female consumer and producer of botanical literature, and argue that her translation constitutes an early example of British women's increasing engagement in science through the activity of translation.


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This article provides a historical and theoretical contextualization of Amelia Rosselli's practice of translation. Some hitherto neglected Rosselli translations from John Berryman will be examined to ascertain the role played by translation in her multilingual oeuvre. My analysis builds upon recent explorations of translingual authors' translating practice informed by Deleuze and Guattari's seminal Kafka: pour une littérature mineure. It aims to achieve an understanding of the aesthetic of Rosselli's trilingualism and the function of translation within the author's minorizing project.