816 resultados para traffic signal priority


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Urbanization has occasionally been linked to negative consequences. Traffic light system in urban arterial networks plays an essential role to the operation of transport systems. The availability of new Intelligent Transportation System innovations paved the way for connecting vehicles and road infrastructure. GLOSA, or the Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory, is a recent integration of vehicle-to-everything (v2x) technology. This thesis emphasized GLOSA system's potential as a tool for addressing traffic signal optimization. GLOSA serves as an advisory to drivers, informing them of the speed they must maintain to reduce waiting time. The considered study area in this thesis is the Via Aurelio Saffi – Via Emilia Ponente corridor in the Metropolitan City of Bologna which has several signalized intersections. Several simulation runs were performed in SUMOPy software on each peak-hour period (morning and afternoon) using recent actual traffic count data. GLOSA devices were placed on a 300m GLOSA distance. Considering the morning peak-hour, GLOSA outperformed the actuated traffic signal control, which is the baseline scenario, in terms of average waiting time, average speed, average fuel consumption per vehicle and average CO2 emissions. A remarkable 97% reduction on both fuel consumption and CO2 emissions were obtained. The average speed of vehicles running through the simulation was increased as well by 7% and a time saved of 25%. Same results were obtained for the afternoon peak hour with a decrease of 98% on both fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, 20% decrease on average waiting time, and an increase of 2% in average speed. In addition to previously mentioned benefits of GLOSA, a 15% and 13% decrease in time loss were obtained during morning and afternoon peak-hour, respectively. Towards the goal of sustainability, GLOSA shows a promising result of significantly lowering fuel consumption and CO2 emissions per vehicle.


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The objective of this project was to promote and facilitate analysis and evaluation of the impacts of road construction activities in Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative (SWZDI) states. The two primary objectives of this project were to assess urban freeway work-zone impacts through use of remote monitoring devices, such as radar-based traffic sensors, traffic cameras, and traffic signal loop detectors, and evaluate the effectiveness of using these devices for such a purpose. Two high-volume suburban freeway work zones, located on Interstate 35/80 (I-35/I-80) through the Des Moines, Iowa metropolitan area, were evaluated at the request of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT).


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Implementation, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Energy Administration, Office of Transportation Policy and Research, Washington, D.C.


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Left-turning traffic is a major source of conflicts at intersections. Though an average of only 10% to 15% of all approach traffic turns left, these vehicles are involved in approximately 45% of all accidents. This report presents the results of research conducted to develop models which estimate approach accident rates at high speed signalized intersections. The objective of the research was to quantify the relationship between traffic and intersection characteristics, and accident potential of different left turn treatments. Geometric, turning movement counts, and traffic signal phasing data were collected at 100 intersections in Iowa using a questionnaire sent to municipalities. Not all questionnaires resulted in complete data and ultimately complete data were derived for 63 intersections providing a database of 248 approaches. Accident data for the same approaches were obtained from the Iowa Department of Transportation Accident Location and Analysis System (ALAS). Regression models were developed for two different dependent variables: 1) the ratio of the number of left turn accidents per approach to million left turning vehicles per approach, and 2) the ratio of accidents per approach to million traffic movements per approach. A number of regression models were developed for both dependent variables. One model using each dependent variable was developed for intersections with low, medium, and high left turning traffic volumes. As expected, the research indicates that protected left turn phasing has a lower accident potential than protected/permitted or permitted phasing. Left turn lanes and multiple lane approaches are beneficial for reducing accident rates, while raised medians increase the likelihood of accidents. Signals that are part of a signal system tend to have lower accident rates than isolated signals. The resulting regression models may be used to determine the likely impact of various left turn treatments on intersection accident rates. When designing an intersection approach, a traffic engineer may use the models to estimate the accident rate reduction as a result of improved lane configurations and left turn treatments. The safety benefits may then be compared to any costs associated with operational effects to the intersection (i.e., increased delay) to determine the benefits and costs of making intersection safety improvements.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) continuously assesses the likely causes of crashes at high-crash locations throughout the Iowa roadway network and designs solutions to reduce the incidences of crashes. This research analyzed approximately 100 safety projects constructed in the past 10 years to see what affect they had on highway safety. The projects are grouped into seven categories as defined by their scope of work: (1) install new traffic signal, (2) add turn lane(s), (3) install new signal and turn lane(s), (4) add left-turn phasing, (5) add left-turn phasing and turn lane(s), (6) replace pedestal mount signals with mast arm signals, and (7) other geometric improvements. The project makes use of an extensive statewide crash database. The results of the project will evaluate the assumed reduction factors and benefit/cost (B/C) analysis, determine the actual cost effectiveness of the Iowa DOT's safety programs, and allow the Iowa DOT to better prioritize future improvements.


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This paper proposes a spatial filtering technique forthe reception of pilot-aided multirate multicode direct-sequencecode division multiple access (DS/CDMA) systems such as widebandCDMA (WCDMA). These systems introduce a code-multiplexedpilot sequence that can be used for the estimation of thefilter weights, but the presence of the traffic signal (transmittedat the same time as the pilot sequence) corrupts that estimationand degrades the performance of the filter significantly. This iscaused by the fact that although the traffic and pilot signals areusually designed to be orthogonal, the frequency selectivity of thechannel degrades this orthogonality at hte receiving end. Here,we propose a semi-blind technique that eliminates the self-noisecaused by the code-multiplexing of the pilot. We derive analyticallythe asymptotic performance of both the training-only andthe semi-blind techniques and compare them with the actual simulatedperformance. It is shown, both analytically and via simulation,that high gains can be achieved with respect to training-onlybasedtechniques.


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Texas Department of Transportation, Austin


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Choosing between Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems is often controversial and not an easy task for transportation planners who are contemplating the upgrade of their public transportation services. These two transit systems provide comparable services for medium-sized cities from the suburban neighborhood to the Central Business District (CBD) and utilize similar right-of-way (ROW) categories. The research is aimed at developing a method to assist transportation planners and decision makers in determining the most feasible system between LRT and BRT. ^ Cost estimation is a major factor when evaluating a transit system. Typically, LRT is more expensive to build and implement than BRT, but has significantly lower Operating and Maintenance (OM) costs than BRT. This dissertation examines the factors impacting capacity and costs, and develops cost models, which are a capacity-based cost estimate for the LRT and BRT systems. Various ROW categories and alignment configurations of the systems are also considered in the developed cost models. Kikuchi's fleet size model (1985) and cost allocation method are used to develop the cost models to estimate the capacity and costs. ^ The comparison between LRT and BRT are complicated due to many possible transportation planning and operation scenarios. In the end, a user-friendly computer interface integrated with the established capacity-based cost models, the LRT and BRT Cost Estimator (LBCostor), was developed by using Microsoft Visual Basic language to facilitate the process and will guide the users throughout the comparison operations. The cost models and the LBCostor can be used to analyze transit volumes, alignments, ROW configurations, number of stops and stations, headway, size of vehicle, and traffic signal timing at the intersections. The planners can make the necessary changes and adjustments depending on their operating practices. ^


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The results of a study which evaluates the Iowa Motor Vehicle Fuel Reduction Program have been summarized and described in this report. The Iowa Motor Vehicle Fuel Reduction Program was designed to demonstrate fuel savings through traffic signal modernization projects and provide direct benefits to motorists in Iowa.


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This report documents the results of a three million dollar traffic signal improvement demonstration program, known as the Iowa Motor Vehicle Fuel Reduction Program (the program). The program was funded with the use of oil overcharge funds and administered by the Iowa Departments of Natural Resources and Transportation. The objective of the program was to provide restitution to overcharged motorists by improving the efficiency of traffic signals. More efficient traffic signals reduce fuel consumption, delay, travel time, and automobile pollution while improving traffic safety. The program demonstrated the effectiveness of improving traffic signals and resulted in a 14.20-to-1 benefit-to-cost ratio.