963 resultados para therapeutic outcomes


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In the past two decades numerous programs have emerged to treat individuals with developmental disabilities who have sexual offending behaviours. There has, however been very few studies that systematically examine the effectiveness of long term treatment with this population. The present research examines the therapeutic outcomes of a multi-modal behaviour approach with six individuals with intellectual disabilities previously charged with sexual assault. The participants also exhibited severe behavioural challenges that included verbal aggression, physical aggression, destruction and self-injury. These six participants (5 males, 1 female) were admitted to a Long Term Residential Treatment Program (LTRTP), due to the severity of their behaviours and due to their lack of treatment success in other programs. Individualized treatment plans focused on the reduction of maladaptive behaviours and the enhancing of skills such as positive coping strategies, socio-sexual knowledge, life skills, recreation and leisure skills. The treatment program also included psychiatric, psychological, medical, behavioural and educational interventions. The participants remained in the Long Term Residential Treatment Program (LTRTP) program from 181 to 932 days (average of 1.5 years). Pre and post treatment evaluations were conducted using the following tools: frequency of target behaviours, Psychopathology Inventory for Mentally Retarded Adults (PIMRA), Emotional Problems Scale (EPS), Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool (SSKAAT-R) and Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOL-Q). Recidivism rates and the need for re-hospitalization were also noted for each participant. By offering high levels of individualized interventions, all six participants showed a 37 % rate of reduction in maladaptive behaviours with zero to low rates of inappropriate sexualbehaviour, there were no psychiatric hospitalizations, and there was no recidivism for 5 of 6 participants. In addition, medication was reduced. Mental health scores on the PIMRA were reduced across all participants by 25 % and scores on the Quality of Life Questionnaire increased for all participants by an average of 72 %. These findings add to and build upon the existing literature on long term treatment benefits for individuals with a intellectual disability who sexually offend. By utilizing an individualized and multimodal treatment approach to reduce severe behavioural challenges, not only can the maladaptive behaviours be reduced, but adaptive behaviours can be increased, mental health concerns can be managed, and overall quality of life can be improved.


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L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'examiner le lien entre les traits de personnalité évalués selon l'approche des cinq facteurs et les résultats des traitements psychosociaux auprès de jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotique. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, 129 personnes ont été recrutées à participer à une étude expérimentale randomisée. Les participants ont été assignés soit à un groupe de thérapie cognitive-comportementale, soit à un groupe d'entraînement aux habiletés sociales visant la gestion des symptômes, soit à une liste d'attente. Les participants ont complété pré- et post-traitement le Questionnaire bref de personnalité NEO Révisé (Costa & McCrae, 1992), l'Échelle abrégée d'évaluation psychiatrique (Lukoff et al., 1986; Ventura et al., 1993) et l'Échelle d'adaptation cybernétique (Edwards & Baglioni, 1993). Dans le premier article, les profils de personnalité et la stabilité temporelle des traits de personnalité des jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotique ont été étudiés. Les résultats révèlent différents profils de personnalité et une stabilité des traits de personnalité. Dans le second article, les profils de personnalité et la valeur prédictive des traits de personnalité ou des profils sur les résultats thérapeutiques ont été investigués. Les résultats révèlent aussi différents profils de personnalité, aucun spécifiquement lié aux symptômes. Aucun lien n'a pu être rapporté entre les traits de personnalité et l'amélioration symptomatologique. Toutefois, les traits de personnalité et les profils sont liés à l'amélioration des stratégies actives d'adaptation. Dans le dernier article, la valeur prédictive des traits de personnalité sur les résultats thérapeutiques selon le groupe de traitement spécifique a été étudiée. Les résultats démontrent un lien entre les traits de personnalité et l'amélioration symptomatologique et des stratégies d'adaptation selon le traitement. Les traits de personnalité sont particulièrement liés aux résultats thérapeutiques des stratégies actives d'adaptation. Cette thèse contribue à l'avancement des connaissances en se penchant sur l'importance des traits de personnalité dans le traitement psychosocial des jeunes adultes présentant un premier épisode psychotique et en soulignant la nécessité d'étudier davantage les différences individuelles de la personnalité de cette clientèle. Les implications cliniques des résultats et les recommandations pour la recherche sont présentées.


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Les technologies de stimulations transcrâniennes – tel que la tDCS ou la TMS – présentent à l’heure actuelle d’intéressantes perspectives thérapeutiques, tout comme diverses améliorations cognitives chez le sujet « non-malade » dont découlent des applications neuroamélioratives, plus ou moins imminentes, en dehors du cadre clinique ou investigatoire. Est proposé ici d’analyser les risques associés à ces applications, détournées des objectifs premiers de recherche, et aux préoccupations éthiques qui les accompagnent (autonomie, justice, intégrité physique), via un concept généralement associé aux recherches avec des perspectives de sécurité nationale et associées à un niveau de risque élevé. Révisant la trivialité d’une définition dichotomique aux usages « bons » et « mauvais », est proposé d’étendre le concept de « double-usage » pour l’appliquer à la neuroamélioration comme un mésusage de la recherche en neurosciences. Faisant référence au conflit entre, d’une part, le respect de la liberté académique et, d’autre part, la protection de la sécurité et de la santé publique, ce concept s’avère être un outil diagnostique pertinent pour l’évaluation des risques associés à l’usage mélioratif desdites technologies, et plus particulièrement de la tDCS, afin d’alimenter la réflexion sur la régulation de ces dispositifs en amont de leur utilisation, selon un principe de précaution inhérent au double-usage de la recherche. Ce concept permet ainsi de réfléchir à la mise en place d’une gouvernance proactive et contextualisée impliquant une responsabilité partagée d’un large panel d’acteurs, nécessaire au vu des avancées rapides du domaine des neurosciences et de l’imminence de l’arrivée sur le marché de ces dispositifs.


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This third part of a series of publications from the Swiss task force "Smoking--Intervention in the private dental office" on the topic "tobacco use and dental medicine" describes the clinical and radiographic changes of the periodontium within smokers as well as the consequences of tobacco use on periodontal and implant therapy. With increased use of tobacco, patients show higher periodontal probing depths, increased clinical attachment loss, more alveolar bone resorption, a higher prevalence of gingival recessions, and a higher risk for tooth loss. In contrast to this, with smokers, the clinical characteristics of gingival inflammation or bleeding on periodontal probing are less established. Smokers show less positive results after conventional, surgical and regenerative periodontal therapy. The benefits of mucogingval surgery are reduced and less successful in smokers. Moreover, smoking impairs the osseointegration of oral implants and is at least partly responsible for a majority of biological complications in implant dentistry, such as periimplantitis. Based on the present understanding of periodontal diseases, the clinical findings, and the specific therapeutic outcomes with smokers, it appears to be reasonable, next to the current classification of periodontal diseases, to use the term "smokers periodontitis".


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Das pantheoretische Konzept der Arbeitsallianz stellt die kollaborative Qualität der an der Therapie beteiligten Personen (i. e. zumeist der Patient und der Therapeut) in den Mittelpunkt. Die Arbeitsallianz ist die weltweit am besten untersuchte Prozessvariable in der Psychotherapie. Die vorliegende Arbeit bietet einen Überblick über den aktuellen metaanalytischen Wissensstand. Basierend auf 200 Primärstudien mit 14.000 teilnehmenden Patienten wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitsallianz und Therapieerfolg metaanalytisch untersucht. Die Arbeitsallianz erweist sich als äußerst robuster Prädiktor, der moderate 8 % der Varianz des Therapieerfolgs erklärt. Der Zusammenhang über die verschiedenen Psychotherapietraditionen hinweg zeigte sich sowohl unter randomisierten kontrollierten, manualisierten Studienbedingungen als auch unter naturalistischen Voraussetzungen. Der Effekt fand sich zudem in den störungsspezifischen Erfolgseinschätzungen und den generelleren Erfolgsmaßen. Die moderaten Therapeuteneffekte in den Primärstudien konnten metaanalytisch bestätigt werden. Soziokulturelle Aspekte wie Substanzmissbrauch und ethnische Minoritäten moderieren den Einfluss zwischen Arbeitsallianz und Therapieerfolg. Die Nähe der Forscher zum Allianzkonzept („allegiance“) beeinflusst die Vorhersagekraft der frühen Allianz zwar statistisch bedeutsam, jedoch nicht substanziell.


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Recognition that primary aldosteronism (PAL) is a common specifically treatable form of hypertension and that most patients are normokalemic has led to a marked increase in demand for aldosterone/renin ratio (ARR) testing as a means of screening for this disorder. The value of this screening test depends on an appreciation of many factors (such as diet, posture, time of day, presence of hypokalemia, medications, age, and renal function), which can affect the results, on the care with which these factors are either controlled or their effects taken into account, and on access to reliable and reproducible assays for renin and aldosterone. Even then, physiological day-to-day variability reduces the value of a single estimation, and repeated testing is necessary before a decision that PAL is highly likely (warranting further testing) or highly unlikely can be made. Provided that testing of aldosterone suppressibility is always carried out to confirm or exclude the diagnosis, and the subtype is determined by hybrid gene testing and adrenal venous sampling, wide application of the ARR can have a major beneficial clinical impact with improved therapeutic outcomes, including possible cure in those with unilateral disease.


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This thesis investigates the potential legal utility of neurotechnologies which measure correlates of impulsive behaviors. Chapter 1 explains my philosophical position and how this position compares to others in the field. Chapter 2 explores some of the technical concepts which must be understood for the discussion of neurotechnologies and their applications to be fruitful. These chapters will be important for both explaining the capabilities of a neuroscientific approach to neural abnormalities as well as how they relate to the kind of regulation in which the law is engaged. The purpose of Chapter 3 will be a descriptive account of Canadian law where I will begin to explore how to apply ideas and experiments from neuroscience to specific areas of law. Chapter 3 will look at actual examples of Canadian criminal law and will span topics from the creation of law to the construction of appropriate sentences. Chapter 4 will debate if and how we should apply the neuroscientific perspective to the law given the ethical concerns surrounding the applications described in Chapter 3. The thrust of the chapter is that the development of the law does not occur in a vacuum and any alteration either to the laws themselves, how they are interpreted, or the technologies used to provide evidence, must have an ethical justification, that is, a way in which the proposed change will better meet the needs of society and the ethical objectives of the law. Sometimes these justifications can be drawn directly from constitutional documents, such as the Charter, or from the Criminal Code, while at other times these justifications depend upon arguments about furthering meaningful responsibility and therapeutic outcomes.


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Empathic communication, (i.e. emotionally engaging with a patient), is an important part of the therapeutic relationship. It has been shown to improve the health and therapeutic outcomes for patients by improving diagnosis and compliance. In the West, front-line medical professionals, including herbal medicine practitioners, put themselves at risk of burnout and compassion fatigue by giving emotionally intensive care. While treatments for compassion fatigue and burnout are available, another way forward is needed to ensure healthcare professionals do not become ill; one that will enable both patients and healthcare professionals to receive the care needed. In this paper it is argued that compassion, which is defined in this paper, involves different neural circuitry to empathy and can protect healthcare professionals from the effects of stress that can, if not addressed, lead to burnout. Traditional Buddhist meditation techniques such as loving-kindness meditation have been shown to increase compassion in non-meditative states. Short daily sessions of such mediation practices have been shown to improve compassion in a way that protects healthcare professionals from burnout.


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Background: Scrotal exploration is considered the procedure of choice for acute scrotum. Objectives: We evaluated the importance of early diagnosis and testicular salvage on the therapeutic outcomes of patients with pediatric testicular torsion (TT) and testicular appendage torsion (TAT) in our geographic area. Patients and Methods: We performed a retrospective database analysis of patients who underwent emergency surgery for TT or TAT between January 1996 and June 2009. Patient history, physical examination findings, laboratory test results, color Doppler sonography (CDS) results, and surgical findings were reviewed. Results: A total of 65 cases were included in our analysis. Forty-two cases were followed up for at least 3 months. Testicular tenderness was identified as the major clinical manifestation of TT, while only a few patients with TAT presented with swelling. CDS was an important diagnostic modality. The orchiectomy rate was 71% in the TT group. Conclusions: Cases of acute scrotum require attention in our area. Early diagnosis and scrotal exploration could salvage the testis or preserve normal function without the need for surgery.


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Purpose: To investigate the clinical efficacy of paclitaxel combined with additional chemotherapy for mid-stage and advanced malignant tumors, and the benefits afforded by scientific nursing. Methods: Patients with mid-stage and advanced gastric cancer were randomly divided into test and control groups. Control group was given intravenous chemotherapy (400 mg/m2 fluorouracil and 2500 mg/m2 cisplatin) and nursed conventionally, while the test group was additionally treated with 80 mg/m2 paclitaxel and underwent special scientific nursing. Clinical effects and changes in the rates of apoptosis and cell proliferation were recorded. The effect of applying scientific nursing on therapeutic outcomes was also evaluated. Results: The overall rate of treatment effectiveness, clinical control rate, mean apoptosis and proliferation rates in the test group were 56.40, 92.30, (7.10 ± 3.17 and 28.70 ± 3.22 %, respectively, while, in the control group, the values were 38.50, 64.10, 25.40 ± 2.67 and 32.60 ± 2.93 %, respectively. The differences were all statistically significant (p < 0.05). In terms of nursing efficacy, the test group had a lower pain score and higher quality-of-life scores (Karnofsky performance status score) than control group. There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Paclitaxel has a significant effect when used to treat mid-stage and advanced gastric cancer. Moreover, additional nursing not only enhances the therapeutic effect but also improves prognosis and quality-of-life.


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Méthodologie: Simulation; Analyse discriminante linéaire et logistique; Arbres de classification; Réseaux de neurones en base radiale


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Both low and high blood pressure (BP) during the acute phase of stroke are associated independently with a poor outcome. Several small clinical trials have involved the alteration of BP and this study assessed the relationship between change in BP and functional outcome. Randomised controlled trials of interventions that would be expected, on pharmacological grounds, to alter BP in patients within one week of the onset of acute ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke were sought using electronic searches. Data were collected on BP and clinical outcome. The relationship between the difference in on-treatment BP and odds ratios (OR) for outcomes was assessed using meta-regression. Thirty-seven trials involving 9,008 patients were included. A ‘U’ or ‘J’ shaped relationship were found between on-treatment BP difference and early death, death at the end of 90 day follow up, and combined death or dependency at the end of follow up. Although outcomes were not significantly reduced at any level of change in BP, the lowest odds occurred at: early death (OR 0.87, 95% confidence interval, CI 0.54 to 1.23) - 8.1 mmHg; death at end of follow up (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.31 to 1.65) - 14.4 mmHg; and combined death or dependency at end of follow up (OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.11 to 1.72) - 14.6 mmHg. Although large falls or increases in BP are associated with a worse outcome, modest reductions may reduce death, and combined death or dependency, although the confidence intervals are wide and compatible with overall benefit or hazard.


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There is sparse systematic examination of the potential for growth as well as distress that may occur for some adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The presented study explored posttraumatic growth and its relationship with negative posttrauma outcomes within the specific population of survivors of childhood sexual abuse (N = 40). Results showed that 95% of the participants experienced clinically significant post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology related to their childhood sexual abuse. In conjunction with these high levels of negative symptoms, the population evidenced posttraumatic growth levels that were comparable to other trauma samples. This research has clinical relevance in terms of adding to the knowledge base on sexual abuse and the usefulness of this knowledge in therapeutic interventions and relationships.