985 resultados para temporal sequence


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380 p. : il., gráf.


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[ES] El propósito de este trabajo es el de mostrar cómo Livio elabora el episodio de la violación de Lucrecia de tal manera que se conecta con los restantes episodios del reinado de Tarquinio el Soberbio, formando una unidad tan estrecha y bien dispuesta que éste se convierte en el punto culminante de un proceso que comienza con el inicio del reinado del último monarca romano. Livio no se limita a seleccionar y disponer en una simple secuencia temporal los hechos que la tradición atribuía al segundo Tarquinio, sino que los elabora y ordena con vistas a conseguir un relato efectivo desde la perspectiva literaria y narrativa y, como consecuencia de ello, convincente desde el punto de vista moral, una de sus principales preocupaciones.


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以宁夏固原云雾山自然保护区典型草原为研究对象,采用空间序列代替时间序列的方法,以坡耕地为对照,对封育演替草地百里香(Thymus mongolicus Ronn.)、铁杆蒿(Artemisia sacrorum Ledeb.)、大针茅(Stipa grandis P.Smirn.)和本氏针茅(Stipa bungeana Trin.)群落0~10 cm表层土壤水稳性团聚体分布、孔隙度及土壤结构评价指标进行了研究和分析。结果表明:草地实施封育措施能明显改善土壤结构特征,随着草地植被自然演替,土壤的结构稳定性和孔隙状况逐步得到提高;在演替过程中,封育草地土壤的>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量(WSAC)、平均重量直径(MWD)、几何平均直径(GMD)和孔隙分形维数(Dp)逐渐增加,团聚体分形维数(Da)逐渐减少,说明植被演替能促进形成良好的土壤结构;同时,土壤结构影响因素随着草地植被演替过程表现出有机碳含量显著增加,容重显著降低,毛管孔隙度逐渐增大,非毛管孔隙度逐渐降低。本研究还比较了多项土壤结构评价指标,表明与MWD和GMD相比,指标WSAC(>0.25 mm)、Da及Dp能更好地反映出各封育草地群落之间土壤结...


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Nosema ceranae, a microsporidian formerly regarded as confined to its Asiatic host Apis cerana, has recently been shown to parasitise Apis mellifera and to have spread throughout most of the world in the past few years. Using a temporal sequence of N = 28 Nosema isolates from Finland from 1986-2006, we now find (i) that N. ceranae has been present in Europe since at least 1998 and (ii) that it has increased in frequency across this time period relative to Nosema apis, possibly leading to higher mean spore loads per bee. We then present results of a single laboratory infection experiment in which we directly compare the virulence of N. apis with N. ceranae. Though lacking replication, our results suggest (iii) that both parasites build up to equal numbers per bee by day 14 post infection but that (iv) N. ceranae induces significantly higher mortality relative to N. apis.


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The pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is complex involving multiple contributing factors. The extent to which AD pathology impacts upon the metabolome is still not understood, nor is it known how disturbances change as the disease progresses. For the first time we have profiled longitudinally (6, 8, 10, 12 and 18 months) both the brain and plasma metabolome of APP/PS1 double transgenic and wild type (WT) mice. A total of 187 metabolites were quantified using a targeted metabolomics methodology. Multivariate statistical analysis produced models that distinguished APP/PS1 from WT mice at 8, 10 and 12 months.Metabolic pathway analysis found perturbed polyamine metabolism in both brain and blood plasma. There were other disturbances in essential amino acids,branched chain amino acids and also in the neurotransmitter serotonin.Pronounced imbalances in phospholipid and acylcarnitine homeostasis was evident in two age groups. AD-like pathology therefore impacts greatly on both the brain and blood metabolomes, although there appears to be a clear temporal sequence whereby changes to brain metabolites precede those in blood.


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Hypertension is thought to exist in up to five percent of children. A select number of studies have investigated the role elevated blood pressure plays in pediatric atherosclerotic progression. However these studies contain significant methodological flaws and fail to recognize important confounding factors. Therefore, the influence of elevated blood pressure on arterial health in children remains to be clearly understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between blood pressure (BP) and arterial thickness and stiffuess in children. Common carotid artery (CCA) intima-media thickness (IMT) and distensibility (Dist), as well as systemic pulse wave velocity (PWV) were measured in 21 elevated blood pressure (EBP; BP ~ 95th percentile) and 83 normal blood pressure (NBP; BP < 90th percentile) children 11-14 years of age. Both EBP and NBP groups demonstrated BP within the normal clinical range, but EBP showed significantly elevated BP as compared to the NBP group. Independent t-tests failed to show significant differences between the EBP and NBP groups for CCA IMT (0.43 ± 0.05 mm and 0.42 ± 0.06 mm, respectively) and Dist (0.0058 ± 0.0024 mmHg-1 and 0.0064 ± 0.0019 mmHil respectively). In contrast, a significantly elevated PWV (ptemporal sequence of pediatric atherosclerotic progression in response to elevated BP.


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Le récepteur nucléaire Nr5a2 est exprimé dans l’ovaire, plus spécifiquement dans les cellules de granulosa et lutéales. Une déplétion conditionnelle de Nr5a2 dans les cellules de granulosa au stade de follicule primaire par croisement de souris Nr5a2-flox et Amhr2-Cre (Nr5a2f/fAmhr2Cre/+) génère des problèmes au niveau de l’expansion du cumulus, de l’ovulation et de la lutéinisation. Ainsi, nous estimons que Nr5a2 régule les connexions intercellulaires dans le follicule ovarien via la connexine 43 (Cx43), une protéine de jonction impliquée dans l’expansion du cumulus. Le premier objectif de l’étude était de déterminer si l’absence d’expansion du cumulus chez les souris Amhr2Cre-cKO est liée à l’absence de communication intercellulaire adéquate entre les cellules de granulosa et de cumulus dans les follicules préovulatoires. À cette fin, des ovaires de souris immatures Amhr2Cre-cKO et non transgéniques ont été prélevés (n=3) après un traitement de superstimulation utilisant les gonadotropines eCG suivie de hCG afin d’induire l’ovulation. Nous avons ainsi démontré, par RT-PCR, une sous-expression de Cx43 avant et au moment du stimulus ovulatoire (0 h et 2 h) chez le groupe Amhr2Cre-cKO (P<0.01), ce qui pourrait mener à un problème dans l’acquisition de la compétence développementale de l’oocyte. D’un autre côté, au moment de l’ovulation (12 h), l’ARNm de Cx43 est surexprimé dans le groupe Amhr2Cre-cKO, ce qui pourrait prévenir les cellules du cumulus de se détacher l’une de l’autre. Nous avons ainsi conclu que Cx43 est un gène sous le contrôle de Nr5a2 et qu’une régulation erronée de ce gène est une cause possible du problème d’expansion du cumulus chez les souris Amhr2Cre-cKO. Afin d’examiner le rôle de Nr5a2 dans l’ovulation et la lutéinisation à différents stades de la maturation folliculaire, nous suggérons que Nr5a2 module la séquence temporelle des événements menant à l’ovulation. En croisant des souris Nr5a2-flox et Cyp19-Cre (Nr5a2f/fCyp19Cre/+), l’expression de Nr5a2 a été interrompue dans les cellules de granulosa des follicules antraux et préovulatoires. Aucune portée n’a été obtenue de ces souris (n=4) durant un essai d’accouplement de 6 mois. Chez les souris Cyp19Cre-cKO on remarque la présence de structures s’apparentant à des cellules de type lutéales et les femelles âgées d’un an présentent des kystes folliculaires hémorragiques et une hypertrophie de l’épithélium en surface de l’ovaire. Les deux modèles transgéniques démontrent donc une absence de l’expansion du cumulus et de l’ovulation. En conclusion, Nr5a2 semble réguler différemment la folliculogenèse et l’ovulation dans les cellules de granulosa des follicules primaires et antraux.


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Le récepteur nucléaire Nr5a2, également connu sous le nom de liver receptor homolog-1 (Lrh-1), est exprimé au niveau de l’ovaire chez la souris, exclusivement dans les cellules lutéales et de la granulosa. La perturbation de Nr5a2, spécifique aux cellules de la granulosa chez la souris à partir des follicules primaires dans la trajectoire du développement folliculaire a démontré que Nr5a2 est un régulateur clé de l’ovulation et de la fertilité chez la femelle. Notre hypothèse veut que Nr5a2 régule les évènements péri- et post-ovulatoires dans une séquence temporelle lors de la folliculogénèse. Afin d'étudier l’implication de Nr5a2 lors de l’ovulation et de la lutéinisation à différents stades du développement folliculaire, nous avons généré deux modèles de souris knockout spécifiques aux cellules de la granulosa pour Nr5a2: 1) Nr5a2Amhr2-/-, avec une réduction de Nr5a2 à partir des follicules primaires et subséquents; 2) Nr5a2Cyp19-/-, avec une réduction de Nr5a2 débutant au stade antral de développement en progressant. L’absence de Nr5a2 à partir des follicules antraux a résulté en une infertilité chez les femelles Nr5a2Cyp19-/-, de même qu’en des structures non-fonctionnelles similaires aux structures lutéales au niveau des ovaires, en une réduction des niveaux de progestérone synthétisée ainsi qu’en un échec dans le support d’une pseudo-gestation. La synthèse de progestérone a été entravée suite à l’absence de Nr5a2 par l’entremise d’une régulation à la baisse des gènes reliés au transport du cholestérol, Scarb1, StAR et Ldlr, démontré par qPCR. Les complexes cumulus-oocytes des femelles Nr5a2Cyp19-/- immatures super-stimulées ont subi une expansion in vivo, mais l’ovulation a été perturbée, possiblement par une régulation à la baisse du gène du récepteur de la progestérone (Pgr). Un essai d’expansion du cumulus in vitro a démontré une expansion défectueuse du cumulus chez les Nr5a2Amhr2-/-, associée à un dérèglement de la protéine des jonctions communicantes (Gja1; Cx43). Cependant, l’expansion du cumulus chez les Nr5a2Cyp19-/- n’a pas été autant affectée. Des résultats obtenus par qPCR ont démontré une régulation à la baisse dans l’expression des gènes Areg, Ereg, Btc et Tnfaip6 chez les deux modèles de cellules ovariennes knockout à 2h et 4h post hCG. Nous avons observé que 85% des oocytes, chez les deux génotypes mutants, peuvent subir une rupture de la vésicule germinative, confirmant leur capacité de maturation in vivo. La technique d’injection intra-cytoplasmique de spermatozoïdes a prouvé que les oocytes des deux génotypes mutants sont fertilisables et que 70% des embryons résultants ont poursuivi leur développement vers le stade de blastocyste, et ce, indépendamment du génotype. En conclusion, Nr5a2 régule la fertilité chez les femelles tout au long du processus du développement folliculaire. Il a été démontré que Nr5a2 est essentiel à la lutéinisation et que sa perturbation dans les cellules somatiques ovariennes ne compromet pas la capacité des oocytes à être fertilisés. En vue d’ensemble, nous avons fourni une investigation inédite et complète, utilisant de multiples modèles et techniques afin de déterminer les mécanismes par lesquels Nr5a2 régule les importants processus que sont l’expansion du cumulus, l’ovulation ainsi que la formation du corps jaune.


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The cellular traffic of haem during the development of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, through the stages R (ring), T (trophozoite) and S (schizonts), was investigated within RBC (red blood cells). When Plasmodium cultures were incubated with a fluorescent haem analogue, ZnPPIX (Zn protoporphyrin IX) the probe was seen at the cytoplasm (R stage), and the vesicle-like structure distribution pattern was more evident at T and S stages. The temporal sequence of ZnPPIX uptake by P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes shows that at R and S stages, a time-increase acquisition of the porphyrin reaches the maximum fluorescence distribution after 60 min; in contrast, at the T stage, the maximum occurs after 120 min of ZnPPIX uptake. The difference in time-increase acquisition of the porphyrin is in agreement with a maximum activity of haem uptake at the T stage. To gain insights into haem metabolism, recombinant PfHO (P. falciparum haem oxygenase) was expressed, and the conversion of haem into BV (biliverdin) was detected. These findings point out that, in addition to haemozoin formation, the malaria parasite P. falciparum has evolved two distinct mechanisms for dealing with haem toxicity, namely, the uptake of haem into a cellular compartment where haemozoin is formed and HO activity. However, the low Plasmodium HO activity detected reveals that the enzyme appears to be a very inefficient way to scavenge the haem compared with the Plasmodium ability to uptake the haem analogue ZnPPIX and delivering it to the food vacuole.


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The size and pace of change in meiofaunal assemblages suggest that meiofauna make excellent subjects for testing theories about how ecological communities change. A field experiment was performed in which the  abundance and composition of epibionts and meiofauna on natural,  transplanted and mimic pneumatophores were monitored over a 47 wk period. Meiofaunal density increased with growth of algal epibionts, both reaching maximum values after 24 wk, at the end of winter. At this time the assemblages from the 3 substrata were similar, although the combined abundances of meiofauna on transplants and mimics were only 28% of the average on natural pneumatophores. Meiofaunal abundance on all substrata decreased rapidly during spring as algal cover declined due to desiccation. Twenty-three species of nematode were recorded from mimics compared with 8 and 7 from transplants and pneumatophores, respectively. A temporal sequence of feeding groups occurred in the order of epigrowth feeders, deposit feeders, and omnivore/predators, with the latter 2 adding to rather than replacing earlier trophic groups. Scavengers were found only on natural pneumatophores. The turnover rates of nematode species between all census times were similar, peaking at 63%, but there was no trend in the turnover rates with time. We conclude that mimics are more suitable than transplanted pneumatophores for colonisation studies because of their greater persistence and more easily standardised surface area. Moreover, the composition of colonising assemblages on them closely resembled assemblages on natural pneumatophores at the time of peak meiofaunal abundance.


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We outline an approach to classifying and detecting behaviours from surveillance data. Simple pairwise movement patterns are learned and used as building blocks to describe behaviour over a temporal sequence, or compared with other pairs to detect group behaviour. As the pair primitives are easy to redefine and learn, and complex behaviour over time is specified by the user as a sequence of pair primitives, this approach provides a flexible yet robust method of detecting complex movement in a wide variety of domains.


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The bryoflora showed a temporal sequence in composition and richness following clearfell-burn-sow logging. Although species richness increased with age, logging practices do not allow sufficient time for bryophytes to regain parity with old growth forests. Thus our bryoflora is not resilient to logging and are disappearing. This has potentially serious on-flow effects for vertebrate and bird diversity.


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Hebb proposed that synapses between neurons that fire synchronously are strengthened, forming cell assemblies and phase sequences. The former, on a shorter scale, are ensembles of synchronized cells that function transiently as a closed processing system; the latter, on a larger scale, correspond to the sequential activation of cell assemblies able to represent percepts and behaviors. Nowadays, the recording of large neuronal populations allows for the detection of multiple cell assemblies. Within Hebb's theory, the next logical step is the analysis of phase sequences. Here we detected phase sequences as consecutive assembly activation patterns, and then analyzed their graph attributes in relation to behavior. We investigated action potentials recorded from the adult rat hippocampus and neocortex before, during and after novel object exploration (experimental periods). Within assembly graphs, each assembly corresponded to a node, and each edge corresponded to the temporal sequence of consecutive node activations. The sum of all assembly activations was proportional to firing rates, but the activity of individual assemblies was not. Assembly repertoire was stable across experimental periods, suggesting that novel experience does not create new assemblies in the adult rat. Assembly graph attributes, on the other hand, varied significantly across behavioral states and experimental periods, and were separable enough to correctly classify experimental periods (Naïve Bayes classifier; maximum AUROCs ranging from 0.55 to 0.99) and behavioral states (waking, slow wave sleep, and rapid eye movement sleep; maximum AUROCs ranging from 0.64 to 0.98). Our findings agree with Hebb's view that assemblies correspond to primitive building blocks of representation, nearly unchanged in the adult, while phase sequences are labile across behavioral states and change after novel experience. The results are compatible with a role for phase sequences in behavior and cognition.


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Spiking neural networks - networks that encode information in the timing of spikes - are arising as a new approach in the artificial neural networks paradigm, emergent from cognitive science. One of these new models is the pulsed neural network with radial basis function, a network able to store information in the axonal propagation delay of neurons. Learning algorithms have been proposed to this model looking for mapping input pulses into output pulses. Recently, a new method was proposed to encode constant data into a temporal sequence of spikes, stimulating deeper studies in order to establish abilities and frontiers of this new approach. However, a well known problem of this kind of network is the high number of free parameters - more that 15 - to be properly configured or tuned in order to allow network convergence. This work presents for the first time a new learning function for this network training that allow the automatic configuration of one of the key network parameters: the synaptic weight decreasing factor.


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In conventional robot manipulator control, the desired path is specified in cartesian space and converted to joint space through inverse kinematics mapping. The joint references generated by this mapping are utilized for dynamic control in joint space. Thus, the end-effector position is, in fact, controlled indirectly, in open-loop, and the accuracy of grip position control directly depends on the accuracy of the available kinematic model. In this report, a new scheme for redundant manipulator kinematic control, based on visual servoing is proposed. In the proposed system, a robot image acquired through a CCD camera is processed in order to compute the position and orientation of each link of the robot arm. The robot task is specified as a temporal sequence of reference images of the robot arm. Thus, both the measured pose and the reference pose are specified in the same image space, and its difference is utilized to generate a cartesian space error for kinematic control purposes. The proposed control scheme was applied in a four degree-of-freedom planar redundant robot arm, experimental results are shown